La nouvelle saison de la Conquête de l’Apocalyse a commencé, préparez-vous et combattez pour la gloire
Détail du groupement de la saison:
Groupement de S2 (Zone de Guerre 401 – 480):

Nouvelle saison, nouvelle conquête!
Build your city, Defend it!
La nouvelle saison de la Conquête de l’Apocalyse a commencé, préparez-vous et combattez pour la gloire
Détail du groupement de la saison:
Groupement de S2 (Zone de Guerre 401 – 480):
Nouvelle saison, nouvelle conquête!
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Next season will not be playing DD becUse it is a shitty version which is a BIG waste of time. Designed to try make people spend $$$. When will the devs learn the more they try force people to spend the less they will make…
Wait till you get to Eden=season5 you think season 2 is bad. Important thing about DD is your whole state has to work together and show no mercy, never under estimate the other person’s greed
You got that right! It doesn’t give players with lower lvl bases to get quality orange heroes.
That is true my friend. I Agree!
Agreed these kill events are ruining this game
Aren’t business supposed have services that people spend money on?
Yes.. DD is useless
Your 100% wrong. I played S2 without spending money and I was in top 10 for alliance and we where top 20 in all. All you need to do is invest in time.
If you think DD is crap… then wait until Eden comes and you will stop the game.
This question is about a 0 range hero. Where should he be put in apc?
How do you not know this info by now ?!? You’ve been playing almost 2 years . Jesus Christ
If the hero has 0 range that means it affect only the army he is leading
It depends on their range
Anywhere talking about vanguard?
The 0 range work just on yuor own troops. Have no need an special position
He shouldn’t.
He shouldn’t.
Hate DD ! The entire season destroyed pretty much all I had accomplished.Had nearly 2million plus troops and was decreased to 150,000 because I failed to get back in time to replace shield. I was zeroed out twice and teleported. Each time my attacker was level 22 or above and I was level 17.
Eden is the worst thing to happen to this game. I have seen several major players quit because Eden is a joke. It’s designed to get people to spend money, and the matchups it has you up against are impossible to get you any points. It doesn’t match the top alliances with other top alliances, it matches top alliances with other smaller alliances so that the top alliances come out on top and nobody else has a chance. Great job losing players. You really out did yourself this time
Bom dia, estou postando minha total insatisfação com esse novo dd, minha aliança fez os 10 mil pontos e não ganhamos os prêmios
Pula, pula, pula….
Please don’t judge help if you can
This immigration upgrade is bullshit
Seriously can LSS use their shitty seeding system and use a proper one ?
everyone is tired of getting destroyed because they face states 1/2/3 montys older than them…
its like svs when finishing dead last of your group makes you face up servers that were top 5 in theirs the next month. 🙁
spot on
I agree with the duels being 1 vs 1. No one other than the alliance you face for the 3 hours should be able to hit your honour buildings or alliance centers. I also hipe they do something about back to back to back wars with same alliances. Should be switched to no more than 2 in a row then a break for 2. This gets old when facing korean alliances that have faster ping time to the server and choose you 6 times in a row. Then you switch truce timer and another picks you 4 times in a row. This needs to change!!!!!
I agree with the duels being 1 vs 1. No one other than the alliance you face for the 3 hours should be able to hit your honour buildings or alliance centers. I also hipe they do something about back to back to back wars with same alliances. Should be switched to no more than 2 in a row then a break for 2. This gets old when facing korean alliances that have faster ping time to the server and choose you 6 times in a row. Then you switch truce timer and another picks you 4 times in a row. This needs to change!!!!!
I agree with the duels being 1 vs 1. No one other than the alliance you face for the 3 hours should be able to hit your honour buildings or alliance centers. I also hipe they do something about back to back to back wars with same alliances. Should be switched to no more than 2 in a row then a break for 2. This gets old when facing alliances that have faster ping time to the server and choose you 6 times in a row. Then you switch truce timer and another picks you 4 times in a row. This needs to change!!!!!
I agree with the duels being 1 vs 1. No one other than the alliance you face for the 3 hours should be able to hit your honour buildings or alliance centers.
