




1. 戰力排名不再消耗道具,具體如下:

排名1: 10→0

排名2: 9→0

排名3: 8→0

排名4: 7→0

排名5: 6→0

排名6: 5→0

排名7: 5→0

排名8: 4→0

排名9: 4→0

排名10: 4→0

排名11~20: 3→0

排名21~50: 2→0

排名51~100: 1→0

排名101~: 0→0

2. 計算參數從“當前戰力”修改為“歷史最高戰力”(歷史最高戰力從遊戲世界時間2019/08/05 00:00開始計算),戰力消耗道具數與改動前一致:

戰力1M: 1→1

戰力2M: 1→1

戰力3M: 2→2

戰力4M: 2→2

戰力5M: 3→3

戰力6M: 3→3

戰力7M: 4→4

戰力8M: 4→4

戰力9M: 5→5

戰力10M: 5→5

戰力11M: 6→6

戰力12M: 6→6

戰力13M: 7→7

戰力14M: 7→7

戰力15M: 8→8

戰力16M: 8→8

戰力17M: 9→9

戰力18M: 9→9

戰力19M: 10→10


3. 新增時間差距消耗道具數,具體數量如下:

比目標服早0-60天: 0

比目標服早61-90天: 1

比目標服早91-120天: 3

比目標服早121天以上: 5











      1. My friends invited me to play this game, I’ve spent $$$ and now I can’t move to the state and join them B.S. I’m about to quit this game and no more $$$ from me. Bad choice on your part

      2. keep siding on top spenders while forgetting ur average spenders… if they quit… no matter how hard the highest payers do … game will colapse.

      3. I migrated from 294 to 297 with my main base and now 4 of my farms are stuck in 294 because of your new “state power” rules. 4 lvl 17 farms that I have put a lot of time, effort, and even some money into. I was going to migrate them before the new rules went into affect, but was unable to login to the game for most of that last day and I ran out of time. A problem that multiple people in my alliance had. I’m way behind now because of this and not being able to bring my farms with me is making me debate on whether I should just quit this game all together. It would be amazing if you guys would reconsider this ridiculous rule.

      4. Funny how you address this now after the damage is done. And now those that are being overran by the older players have no chance to leave their zone and have a better chance of success or fairness. What a joke

      5. I do not get ANY alliance support chests anymore or wendel etc, the game is not working, please fix this glitch!

      6. Also, the immigration rules, the game is completely unbalanced anyways so why bother having rules like this, no population in our state and i WILL NOT start another account, it is move or quit

      7. Our state is dead, unpopulated and depressing. So in order for me to move my base to an active state, I must spend money? On top of the money I’ve already spent building my base? Yea, not going to happen! What a waste 😔

      8. You can keep your stupid immigration rule to yourself.i’m migrating to other game..

    1. I just want to be able to go to any state. if that doesn’t change many people will quit the game.

      1. Yes I totally agree. Rules suck about state migration. Should be able to move to any state at a my time. Your migration rules will cause you to LOSE LOTS OF DAILY ACTIVE PLAYERS. I HAVE ABOUT HAD ENOUGH OF THE NON EXISTENT TECH SUPPORT.

      2. I want to go to a newer state so I can start the whole DD season at one again so I can work on getting more heros. Can someone suggest how I can do that? I’ve done it once before but others have told me I can’t, no matter how much money I pay now. Is this true that I cannot migrate to a newer state now? I’m in state #361

    2. Will not encourage friend to start playing this game as your immigration new rule is extremely lousy

      1. Will leave and stop spending money on game. Go and get screwed greedy developers. Loved this game no more cheers

      2. My friends invited me to play this game, I’ve spent $$$ and now I can’t move to the state and join them B.S. I’m about to quit this game and no more $$$ from me. Bad choice on your part

      3. I agree 100%, I started a new base in hopes to teleport to #317 where all my other bases were. I paid real $$$ for a couple of quick upgrades. Then when it came time to move, found out I was over a 15 day limit and could not. In addition, I am way over n 978 when oddly enough, my other new bases when created were relatively close to 317. In any case, 978 has had a migration period but 317 has had (I think) 2 since I created the newest base.

    3. Can’t believe you will receive any good feedback at all! Your new immigration rule really suck a big time !!!! And I will stop spending to this game !

      1. creo que esta nueva regla de migracion a la vez esta bien por el equilibrio del juego justo . pero enrealidad nos afecta amuchos . yo en mi opinion seria mejor dejar la migrcion como estaba ya que ustedes se benefician en cada base que migra . a lo que me refiero que base que quiera migrar solo quitenle beneficios de poder segun el estado que migre creo que seria lo mas justo . ya que ay muchos jugadores que gastan dinero en tener una buena base no creo que eyos esten de acuerdo que los esten limitando … …. de por si el juego es dificil de optener recurzos y autulizar los edificios y tegnologia bueno les deseo suerte a los creadores del juego que no pierdan popularidad por reglas que amuchos no nos gustaron … y onestamente el juego es genial.. gracias a una sujerencia mandenos mas seguido heroes naranjas ya casi no salen .. jeje buen dia a todos

      2. Agreed, just another way to get money from us, I was out one week for family purposes came home to migrate killed my men and now it’s still ten cards. I hope that last shelter is happy continuing to rip off players with less income, I have been slowing playing less along with hundreds of others, all immigration tickets should be the ability to purchase 5 a month at 4.99 which makes it slightly fairer, benefiting player and the game designers. I have been quite enjoying the new call of duty and new games from Steam aka valve, I can’t recommend this game to people anymore. Good job at destroying the game, thanks developers

      1. Поддерживаю. У меня открыта от 1 до 160 штата, нахер эти рамки сделали вообще бредятина.

    4. New immigration rules are the violation of code of conduct and satisfies developers greed only and nothing else

      1. Now I’m in state 1041. May I know can I mirage to other state example state 349.?

    5. Is it really so hard to simply make an open state and tell players regardless of your lvl it will cost $99 to migrate and stop trying to nickel and dime players?

      1. First they infest the states with migrated bases that take control and totally destroy happy states living in peace. Then they give notice of a change so that a massive migration spurs in to action $$$ Then they change they rules wile damage is done. And later they will change it back for another massive migration boost $$ Doomsday brackets are a fcking joke!! Putting legendary crowded states against normal populated states wtf and then come with a message about balance ?? All about the money 💰

        Not even talking about the so called (Lucky) wheels that require a minimum investment of 80$ to get anything decent 🤣🤣 fu Last shelter your doomed

    6. My state was very active until the first migration killed it… this second migration has made it even worse as it has sealed our options for what the remaining can do. And yet we are forced to fight svs against bot farm states. You should spend more time looking at those with bots and those states who are 3x stronger who are throwing competitions forcing the weaker states into higher leagues where they don’t have a chance… than making money on migration were hundreds in each state are now ruled by rogue bases that have migrated in to feel important….

      1. Thank you for ruining the game finally! This has now hit social media Facebook butchute etc,

        You ring your players of money! Price hikes, errors glitches! But now this! One cannot help but feel remorse for not only being cut off from an alliance partially migrated, remorse for the players who quit! But most of all remorse for the money spent on all bases!

        The forums/former fan clubs of LSS are now forewarning new states of your ever stringent tactics! And of course allowing bot states to dominate without action from yourselves!

        You’ve gone from being one of the greatest game developers to mere glutinous.. I do hope the soon coming boycott of purchases from all states hits your wallets as it’s hit all of ours!

        Rethink or sink this ghastly migration policy! Or you’ll become known as the worst!

        Back to PS4 and Xbox for many!
        We hope you take this under advisement! From all players you’ve stranded..

