[News] Doomsday Conquest Season Intro

A new season of Doomsday Conquest is here, carve out your story!

Here are the groupings:

Season X (Zone 81-160) Groupings:

S4 (State 161-240) Grouping:

S3 (State 241-300) Grouping:

S2 (State 321-400) Grouping:

New Season, New Journey!

      1. Un desastre la nueva temporada. Nos toco contra el 77 y ocupan todas las puertas. Ponen a competir a un estados superpoblado, contra estados chicos. Esta mal organizado

      1. Impossible de jouer !!!!! Toutes les portes sont occupées, impossible de les franchir! Et en plus je n’y comprends rien !
        Ça me donne vraiment envie d’arrêter ce jeu !

    1. Very bad,
      This strong state making unity and hitting others alliance center without any reason, they are pushing thier state only top

      1. They destroy game environment. Stronger state camping at our AC and destroying building whenever they have need to show their power

    2. ce nouveau DD est un fiasco total! il ne donne aucune chance aux alliances avec une technologie plus faible! mon groupe est en concurrence avec l’état 66! à quoi bon continuer ce DD puisque l’état 66 va tout récupérer!

      1. Tout a fait d’accord avec toi !….c’est de l’arnaque ce jeux …. et encore .. je reste poli !

    3. The processing plants are not working. I am only getting metal. I can not lvl up my medical honor buildings

  1. keep growing . more power to the company who create this game. PLEASE keep on improving the game. thank you very much.🤗🤗🤗

    1. This new version with EDEN is very very bad. No rest (attacks possibile 24/24), strong alliances taking doors and the other remaining out with 30-35 tiles. Bad move

  2. may there be a birthday gifts to those who play regularly. especially on their birthdays. my birthday is on October 9.

  3. माय गेम सपोर्ट सक्सेसफुल सक्सेसफुल

  4. The game needs more packs to accommodate poor players by selling more $5 packs. Y’all are doing great so far…

  5. Ужасный подбор соперников( как 390 с 320 может сражаться? Разбор огромный

    1. Eu acho injusto vocês colocarem nosso estado sendo categoria prata no grupo cheio de lendários e ouro pra compente no Doomsday.

    1. Un desastre la nueva temporada. Nos toco contra el 77 y ocupan todas las puertas. Ponen a competir a un estados superpoblado, contra estados chicos. Esta mal organizado

      1. Total mente de acuerdo. Muy mala organizacion. No hay ranking. No hay batallas. Ya no dan ganas de jugar

  6. good night. state 186 is in group 2 for dommsday S4. Single state silver group on the key. The rest of the states are gold and legendary group. last dommsday we were in group 07. this is wrong

  7. Пожалуйста сделайте так чтобы страну можно было поменять раз в 7 дней

  8. Hello the new Eden is it only for the states from 1 to 160? Thank you in advance for your answers .

  9. Hello the new Eden is it only for the states from 81 to 160? Thank you in advance for your answers .

  10. Обман. Сплошной обман. Нет никакого распределения по силе штата. Ставят в группы как попало.

    1. Mala organizacion. Mala planificacion. Ya no se puede atacar a otras alianzas en batalla no hay ranking de poder. No dan ganas de jugar

  11. 前後服差80服是要後面的服怎玩,時間差距太大,戰力差距太大,是要我們後面服的棄坑,移民還是停止課金,就不能前後20服,30服慢慢加。

  12. We need more medals. They cast way to much 💳🤯. This game is ripping people off 🤬

  13. Can I recommend you make over on the grouping for next season. All the 4 season I’ve been in 115 had been the same state vs.

    1. Mala organizacion. Mala planificacion. Ya no se puede atacar a otras alianzas en batalla no hay ranking de poder. No dan ganas de jugar

  14. More rewards more event higher recruitment ratio! Have some shame developers money is pouring in on you! Gluttony is a mortal sin!

  15. Разработчики, вы просто охренели. По какой логике вы распределили группы? Как топ штаты 222, 225, 185, 201- могли попасть с нами 221в одной группе? Как??? Какие данные вы использовали?

  16. I will write in portuguese.. Gostaria de fazer um pedido para que o Estado 186 fosse realocado para uma chave mais justa, pois estamos combatendo com Estados muito mais fortes do ques nós. A luta está extremamente injusta. Por favor, nos ajude, pois será de grande frustração para todas as alianças de nosso Estado. Aguardo retorno e agradeço.

  17. Eu acho injusto vocês colocarem nosso estado no grupo cheio de lendários e ouro pra compente no Doomsday.

  18. Hi, this evening, one of our commanders has lost significant troop quantity due to game bug in the 3 days shield.

  19. Hi the new Eden is it only for the states from 81 to 160? Thank you in advance for your answers .

  20. I think the game is almost dead. Too many players are leaving the game. Lot of state have nothing to raid except each other. This could be corrected by merging all the states to only 5. Then the game play would greatly change.

  21. A lot of states need to merged into fewer states to increase players within a state.

  22. Suerte a todos los estados que van a jugar la temporada x. Este nuevo modelo de De no vale una mierda, está hecho solo para bases estremadamente fuertes.
    Quiero felicitar a los desarrolladores por la gran cagada que han hecho y avisar a los jugadores que mejor ni entrar ya que nos gastando dinero real se puede competir cuando te toca una alianza fuerte… solo comentar que una sola base fuerte se puede cargar auna alianza en cuestión de minutos… Incomprensible

  23. Not working the new DD. GMe changed and its worthless… in DD state called back all of my apc s sonlosed rss… blank screen only and they want money for it…. really give this for free and no arguing but now u loose lotsnof serious player…. shame on you Last shelter

  24. the base must become a shadow when leaving from eden to original state same as leaving from original state to eden so nobody can scout your base. it appears that the base is still in eden even if it is already in the original state. so the enemy base can attack your base on eden and plunder resources and money even the base is in original state? this is fucking insane!

