3. Instructions

3.1 Invitation

The deadline for expanding the alliances (and boosting the Alliance Power) will be 00:00 on Aug 25, 2021. Members in the alliances as of this time will be the final participants (including the direct-invite alliances and the allied alliances selected by the direct-invite alliances) in the contest. Members who join the alliances after the deadline will NOT be able to participate in the contest. It is NOT advised to switch to another alliance prior to the contest.

From Aug 25 to 26, 2021, the Studio will send the invitation letters to Alliance Commanders.

Starting from Aug 27, 2021, the direct-invite alliances may submit the info of their allied alliances (which shall NOT be any alliance from the same states as themselves). After receiving the invitation, the allied alliance needs to inform the customer service team within 24 hours that it agrees to engage in the contest. At this point, the invitation will be deemed as successful.

3.2 Qualifications: The Alliance Power and the number of active members will be mainly considered in the invitation. The top 16 alliances in the #1-800 states will be invited by the Studio (No more than one alliance is allowed to participate in the contest in each state.)

Direct-invite alliances cannot select allied alliances from any states where the direct-invite alliances are from.

If several alliances in a state are invited to be the allied alliance, the one ranking first in power and the number of active members will be invited eventually. Other direct-invite alliances need to select their allied alliances again.

3.3 Requirements: The name of participating alliances need to be in compliance with game regulations, while displaying their uniqueness. For alliances with similar names, the Studio has the right to ask them to modify their names.

3.4 Registration Info: To confirm the registration, Presidents of the invited states will be informed by our customer service team to submit the following info.

1) Contact of the Alliance Commander

2) Alliance Name

3) Short Bio of the Alliance

i. Alliance Profile

ii. Representative Members (With info including but not limited to their aliases/bios)

iii. Foreign Relations (i.e. which states are allies/nemeses)

iv. Track Record of Previous Seasons

v. Submitting Participant Confirmation and Participation Info

vi. State and Name of the Allied Alliance

4) Names of 1 to 3 Alliance Diplomats (with their contacts, as the contact men for official interviews)

  1. 参加したく無い場合は同盟を脱退すれば良いのですか?同盟に所属しない者は参加しなくても良いのですか?

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