      2. I completely agree!!! Then you have stay sheilded for a whole weekend or more then if your hit, it cost so damn much in rss to heal and rebuild your troops! I went from playing this game every day to playing every thrird day or so now I’m like ( F ) it! U will not keep getting rich off me! This game will die out and you’ll deserve it! Greed will be your downfall…Dumb ass developers! PEACE OUT!!! ✌

      3. I completely agree!!! Then you have stay sheilded for a whole weekend or more then if your hit, it cost so damn much in rss to heal and rebuild your troops! I went from playing this game every day to playing every thrird day or so now I’m like ( F ) it! U will not keep getting rich off me! This game will die out and you’ll deserve it! Greed will be your downfall…Dumb ass developers! PEACE OUT!!! ✌

    7. This makes no sense I’m still going to quit, 15 tickets for me to migrate, nice try devs time for a new game

    8. Mohon saya dibantu trngtang wajib membuat akun,dan saya tidak bisa bergabung dengan aliansi,,,mohon bantuannya karena tidak bisa jalankan misa dengan lancar,,terimakadih

    9. Destruyeron el juego, tiene un equipo poco etico en pensamiento, van en cintra de los jugadores siempre

    10. La nueva regla de migración es malísima, perderán popularidad y jugadores, no se vale que porque una base allá tenido 30m de poder le cobren 10 tickets para poder migrar a un estado, sobre todo la limitación de Estados a migrar es peor ya que si deseo ir a un estado y este no esta en la lista de estados que puedo migrar, no puedo ir a ese estado que deseaba ir, aparte deberian proporcional mas compras de tickets mensuales, es demaciado esperar un mes para comprar 1 ticket, quien desea migrar quiere hacerlo de inmediato, sin tener que esperar y con esta nueva regla, lo dificultan mas, haciendo que el juego pierda emocion y el jugador pierda interes, si mi base necesita 10 tickets para ir al estado que quiero, debo esperar 10 meses para hacerlo, por lo que preferiria quedarme en mi estado de origen o abandonar el juego deberían volver a la antigua regla, dejar de hacerle las cosas más difíciles a los jugadores, el juego pierde interés, deberian preferir más jugadores a ganar más dinero

      1. Amigo, saludos. Me podrías explicar más acerca de esto de migración, tengo una base 12 con menos de 100,000 en poder, que se puede hacer para migrar. O que tijera son los que se requieren.

      2. Lamentable la nueva regla..
        He tratado de migrar y siempre me he preguntado por que no puedo, si con la otra base que tengo lo hice sin ningún problema ” bueno, me cobraron “.
        Leyendo tú comentario, recién me enteré de la regla…Que lo dejen como estaba antes…

    11. When are you going to get it into your thick heads migration looses you customers, it destroys state after state. Players just quit. The older states and players go to newer states and use that state for there own benifit.
      And it just helps the older players get stronger. Half the migrants move because they are weak at the state level they were at, but by moving to newer states they are stronger. Do you not have a brain.

      1. Migration rules are very bad. so i will not come back to my friends. so the game is not fun. the migration costs are too expensive.

    12. Agreed, just another way to get money from us, I was out one week for family purposes came home to migrate killed my men and now it’s still ten cards. I hope that last shelter is happy continuing to rip off players with less income, I have been slowing playing less along with hundreds of others, all immigration tickets should be the ability to purchase 5 a month at 4.99 which makes it slightly fairer, benefiting player and the game designers. I have been quite enjoying the new call of duty and new games from Steam aka valve

    13. This is wrong!!!! Change it back to you can migrate to any state you like. My friends went to another state which is one season under and i want to move there by buying and saving immigration tickets. The rules of only using heroes of that season was fair. Please change it back! You are taking my money because i bought immigration tickets and now cannot move. Its not fair that you allowed others to move and now changing policies.

    14. One idea to continue buying immigration tickets is to have one unlocked per week.
      Now for me it is more expensive to migrate and I see a loss of interest in buying those packages

    15. I am done with this game this game is all about the Benjamins, This game is becoming more sucky than ever stupid rules i will not give any good recommendations for this game. People stop spending your money and time on this game they’re getting rich while your pockets are gettin slim, and the only thing they come up with is spend more of your money 🤷‍♀️

    16. 这游戏超级垃圾充值扣2次钱,完了收到1次礼包申请补偿半个月不给处理,礼包还不让自己选,太垃圾的游戏体验了

    17. There are way too many restrictions for migration. You must allow to migrate to any state and even to newer states. You can improve the rules about using higher lvl heroes in newer states. New migration rulesarw not good for most. Also need to reduce migration cost.

    18. How can i move my base (initial state 34) from 327 to 676? My friend is playing there and i would like to play in 676? I have no problem to pay money, but our migration allows me to migrate only from 1 till 166 state. But now i am im 327. And want to move to 676. Thank you

    19. Yeah , change them back so we can be with friends or more people will quit. The devs are not seeing people quit because they are selling or giving away there base to be used as farms. The developer’s are loosing money!!!!!!!!

    20. Yeah , change them back so we can be with friends or more people will quit. The devs are not seeing people quit because they are selling or giving away there base to be used as farms. The developer’s are loosing money!!!!!!!!

    21. Yes new rules suck you say listening to the players I really dont think so or you would change back this is b ull sh it

    22. Los estados muertos debería dar la oportunidad de unirse con otro estado muerto ya que no ahí juego y dejar de cobrar para emigrar 289 y 367 nos gustaría unirnos sin boleto de emigración tomen en cuenta esto y verán cómo los jugadores invierten dinero. Estado muerto no inversiones

      1. Почему не могу мигрироватся в другой штат ? Верните как было раньше.

    23. Hola hasta qué nivel de base puedo cambiar de estado gratis??? Pensabas yo en el nivel 5??

  1. Don’t like this rule😔
    All the best to you sir but i am not happy and will leave this game soon .
    Good luck!👍

    1. The cheats and hacks in this game have got to be fixed. The cheating is rampant and until that is fixed I am done

      1. Well said some players have to accounts in one state alliance then use it to spy and give out coordinates to their main alliance….this has to stop. NAP15 idea is bad because more powerful alliances bully and attack others to join them it should ba a free for all survival of the fittest

      2. This has to do with the(BIND),, I only play on 1 device not multiple devices, WHY do I need to bind??

      3. This has to do with the(BIND),, I only play on 1 device not multiple devices, WHY do I need to bind??

      4. Stupid idiots. Your constant greed will first kill this game and than your revenues. So shortsighted and dumb.

    2. It is still expensive. Gonna have to wait 6 months buying one ticket per month if I decide to migrate

      1. creo que esta nueva regla de migracion a la vez esta bien por el equilibrio del juego justo . pero enrealidad nos afecta amuchos . yo en mi opinion seria mejor dejar la migrcion como estaba ya que ustedes se benefician en cada base que migra . a lo que me refiero que base que quiera migrar solo quitenle beneficios de poder segun el estado que migre creo que seria lo mas justo . ya que ay muchos jugadores que gastan dinero en tener una buena base no creo que eyos esten de acuerdo que los esten limitando … …. de por si el juego es dificil de optener recurzos y autulizar los edificios y tegnologia bueno les deseo suerte a los creadores del juego que no pierdan popularidad por reglas que amuchos no nos gustaron … y onestamente el juego es genial.. gracias a una sujerencia mandenos mas seguido heroes naranjas ya casi no salen .. jeje buen dia a todos

  2. Don’t like this rule😔
    All the best to you sir but i am not happy and will leave this game soon .
    Good luck!👍

  3. Em primera no debería existir estas opciones de migración a cada mes, debe ser cada 6 meses para que no haya pícaros intentando malograr un estado.

    1. Hay otras personas y como yo que quieren migrar por una buena causa al estado
      No pongas en un solo papel tu
      Comentario piensa en hablar

      1. 新的移民規則超不合理 感覺就是想多賺玩家的錢⋯ 完全沒有從玩家的角度思考 也寄了很多建議給你們官方 有沒有任何回應 超無言

  4. You’re going to continue to pay for advertising and people are going to continue then quit until the game loses credibility I feel for you last shelter I really do sincerely yours
    A business student

    1. The new immigration rules are very bad, especially for new states. New states should have a fair chance to migrate like the older states. Change the rules back to before or I will stop spending money on this game!

    2. Just make fixed price 50$ for example for migration and ability to migrate once in 6 months

      1. Absolutely agree, set a standard price and only allow movement every 6 months. But if the new rule remains this game will die a slow death. Many migrate because of inner civil wars.

    3. This is a bad rule! Change it back!
      Not fair that you let others move to another season state and i cant. I want to be with my friends that are in season 4 before the season starts. Maybe a better rule is that you cannot migrate when season starts.

      Change it back or i quit game and spend my money somewhere else.

  5. Thanks to your great change our friends can not come to us anymore. You only think of the money …

  6. Я шоке. Значит те у кого фул S4 смогли мигрировать и собрать героев. А мне теперь запрещено? Они могут жечь меня сейчас, потому что я слаба, это нормально? Я застряла теперь навечно. И когда открылась у меня в штате миграция, нам пришлось мигрировать, у кого были деньги.

  7. Youve trapped us in our own states and waisted our money on immigration tickets that are now useless. Change it back or refund the tickets already purchased.

  8. Отвратительные правила, придется скоро покинуть игру

  9. Где справедливость по отношению ко мне тогда?

  10. This discourage players from growing don’t like it will most likely stop playing soon if continues on like this

    1. Fire the dev that thought this was a good idea. Then the idiot with clone building idea, then the one that created the design building. You keep trying to squeeze more and more money out of players and eliminate all the good stuff like Voracious. This feels less and less like a game and more and more like a lesson in wasting money. All u do is click, shield, buy and nothing happens cause no one wants to spend a car payment to recover.