I have had my alliance center destroyed in state 596 😯
Same alliance destroyed our acs 4 times and is preventing us from rebuilding. Never faced them in a duel once. Just pissed because we beat an alliance from their state. Messaged devs each time about helping balance DD and got the same generic messages that they would forward for consideration. Seriously…how hard is it to make honor structures only vulnerable to alliances you are dueling?
I wouldn’t complain about the normal dd. It can be a lot worse. Eden at season 5 is horrible.
We lost several Alliance’s because of Eden! The worst thing ever!
I’m just gone get out..yall have fun..not spending money!!!!
What’s up with the generation serum cap of 75?!
Shouldn’t allow people attacking on none war day…
Éden 👎👎👎 DD 👍
Why is there no state 400 and why cant i migrate from 333 to 401
Bro thats normal dont complain. We were in one of the oldest state in our dd bracket and we finished with 2 allis top 5
You tell um bro #DHA 👊💛
The idiots don’t read there own blogs cause if they did they would gradb both ears pull there head outta to there rectum
The idiots don’t read there own blogs cause if they did they would gradb both ears pull there head outta to there rectum
If you finish dead last, you have to face the states and alliances that finished first? Oh this is not looking good for us in (612) we have only won 1 week of Coz after 2 months now
New DD is well but i want to know when immigration come to this state i want to take my base here
Same alliance destroyed our acs 4 times and is preventing us from rebuilding. Never faced them in a duel once. Just pissed because we beat an alliance from their state. Messaged devs each time about helping balance DD and got the same generic messages that they would forward for consideration. Seriously…how hard is it to make honor structures only vulnerable to alliances you are dueling?
As hard as it tfor the devs to fix any problem in the game if super states don’t complain they don’t give a crap about it
We’re having the same problem in our state their mad because we retaliated for destroying our acs when we werent even fighting them
This game just not game it’s money eater machine and support is also very bad …
Please no more Eden. Bring back old Doomsday
When is migration going to start? I’m burned out with this state. When I started months ago this state was full of older, bigger bases. One damn alliance rules it all.
If eden returns I will likely quit the game. It was the worst couple of months I ever experienced in a game. If it’s not fun there’s no sense in playing it. 🤷♀️
And the immigration is not open for 401 to 480…nice work guys
Vamos ver se vai ser mais competitivo com estados de mesmo nivel de poder
Dd is getting worse in wars only the alliance you have war with should be able to destroy ac and honour buildings but anyone from the same state can it’s ridiculous.
I agree, stronger alliances helping weaker alliances in duels, destroying honor structures should not be permitted. It should be the 2 alliances in the duel that can ONLY hit each others structures. Just like you cannot attack another states bases outside of KE.
I’ve submitted this complaint multiple times! I am not hopeful this will be fixed.
when immigration open ? too long lol
Right guys 👍
The problem is that multiple farm alliances could literatblock you from getting anywhere near their AC
I agree honor buildings should only be able to be hit durring duel, and only by the alliance you are fighting.
If enough people stopped buying packs and dd benefits durring doomsday until this change is made. They would fix it
It’s a nice game
You guys need to fix the number of destroyer missile usable in a war.
hello everyone. I have asked the Development team to make State Vanguards.. so we can report problems. with Doomsday.. we are stat 8 we beta test the game for the rest of you but it falls on DEFF ears…. email the team ask for state Vanguards
Eden was interesting but I would much rather go back to this!
Eden 💩💩💩
I think that it should be banned for any other alliance in the group to intervene to help another group during doomsday event, also during days when no doomsday event on why let other states hit your ac and buildings around your hives destroying them so next day during doomsday you are wide open for attack ,fed up using stone to rebuild, it’s all down to cheating one group in a state having 3 other groups run by them ,untill these matters are not addressed members off states will keep on jumping to new states but majority just quit
i hope this is the last season for eden. no more eden!! back to old DD. eden is the shittiest update you have done so far!
