【新聞】末日爆料王 第一期




  • 收受時間

第一期 即刻起 至 UTC+8 11月7日 23:59 止


  • 爆料條件
  1. 本期僅收受英文、簡體中文或繁體中文資料。
  2. 內容必須與《Last Shelter》遊戲強烈相關。


  • 爆料方式
  1. 陳述文件必須使用Word編輯,輸出為.docx格式。
  2. 多媒體檔案僅接受JPG, PNG, MP4, AVI格式。
  3. 遊戲暱稱及戰區編號

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  • 注意事項
  1. 經採用之資料,本社將於爆料後72hr內透過遊戲中信件通知,請留意並及時回覆。
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  5. 爆料者必須與本社編輯人員密切通訊,若因自身因素導致溝通中斷,導致最終無法上刊,視同放棄獎勵資格。
  6. 「末日新聞」本社擁有獎勵設定與分配之權利,以及活動最終解釋權。



#新聞 #末日爆料王 #廢土大八卦 #末日新聞社

  1. hi! i found a bug on youre game. everytime there is a zombie kill event like now the holoween carnival. at first im getting the broom when i killed the zombie. but when i used the attack and defense buff. i cant get any broom. i hope this issue will resolved and i think i deserve a reward for finding this bug.

  2. Must crush zombies.lol love the holloween broom/hats.enjoyinging the game.nees an in game alliance tracker to find our own alliance members

  3. I am really enjoying this app so far. There is a lot of different things to do, and many different ways to progress.

  4. There should be a timer shown on resource tiles to let you know When they will expire, and you should not lose any apc durability for marching to a tile that disappears before you arrive.

  5. Hi there. we love the game, but will like to know where to find what to do In Doomsday event. Thanks for your help.

  6. I love how zero balance jumps from alliance to alliance starts trouble attacking and goes and hides in a different alliance I think they are going too run out of places to hide soon

  7. ผมรับชองรางวัน รายวันไมได้ครับ

  8. Hi
    I change my avatar
    I already paid 3 times 70 INR in Indian currency

    Till now not updated my game

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