[News] Season X — The New Eden

Curator’s Log: Entry [Redacted] What was that? It can’t be! Those technology, aren’t old world technologies!

Curator’s Log: Entry[Redacted] I have to….No… I WILL get to the bottom of this!

Legend says,the leaders of the old world, had created a secret organization that was basicallythe puppeteer of the entire planet. When the apocalypse struck, they not only didn’t fall, but instead, is now hidden inthe deepst vallies of the world, waiting, gnawing on the wasteland’s precious resources.

Now, the legends are true, the old world cities stil lstand, they looked like paradise, and the people call these places, the New Eden

The vallies still looked green, filled with life, the cities look like they weren’t even aware of the zombie apocalypse, but the expedition teams encountered many problems along the way

The air, the soil, and pretty much everything was filled with a special virus that can’t be cured with regular remedies, but instead, the victims need the treatment of the special virus research facilities.

As the expedition force went even deeper, they discovered the cities are filled with zombies with high intelligence, they were later named the “Messangers”

Greed, is the basic instinct of the human race, despite all the dangers, the survivors still banded together to head for the bountiful New Eden.

A war is breaking out, will the human race survive.

Commander, this battle needs you!

Doomsday Conquest – Season X [New Eden] coming soon!

News #DoomsdayConquest #SeasonX #NewEden

      1. Espeto que nesteveu ganhe s4 repetido para desbloquear as habilidades dos heróis que tenho.

      2. 🤔 I think the game glitches on a normal recruitment ticket a little while ago, I recruited a blue hero I’ve never seen before. I went to hero list and it wasn’t there. I’m feeling like that was a window to see that season x will bring new normal hero’s to the table.

      1. Podiam fazer com que não fosse possível atacar construção e centros da aliança sem estar em guerra era muito mais justo para todos. Pois assim muitos deixam de jogar ao acontecer isso.

    1. If the information about it had any value then I think I would write something on it, good or bad

      1. How about a way to increase the healing serum during DD wars maybe let us make. Those wars are expensive and takes to long to heal troops.

      1. Yes extra healing serum or a serum plant and all for buildings for all alliance centers but a chance to earn extra buildings like an extra virus plant

      1. Yes a healing serum plant to produce healing serum would be nice and same buildings for all alliance centers without having to earn but can earn extra buildings for all alliance center like extra virus plant

      1. For the lower levels its hard to get anywhere, healing serum is not enough, i had to attack 1 day then 2 days healing. 1 serum can heal 5 minutes of any troop irespective of level, the higher the troop level should take more time as you lose less troops attacking tiles, for the lower levels you have to waste more troops for the same tile so they should heal quicker to make things even out. The big guys just take them away at little cost.

      2. For the lower levels its hard to get anywhere, healing serum is not enough, i had to attack 1 day then 2 days healing. 1 serum can heal 5 minutes of any troop irespective of level, the higher the troop level should take more time as you lose less troops attacking tiles, for the lower levels you have to waste more troops for the same tile so they should heal quicker to make things even out. The big guys just take them away at little cost.

    2. Podiam fazer com que não fosse possível atacar construção e centros da aliança sem estar em guerra era muito mais justo para todos. Pois assim muitos deixam de jogar ao acontecer isso.

    3. Сбалансируйте вышки в городе тратишь алмазы а в защите города от них толку 0 .

    1. Sólo espero que sea un evento donde se mida a todos por igual. Y no por el dinero…

  1. Lovely story. Good to see something different in the blog. Hope it gives us a beast to all kill called the mother messenger. 😁😁💸💸💸

    1. It would be spelled messANGER. They are super smart like professor hulk. And the land is very green!!

      1. Da schauen wir mal. Wenn das so langweilig wie doomsday wird dann kann man es vergessen. Aber da lassen wir uns überraschen

    1. Здравствуйте! Хотелось бы, чтобы вышка в городе приносила хоть какую-то ощутимую пользу!