  11. Unbalanced.

    The real power is build power + tech power.
    Immigration cost should be scaled through these.

    1. Wait until DD season finishes and all our unhealed troops come back to us to bump our power by millions haha. The historical power is dumb.

  12. This discourage players from growing don’t like it will most likely stop playing soon if continues on like this

  13. Shitty rule people will quit the game soon with this rules. Very very bad immigration rules change it oreles loose your members

  14. This new rule is not a very good one. I’ve already had friends quit because they were going to migrate to other Friends but now can’t because of these rules. No one who has been playing this game for a year is going to start over to go to a new state. They will just quit. It’s dumb. We pay lots of money and should be able to migrate wherever we want to. Simple as that.

    1. Many people are selling accounts and quitting because of these new rules. Your policies say, no base selling allowed. No bots or programs. Yet you put all your focus on immigration versus keeping the game platform safe and equal to all. Bad management. Stop the base selling. Stop the bot programs from making farm accounts. This should be your focus. The developers should be actively soliciting the bases that are for sale and once those bases are identified they should be deleted from the game permanently. This would offer much more balance. Instead of one guy have multiple big accounts to create havoc.

  15. Well To whome it may concern besides the 100’s of us playing this Game and Spending 100’s of Dollar’s or Pounds. Frank’s or Even Rubels! We should have greater say in the game rules than some PERSON or Person’s earning said $$$.!
    Just as an example: a friend of mine who recruited me and several others to play in this game had to leave this state a few mo ago. He had gone away and our state was Desamated and he COULD not regain control of the situation. So he left to get a fresh start at an other State, he WANTED Me and my 4 Bases with him and 2 OTHERS. But it cost us way too much to move MULTIPLE Bases. So we STAND separated by Immigration rules! Those rules that sould not even exist! I cant even play side by side and fight the common ENEMY any more because of this stupid rules of immigration. Plz Get rid of them and let FRIENDS play the game together like it was meant to be in the beginning. I see alot of comments of folks leaving BECAUSE YOU Creators have Made a looser of a game by changing the life rules and fundamentals of the game play. I too may take my $$$ to another app but not of this vendor or Creator. Unless you allow free movements between States and allow us to have greater say in the game! Thx ArmyDoc11301966@gmail.com

  16. Я вынуждена были мигрировать в другой штат, мой 315 штат умер, а миграция была открыта до 315.А теперь я не могу мигрировать в молодой штат, где справедливость? Почему в моем штате сейчас есть игроки с фул с4, которые смогли за 2 года собрать героев. А я теперь никогда не смогу. Это несправедливо по отношению ко мне. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

  17. Migration should be based on how populated states are not on your highest ranking and also make migration cheaper.

    For those in dying states it’s up to 1500$ to enjoy the game again

    Think about that

  18. Нормальные правила! Так и должно было быть изначально! Спасибо разработчики 😎

  19. make it possible to go low season server. And roll back highest power system its making game suck.

  20. I am going to quit the game soon. Dont like these rules. I will ensure that 5 other top spenders from my state will also quit this game. All the best with new migration rules:

  21. My suggestion: Stop the clowning and go back to the old rules. Stop limiting yourself to the possibility that players can leave their states and go to better states. Be smart.

  22. The price of migration tickets needs to be reduced, or the number. Cut in half, there is making is meaningful and there is trapping people in dead states, because DD requires soooo many troops resulting in over power numbers.

    Perhaps add a 30-60 day average power level for the score ?

  23. New rule sucks so much I wanna actually commit suicide, top32 zone and high migration tickets requirements are killing this game😭

  24. So your telling me base 22 with 10 million needs 5-6 tickets but a base 25 with 60 million power needs 10. As somebody said earlier 🖕🖕🖕

  25. Полное дерьмо , убивают игру на прочь. Зачем нужны эти ограничения ? Смысл от миграции теперь , если я не могу попасть куда нужно . А менять мертвый на мертвый смысла нет. Нет мозгов нет будущего

  26. 10 tickets is just too much, the current power should be leading in stead of historical power.

    But the cooldown for the zones is okay, just need to be not this long.

    The season heroes limitation is already balancing the game. No need for more rules.

  27. Too many rules. And unreasonable ones at that. I’m not investing,in a game that isnt reasonable and fair.

  28. Yes these new rules are horrible. How will you balance what has been happening for almost a year. Will you go backwards and remove heroes from people who migrated out of their season range. To balance the game you need to make heroes more available and in many different ways. Season heroes should be part of project hero. They should also be available via token shop more often and for more affordable token prices to make for a balanced experience.

  29. Le nuove regole sull’emigrazione hanno deluso molti giocatori. La possibilità di potersi muovere attraverso i vari stati renderà il gioco meno interessante e molto giocatori costretti a restare imprigionati non giocheranno più. Questo sta già succedendo.

  30. Historical high make zero sense. Basically if someone once made a lot of troops to get boxes or dailies they are screwed.
    It would be more logical to base it off of tech and building power, possibly with national quest level added.
    I can see the logic of adding tickets for zone hopping, to limit people doing DD over and over again to get all the heroes.
    But overall this seems really convoluted and merely intended to maximize how much people spend on tickets.

  31. 在公告實施前不公佈細節

  32. “Making the game environment healthy and balanced is our code of conduct.”
    Yet you do nothing about the states that are so obviously using bots and plugins to cheat their way through this game!
    You are a joke 😂

  33. Правила миграции ужасны. Я сейчас 300+ штате. А мигрировать могу с 1 – 240 штат.
    Зачем мне возвращаться в пустой штат?

  34. Everyone should be free to move to any state. This is stupid and you will lose my business, and I’m sure many other people also

  35. Moneygrabbers, only care about making more money even though they make millions per week.

  36. These rules are bad. Change them back to the previous rules or you will lose a large portion of your spending players.

  37. Amend new migration rule with old. Otherwise people will leave game and you won’t earn anything from it. Better to keep people available. They will spend if they play long time. In this rule only few migrate and lots of people leave game. If you make migration cheaper and easier than more people will spend for it. Even non spender also can spend for migration.

  38. Um esquema horrível, na época do DD todo mundo fica cheio de tropas, já que vai fazendo mais enquanto as outras não são curadas, aí calculam a partir disso? Ainda ficar comprando 1 por mês? Cheio de estados mortos como o meu S17, bom fazerem uma revisão disso.

  39. I quit spending because of the rules. Soon I will be able to farm all the base 25s that get abandoned because of the rules.😊. And when the rules are relaxed, I will have a mega base that will destroy everyone.😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

  40. The rules make a lot of sense. They prevent big bases from older states from coming to the newer states and ruining the game for newer players. Good job 👍

    1. The rules are designed to prevent players from replaying early seasons of Doomsday in order to get maxed out heroes. The only alternative is to spend ridiculous amounts of money on recruitment tickets with no guarantee of getting what you want. This is a money grab, nothing more.

  41. Jogo cada vez pior, 1 ticket 16 reais, se quiser outro 319, surreal, preços fora da realidade, servidores cada vez mais vazios, do 1-100 escapam poucos, agora mudam a regra para pior, eu e meus amigos vamos parar de jogar.

  42. Damn shame i have spent like 15K$ and going to just sell my account the developers changes the dumbest shit so they can make more money. Greed will be the death of them

  43. It sucks ! Badly ! Thanks for giving me a good “excuse” to quit the game with my firends since I can’t join my team which is only THREE states after me because it’s not the same group.

  44. I know at least 20 spending players that have vowed not to give another dime. Keep these changes in place and you’ll be consolidating what few players remain on just a fraction of your state count.

  45. Вы о чем? Вы о каком балансе в игре? Вы обрекли наш штат на вымирание. Я в игре второй год. У меня тут друзья, они перелетели в штат, который превышает разрушенный вами. И что мне делать? Бросить игру? Я вложил деньги в купоны и мне теперь не хватает. Вы лишили нам права выбора. Спасибо вам. У нас мёртвый штат, очень многие разлетелись, но туда куда хотели, кто-то не успел. Но теперь просто пропало желание играть. А я был активный игрок. И привлекал людей в вашу, нашу игру. Она стала для многих наша. Мы живём в России и очень многие не богаты. Теперь получается, что я не могу накопить купоны, но даже если накопил я немогу перелететь😂😂😂😂😂

  46. From my point of view you should also add a function that a state is able to get rid of players that are not following state rules made by the state community or that are insulting other players 24/7 . A simple mute in state chat is not enough. Would appreciate a function where people can select a player and vote if he should been banned. That would help a lot to behavior in the game

  47. querem ajudar os jogadores a não desistirem do jogo? façam como estavam fazendo não deixando usar heróis de fora da temporada.
    limitando nossa migração entre os estados em que estávamos acostumados só fez piorar a situação!
    #QueremosMigracao1ao399 novamente!