Couldnt agree more
انا مش عارفة
When an alliance ends up in top 3 of DD it should move to different bracket like coz. Being bullied by more.powerful alliances takes the fun out of this game. Meh
Eden is horrible. It sucked the fun or the game. People are quitting. Make it like it was
im agree im the one who quitalso if eden start on my state 179 its suppose to be season 5 for 179 its unfair the old state play all this season and imagine how many s4 hero medal they got from s4-s9 and for sure some of them migrated to new state to bully new player how can you fight s4 max hero with new s4 hero
Devs please make better gold packs and the force declare shouldnt be a alliance in top ten or 15 forcing on a alliance in 20+. Also ive heard many people quitting bc of eden
The garrison bases just help to bring trash to the states. You should remove those from the game. We were ok without them trying to get plots in others states but now we are invaded. Fix this situation and stop the bullying
Stop the ability to hit honor buildings outside of war as well. No need for that, kills doomsday event
I agreed with the concept of 1 vs1 duel. No other alliances should intervene the DD war. That’s just suck.
Good gob
1) Please shorten the research timings!
2) APC to stay put in position after defeating a Zombie until commander command to return!
3) Allow APC to attack other moving APC
4) Disable higher tier base to attack lower tier base ie: Base lvl 20 only able to attack base lvl 17< to give a change for lower tier commander to grow!
DD …. pointless … only highest alliances gain from the event.. rewards for lower alliances is never even close to the costs on resources and troops.
Speciality points are rubbish.. the training (free) option that you can update to gives like 30k hero xp and uses 200 command control points so in 5 training per day capped and then can do nothing else with tiles for the entire day.
Extra training dog tags are a joke.. training on a level 14 tile for 300k hero exp costs that army half a day of healing.. again,, only any good for those already spending loads of money on this game,.. which I guess is really all the developers are interested in keeping happy.
Tiles. Never enough tiles for all alliance so only the top alliances get the high level tiles .. whoever spends the most money gets the tiles.. rubbish !!
Players swapping alliances midway through DD season keep tiles and give them to their new alliance along with territory to allow new alliance to take tiles in area original alliance was able to get some.. do tactic is big alliance send big player to join small alliances grab the tiles then go back to their big alliance.. whole state ends up dominated by one or two alliances .. rubbish !!
Y’all need to accept the fact that Asians run and control this game so it is geared towards their advantage. Just remember that and don’t spend your hard earned money!
👋😎🤳🏻 Hi all Doomsters! 💚
Agree that back to back duels should not be allowed. We beat an alliance last season. They got mad we won and they constantly tore down our AC and structures repeatedly. Immediately declared on us 6 times. Used over 30 (literally) farms with missiles from different alliance than we dueled. And had other alliances target our structures. We lost many players due to this. Duels should be twice a week, not 3. DD is just to time consuming and aggravating. It’s my least favorite thing about the game because of the time required to do it.
I have had my alliance center destroyed in state 596 😯
I like that the other alliances can work together. It brings the entire state together, which yields better rewards.
Oi não ESTOU recebendo meus pontos no Na tarefas diárias
Play eden and no honor buildings and ac there.
Where is state 636 in all this huh?
Nabil hello
Yes it’s shit you have to rebuild all the dd should only be between 2
Which state really active on doomsday between 400-480
Hola , tienen ustedes muchas cosas que mejorar , como por ejemplo emparejar los estados por igualdad de fuerzas, retirar a todos los jugadores tramposos que usan boots para crecer rápido , quitar los Buff de castigo y de mejorar base pues son siempres los mismos los que los otorgan, vamos en general deberíamos de divertirnos con el juego , se parece más a las dictaduras asiáticas que a las libertades que hay por el resto del mundo.
I agree on the matter, where only the opponent alliance in that current state you are against is able to hit your hs and ac.. #341 been numerous times destroying hs and ac outside of duel, and numerous alliances including the alliance in that state we are against been destroying hs and ac.. This has to stop. ✋
its impossible to add a feature like some said… if honors ar only vulnerable to duelling alliamces. you could just make an lyer around another alliance of your state and your acs are immune to attacks… also a farm alliance in the way would be not passable.. if you realy want to pay for the game keep on with stupid suggestions like this
I really like playing this game 🎮 it really keeps me busy
I just started the game about two weeks ago after I joined an alliance it seems like I am being attacked every 20 minutes and I lose all of my resources. It has came to the point I’m ready to just delete the game. My alliance feels the same way this is ridiculous.