    1. lk l 2,的时候6及,后来k我在l辣看^_^j嗯好点tpwwpppysus.grwoywtsj 808^_^才算5j 701¥2在65x
      j y ,

      75m j
      n t
      啊,正aa,a no,h跑啊,坡跟

  2. Dear game developers! If it’s possible, please change the timing of DD War’s, or give us much more possibility to choose a right time to participate on this event. Here in Europe, there are many many unsatisfied player, who can not enjoy this part of the game, because it starts according to local time 4 a.m., if we use Truce Timer we can fight at 12:00. Certanly both time are useless here in Europe, eighter we are sleeping, or working. We can only loose, the game give us no more fun, and will be boring, in addition it is also very very unfair with us, because we have any chance to win, via to low participants and the players from east always have a pleasant time to playing the game. This is very very wrong, and angry, and unacceptable. This is my 7th DD Event wich running so. Please find a solution.

    1. I totally agree with you… There need to be a solution for that issue. Many many Players are running out of fun and it becomes nearly impossible to motivate all alliance or even State Players to spend time and ressources into DD Events anymore. And the fact that Doomsday is the most important Event in the whole Game makes it absolutely important that it is fair and winnable for all players if it should stay intresting for all players from all countries not only the Players from APAC Countries.

      1. For the rewards, Can we select “which season” heros we can get and better rewards for 10~30th places ?? That would be much appreciated since most players need better heros to have a chance in best tier groups. Thank you

      2. Getting bored..u wont get unlock vip without buying …have lost of rewards in my different account..especially during dd upgrades..done upgrade but nothing yet..sometimes..the game is dodgy ..some of my account no orange heroes for more than a year playing😂

      1. let’s see who will be adam and eve on this so called new eden…and who will be the snake..🐍 🐍🐍….😂😂😂

      1. 说等于没说,什么都没透露 能了解到的就是新病毒不能以现在方法治疗

    2. +1
      Europeans pretty much can’t war, and definitelly not enjoy dd.
      I suggested they change the truce timer to a war timer, so you select the time you can war. Then we can take the 3rd slot, at 8pm, so Europe can also finally enjoy.
      It’s bad enough we always miss LC and all unshielded are dead on KE, at least give more flexibility in timing

    3. Im in uk and agree the 3am battles are a pain, the more annoying thing to me is the team manipulations and bullying, certain teams ally to take the top 5 spots, then transfer there strongest players to either another alliance competing in there home state or to a farm alliance…then push that farm alliance above you in the rankings… every time they push one sufficiently they switch dropping you lower and lower so that you cannot get reward packs containing heroes rthat can compete with them, they also switch farms in and out all day to either obtain tiles in another state to go in and bully…or seemingly have endless durability to bully, my alliances ac4 has been destroyed 8 times in the last 24hrs by the team ranked 2nd in the season, there excuse… we took tiles back at our ac4 in our home state to stop them takung down our alliance centres… simple fact is were currently top 10 and a threat to 2 or 3 of there states farm alliances making the top 10… make this game fair… you can only attack bases from dd states on sundays… they should mak lae allniance centres and honor buildings none attackable except during a duel and only by the state declared on…but the game changer… only allow a person to register for one alliance in a state per season unless they migrate to a completely diff state… stop bullys switching alliances… stop farms rotating in and out giving an endless source of durability…and stop them switching tiles they never earned to an entire states alliances from the lowest farm alliance beating another farm alliance. Just make the game fair

      1. Looks great, New content is always good nomatter if it works out or not. Many have grown too use to how things have been but i think we need to mix it up a bit. Peace… War…

      2. 96 is a best example.. bullying to all other state. This game is definitely have favoritism in place

      3. We here at 96 apologize for any wrongdoing. The true enemies are zombies so stay focused and keep clearing those.

  3. I like the storyline. However, it needs an editor. Quite a bit of misspelling and other errors in the English translation. I wouldn’t mind being an Editor for the game’s english version.