  48. We are playing and spending money here why you guys putting limitations on the things that we already spend a lot. Try to think of it you bought a car that only 40km/hr can run that bullshit right? Better come up with your best solution. We are not just playing here we are PAYING here! So make out money worthy not regulating what we have.

  49. Im sorry to say Last Shelter,but the New immigration rules are realy bad!! Be the better game developers,and change it back!

  50. Вот теперь думайте администраторы, сколько игроков вы потеряете ! плохо думаете. Это плохая идея по поводу то что миграцию в молодой штат нельзя, очень плохо я недоволен !

  51. 99% hate your immigration rules. You constantly overcharge in this game and now many will leave lss. Look at your reviews on Google Play Store and it speaks volumes about your greed for money not gameplay.

  52. I have to say that this is very disappointing.
    You guys need to let people migrate.
    We have a person who has migrated to our state and alliance and now, she can’t migrate the other bases she has.
    Also, I don’t really understand the point here. We, the players, are the ones who have to deal with people who migrated to our state. But you guys want to be a part of that process. In car racing there is something called bop.
    Balance of power.
    Is it so difficult to do something similar here?? Why don’t you create a rule of of lowering a base one level down, for example?
    For the very strong ones…
    It’s all so easy.
    But you guys, are just too slow to create good changes.

  53. You just lost over 100 players just from my state.. Clearly your rules of migration is not working well, an you will lose a lot more including me.. Just return migration rules to old terms and it will all be fine, after all isn’t migration about to go where ever you want?

  54. I appreciate that you guys working on over feedback but when you are making any rules u must tell us before. our half alliance is stuck in dead state 43 and our good players are migrated to 336 now our half alliance are feels really bad we decided to stop playing this game soon we will change to other good games. Thank you

  55. Way to promote spenders! You have turned free/low income players into feeder fish for the sharks. Now there is little to no escape. You have shown us one thing and we have been buying migration tickets and now that we are close to having what we need, you take it away. You have once again stolen from your diehard players. We dont want eden! some of us who dont buy hero packages would like to go back to season one to see if we can do anything with these heros you serve to us with eye droppers.

  56. Reduce the price of immigration tickets to 5$ at any time. 100$ is ridiculous. You guys just think of making money and whenever a request for support are made, your replies are worst than a nursery kid.

  57. Litterly the worst devs to make a game, at the beginning sure it was fun but this game has gone beyond your capabilities, you destroyed dday with eden, and sence your chinese slant eye chopstick lovers, all of your “updates” benifit the strong chinese and korean fucks who get cheaper packs. You close migration to states that are to big and call them bullys, well ima bully you, Fuck you devs!

  58. It’s a shame. I have really enjoyed playing this game for the past year or more but now not being able to repeat a season to ensure you are ready for the next just completely ruined the game for my self and many others our alliance was waiting for the new state’s to open to migrate and repeat a season and now it’s been quite most are leaving the game. We are stuck in a dead state and have no reason to move unless it’s to be able to repeat the season as a alliance. I knew there where going to be changes to migration but didn’t think it would be like this. Hopefully you guys will come to your senses and change it back before this game is a lost cause.

  59. This game is catering to the whiners: “it’s unfair. Good players keep leaving my weak dead state, can you please come up with a stupid rule to prevent this.” LSS: *poof* Dont get me started on their epic sh1t stain known as Eden. I’m done with LSS

  60. There is discrimination(by the devs) in this game. There is cheating in this (bot finders) but your biggest worries are super states.. You made super Chinese alliances.. Give us the old rules back and give us a fighting chance

  61. Bloody stupid.
    Too expensive to migrate.
    People will try to find another game

  62. This is a straight money grab by the devs with zero thought given to people in states that are dead due to my highest all time power which most folks raise threw the roof for dd (spare troops) It would take over 1 yr to move my base anywhere this is sad and lss will see alot of people walk away to other games

  63. 이민 가라는거니 말라는거니?!! 아.. 그만 두란 거구나… 그래…;;

  64. A base 25 minimum 12 maxed golden hero’s maxed tech and buildings and and filled with enough troops only is about 22m power take away there troops it becomes 14.5m this rule is a joke and favours people who want to travel with a big suitcase full of troops. Unpopulated states nearly hanging on now have no means to bring people in decent people because it costs 10 tickets for any decent player minimum now. You focus on your pockets rather than actually fairness and balance. Old unpopulated states are not the same as younger weaker states nobody wants to come to the old states and play god and steal everything because there is hardly anyone left to steal. Population of states is the key to immigration..not historical power and the fact you pre judged our power before implementing this new feature is absurd. If a state has a low populas it should cost nothing to go to. why make it so costly to stop a player from trying to revive a falling state. Moving to younger states I understand yes but new players in younger states should be allowed to travel to any state they choose without being forced to save for ten months or hand over more than a grand in one go to a mobile game. Be realistic and fair to all not just the big spenders and fat states. not everyone is a millionaire this needs revaluating before we all leave and go play Mario karts on google play 🙈🙈🙈

  65. Peraturan yang sangat menyusahkan.saya tidak dapat mengikuti alliance Saya untuk berpindah ke state yang baharu sangat menyedihkan saya berharap peraturan ini segara diubah ramai pemain sangat tidak berpuas Hati dengan peraturan immigration yang baharu ini.terima kasih

  66. Die neue Regelung ist für Arsch.
    Senkt die kosten im allgemeinen mal damit man auch mal wieder was kauft, sonst wird dieses Spiel bald für viele uninteressant und nicht mehr spielbar

  67. Essa nova regra vai fazer com que muita gente desista de jogar, na minha opinião ela piorou o jogo. Se vocês querem que o jogo fiquem justo para todos, deveria esperar um tempo maior pra abri migração pra os novos estado.

  68. И ещё, я рос, рос базу качал, для чего? Для того, чтобы умереть на мёртвой карте?!? 😂😂😂😂

  69. 이민구역 확대고 나발이고 본격적으로 이민권으로 돈벌어먹겠단 수작이네

  70. So your new migration rules are too expensive. Are you trying to drive people away from the game or are you just that greedy. Come on. Doomsday already sucks and now you change the migration rules like this. Get a clue. Not one person likes your new rules. You only did this so you can make even more money from this game. Instead of trying to get us to pay more, how about you fix all the bugs in the game first? This game is buggy as hell but you just want to keep charging us more and more.

  71. Плохие правила! Вынужден покинуть игру! Bad rules! Bad game!

  72. Ok idk what this immigration thing but yeah is good um idk I just want to get to base lvl 25 and that’s all I do not much participate in events just want to play the game if fanatics want to chance state do what ever you want I just want to upgrade every thing then I’ll participate in everything

  73. Esto es una porquería, solo piensan en ganar más dinero y para los latinos nos es difícil migrar con esas nuevas reglas y por lo mismo algunos optaremos por dejar el juego y creo que eso es malo para ustedes

  74. Allow for as many migrate tickets as your base power and tech are at 5 dollars each then the 100 dollar tickets for extra troops power and 1 a month normally

  75. Ваши новые правила отстой, нет возможности получить нормальных героев, только за Большой донат поэтому смысла в игре нет, ты будешь всегда проигрывать. А героев не сможешь получить никогда как и детали шторма и императора 1 золотой материал изготавливается 2 года

  76. Thanks for destroying the game
    First eden then screwing everyone with migration
    Job well done

  77. Your new rules are splitting alliances!! After the last season many alliances began migrating. OF COURSE, not everyone in the alliances have enough tickets at first…. some leaders stay behind to help facilitate the move to new state. Now you have many many situations where half an alliance has moved, but the leaders (and those waiting for tickets) are now stranded and cannot join the teams they have played with for months!! Charge us what you will, but let us migrate where we want.

  78. Blablabla bla bla bla bla
    Por que confunden más con sus reglas pndjas, sigan así y perderán a más de la mitad de usuarios alv.

  79. I wil stop from now on to put money in this game if I can’t play the old dd in future I wil stop playing

  80. any game, rules need to be consistence, change rules so frequent , make unfair and unbalance to the game. Freedom make game have it interested, without it is boring. Who have this stupid ideas need to be fined from this
    company as it lose revenue

  81. This make it more complicated as before, including higher cost.
    For me is a stepp in a wrong direction.. may they love to make more money. I will never buy a ticket for 100 euro is not serious. And wait 10 months for 10 tickets is bull shit

  82. New migration rule is terrible you honestly just come up with changes that kill people’s spirt and make them want to quit. I save tickets to finally move with a friend and now I’m screwed because of the change.