Больные разработчики – горе на проекте
Alway a war or KE. Only the rich who have gold cards car build their bade
Scusate ma per essere contattato da qualcuno come faccio devo cambiare email a questo account grazie mille
Koreans are really bullies on this game.they keep destroying honor structures and alliance building even without dd war.. specially state 266.anyone strong enough to nullify this assholes…???
Ciao piacere Leonardo
Everything going good updates new things give us more fun Thank you Last shelter
Is there anyone else that is tired of the developers only being able to develop glitches??? About the only thing that they are capable of is putting different fonts and adding crap no one cares about as well as making empty promises
The game is crap u by pack after pack super recruit and get blue hero over and over only a select few get good hero .. bunch of crap when u can’t compete against people when having max research don’t gain u anything max building don’t gain crap . All about hero’s ..
We want migrate to 401-480. So we want play S2. We are 10 People and full t9. We are looking for a strong state. What is your suggestion?
Esse jogo é muito enrolão e trapaceiro que a pessoa faz a pontuação e não ganha bônus
Nao estou recebendo notificaçao de quando vou ser atacado, assim fica dificil, pois nao seii a hora pra colocar escudos.
I understand this is
d d r d?我adxxdx懂得多d c懂得多d cw分析师e?我恶习的
So sad. I can only imagine the people complaining here think this game is farmville. This is a war game. There are specialty points that protect your honor structures. Learn how to play the game. The rules are simple, everyone not in your state is your enemy. Beat your enemy. War game people.
I smell toast
Olá bom dia gostaria de ressaltar, eu sei que o jogo nos leva a ter dificuldade mas eu não imaginava que seria tanto. Eu adoro esse jogo mas como não sou play pagantes estou tentando dificuldade em recrutamento isso dá uma desanimada. Espero que eu possa ter algumas chances pós estou sem esperança de jogo em relação de herói. Muito obrigado pela atenção e desculpe-me se falei algo errado…
Not being able to attack other alliance structures…have you guys thought this through? Surround AC with lvl 1 farm buildings and that would be the end of duel.
Clearly you haven’t though through what happens if you can’t attack another alliances structures. Surround your AC buildings with farm structures, sit back and watch as no one can attack or get to AC. Would break duels.
They need to make a few states that are dd free. Dd has made the game almost unplayable unless you are full time or a cc warrior.
Lets fix this shit
When will migration open?
If enough people stopped buying packs and dd benefits durring doomsday until this change is made. They would fix it
That’s cool
Olá Boa tarde !
Acredito que deva conter uma explicasão , pergunto atingi os 10k exigidos para conquista da premiação no Donsdey , recebi cupons IV mas ao gerar me veio heróis laranja simples ! O correto seria tickts S4 gerar heróis S4 ? Entâo porque a diferença ? Deixo minha reclamação heróis laranja simples são inferiores a S4 sem lógica, se a temporada é especifica para o feito de novos heróis superiores.
Éden foi a pior experiência que já tive neste jogo. Retirou a inteligência e estratégia das alianças. Por favor não repitam está péssima versão do doomsday.
Hi, I need to contact customer support, how is it done? I am still stuck in the other state after killing event, no teleport back home to 357.
Before you guys do other events maybe fix your support team I haven’t gotten a resolve on an issue in days and I’ve been stuck in my opponent’s state for the past couple days and still am.
You’re all stupid! It’s called war strategy and a state works as 1. Whining about other alliances attacking when not at war with you is dumb. Learn how to strategize. You all obviously want some boring easy game a 6 year old can play. Learn how to build your state up and work together. If you dont like it, then migrate.
How can a 1 placed alliances declarer war on a 10 place alliance I thought it only could be 5 steps up and down, if you forced it?
Why do you guys want the game to be so easy , like cmon , whats the points if the game is easy , i played the game for 10 months , i am base 21 , dont cry if you are base 19 after half a year , jez , grow up
كيف اصبح مزارع لكي استغدم مركز الانتاج
thank you
Fuck you mother shit pull
I love this game
Si blokka
For all complaining about DD, it’s somehow easy to win the prices if you donate stone. Just do all the alliance donations (the rss and the diamond ones) every day. But the main point is to improve the base and techs so you can have more power to take part in DD events!