    1. llk l 2,的时候6及,后来k我在l辣看^_^j嗯好点tpwwpppysus.grwoywtsj 808^_^才算5j 701¥我^_^ ➍s2在65x
      j y ,fz
      cm u
      75m j
      n t
      啊,正aa,a no,h跑啊,坡跟

      1. there should be an an auto reload on peace shield to activate. the same with rss collecting.more options on trading rss.

  4. Stop screwing around with the immigration rules and keep them the same. I understand the hero adjustment, but the power adjustment will cause many to quit.

  5. I agree. Half of the alliance now can not get rewards because of the time and the increase in points needed.
    Also putting unpopulated states against a super state really is not fair. The whole super state helps the alliance to win and the unpopulated state loses every time

  6. I do not spend more time on doomsday, it become a cheater grownd.
    Find a new way to play it, like creating a doomsday state and watch carefully for cheaters.
    And more important of all Upgrade the game….. I’m maxed, how do i suppose to play in svs? It’s been 2 years and we still at lv25. Game need to evolve.

  7. stop non-sense changes in imigration many people in my blog is also saying the imigration update is sux

  8. Srs. Prog.
    Si puedes explicar mejor el tema de migración se los agradeceríamos enormemente.

  9. Dear devs can you please at least let us put some lip stick on befor tour bend us over and duck us.

  10. なにいってだてめー。課金120枚s1チケット引いて、普通のオレンジ一枚しかでねえじゃねえか。このクソゲーがどうにかしろよ運営。これだけに4万円突っ込んでなにもでないじゃ話になんねえよ

  11. Dear game developers! If it’s possible, please change the timing of DD War’s, or give us much more possibility to choose a right time to participate on this event. Here in Europe, there are many many unsatisfied player, who can not enjoy this part of the game, because it starts according to local time 4 a.m., if we use Truce Timer we can fight at 12:00. Certanly both time are useless here in Europe, eighter we are sleeping, or working. We can only loose, the game give us no more fun, and will be boring, in addition it is also very very unfair with us, because we have any chance to win, via to low participants and the players from east always have a pleasant time to playing the game. This is very very wrong, and angry, and unacceptable. This is my 7th DD Event wich running so. Please find a solution.

  12. I’m excited. I hope you will come up with something cool. Btw restart time, COZ Kill event and doomsday war is in Terrible hour. 😒😒.

  13. Na, dann warten wir mal ab, wie es diesmal wird… aber hört sich nicht schlecht an 🤷‍♀️

  14. Es bueno saber que tendremos un dooms day diferente, el juego se estaba volviendo monótono, me agrada que llegue un nuevo formato y que no sea lo mismo de siempre.

  15. This Game is some how so unfair, I play this for about 2 years still got the same blue heroes still I haven’t got any S hero’s, and this season is very hard in State 233 they reduce the Dura I am thinking to quit this game .

  16. Energy core refinery not complete shoe the progress like is must to be….maybe the bug of the game need to fix….
    Thank you

  17. I give you 1 diamond for that blog. Need more info. Basically, this is the same as the one we are playing right now except its called New Eden.

  18. ich finde das ist alles schön und gut aber kleine Allianzen werden dadurch nur zum Opfer gemacht.Neue Spieler verlieren Lust auf doomsday weil sie die Ehrenlevel nicht schaffen.Ich hab ja schon Probleme die Ehrenlevel zu erhöhen und ich hab Level 60 bald.Es sollte da nachbearbeitet werden um auch neuen Spieler dazu zu bewegen aktiv zu spielen.

  19. DD has become boring.. nothing new in season 2.. further whats the point of highlighting S1 and S2 heros when most people dont get them.. no matter how many cards they use… its time to make some major and exciting changes in game to make people interested… brainstorm and try to bring new things once or twice a year that can bring some excitement back

  20. The biggest problem in DD is the war when players is from many difference timezone, so if ally get attack very few is online, it should be possible for the R5 to choose a timen when is possible to attack og get attack

  21. Last Shelter Survival: Doomsday Conquest Edition. It’s all we have so we run it into the ground. And Force you to remain in states you no longer Wish to be in. Like a court order to remain in an abusive marriage. Would not recommend a friend 👉👌

  22. How about matching up states better. match high population S4 states with similar type rather than allow super states to run over states that cannot be competitive. how about giving special awards to top alliance in a state. That way state alliances can war against each other.