  83. The devs only care about money thats where you all are getting it twisted they dont care if you quit because the ones that are bitching about it probably aren’t the target group they like i.e. big spenders!

  84. Почему не падают си герой ?столько денег потратил и играю с 02.10.2019 прошу разобраться или я брошу игру

  85. 😥
    Is it me or does this game just get Worse and Worse!!!! 🤔😣👎
    Devs change things that dont need changing – Issues and Bugs dont get fixed – Doomsday war has been totally screwed up recently….. the list goes on and on…….😔😕

  86. I’m happy to see something finally being done to stop big spenders migrating to each state for DD purposes just to destroy others. Obviously those complaining must be the ones who do this. 🤣

  87. The new rules suck. Alot of us have been waiting months to migrate. You wanna change the rules in matter of mins. Very bad idea. Please change it back. I have 5 accounts stuck in another state. If you are gonna require so many more tickets, then you should lower the prices aswell. I cant migrate from 366 to 406. How does this make any sense. I can go to 399 though. so stupid.

  88. You guys could make the tickets cheaper. Like 5$ across the board. Each week you should make another 10 states available to migrate. Having a cut off with no explanation is crazy. When can I go from 366 to 406?

  89. You guys could make the tickets cheaper. Like 5$ across the board. Each week you should make another 10 states available to migrate. Having a cut off with no explanation is crazy. When can I go from 366 to 406?

  90. Las reglas son malísimas, además deberían de permitir algunas otras cosas para el emparejamiento de los jugadores cómo donar heroes o recursos libremente

  91. Lol why do I get the impression that all players complaining about new migration rules are likely rogue players that nobody wants in their state. Obviously the old rules were shit as players just stack a state with b25s and then lose on purpose to drop to silver CoZ groupings. Not to mention how it absolutely ruins DD as 1 state ends up usually taking ranks 1-5 and then will destroy states closest in rank to them on non-DD duel days to prevent anyone from out ranking them…the new migration rules kick ass! Maybe some of you will actually take the game a little more serious!

  92. Shit!
    The new new rules are Shit.

    Set the old rules back! Or many people will stop playing

  93. Y bueno, ahora que ya conocemos las reglas, por qué las fechas son tan inciertas en el juego??
    Aún no se cuando se puede migrar!!

  94. Quiet annoying, bought ticket to migrate my farm account that i forgot to move in time due to lvl etc. The annoying thing now is that when i try to move my farm over to where my Main base is i get the message that the state is to powerful, what is all that about? I get it if you try to move a base over to newer States. but older? What is the point in restricting that option??!

  95. A base with T8 and a historical power of 20 million costs the same as a base with T9 with historical high of 20 million 🤦🏽‍♂️ Just dumb. Fix this please

  96. The range of same season limitation is not a good idea and many players will quit if they are stuck in same seasons. Developers might have own perspective of things but from players point of view this has made immigration totally pointless. Friends can’t move over to their choice of states anymore. Even if immigration is free its pointless to move now if can’t move to friends state or destination of choice. Historical power rule is good but same season moving is not good. Allow movement to all states.

  97. This sucks. Now I have to wait 4 month to get 4 tickets at low prices. Time to quit the game. 😔

  98. This new rules are bullshit! A lot of people will leave the game just because of this!! A lot of bases are stucked in dead states. It doesn’t make any sense!

  99. Firstly I didnt understand anything mentioned above… like nothing made any sense..
    I mean how dumb are you guys… 1 immigration ticket = immigration to another state within same season or what ever it is to make it fair. Sod the power bullshit off and stop making the game so freaking complicated.

  100. 다시 원위치로 돌려라 십장생들아

    이민권 팔려고 돈에 눈이 멀었네 시발것들이

  101. Considering alot of states are empty. And legendary states are being allowed to drop to silver by losing 1 or 2 weeks. Along with no possibility of migrating once your b25 in an empty state. I agree with all of the above.

  102. Странное пояснение выпущено 6.11 а в вступает в действие
    05 августа

  103. Есть русско язычные сервера, мне на этом сервере не понятно все на английском языке пишут. Есть варианты это решить?

  104. Google is issuing refunds for immigration tickets and other purchases and is investigating im30. It appears Google is concerned im30 has broken the developers policy.

    Contact Google support for a refund.

  105. что вы там курите что придумываете такие правила? Вы сначала вводите нововведения необдуманные, после чего народ либо бросает либо массово мигрирует в другие штаты , от чего страдают все , в итоге вы решили задушить всех нереальным ценами на миграцию ,. когда вы поймёте что дело не в миграция а в том что вы создаёте дисбаланс, тот же Эден. с каких пор этот квест является и зависит от штата? если очки и количество владения городов набирают отдельно альянсы .от этого люди и покидают сильные штаты и идут в МЕГА сильные ибо нет никаких шансов на шанс что ты что то получишь от этого квеста, в итоге это приведёт к тому что останется только 3-4 штата в который все сбегут(кто сможет себе это позволить) а кто нет тот просто покинет проект. сделайте Эден не по штатам а по альянсам это будет на много интереснее, будут заключаться союзы и войны на равных, и не будет того чувства что если в твоей группе 66 штат то просто хочется удалить игру ибо на протяжении всего Эдена игра не имеет никакого смысла и конец заранее известен.

  106. These new rules are bad for the game. We should be able to go anywhere we please. You guys are not giving out migration permits for free. We are paying for them.

  107. a mi me parece bien las reglas de migración, solo deberían dar más facilidad de obtener los tickets de migración.
    Otra cosa, cuando se abrirá el estado 479?

  108. This game became boring and lost its credibility towards normal rules and freedom of movement… already thinking to uninstall… Shame

  109. New immigration cost is sheet.
    $500-600 to migrate regular t8 base with s1 heroes? Are you on drugs?

  110. 如果说移民范围只能在同赛季同组的区域内移民,那么这个移民活动基本属于失败的,而且,这将导致部分玩家的流失。试想想,玩家移民的理由是什么??移民到同组里敌对战区找虐么?谁会这么干?不能移民去一个全新的战区去寻找志同道合的玩家,这是一个失败的游戏策划。同时,游戏公司也无法从这个活动中获取更多的实际利益。鉴定完毕

  111. Très mauvaise règles surtout que l’on peut acheter qu’un seul ticket par mois…. j’allais bientôt pouvoir migrer mais avec les nouvelles règles, je dois attendre 1 an…c’est extrêmement long et pas très juste. Beaucoup de joueur ont eu l’occasion de migrer pour 10 euros avec les anciennes règles. Maintenant la migration coûte 70 euros… prix très élevé pour un simple changement d’état

  112. If you guys start Eden again, I will quit the game, and that new rules really sucks…you don’t bother about your players, all you developer need is money…

  113. How will you act with the superstates ? You are to late they are now unbeatable ! Split them or let make weaker states to merge together

  114. As I said in my messages to your Customer Service BOT because you cant even be bothered to actually respond to players. You guys messed up. Read your player reviews of the change, nobody likes them.

    The developers are the creators of the superstates you are complaining about. Hell one of my other states cannot even win silver if we try but “we to powerful” to migrate to… Come on, get real. Your new changes will destroy whole states, my main base cannot even migrate up and I stopped playing it at S2 and guess what, were in season 2 in my other state. Tell me how this unbalanced the game. I want to leave a super state and you are holding me hostage there…..seems counter productive.

    Change migration costs to be based on tech and building power. Hell remove troops as part of the deal to get a realistic number. I wouldnt mind rebuilding all my troops if it gets me a fair price.
    Doomsday is broken, how about you fix that. To limit the bullying, do something like make it so you cannot attack honour structures or alliance centers outside of wars.
    You cannot simply change key game functionality like that, ecspecially when people spend monthly buying tickets etc towards using this functionality you promised them. This is a violation of both the Google Play store and Itune developers policies.

    Fix your mistake, make it right by the players. Also do the smart thing and setup a test state and invite players from all over the world out to test new changes and give you valuable feedback before any sort of mass implementation. You as the developers need more involvement and, whether direct or indirect, more communication with the players and your support staff.

  115. Bigger problem, we alredy have in our state bases with s4 maxed and 9m tech and our best still have not maxed S2 and 3m tech. Great jobs to devs! 👏👏👏 🤮🤮🤮

  116. Guys, the business plan of this game is not to keep players. It’s to get a constant flow of new players and making them pay a lot the first month by diverse manipulation technics. They know, after 1 month most of the players are already gone. That’s why they pay a lot in ads. Remember it’s a chinese game, they don’t work on quality but quantity. In other words, whatever you say, they can’t care less about it.