Heard that there are moderators in the game who can see everything about each player and take those advantages to send out players to hit a particular player and favour a particular alliance… Is this truue!!!!
Like it’s said towards the top wait till you get to DD Eden,you face orange hero’s and t9 troops just to take gates,I seen people loose 100m power just to come top,takes 2 hours to port as you need build a spot to port to,so S2 please enjoy
We get free other game to spend money on, same devs already for new money coming in 😂
This game is fun and addictive
Próximo dd do 190 quando será e qual temporada vai ser
Jens kielsen
Let’s play
Stupid game full of bugs.. they take your money and don t give a fuck after that. The support works badly. They answer very hard and their answers don t help to much..
My problem is not that other alliances can be involved but that people alliance hop during DD. I’d say either give a 72 hour cool down on joining an Alliance after quoting during DD/Eden or you can join an Alliance you’ve quit during a DD/Eden season.
I hope that you changed the new X season. If it’s the same as Eden, you’re ruining the game for many. Eden was just for strong B25 players and states. I miss old style DD.
Anyone at BlizzCon
Touch me if you can
Pretty kool!!
Я в свое время допустила ошибку, запустила шестую базу и не смогла перевести ферму к своим…
Ладно, думала дождусь ДД и переведу в миграцию…
Здесь опять штаты разделили таким образом, что районы основы и фермы оказались в разных сезонах…
В моем случае, вы делаете всё, чтобы я бросила ферму…
what are the line up of state 215 in DD
what are the line up of state 215 in DD?
hi Tiger clan
Any one know of any activation codes
Game hay
unfair for new state, old state play season 1-9 from season 5-9 you can get s4 sure hero just think how many s4 medal you got to unlock skill of your hero if the oldstate migrate to new state season 4 event how can you fight the player on old state that already max the s4 hero that is not fair for jumping to season x from new state
Please don’t activate Eden again it’s an uninteresting event. Make us play DD old school again.
So now I can never migrate due to the new rules and my state is dead, so I will just quit the game now and try get no money from me, does that make sense?
Não gostei dessa versão do dd ou Éden e muito chato e injusto os dd anteriores aí sim que são divertido de jogar
Immigration permits – The new immigration rule changes have effectively removed the option to migrate states unless waiting very long time periods or spending hundreds of dollars. This is a particular problem in older states where the populations are less and it is limiting players development which is ultimately what’s keeps people interested in the game.
I would suggest either lowering the cost of permits and not limiting them or not including troop power which is pushing the number of tickets required up. I agree there should be a month cool down period.
Another option maybe to merge older or low population states to keep the populations up aiding progression and social interactivity with other players.
This immigration upgrade is bullshit
I cannot migrate from 294 to 297 it’s says that target zone is too powerful.. What is that and how to fix it? Please help
I did not get rewards for Arms Supply 11/06/2019. I tried to purchase again, not knowing the date it ran out and telling me I can’t because I already have it and it runs out November 06.
Thank you,
Chalmers Napoli
We need a break from duel. We have them every other day. Ppl do work. The times that are available for duels are not for everyone. Then you have DD for over a month. Then you have the bigger alliances picking the smaller alliances and killing them as many times as they can pick them. How is that fair? Having KE with duel? I mean it’s a bit much.
I also think alliances merging in the middle of DD shouldn’t happen. You declare war on a alliance that’s supposed to be a fair fight then get to the other state for DD they port in with lvl 25s that wasn’t before. Ppl will stop playing this DDs aren’t fair to many. It’s not just about the big spenders here. We all have invested time and money into this game.
Hi how are you
Where are you
Kamrul mahmud
Si devino fare dei cambiamenti su dd , imposibile lotare contro uno stato intero o piu di 3-4aleanze nello steso tempo.
اللعبة لا تقم بالترجمة
To all congratulations on everyone’s hard work this season
Es,z😡s,a ,es,,exf😔
Hola mil disculpas pero quería reclamar por el cambio de profecion que es muy difícil comprar ya que sale 20 dólares y acá en Argentina cuesta me parece que tendría que haber una reducción el cambio de profecion
It’s really awful to have all the state alliances empty of players and only one alliance playing in one state
dd really awfully designed