  23. Post about nothing. No real info what you are planning to do and so can’t comment on sense of what you are going to develop here.

  24. Agree totally with the others. The DD event should start at 7 oclock CET(its 14:00 Korea time) . Truce time should end at 15 oclock CET. (its 22:00 Koreans time).
    It would be good for both of sides, its always better to play in the evening instead of Deep morning or not bring able to play during the work time.

  25. Estou louco pra ver essa novidade. Vocês desenvolvedores tem sempre que inovar o jogo para não ficar monótono.

  26. Debería aver menos diferencia entre los que imberbe dinero upy los que guegano sin el . Me refiero a dinero real .lo demás perfecto . Es divertido y me gusta mucho

  27. 3 dooms day battles / launch center battle / kill event / Having to take tiles all this in a 7 day period and no dura in trucks. People are giving up on DD real fast not to mention the rewards are pathetic verse the cost , Customer their is none!!! No dura in trucks means no playing the game.

  28. Fix the messaging system and
    Make it possible for R4 to bring a pop up message on a members screen.

  29. I agree with the above comments I think the timing for dd wars are unacceptable for most or sacrifice for all. 4am in the morning is crazy. Your gamer spends more cash on this game than probably any other game out there. For what we spend let us play together in large groups instead of playing who committed the most or willing to get up at that time. Then go to work, by the time weekend comes your FUBAR. Let us chose game time slots and let other alliance match the time slots? You’d probably get more cash out us for it on repairs rather than shields.

    Another quick point would be to focus on “less is more” in regard to states, we have failing states and big power states instead of all the migration would it not be a good idea to give the option the merg a full state, 2 states with medium participants would make a solid-state and healthy spending.

  30. Please adjust the starting time of European and not European better. in Europe the SVS starts at 4 o’clock in the morning. It must be possible to start at a common time.
    otherwise it is a very exciting game.
    Thank you Last Shelter for the ongoing improvement .

  31. Interested, but likely it will give us more work. . .
    Hopefully the reward more better. . .

  32. I hope in next DD season, states in every bracket must be based in state power so there will be a fair match. Lots of migration happened these past few months and strong players moved to newer states and abandoned the old one. So i hope the devs will consider it.

  33. Nice it’s good …. 😄😄
    there should be an an auto reload on peace shield to activate. the same with rss collecting.more options on trading rss.

  34. Change the DD war time for european players, please. 4 am and 12 pm are really bad times. Find a solution, please. Quickly. A lot of good players are loosing the fun to play the game in the future, if nothing will be changed.

  35. What do you want to excite about?🤔 but hope next event will not be sophisticated as usual and pretty bountyful

  36. Why must you always advertise this as a first person shooter game vs zombies. The only enemy is people with a credit card.

  37. 1. My suggestion is to move forward the reset time by three hours, will be good for most of the regions.
    2. The dd turce will also being adjust.
    3. One month dd is good more then one month is boring.
    4. Speciality gain should be easier.

  38. 新的借口A玩家的钱了? 这游戏没得救了。 大家快弃坑吧。。。

  39. 1. My suggestion is to move forward the reset time by three hours, will be good for most of the regions.
    2. The dd turce will also being adjust.
    3. One month dd is good more then one month is boring.
    4. Speciality gain should be easier.

  40. 又在找机会A玩家的钱了。这游戏没救了,大家快弃坑吧。 连历史战力都可以拿来买。还有的救吗?