  117. Das wechseln wird viel zu teuer und ein Wechsel pro Jahr ist schon heftig weil 110€ für 1 Auswanderungskarte werde ich sicher nieeeeeee bezahlen! Ich gebe ja gern Geld für das Spiel aus aber bitte in Maßen!!! Außerdem kann es nicht sein das die Preise zwischen Ländern unterschiedlich sind!!!!!

  118. Deveria cambiar la compra de ticket de migración cada 15 días por lo menos, ya que se pusieron muy usureros con los valores de 100 dólares, permitan compras de 1 segundo ticket mensual por un monto menor, y el de 100 dólares que valga por uno doble, así no perderemos, todo lo contrario ustedes ganan más adeptos y más compras, ustedes no pierden en vender más barato 1 ticket todo lo contrario ganan más dólares. Y sus nuevas reglas de migración valen poco y nada si los chinos siguen usando esos bots de ataque

  119. Non capisco, cosa volete fare con questo freno alle migrazioni. Molti giocatori scappavano da stati in rovina, ora non possono, molti giocatori si muovevano per collezionare eroi, ora non possono, avete permesso che si formino super stati con potenze assurde, che rendono il DD a senso unico e la vostra risposta, è stata congelare tutto, nemmeno li avete messi uno contro l’altro, sono ancora là, giganti contro piccoli……non é il modo di risolvere un problema…….fate qualcosa al più presto, oppure perderete i giocatori, ad una velocità impressionante. Il gioco al momento è sbilanciato, ci sono stati che hanno 6/7 alleanze nei primi posti del DD……e gli altri si devono accontentare delle briciole………massacrandosi per averle!

  120. Your power ranking is absolutely shit because many players has leaved in last day/hour so in my state which is ranked at top 32 state is no longer in that ranking but now we are stuck and cant move to another state orr people cant move to our ……at the end i can’t seeing anything positive from your new rules ……. this game just gonna die ….enough was eden release now whit that you totally killed the game ….well done devs!!!

  121. You sold people migration tickets under false pretenses knowing full well that you were going to change the rules to make migration more expensive. This is blatant price gouging, you owe all players who have purchased migration tickets full refunds, end of story.

  122. Sevgili admin hisar 590 a geçişler ne zaman başlayacak bu konu hakkında bilgi verirseniz sevinirim

  123. Here’s an additional idea stop making new states. Merge your 800+ states into maybe 300 states and then open it up for everyone to migrate whereever they please. Your new players don’t even know about DD or coz until it’s already to late and then they are stuck. Doomsday sucks. I personally don’t give a shit season 1-10. Maybe make that better so people don’t want to migrate to newer states

  124. This new immihration rule is complete garbage. Most of who immigrated were waiting for friends to joon who couldnt afford it at the time. Now we have people and farms stuck in a dead state. This new rule will cost you alot of players.

  125. Quiero emigra de un estado a otro o quiero teletrasportarme no me permite sale un mensaje usted a sido incrito ase quinse dias que se nifica esto por que no puedo emigra gracias

  126. Les états 400’s sont maintenant défavorisés. Après une si longue attente… Quelle déception !
    Vous devez faire quelque chose ! Vos joueurs les plus fidèles vous le demandent… Donnez nous la possibilité de gagner des tickets de migration autrement qu’en les achetant, réduisez le coût ou annuler cette nouvelle réglementation… Je ne sais pas, mais faites quelque chose ! 🙏🙏

  127. Worst change ever!! Change it back as it was. You’re killing states even faster this way.

  128. These migration rules will cause many to quit, because many players experience inner state civil war or terrible enemy of state players that cause trouble for everyone, and by making it harder for people to leave, they will turn to just leaving the game, I’m experiencing this exact problem right now, and I’ve spent thousands of dollars on my account, just to be told that I can’t move my account away from this states problems? I will have all my players post terrible ratings on Google play and diminish your ratings, change your migrations back or to something everyone will agree on, forcing this on us will decrease the amount of players that return to this game.

  129. Make the changes you think are necessary. We can strike not to buy packs. But don’t lie that you want fair play if you make SX states fight S3 or silver states battle Legendary states in DD.

  130. How about you developers address one of the reasons people move – it’s ridiculous how hard it is to get duplicates. I’ve got NO duplicate S heros after playing for 11 months. I generally don’t spend alot of money – maybe $120-$150 since starting in January. But I’m not against spending *some* money.

    Buying recruitment tickets have a next to zero chance of getting something useful to me. One dude in my guild spent quite a bit of cash and had like 120 S tickets to open and 100 regular orange tickets last week. Got no S heros whatsoever. All that $$$ spent – nothing useful gained.

    So for the average peon we want to go back and play the season again to hopefully get duplicate S heros that way. But you’ve made that prohibitively expensive as well….

    And I’m told Eden sucks a big phat dick.

    So WTF? Is this the end of the line?

  131. All I have to say is, stupid rule. This will kill many states and make players quit. Greedy devs can’t fix the problem of dead states by forcing players to stay in crap states.

  132. You lied to your players when you said in your mail (before the change) that the immigration cost would be lower.
    Greed+Deceit, well played.

  133. A lot of my friends suddenly uninstall this game. I don’t understand why, but they said because of the new rules. So I opened this and I want to leave too. Stupid rules

  134. Worst migration rule I’ve ever seen besides paying nonsense on migration tickets depending on the currency each country now wants to implement a dictatorship limiting where the player wants to go and on top of that charging about the full power of the base last shelter mercenary game only think of money and not the players themselves

  135. Congratulations on making your game the biggest pile of excrement online since “two girls and a cup”.

  136. I understand the rule change because it stops many people with maxed s1 thru sX heros from migrating back to season 2 and becoming a dictator and bully. But those people are very few in numbers when whole alliances like to migrate to give themselves a break or want to play more leisurely and help younger states develop. For every jerk out there, there is 100 good players. This is why the new immigration rules are bad. Its already so unbalanced out there that stopping new people from migrating, the balance can never self correct itself. The developers must change it back to keep it equal for all players. Young states need the older players to teach them and make their states recognizable and strong so more people will be enticed to migrate. That’s my 2 cents worth.

  137. Please merge 5 unpopulated state to 1 state. Because due to migration cost people will consider leaving game than waste that huge money in migration. Migration doesn’t give you extra benefit on account so when the amount is big they think about quitting. Like I am 60m power with 30 farms. It will need me about 40 tickets. Why should I spens that much for nothing actually. You made the rule change to stop terrorist to destroy newer state but what about those which got destroyed by S3 player terrorist while that state just finished DD1 ? 187 once was a strong state but only 1 S3 player came from 66 and killed the state by attacking all for 3 month.

  138. Apply a fixed immigration price and don’t allow further migrations before a set timetable. This new rule you implemented is not agreeable to any of the loyal players who’ve consumed and spent their money to remain in this game. You should have asked for our input prior to you making these decisions on our behalf. I’m sure you’ve seen the damage you’ve caused and if not corrected expeditiously, you will see players exiting the game and “migrating” into a new game.

  139. You needed to do that before, now you can’t maxed account are all around the younger states yet. You can’t also make null their migrations case they spent money due to your rules, you fault in the past, but you making worst now

  140. I have two best states in the game 306 and 496 so not a game killer but. The more people shifting states is better to yall. So why so difficult the game is hard to balance as is. But the problem it I wish to chose to bring all my cities to one state and I don’t see that going well. I would suggest you lower the cost and time between the five dollar migration tickets

  141. This rule us bad this will keep weak states weak unable to gain new migrators

    You really didnt think this through. You should consider free forced migrations between unpopulated states.

    And the range limitation also sucks you basicly split my team up because some of my friend cant migrate their old base to my state 292 and we were right in the middle of migrating the alliance and its member now halve is stuck in a dead old state and halve stuck in new state

    I also think that you should have 100% stopped migration before implementing these rules because everyone ran off to newer states because the new rules scared them leaving our state to suffer massive loss.

    And ontop all if this you set highest historical power rankjng making it 100% impossible for us to gain new players/ migrators . Because everyone now has to pay 10 tickets ( 1000$) in order to come here. Because after a few months of playing 20m power is nothing.

    So yes you basicly screwed our state and other old states. I wouldnt be surprised if you start losing players while this rule is active.

