Preview: Total War Declaration Changes

Shockers, more changes, but hey, what can you do

But to face these all new challenges!

Free vs Force Declaration

Bigger scale
Use some stone to select an opponent freely
Range: Up or Down 15 rankings

Lock and Loaded
Use stone to force an declaration, revenge is neigh
Range: Up or Down 5 rankings

Keep up the good work

Let us know what you think

Preview #DoomsdayConquest #TotalWar #Declaration

      1. Nothing changes, some alliances has delay in declaring, and other stronger alliance with less delay can use it same, because 10k stone is like nothing for strong players. System should be fair and random

    1. explain in more detail what and how, it is not clear what kind of declaration?

    2. Isso é só para escolher o oponente que você quer. Contudo não o oponente não é obrigado a aceitar, ou tem que aceita obrigatoriamente? Se for assim aliança mais forte fará um massacre com os mais fraco, fora que a aliança que foi escolhido não vai está preparado…

    1. Why do normal missiles cost stone too now. Your cost for missiles is crazy enough already. You just make it more cash player oriented but with no pc version you are losing valuable faithful players.

    1. As always, your explanations are cryptic, limited and never explain with clarity, nor detail much of anything _. It seems we always have to figure things out on our own.

    1. Mis refugios los tenía con nivel 9 y ahora bajaron a 1 nivel. o me e perdido de algo?

  1. This is horrible I understand you guys want to make money but to charge for choosing an opponent even a random one is just pitiful.

    1. 😕
      Thats not ok…….
      If we got any strong alliance so it means that we need to pay for selecting a weak one…… like of our size…..hahaha

    2. I agree. Looking like mobile strike now. One must spend tons of money to success

    3. I totally agree this is the biggest upset in the game. Total declaration will be a total disaster. This was the stupidest move/change they could have made just to make a couple of bucks the greedy bstrds just took the excitement out of the whole thing!

  2. Why do you keep making other things?. I. Like them tho. But I really need you to put the same method of supplying food on people to the troops. It really consuming the food my farms produce. It’s very hard to save food because of the troops consumption. I always have my food 0. Next one is my fuel. The helicopter payload is not enough. So please. Do. This. I beg you. Please. At least this will be my birthday gift this year. The best one.

    1. Change your Game Play: No troops with No upkeep or targeting on SvS and daily boxes

  3. Agree, charging stone is not an enhancement for us…just for the game to make money. Where’s the survival option… im not reary for another war…because i was randomly or intentionally outmatched in every way by cowardly bullies that unite to avoid real conflicts?

  4. this is total BS! need stones for battle wtf!! also the range of +-5 is should at 2

  5. This is a very bad idea. Whats the point in truce timer if you can force fights on people with bad time zones, just to try and make people pay real money to become strong…

  6. It’s okay, when price for Stones goes down. Now it’s a tripple penelty for smaller/younger Alliances and states.

  7. I dont like this changes…its only in favor those who have more diamonds ….just to win up..and can speed up more speed near at LC..its so unfair..please be guided …and accept our opinions

  8. Да рот компот я и русский плохо знаю как я должен по английскому читать

  9. You looking forward to loosing players, right? Charging this high of a price just to declare war? Really?

  10. You guys ripped us off of 50,000 stones because this new function would not work.
    Hve alliance, state 214

    1. We had the same issue in 219 after the update. Couldn’t place a rally point with 4 people trying

  11. There really need’s to be limit to attacking someone. I’m 7th level getting attacked by folks way over my level. You should have a limit of 2 levels lower than you. Make it a challenge and give those starting out a chance. I’m really about to dump this…. shame I like it really.