  41. Estimados creadores no me parece justo que otros jugadores destruyen los edificios y centros fuera de guerra y tampoco me parece justo que una alianza ajena a una guerra puedan llegar y destruir edificios y centros una guerra justa tiene que ser entre 2 oponentes y no 2 contra 1 .Llevamos 2 temporadas con el mismo problema espero que hagan un cambió en ese sentido.Gracias por la atención

  42. И только РУССКИЕ выживут в этом мире!!! СЛАВА РУСИ!!!

  43. I agree with Fred about shields. A week or 2 week holiday option would be great. Yes to the other suggestions, DD times could be way more flexible to allow more people to play

  44. I like the whole season created…higher level more box….but the energy refining green indicator not show the actual proccess like it must show…maybe need to fix that….

  45. I think all the Normal daily events should be tossed out and replaced with New events.
    Events that actually have something to do with a war game not events that are just to get you to use up what ever speed UPS or rss you have.
    Right now the daily events are more closely comparable to farmville.

  46. Bin gespannt was sich die Entwickler wieder einfallen gelassen haben um einem das Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen

  47. You must prohibit other alliances attacking other Alliance centers, unless they are in DD

  48. Tentunya harus meningkatka kemampuan pasukan untuk bisa menghadapinya, semangat terus…

  49. I hope dd challanges are reset like always and not ladt dd where they weren’t slowing down progress considerably, as for the last blog, as useless as tier 1 troops, give more info on next dd, but excited as usual with dd

  50. For next season in DD war there should be a way to get more healing serum to heal your troops after hitting tiles or honor buildings.
    It takes to long to heal troops and after the 2nd DD war never enough healing serum there should be more ways to get it other than 20 a day and completing DD tasks cause the amount you get isn’t enough.

  51. Приглашаю все русскоговорящим в штат 77 осталось 2 дня,

  52. I love the new upcoming activity…i hope..everyone can donate iron..to me

  53. Energy refining plant green indicator not show when refill by workers…but when logout then in again show normally….need to fix to ahow real time when it fill

  54. I hope this gives us a chance at more dooms day heroes. Its hard to get them let alone even awaken them.

  55. Due to the high cost of resources to rewards and an unfair advantage for those with the ability to coin, my entire alliance has chosen NOT to participate. You can keep your doomsday. I will also say based on observation doomsday will make you lose players. We have had people from our own alliance quit the game entirely because of doomsday. We have also lost previous wars due to glitches (wrong power displayed resulting in an alliance that had much higher power than was intended for battle) …

  56. Too many typos but what I can decipher, sounds pretty much like Resident Evil movie RIP off. Really developers? Fix the grammar and typos!

  57. Sounds interesting, nothing like adding change to a game to keep things interesting. Thanks for your time.

  58. Plz merge two unpopulated states during dd season because its no fun in dd if ur immigration wrong policies have made some states unpopulated

  59. Plz merge two unpopulated states during dd season because its no fun in dd if ur immigration wrong policies have made some states unpopulated

  60. This should’ve been the intro for all doomsday…only IF now the next season is changed 🤔 I suppose we will see

  61. I’d appreciate it if you put a translation button that doesn’t understand anything

  62. I’d appreciate it if you put a translation button that doesn’t understand anything

  63. I got a feeling maybe LSS will merge with another similar game. An older similar structure game! Old world vs new! Different troops vs each other!

  64. Seria muito bom se no DD não fosse permitido derrubar centros e edifícios fora da Guerra.

  65. Tem que melhorar a tradução em português, mas emoção para o jogo sempre e bem vinda

  66. Amazing…i love how game does nt stop and keep updating it is becoming more and more intresting and fun to play.

  67. Ни о чем, очередная дешевенькая художественная история. Хоть какую то конкретику дали. Или все как обычно

  68. I agree with Jason, the game needs editors. The feedback section needs to be better organized so editors can navigate between categories such as sales items, game items , story items.

