Ample preparation is the key to victory! Operation: Oblivion Registration Rules

Operation: Oblivion is about to begin its testing phase. Before heading to the battleground, Commanders should have a good understanding of the rules, as it will be the foundation for achieving victory. How to register for Operation: Oblivion? How does matchmaking work in Operation: Oblivion? What are the requirements for Operation: Oblivion rewards? We’ll be…

Battleground Preview P2

The horns of war from various factions are sounding across the land. If Commanders are wondering on how they can gain an initiative in this upcoming war, use their advantages to defeat enemies, or just plain and simple, how to achieve victory in this battleground, then hopefully this detailed explanation will put those questions to…

Résurgence du Conflit des Terres Désolées [Un nouveau mode de Champ de Bataille]

[La Bataille pour les Ruines est sur le point de basculer! Soyez prêt] Les espions des Annonciateurs de la Liberté ont signalés avoir trouvé une énorme Base Militaire qui semble abandonnée. L’enquête préliminaire montre qu’il y a une zone qui a effectué des recherches en génie aérospatial àgrande échelle. Auparavant l’endroit ou les humains pré-apocalyptique…