[Preview] Doomsday Conquest All new Season

After the brief rest, war is starting again

Season 3 will soon begin in state 1-80

Starting time: 2019/01/14 00:00

Here are the groups:


New Allliance Duel will now become Doomsday Conquest: Total War
Total War will have the new truce rules
-R5/4 members can select truce timer within these times: 00:00 – 08:00 | 08:00-16:00 | 16:00 – 24:00
Select it at, Doomsday Conquest – Season – Alliance Info
During the truce, you can’t be declared war upon, nor declaring war on other alliances
Truce timer can only be set once a week

Prep Time
With the truce coming, prep time is being decreased
Prep time is now 30 minutes

Declaration Range
Declaration range is now 5 rankings within the alliance ranking instead of 3

Good Luck!

Preview #Doomsday Conquest #S3

    1. Totally Disappointed ☹️ they make immigration open we move our alliance to 79 and then they don’t change us to 79 before DD starts 😡 are u serious or what

      1. Same here. We should all rate app bad and maybe refund immigration ticket if they don’t fix this asap!

      2. Same here. We should all rate app bad and maybe refund immigration ticket if they don’t fix this asap!

      3. They didn’t it so you can’t move to a state and completely take over. Everyone’s getting the email. At this time you either rebuild a new alliance or your don’t need do DD

    2. Check my youtube channel..Its name : Gamer MW.
      Topic is last shelter survival..
      Please subscribe and support.i had uploaded

    3. Check my youtube channel..Its name : Gamer MW.
      Topic is last shelter survival..
      Please subscribe and support.i had uploaded 248 videos.

      1. Hay. Me da um prêmio. Excelente. Eu preciso. Ganhar muitos. Para chegar. Ao nivel 25. Hahaha. Um desenvolvedor. Você pode. Me presentear.

      2. Me llego un mensaje que por actualizar me darían 200 diamantes, ya actualize y no me dieron nada , si me los van a dar o no

      1. Мурка ты мой муреночек!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👍

  1. The matchmaking for the doomsday groups seem random and dont take into consideration overall power and ability to fight. For example state 47 has less than 300 active players, is in silver division and is up against states like 18, 21 and 66 which are some of the strongest states in the game. Please take time to consider ranking in clash of zones and how strong each state is invidvidualy. Silver states should not be paired agaisnt the strongest states in the game.
    Thank you very much for your consideration.

  2. Servidores, favor colocarem IVONOK na loja dos heróis, pois comprei moedas de ouro e gostaria de usa las.

  3. Senhores servidores, peço a gentileza que coloquem o herói IVONOK na loja dos heróis, pois comprei moedas de ouro e gostaria de usa lás.
    CAÇADOR BRANCO estado 5.

  4. Legendary vs silver division lol that’s like an ant vs a boot I think y’all are trying to force weaker states to spend money to get stronger faster game should be played to be fair to those weaker states I agree with them in silver can I have a job as a developer I can screw shit up and get paid for it too lol

  5. All the links to recruit heros do not work. A load bar that says gathering resources appears and the percentages stay at 0.00%.

  6. Bug, sur les héros je ne peux pas y accéder, équipe Shelter, pouvez vous y remédier, merci….

  7. And what about alliances that changed states? Those alliances still have titles from states they have migrated and that will affect their doomsday event… Example: alliance from state 33 migrated to state 55 but they are still titled state 33 and don’t have same time od doomsday starts…

  8. How about fixing the game bugs regarding alliances that migrate so they can participate in DD

  9. You need to make the rewards different for each bracket depending on the difficulty. Group 1 is 1000x harder than any other group with 21 and 18 leagues above other states in legendary let alone DD where there is silver division states mixed in.

  10. Bonjour, je ne parle pas anglais ni lire pourriez vous mettre une traduction merci

  11. Aplikasi Xhubs dan tidak akan bisa kamu lakukan kalau sulit di mengerti apa yang telah kamu baca selama ni kau buat ku ingin ku bicara soal itu tidak ada yg mau di ajak ke daftar favorit saya adalah orang yg kita sayang sama dia aja yg penting bisa jadi bisa jadi bisa jadi bisa jadi yang terakhir

  12. Before making all sort of new heroes why not let us be able to recruit the sciencetist nobody in the 4 states i had played in had got him