    Yours truly


  142. You guys are idiots, way to ruin your game even more. Thanks for convincing me to go pure F2P!

  143. Contacted Google to take this app out of appstore. I invested money and you f.u.c.k.j.a.r.d.s steal my money!!!

  144. I cant join to my friends now!! I will leave the game im alone in a died state. New rules dont work

  145. I cant join to my friends now!! I will leave the game im alone in a died state. New rules dont work well

  146. This new rulls sucks.
    You are killing the game
    Evry player who have ben playing DD now need to use 1000$ to imigrate.
    Simpel its not posibal to play new eden whit out a lot of power becurs it takes for ever to heal trooops. And now pepol cant move stats even they want to becurs they have to wait 10 monthes to do it.
    This game will die and all monny spenders in old stars will be lost Good job idiots

  147. Hi guys I try to make my city but I can’t so please help me about this thanks

  148. Suggestion only.

    1- Make a standard migration price regardless of base power and ranking.

    2- Exempt newer state from migration to prevent bullies.

    With these two rules, I think players will find it reasonable.

    Thank you.

  149. This new rule is just another way to steal money from players. You purposely stopped opening zones at 399 for 6 weeks to get new rules in place even though the early 400 states reached and surpassed 21 weeks old. You stopped answering support tickets and are not thinking of your players. You know you screwed up with eden and instead of fixing that, or removing it, you are forcing players to be stuck in this eden hell again no matter where we move to. I put in 21 support tickets about 400 states no open making it known we had plans to migrate. Each answer was we are working on it and it will be open soon. All Lies!! You collected money for migration tickets with no intention of allowing the migrations to happen. And you picked august 5th in the middle of doomsday seasons to pick highest historical score which is when everyone was trying to bulk up to win their doomsday. That is all dishonest and greed by the devs. I am calling for my state and all other states to have a buying strike. No more spending until the devs reverse the new migration rules!!

  150. Your migration tiles kill this game… bunch of greedy bastards… you should be free to migrate where you want… do something about death states first.. merge them..

  151. Your migration rules kill this game… bunch of greedy bastards… you should be free to migrate where you want… do something about death states first.. merge them..

  152. You’re a joke if you think people are going to agree with this. You created a war game I can have 10mil power one week and 5 the next to base it off historical high is just a money grab. Disgusting way to treat your customers

  153. It’s cheaper to start a new base then pay to play with Arms for a month and by the end of the month your base level 19 with over a million troops. I came from a no NAP state, dying twice a week. Much better I found a state with NAP 15. And left my old bases behind.
    FYI state 502 is The Killing State

  154. Dear developpers, you are on wrong way. 1/3 of my alliance are now inactive players because of migration rules. Stop migration or change the rules of migration. Migration kills many states.
    In fact, if you dont want play Eden (be destroyed by a couple of big alliances), you should migrate, and if you dont want to pay and detroy all your troops because of cost of migration, you should leave the game. Is that what you want guys ?That sucks. We have now 2 choices : stay blocked and play Eden or should pay for restart in other state. Wtf. 3rd choice finally: uninstall this game. 😁

  155. Malisimas reglas,ustedes solo piensan en el dinero,dinero,dinero,dinero, es lo unico que tienen en mente,no en la calidad del juego para que todos podamos jugar comodamente aquí,muchos de mis amigos dejaron el juego por ustedes,sus malas decisiones, la ultima temporada fue una mierda con su asqueroso invento de “eden” vaya menuda mierda que hicieron,todo el mundo extrañó al viejo dd, y ni hablar en los kill events,el juego super lento y lageado,pesimos servidores, ¿por que no usan todo el dinero que nos roban para mejorar eso? Saludos, y ojalá no me bloqueen los chats malditos incensibles,asi hablo cuando estoy enojado,les estoy diciendo la verdad sobre el juego y hablo por muchos.

  156. here is a novel thought…..stop allowing migration at all. Migration should be discontinued. One thing that completely messed game up. Most you people complaining just trying to take your more powerful base to a less powerful state. That way you stroke your egos and be pretend bad asses you always wanted to be but couldn’t achieve in your home state. players that leave are bunch of cry babies that won’t be missed. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

  157. This is even worse than before. Once again screwing the newer states that will not have a chance to redo seasons now. Idiots!

  158. Very good balance change. Should have happened months ago. Only ones who benefit most now are states 400+ who don’t have to deal with max base morons who migrate to their states. They can grow in peace. Good job devs.

  159. This new rules are awful! You can’t use power to see if a base is strong or not. We have lvl20 with 50m power cause they have lots of troops and that doesn’t mean shit

  160. These changes are worse than the original rules. Newer states are getting screwed and won’t have the chance to redo seasons. Idiots!

  161. كيف طريقة الهجرة الى ولاية اخرى
    كل ما احاول الاتقال يقول للي انت انظمامت قبل 15 يوم
    وهذا غير صحيح

  162. Don’t sell. Contact Google or iTunes support, whichever marketplace you downloaded the game from. They will work with you to get all of your money back. I don’t know about iTunes (I’m an android user) but google already got my 5 most recent purchases refunded. Selling your base will only get you a fraction of your money back. That’s my advice if you intend to stop playing.

  163. Essa nova regra de migração ficou uma merda. Isso veio para acabar com o Jogo. Ficou uma bosta isso. Com essa mudança de migração, eu não irei mas gastar no jogo.

  164. I hope this stupid rules will change this is not fare rules and I don’t know why you want players to quit the game
    We invested lot of time and money and yet you just come up with new rules every other day to ruin the game experience , and not to mentions how it’s lagging and bugged now …..

  165. ficou um lixo, jogo está cada vez pior, mais desanimador, servidores vazios, má administração, eventos repetitivos, parece que só fazem as coisas para desanimar, isso sem contar os preços absurdamente altos.

  166. Очень благодарен руководству нашего штата, что не повелись на миграцию а приложили все усилия чтобы мигрировали к нам. Респект президенту и его замам!!!

  167. I am a paying player. My sentiment reflects the majority of players in many states.
    1. This is a social game
    2. This game prevents players from playing with those they want to play the game with
    3. The new rules, regardless of intent will only increase super states and prevent migration to dead states
    4. Many are considering quitting the game
    5. You changed the migration rules and only announced the change shortly before the change
    6. You misled many players to spend money on tickets and creating second accounts in new states they planned to migrate their main accounts to
    7. May paid for tickets prior to the rule change
    8. Several of the packs especially seasonal hero ticket packs do no list the percentage success in getting a hero
    9. You charge less for packs in some countries
    10. Numbers 6, 7, 8 9 go against both Google’s and itunes developer policy
    11. Many have shared that if this doesn’t get fixed soon they will (successfully) request full refunds from iTunes and Google

    Understand this is a social game and your revenue will disappear if you don’t fix it soon

  168. Fùck you guys…. You wroto in the first note that migration would get cheaper. Me going from 7 to 10 tickts ain’t cheaper….. In Denmark that is false advertising, and you would have gotten a huge fine for that… Shitheads.

  169. Worst rule changes yet. Over 6 tickets to move a farm!! That’s crazy! You initial email claimed it made migration costs cheaper. It has increased the price 10 gold and has c a used many to quit the game. Sort your shit out!

  170. I left my original state 2 months ago. Now it’s 10 tickets to move back. I’m not playing this game if I have to do Eden again. Horrible horrible horrible. Not spending another cent on this game!

  171. I think you should allow 1 free migration total. All others cost $99 with a 90 day cooldown. Players can go to any open state. See? Problem fixed. You’re welcome.

  172. The problem is customer service is an absolute joke on this game. They love taking your money and making hand over fist with that money but when they need to fix something or help you in anyway possible recover a lost account or if you get locked out of your account They don’t do anything to help you. They want to just keep taking your money. They will keep making changes to where you have to spend more money but they have to do less. Plus it cost way too many resources to upgrade warehouse is and stuff. It’s becoming a rip off and ridiculous. I could’ve bought in 20 Xbox one X’s For the amount of money I spent in this game. But I’m actually starting to get bored with it because the developers are money hungry people who don’t do anything for us but take our money and they are getting more and more greedy

  173. Also one more thing when you were doing doomsday war people should have to fight the teams that are in their bracket. We had a team that was two times as strong as us who paid 10,000 stone to find a team outside of their bracket and they destroyed us. They should’ve been fighting much better alliances. You allow cheaters in this game and it then Let’s those cheaters create big alliances and bully smaller alliances into joining before you know it They are controlling the whole state and it leaves you like three good alliances so it kills the state. But once again the developers don’t care. They just look for new ways to make more money and eventually you’re going to kill everybody off this game to where you’re making no money so have fun with that

  174. Una verdadera mierda, después de que dejaron un verdadero caos, hablan de equilibrar el juego, valen mierda los desarrolladores, avarientos

  175. You guys think people going to spend for your useless migration tickets so they can migrate to dead states that you morons don’t know how to fix? I’ll give you a piece of mind; force merge dead states, bring out seasonal recruitment for older seasons so people don’t try to migrate to get older season heroes. Put old season heroes in token shop more often in a rotating roster. Duhhhh you dumb asses is it that hard to understand what players want? I guess it is for donkeys like this games devs!!