  12. There is no way to use it. We use to pick or be picked in half second… so, how could we really use it?

  13. You shouldn’t try to fix something that isn’t broken. Just add a few more micro transactions while your at it….

  14. Mis refugios los tenía con nivel 9 y ahora bajaron a 1 nivel. o me e perdido de algo?

  15. I can see your wanting to change things up a bit. But I do not agree with this at all. Each player should have there own choice. You should have done a voting poll in order to get everyone’s opinion before changing things. Not after. 👎

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  17. Mon compte im30 ne reconnais plus mes mots de passe je ne peut plus jouer quelqu’un aurait la solution merci

  18. Its unfair to those alliance with low tech, they won’t survive the dd season, and charging for something which was free before not a good news at all, either you guys make rewards better or get those free declaration back,

  19. Сделайте пожалуйста перевод… Сколько раз пишите нет возможности прочитать.

  20. Not spending a dime anymore on this game, I think all should do the same to boycott the huge spendings in order to keep up.

  21. Предварительный просмотр итогов объявления войны
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  22. This is the second worst idea you guys have come up with. Doomsday is a complete waste of time as it is. Now you made it even less fun. How about your bring back full rss productions. The cost of rss. make the game fun for those who won’t use their credit cards? Greedy people

  23. Stupid devs, people botting never get banned, most payers player leaving the game because of this shit, check 276 Schimidder botting so much never been banned?? Fucking stupid devs ever

  24. Hola. Last tengo una sugerencia deberían poner 2 Héroes al final del desarrollo de mes gracias

  25. Yet another horrible decision by money hungry developers. As a Silver League Server, who last time got paired with an arrogant and pathetic Legendary League Server, then we have small chance to get repeatedly ganking by them all the time.

    Would be nice if the money hungry developers used their brain (if they have one) to make this a fairer game. In DD Silver and Legendary should never be able to meet each other.

    So definately a horrible decision, but I know you money hungry developers don’t care about our oppinion, when it comes to it.

    1. then we have small chance to avoid getting repeatedly ganked by them all the time.

      (correcting writing error).

  26. I totally agree this is the biggest upset in the game. Total declaration will be a total disaster. This was the stupidest move/change they could have made just to make a couple of bucks the greedy bstrds just took the excitement out of the whole thing!

  27. More details about “Force declaration” would be great. For example, if the allaince is in a war already can you use Force Declaration? And Can you force another alliance into war??? It’s a LOT of stone considering stone is scarce nearing the end of DD due to having to replace HS.
    Make stone much cheaper and/or increase Alliance Points for donating.

  28. Why do normal missiles cost stone too now. Your cost for missiles is crazy enough already. You just make it more cash player oriented but with no pc version you are losing valuable faithful players.

  29. This game is already followed previous games. Cash grabbing when you can, the cow will die. Keep trying to force people paying for microtransactions. You will not last another year.

  30. Whut abouth People who cant aford to migrate? Buying a ticket whit real money not fer you cud put atleast a tickets for 15k diamonds to by

  31. الشراء هل يمكن في العراق وأذا يمكن رجائن العمله نشرها عند الشراء كم يساوي في العراقي

  32. So what you are saying is your free to play game has just turned into a pay to play. This is why so many players have already quit playing, and probably so many more will quit playing.

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  36. Maybe instead of this. Make it so players cant use PC to automate how fast the declare on you. So you dont get declared on 3 wars in a row and get destroyed everytime.

  37. Random is better instead of opening for strong just facing weak and 15 above or below is useless havin allience ranked in top ten picking only people in ranks in top 20-25

  38. Total garbage… It’s only for strong member and big Allianzes…
    Wrong way dude..

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  40. Hi,
    I am from state 357. This is 2nd time today my class building got disappeared from the base. I dont know what is wrong but can you guys fix this bug.


  41. I do not get what is doomsday .Can you do more explain? Such as how to fight,how can alliance got point.

  42. This game is beginning to be just like « Game of War » cost cash to do anything anymore, and adding such ridiculous things to game that have nothing to do with the story line of the game. I would hate to see thousands of people quit playing this game like they did « Game of War » it can and will happen if they keep this up.

  43. Not to mention the bullies that loveeee to declare on an alliance they know they can beat and destroy every single building and every ac then tile away and hold their tiles so they dont even have to hit your alliance center 1 again.

  44. Este juego cada día es un mierda los de nivel 25 atacan alos de nivel inferior y no dejan que cresca uno una mierda

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