  13. Deben arreglar las linazas que han migrado, generan un gran simiente de cabeza que no actualicen o presten atenciones en esos detalles, se les pago por la migración ahora resuelvan el nivel problema

  14. Hi Dev,
    I know you guys consider all possiblity in making new events. Up on state migration you should not allow as alliance migration. Older players like level 25s migrate and taking over younger state which is not fair. You should be able migrate but then have to loose your alliance tag

  15. In state migration , alliance movement should not be allowed. If you migrate you have to merge or start again. Older players from older state taking over newer state is not fair

  16. Any updates from on how to get VIP badges without spending $100? Would be nice if they fixed this.

  17. Really No Reset ? No leftover Stones from last season ?
    Specialty from last season ??? Give us 2 Resets for specialty or this is going to be a lame season 😢

  18. Исправьте баги в игре. Написала 5 обращeний, ответа нет.

  19. Estoy teniendo problemas con mi ultima actualizacion no me gusta lasnimagenes no se ven y se traba

  20. Por favor, preciso do reset de pontos do DD, vocês deram na 2 temporada, é até agora nada

  21. What’s wrong with this new version? After I updated my apps, my game is totally wrecked. I can’t open the research icon in my tech, I can’t collect my rewards from daily tasks, resource tile like fuel, wood and food are all the same in black color icon. What’s wrong with your new version 104? Please fix this problem. Thanks.

  22. Ok,you devs… I did spend my money to enjoy this game and I’m not… Why? Because you did take money from migration tickets but you can’t or you won’t fix the issue of an alliance in new state that can’t participate in doomsday conquest… I ask you, why?

  23. Esta actualizacion apesta , todos mis puntos estaban en la parte roja de especializacion y no tengo pa restaurar , ahora solo puedo construir 1 miserable edificio de antivirus lo cual no me permite salir de tierras 4 😠 , regalenme un item pa restaurar y no los demando 😋

  24. Ainda estou aprendendo como se joga, preciso saber como mudar as legiões onde estou sendo atacado.

  25. العبه حلوه بي ياريت تغيرو الموسيقئ حق العبه

  26. You’re not giving us any chance to max out any s2 heroes, even the s1 heroes many players struggle hard to get a duplicate to, but you’re making it impossible with constant new season heroes. The combat s1 heroes should come much faster in the token shop that they already are…

  27. Tengo un problema participe en el evento de hegemonia dia final DOMSDAY yo soy del estado #192 transportandome al estado #194 con varios compañeros cuando acabo el evento todos fueron teletransportados nuevamente al estado #192 pero a mi no me dejo teletransportarme ahora estoy parado no puedo hacer nada quisiera que me pudieran enviar nuevamente a mi estado por favor

  28. Will these changes affect all DD Season for All States? Our 2nd Season will start soon so wondered if these changes will apply?

  29. Yeah. The state vs state match making is retarded. Absolute imbosiles who evermade the match making. Pairing state 200 in a group with most states between 86 – 120. Money whores hoping people will spend. More like make people quit…. maybe that is the aim though to kill servers and wipe them. Ridiculous behaviour and matchmaking…. sort it out to similar aged servers!!!!

  30. La verdad, que eso de abrir por zonas me parece muy pobre, deberian tener la posibilidad de hacer todo, todos los estados a la vez. Deberíamos tener la posibilidad de mover nuestras bases aunque sea 1 vez al mes a cualquier Estado, de manera que uno pueda estar seguro con sus amigos. La gente que no puede colaborar con el juego, tarda meses en aumentar sus Bases y recursos, los que no podemos aportar dinero, deberíamos tener la posibilidad de crecer un poco más de alguna forma, yo estoy hace una semana luchando para conseguir un par de millones de hierro, cuánto me van a detener para recolectar el hierro necesario?👀, Quiero pasar a Base 19 y tengo todas las herrerías en Nivel 18, qué más quieren. Ayuden a los que no tememos tarjeta de crédito también… Recibí 4 héroes naranja pero ningún S1 ni S2 y mucho menos S3, y estoy conectado casi todo el día.

  31. Как мы должны учавствовать если у нас война начинается в 05:30 утра

  32. Дайте денег людям для начала😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠

  33. Hola gente pregunta dónde se puede hacer quejas del sistema?quisiera reclamar porque he hecho donaciones y no se ven reflejadas en el historial de donaciones pero si se descontaron de mis recursos.