  69. Hey guys. First of all amazing game. But we need to do more with the coz also. The teleporter are to expensive. Why in coz and dd the tps are not free. For example startet with lvl. 20? In dd we need more dd missles. Its to lowthe power what we can bring there

  70. No entiendo nada de la temporada x el nuevo eden… Podrían ser más específicos?

  71. The developers need to think about the players not only filling their pockets, this dd season was the worst and a lot of people quit because the developers only cared about getting more money
    There should be more interesting stuff without money to keep the players playing

  72. Quiero que regrese la compra de recursos en el helicoptero, el juego se torna cada vez más aburrido, con esos detalles nos quitan el ánimo de seguir adelante

  73. I agree with Babaarcu I’m European and at 4h am I’m either sleeping or going to work. I don’t have fun playing because I miss all the events. I play in 3 states and that the same problems. That piss me off. So whatever is the new eden I will surely miss it too. That piss me off more because I spend money in 2 accounts. I will not spend a cent on this game anymore.

  74. I Think This Game Is Great. The Creators Did a great Job Thank You for making It Fun

  75. I’m totally agree with Babaarcu. I’m a very pissed of European. At 4 am I’m either sleeping or going to work. I play in 3 states, spend money on 2 accounts and that the same problems. So whatever is the new eden I will surely miss it too like all the events. That not fair for us so do something about it. For the moment I will stop spending money for nothing.

  76. T10 kommt mit Sicherheit 😍. Ich würde mir einen noch besseren Cheatschutz wünschen und eine leichte Erhöhung der Dropchance für orangene Helden mit Super Rekrutierungskarten, da ich häufig mit 50 Karten im Besten Fall 2 bzw 3 orangene nonsaison Helden ziehe. Darüber hinaus ist der Forscher wohl nur eine Legende 😁

  77. In my ally we are from many difference timezone, so DD war is difficult. It should be posible for R5 to chose a time where other can declare war

  78. The 1min speed up should be on a slider if you have over 3k you get tired and give up before your finger drops off

  79. Dear Developers. Many players are quitting game just because of Kill Event every weekend. It’s a mandatory imposed thing on everyone. I suggest you to please make it an optional thing for those who want to play this event. Players must be

  80. Dear Developers. Many players are quitting game just because of Kill Event every weekend. It’s a mandatory imposed thing on everyone. I suggest you to please make it an optional thing for those who want to play this event. Players must be given an option either to participate in kill event or not. If they opt for not to fight then they shouldn’t be attacked. It sounds more like a job to gather shields and donate daily. Game must be fun but not something to stress upon.

  81. Maybe stop putting smaller states against mega states it’s completely unfair.
    All the mega states should be grouped together to give smaller states an actual chance.

  82. Hey developer. It had been a days recruiting heroes. Can you please allo trading of heroes in this game.. Thank you

    1. New content is always good, Many are too use to how things have always been. Keep mixing it up to find that sweet spot. War.. & Peace

  83. 96 is a best example.. bullying to all other state. This game is definitely have favoritism in place

  84. DEVS you all suck. This game went from being 8-9/ 10 FUN, to 3-4/ 10 FUN.
    .DD now feels like treading water with a 25lb weight around my neck.
    KE, has become a points trading day, and hunt for the poor bastard that forgot to shield… Ooooohhh what FUN👎😧.

    And what the He’ll is up with DURA? Fix the damn dura already (5, max) or faster recharge.
    And do something to make it fun AGAIN ..I’m not the only one that’s one more stupid rule away from quiting.
    in closing let me just say 😡🖕

  85. Nah endlich, hört sich super an freue mich schon, 😎👌, immer weiter so. Top Leistung

  86. Europe suffers so much with DD Times! Also 3 wars to too much to have a week! Please make this 2 or fix the times! You are losing players because of the above

  87. I wonder if this “new Eden” will be upside down or intertwined into space and time. Or have rules so complicated that it explains absolutely nothing and requires someone from the developer team to do an update for even them to understand. Does this city also start off with a 10×10 square now too?
    If this new event doesn’t promote all the issues that always always always keep happening then game on! If it does, then why don’t you guys fix the current issues at hand instead of making things worse.

