Nuevo Héroe | Escorpión: Giovanni


Sabes lo peligroso que puede ser un hombre cuando se le describe como un «adicto a la guerra» y un «científico frenético». Giovanni fue una vez un prisionero fuertemente custodiado por mercenarios. Hace cinco años, rompió la prisión con la ayuda de un par de agentes y desempeñó un papel insustituible más adelante en la organización.

Como experto en armas bioquímicas y venenos, podía convertir literalmente a esos zombis duros en un charco de sangre.

Tipos de unidad: Tiradores

Papel: Soporte

Arma: Armas bioquímicas hechas por él mismo, capaces de convertir cualquier objetivo en un charco de sangre.

Granada: No granadas ordinarias, sino bioquímicas, cuyo poder es mucho más devastador.

Detalles de habilidades:

2ª habilidad-Salpicadura mortal: cuando todos los grupos aliados lanzan habilidades de combate, hay la probabilidad de envenenar a un grupo enemigo aleatorio (el estado envenenado se puede acumular).

5ª habilidad-Pantano corrosivo: cada capa de veneno en los grupos enemigos reducirá el daño causado y el efecto curativo.

8ª habilidad-Granada venenosa: existe la posibilidad de envenenar a un grupo enemigo aleatorio (el estado envenenado se puede acumular). Mientras tanto, existe la posibilidad de que entre en el estado suprimido.

La introducción es una vista previa y sirve como referencia. El contenido preciso de las habilidades se indica directamente en el juego.

    1. Dear Developers or fellow comrades, I have been facing some serious problems with the Task set by the game i.e. to occupy 1, lvl 2 territory. However, I have been searching desperately for it and fail to find. Can someone please help? Thank you

      1. Change your specialty to automatically increase immunity so you don’t need those low tiles. If I remember correctly it should be blue left

  1. Let f2p like us have at least complete s2 heroes first 😂😂
    Thereafter have new heroes 😢😞

  2. Great news. Triggered my personal skill 8: 100% chance to guess that hero was painted by dev’s 6 year old daugther.

  3. Stop releasing new heros! People can’t keep up and your ruining the game with all this stuff. Glad I stopped paying to play this game months ago

    1. I agree, could use more new buildings or research instead of heroes that are so hard to get duplicates for

  4. Looks nice, but last season shooters weren’t that effective and vehicle apcs even could often beat shooter apcs. My formation is Valkyrie, Predator, Nomad all maxed with BB can’t win against VVV apcs

  5. Lame developers and new heroes but we all play with s heroes. Only deep pockets can afford any strong hero to billy rest. Shame on you developers and not one dollar from me. Game is turning to be lame and boring. Pay to win only

  6. Only deep pockets can afford any strong hero to billy rest. Shame on you developers and not one dollar from me. Game is turning to be lame and boring. Pay to win only

  7. Fix your glitches and bugs first. Don’t make new heroes, increase drop chance of S heroes. Even still, So less guys have S heroes. 🤦‍♂️

  8. Enough with new heroes! Need dups for the ones we have and parts for pac’s are a pain in the ass joke.Give us something resembling fairness in this game.

  9. Just another hero for the chinese developers to get rich robbing western countries. The game is a money pit.

  10. I want to migrate another state . I am in 1001 group but I want to go 1026 group. Plz help me. And the matter of new hero’s first complete s series then x series , I think new is not essential now.

  11. New Hearoes OK, but we need more time to catch up on older heroes first. Either way you’re still making your investment back. And by the way you’re going to loose a lot of money on those bases you keep on selling once a month because some people get that new base every time. What’s the odds of that happening

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