New Event: Clash of Alliances!

The new inter-Alliance event, Clash of Alliances, will be launched on Nov 1 in States 1-480. The event will be accessible in other States gradually.

Below are the important facts that you may want to know about the new gameplay — Clash of Alliances.

About Clash of Alliances

The Clash of Alliances is a weekly event where Alliances of the same rank will be having an all-round competition against each other.

The [Clash of Alliances] will NOT be held at the same time with the [Clash of Zones]. Yet, when the Clash of Alliances is ongoing, Commanders can still go to enemy States to kill enemies through the [Clash of Zones: Battle for the Launch Center].

Clash of Alliances – Alliance Showdown

The event is held among Alliances. The ones of the same rank will be matched during the event and have a one-week duel.
After the week-long duel, the Alliances will change in their ranks, which will be considered in locating better opponents in future matchmaking.

Ranks in the Clash of Alliances

The Clash of Alliances lasts 8 weeks, with 9 ranks for Alliances. They are, from low to high, Sliver III, Sliver II, Sliver I, Gold III, Gold II, Gold I, Legendary III, Legendary II and Legendary I.

Generally speaking, a Silver Division contains 8 Alliances, Gold Division 4 Alliances and Legendary Division 2 Alliances. At the end of each week’s event, an Alliance will be promoted/demoted based on its ranking in the Division.The promotion/demotion ratio for different ranks varies.

The Alliances will be ranked by the total Alliance points on a daily basis and receive the corresponding Victory Points, which will then be measured in weekly rankings.

When two Alliances are of the same Victory Points, they will be ranked by total Alliance points. The rankings will determine the final ranks of Alliances.

How to get Victory Points?

At the beginning of a new round of Clash of Alliances, all Alliances will be reset to Silver III. The higher the rank is, the more rewards there will be.

Alliance will get packs when getting promoted to a new rank. There will be additional Legendary Alliance Packs for Legendary Alliances.

Clash of Alliances – Today’s Event

The daily events of the Clash of Alliances are the same as those of the Clash of Zones. That is, resource gathering on Monday, building upgrade on Tuesday, tech research on Wednesday, Hero growth on Thursday, soldier training on Friday, cross-State competition on Saturday and free development on Sunday. There will be more items offered in the 9 tiers of rewards.

Among the series of events in the Clash of Zones, the [Clash of Zones: Battle for the Launch Center] and the [Champion Duel] will be retained. Commanders will be able to go to another State to kill enemies in the [Clash of Zones: Battle for the Launch Center].

The [Clash of Zones: Battle for the Launch Center] will last for 2 days, starting from Saturday. The grouping and matchmaking rules are the same with those of the Clash of Zones.

During the warm-up match of the [Clash of Zones: Battle for the Launch Center], the event on Saturday will be soldier training instead.

In the next post, we’ll be looking at the season rewards of the Clash of Alliances. Stay tuned!

There’ll also be a guide to the Clash of Alliances – Dawn Mission in our upcoming posts!

(*Please refer to the post for specific info.)

  1. Somit werden die starken Allianzen noch stärker und die anderen damit schwächer. Sie sollten besser die Gebäude und Forschungen fertigmachen und nicht was neues erfinden. So kann einem die Lust am spielen auch versaut werden.

  2. Bowl lese mal die Erklärung bitte nochmal….

    [Stärkste Allianz] ist ein wöchentliches Event, bei dem die Allianzen gleichen Ranges der verschiedenen Staaten sich gegeneinander messen.

    Also ist Deine Befürchtung nicht haltbar und somit hi fällig…

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