  34. Be nice if your truce timer worked, we were declared on during ours and you fobbed me off with some bull about it taking 7 days to refresh, and that we can be declared on before the timer when clearly the alliance who declared couldn’t because they were still in truce.

    Perhaps it would have made more sense to have time periods you want to fight, rather than one you don’t.

  35. Esse jogo é muoto bom…mas seria melhor ainda se vocês nao demorassem tanto para liberar um heroi laranja…tenho base 20 ja indo pro 21 e ate agora só saiu 3 herois laranjas comum ainda…nenhum s1…..assim nao dá poxa..melhorem isso…liberem mais laranjas por favor desanimador jogar assim..

  36. Liberem mais laranjas por favor.tenho base 20..e so saiu 3 herois laranjas…..desanimador jogar assim…melhorem isso

  37. I’m completely frustrated! I spend money! Alot!!and you can’t put down enough 13-15 tiles in state 91 so I can’t even fill them!! I can’t move ahead I’m stuck along with a lot of others! Please please put more tiles down in state 91!!:this is ridiculous!!! Will loss money if I can’t play!!!

  38. You are driving so many good players from the game. People migrating over from older states with maxed out S3 hero’s when we just bare got S2 hero’s available. They just come over and take what they want. It may be more money for you guys in short term but loosing lots of players!

  39. The truce timer takes no consideration to different timezones. Prep time needs to be at least 2 hours.
    Either americans need to wake up at 4am or europeans need to.

  40. Season 1 was equally balanced up.
    In season 2, will somehow need to face a state with s3 hero(3rd season). Imagine full tech with full 50 unlocked s1 hero lose to 1 lousy s3 with just a few skill unlocked.
    Also dev let’s other state to do 24/7 invasion on building. Many new player quit due to the stress of rebuilding and the main material was the stone in alliance shop. Many don’t have the stone to rebuild until end season.
    Thanks for the immigration and s3 hero + base with jerk attitude

  41. This hegemony event is a drug, it has alliances with T6 troops in the top 50 because they are protected by alliances with T9 in battles, I hope you will review these rules to avoid interference from other alliances in battles

  42. Do you have to wait till DD event to start before you can place your first alliance center? We have more then enough of every requirement to build and understand it has to be built in belt 1 but it won’t let us bring it up to place even the leader can’t. I know were missing a step (obviously) Any help would be appreciated.

  43. I bought twice an aprils fools pck that included 2 S3 and exp bundle didt get nothing but blues heroes,pist off thats 10dlls no gift ,S3 héroes were te resonancia why i bought te dam pck to start with..como no guys a least one give me a breack…😯

  44. Ola saudação a todos desenvolvedores do jogo , quero fazer uma reclamação , eu comprei peças para fabricar os componentes do caminhão do APC mas quando fui comprar o jogo não me deu os 4 itens que fabrica peças pro caminhão , eu gastei 18 mil fragmentos e não recebi os componentes, por favor me ajudem
    Muito obrigado

  45. eu cheguei em ranking 2 no evento e por um erro de r5 nao ganhei herois e todos o outros sim 🙁

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  47. Con su brillante idea de permitir saqueo indiscriminado, lo único que han conseguido es que jugadores nuevos, que estaban dispuestos a pagar, abandonen el juego al ser avasallados por los más viejos. Es una de las peores estupideces que han hecho. Genial.

  48. Hallo zusammen,
    Bitte investiert kein Geld mehr in dieses Spiel, denn der Entwickler steht nicht zu seinen Problem und hilft Leuten nicht.
    Es ist so: unsere Allianz ist von einer Welt zu einer anderen gewechselt. Jetzt können wir schon seid 2 seasons kein dd mitmachen. Das wurde dem Support schon sehr früh mitgeteilt und wir waren geduldig, aber es kommt nichts vom Support. Ausser Entschuldigung und das Problem haben auch andere kommt nichts. Wir haben nach einer Entschädigung gefragt in Form eines Gutscheins, aber nichts kommt. Es ist ihr verschulden und sie sind noch nicht mal bereit uns etwas entgegen zu kommen. So einen schlechten Support habe ich noch bei keinem Spiel erlebt. Daher bitte ich euch alle, spielt ohne Geld und zeigt gegenüber allen die einen Welt Umzug gemacht haben und das gleiche Problem haben, Loyalität. Vielleicht verstehen sie es dann einmal.

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