  25. Do you even bother to match the grouping based on player and allience power? How can you match states where one has 2 times less allience power and 3 times less the players power? Its totally stupid

  26. Had been attacked in eden when I was not even there. Some kind of bug. I have more then plenty resources to heal my self but it’s greyed out. Reported this to last shelter. No one gets back to you. I’m unable to participate. Anyone else have this issue.

  27. Why is my farm accounts have 10 extra tiles, and my main b25 only have 22 tiles. It said at the start of the season that all of those quest as been completed. I’m so sad this is basically telling to buy the plan to increase 10 weekly 🙁

  28. Why is my farm accounts have 10 extra tiles, and my main b25 only have 22 tiles. It said at the start of the season that all of those quest as been completed. I’m so sad this is basically telling to buy the plan to increase 10 weekly :(with

  29. Arruinaron lo mejor que tenia el juego que era el DD.

    Horrible Eden, lo peor que hicieron, se cargaron el juego. Felicitaciones desarrolladores por esta basura que hicieron.

  30. New Eden dd is the biggest pile of 💩 I have ever encountered in any game. Unless you have an alliance full of t9 players with extremely high tech you can not get through gate to New areas without suffering huge,huge troop losses and absolutely no chance of occupying a city to earn points. A lot of players will quit over this.

  31. Hola. No me parecio de lo mejor el nuevo EDEN. tiene muchas falencias que deprime jugar. Hasta no me dan ganas de ingresar a jugar. No hay combates entre alianzas. Solo.conquistar terrenos y nada mas. A parte que no hay ranking de alianzas para ver en que posicion vamos. Y para llegar a los 10000 mil puntos solo se puede hacer con donaciones de piedras.. pero la alianza ya esta llena en donaciones por ende no puedes donar mas. Y no se pueden gastar los misiles para liberar las piedras y seguir donando.
    Mala decision y mala programacion del juego.

  32. Es bien complicado, los estados fuertes no dejan ni entrar por las puertas.
    Con este cambio solo favorecierom los estados y Bases fuertes 🙁

  33. Eden is shocking, you have basically allowed a massive advantage to states that have might to 10x other states… a simple process would have been for a bracket of state might. From state 0 to a million. But the 10 to have around the same might. Example to this madness is: a squad of 17 year old kids only given a weeks training and then asked to storm one of the top military base in the world, whilst only giving them Swiss army knife! The reward system for everyone taking 50 days of there life, is shocking also. Again you basically asked the most powerful country to send a nuke out to everyone just because they have a nuke and the rest Don’t! Sort this out shelter ffs!

  34. Eden is shocking, you have basically allowed a massive advantage to states that have might to 10x other states… a simple process would have been for a bracket of state might. From state 0 to a million. But the 10 to have around the same might. Example to this madness is: a squad of 17 year old kids only given a weeks training and then asked to storm one of the top military base in the world, whilst only giving them Swiss army knife! The reward system for everyone taking 50 days of there life, is shocking also. Again you basically asked the most powerful country to send a nuke out to everyone just because they have a nuke and the rest Don’t! Sort this out shelter!

  35. Pls replace eden to many players not playing anymore and others go in new state😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  36. If Eden is designed to get people to spend more money, then I think you have sadly failed. I’m of the understanding that a great many people will leave, when they realise, that even after the $1000’s of dollars they have put into the game, they can still not do well without joining an alliance full of bullies. It’s ridiculous.

  37. Os gráficos são melhores,mas o modelo de pontuação são péssimos (favorecem somente quem tem t9) é uma pena .
    Deveria ser nomeado “Doomsday for T9” .
    Mesmo pegando terrenos lvl11 eu não consigo vencer nas cidades.
    As alianças não são feitas somente de T9 😥😠.

  38. I kept my review of this new Doomsday Conquest until I could get a good sense of style. Ha I ing to clear my cache more often seems to be the only serious bug. Beyond that, all the restrictions and obvious bias to large and powerful alliances have rendered this sub game unplayable. Large alliances block out the smaller alliance from reaching a gate. You can not get to better resources until you get past the blocked gates. The shortage of gates means a small group of alliances are successful at blocking everyone else from accessing resources. In short this new DD is no where near as fun as the previous version. At least on the previous version you could be smart and get access to better resources In this version you are held back from participating. I hope the developers of this sub game are canned for producing this crap.

  39. Зачем мою базу переместитили в другое?поставьте пжста её обратно туда где росло.

  40. Mala mala la temporada del eden. Llevo mas de 3 semanas sin ganas ya de jugar. Esperar tanto. Subir de lv la base. Para nada. Ya desanimado al maximo.

  41. The guys with big power and attacking the lower-powered guys for no just cause which is bad

  42. doomsday wars 3 times a week is to much. once or twice a week would be better.

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  45. How in the hell do I get out of this stupid section of the game? All I wanna do is play the game I don’t wanna blog and chat and crap with 100 people I don’t know

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