  88. Tidak bagus, hanya jadi ajang membully. Bikin aturan yang ketat, pelarangan penggunaan hero S. Jadi semua bis berkompetisi.

  89. Se podría dar una explicación más clara del evento, todo el juego hay que aprenderlo sin tener nada claro, los desarrolladores deberían ser más conscientes de ello, además las traducciones no son todo lo claras que deberían.
    Por otra parte gran juego y grandes jugadores,

  90. Omg this game admin need to respond about some bug , I lost all my money and the upgrade of lvl 20 I need to raid 48h for have money, and admin never refund my money back, and don’t say something by mail, never respond. After it’s impossible to play vs other state, teleport is to much expansive, and all retard paid 2000 diamond and a lot ( 10-20 times) put teleport free on this event ! I know you want we paid and close is mouth, but for me it’s a bad game , to much error ………….you want to win something you need to used a bank card ! Fck off !

  91. Ojala puedan arreglar que se logren mas recursos para las bases de menor poder. Los grandes siempre se llevan los premios y las recompensas.. somo dejan migajas a los pequeños… espero sirva el comentario. Gracias…

  92. New updates all The time, but nothing That fix this damn stupid Chat That censors everything? Come on.

  93. This is only a story, no ideas on what’s to come and made no sense. DD needs to be restructured. You redid the speciality points and people still don’t understand and to change something like that before dd started was a horrible idea. Now most don’t understand how to place speciality points for their extra guns and fortress.. Also everyone had serum issues and couldn’t heal troops. I also feel stone points are ridiculous. Lower those point so we will stop having to explain to crybabies who dontated 200k stone but didn’t do anything else why they didn’t get a core reward.

  94. Исправьте дисбаланс в слабых штатах, обьединяйте такие штаты! Ато получается 7-8 топ штатов рулят везде и во всем а остальне изза нехватки людей страдают!

  95. Make it higher all the rewards and put more hero’s,,it’s nice if we can choose what hero’s we get on the reward,, is possible to make 5 durability use in taking tiles in doomsday,,

  96. Разработчики, когда вы научитесь писать подробное описание событий? В данной стать нет ни какой полезной информации…🤦‍♂️ Пожалуйста, делайте игру для игроков, а не для себя. Спасибо за понимание

  97. I hole it is going to be more a quest and strategy issue and less hit and go. I am curious to find out more soon

  98. Acho que quando estiver em guerra outra aliança Não podia atacar o centro junto com a outra aliança

  99. Podiam fazer com que não fosse possível atacar construção e centros da aliança sem estar em guerra era muito mais justo para todos. Pois assim muitos deixam de jogar ao acontecer isso.
    Concordo plenamente.

  100. This Game is slowly about to doomed, because of some nonsense policies, such as swapping the class costs 20$, during the doomsday low dura, immigration tickets now costs more, I play this game over 2 years still got only 1 S1 hero, I am thinking to delete it forever.

  101. Felicitar al soporte del juego,👏👏👏 por la gran cagada de este evento, supongo que os daréis cuenta la cantidad de gente que deja de participar, e ingresar pasta, BRAVO.

  102. PLEASE do something to those states who are dying. many of our players migrated to other states. have mercy to those who are left behind. we are few in s59. PLEASE do something to make every states who have few players to grow again.

  103. PLEASE put more players on our state. state 59 is dying please send more players to our state.

  104. Huge disappointment 😡 devs never listen to the people playing there game about the only thing that they do is try to create money grabs because they can’t keep up with the players who quit due to boredom as well glitches and constant updates that don’t work 90% of the time soon to be a forced pay to play game lol plus a huge false advertising 😂 ads show base 30 which most likely isn’t even started to be programmed

  105. This game is are wright so far but I think you need to have more dumends not all people can afford to pay them like kids that play but etheres than that it’s all good

  106. A varios nos divertía el anterior DD A ver si no la riegan estos creadores de este juego y lo llevan al aburrimiento, y salirnos del juego ya que perdería la chispa 😩

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