  176. So today is my birthday. Hmm, what do I want. How about fair migration rules, as opposed to this money grab you’re trying to pull off.

  177. What you’re doing is theft! Many players would not have spent money playing this game if they knew the rules were going to consistently change according to what your Hong Kong players want/need. It is well known that you are favorable to them. Complete BS

  178. What you’re doing is theft! Many players would not have spent money playing this game if they knew the rules were going to consistently change according to what your Hong Kong players want/need. It is well known that you are favorable to them. Complete BS

  179. 你們公司已經掙盡每一分錢了 ,現在連移民的錢你們都要掙到盡,一兩張貴價票還有人買,十幾張的錢誰愿意付?你們公司說是為了保持平衡防止老玩家 對後面的州太強勢導至後面州的玩家流失,這禁用超前賽季英雄已經能很大程度壓製移民造成的問題了,但新移民規則下 少則十張多則15到20張移民卷已不能用保證遊戲公平性來掩飾你們的貪婪,你們在催毀玩家改變現狀的希望和遊戲的自由。那怕我不移民但也不希望我的權利被剝奪。很鄙視你們的運營政策典型的殺雞取卵和一意孤行。。。。

  180. 公司的移民新規定是殺雞取卵和一意孤行,每一分你們都要掙到盡。一點遊戲自由和空間都要花很多的錢。希望不滿IM30公司的能一起停止課金。

  181. 公司的移民新規定是殺雞取卵和一意孤行,每一分你們都要掙到盡。一點遊戲自由和空間都要花很多的錢。希望不滿IM30公司的能一起停止課金。😂

  182. So I get punished for buying micro transactions because I want to raise in power? The new strategy will be to play this game without paying a single penny and keep the base under 5m power. Well done devs!!

  183. im wondering what feed back you have read ? I dont think any normal player says this is good you just wanna make more money and forcr players to buy recruitment tickets !!!
    Me and all my friends will uninstall the game give you on every possible appstore 0 rating 👍 Good Luck LSS without the players

  184. So moving a small base under 1 mil power back to the state I migrated it from takes 6 tickets now and that’s a base 21 and under a mil power. T u fucking kidding me. That’s 505$ to move it. Fucking greedy ass devs. No base under 1.5 mil power should cost to move at all. Or at least a fucking ticket. Fucking wasted thousands on this game over all 15 bases and now I cant move my 14 bases back to the same state as my main. It cost less to move to where I’m at then the small base does. Its a tipoff and your going to lose alot of player.

  185. These rules are a joke. I’ve spent a long time playing this game only to be conned out of enjoying the game… if nothing changes I’ll be removing my account!

  186. So I started in State 422, my friend started in 318 but then migrated to 249. We were hoping once the 1st DD season ended in 422 that we would be able to find a state to play together in. There appears to be no zones that either of us could reach. But I guess that doesn’t matter because we would need to rob a brinks armoured car/truck in order to pay to migrate. Unless of course we’re willing to wait until summer 2020 and we login once a month between now and then and buy a single ticket each month.

    What the fuck are you smoking to think this is a good idea?

  187. 你們IM30剝奪我們玩家的希望和自由 ,反正只能當鹹魚 還花個毛線錢啊 新移民規則一天不改我一天都不買

  188. 你們IM30剝奪我們玩家的希望和自由 ,反正只能當鹹魚 還花個毛線錢啊 新移民規則一天不改我一天都不買 幹你娘

  189. This rule sucks, you will lose a lot of players.

    This is just another way to make this game more pay to play!

    You should open immigration to all states.

    As for the tickets need, you should make it 1 ticket for any base.

    As for DD, the new changes suck too.

  190. Quieren juego equilibrado??
    La migración sea por nivel de base, es decir, crear rangos de nivel de base, que todos estén más parejos. Gastar para migrar a un estado inundado de bases grandes no funciona, prefiero abandonar el juego, ya saldrán similares sin tanto error.

  191. Mala decisión por parte de los desarrolladores del juego. Ésto complica aún más el poder seguir jugando y desarrollar la base. Muchos jugadores están atrapados en estados muertos, tenían esperanza de cambiar de temporada de DD, mejorar héroes…etc. Ésta nueva regla ha hecho que miembros de alianzas hayan dejado definitivamente el juego.

    Esperamos que vuelva el anterior criterio de migración y dejéis de ahogar a vuestros jugadores.

  192. This rule is bad, you will lose a lot of players. You should open all states for immigration. If bases are under Lv19 the should be able to move for free, no tickets needed. Lv20 to Lv23 1 ticket needed. Lv24 and above 2 tickets needed. You should not restrict the time over 30days as when you could move again.

  193. Estáis matando el juego y no lo véis. Desarrolladores, escuchad a vuestros jugadores y volved a las antiguas reglas.

  194. The bew rule is simply terrible which limit the ability of find a new place you call home. Not only that dev has focus the new rule with only 5 days notice in advance which cause many of us has to move in panic and pay for full price ticket instead of buying cheap one monthly. I am considering to quit this game for good.

  195. With such rules you will lose a lot of players, people get acquainted, want to play together, and you destroy all alliances!

  196. On other games you do not have this bs to migrate you simply bought a 5 dollar pack with a migration port no matter what size you are the only thing was you could not go to brandnew states so you could not farm beginner’s. Im into this game 1200 us dollars but will not spend another dime untill things change

  197. 考慮到大家對原戰區的歸屬感

  198. 考慮到大家對原戰區的歸屬感

  199. Seriously, when a state opens you should be able to move to it, regardless of state power. There are some states with 10x the power and they create several alliances to swap bases in and out of to get 3x the doomsday rewards. This migration nonsense has done nothing but give them a bigger advantage. It seems the Devs don’t understand business

  200. Yeah! We hope that we can go to any state we want..just because its very expensive we cant able to..many players will be dissappoint😣

  201. Vogliamo avere la possibilità di portare le nostre farm nello stato dove siamo. Senza di quelle non possiamo crescere. Questo aggiornamento che avete fatto non piace a nessuno nello stato dove siamo.

  202. Half my alliance is already searching online to sell their bases. You fools destroyed this game 🙁

  203. These new rules are garbage. Who the fack is going to wait 6 -10 months to migrate from a dead state to an active one? You guys are idiots.

  204. Building walls around states to prevent people from migrating in. Admit it devs, this was Donald Trump’s idea.

  205. The new immigration ruke sucks. First if you were going to implement something like this you have to give players more time to collect the tickets they beeded to migrate. Half of my alliance is stranded and are being raped by other players because we can’t join our group i have lost millions in resources since this change and i am wasting all my diamonds to buy shields. I have spent my hard earned cash buying them to use as i need not to mention the money i spent to improve my base like 120$ alone for the VIP building. I want to play with the people i have bonded with and consider friends ….your new immigration rule is preventing it. I have spoken to alot of people who are thinking about quitting and some who already quit. This rule needs to change nefore you lose even more…myself included

  206. So big money player moves in , goes rogue , NOW NO one (90%) of people are stuck, and can’t migrate out, Can’t move anywhere now. Historical power is a joke! Y’all should have kept the migration bracket , but left the old migration tickets to power alone. Total B.S.

  207. Ni un brillo las nuevas reglas, prefiero mil veces el poder actual que el historico, solo quieren que se queden en el estado a las personas que a ni les gusta solo por beneficios de ustedes para que gastemos mas… y que los pobres dejan de jugar

  208. You developers are a bunch of jokes cheating for the Chinese states and alliances fucking pitiful

  209. Fire the dev that thought this was a good idea. Then the idiot with clone building idea, then the one that created the design building. You keep trying to squeeze more and more money out of players and eliminate all the good stuff like Voracious. This feels less and less like a game and more and more like a lesson in wasting money. All u do is click, shield, buy and nothing happens cause no one wants to spend a car payment to recover.

  210. La nueva regla de migración es malísima, perderán popularidad y jugadores, no se vale que porque una base allá tenido 30m de poder le cobren 10 tickets para poder migrar a un estado, sobre todo la limitación de Estados a migrar es peor ya que si deseo ir a un estado y este no esta en la lista de estados que puedo migrar, no puedo ir a ese estado que deseaba ir, aparte deberian proporcional mas compras de tickets mensuales, es demaciado esperar un mes para comprar 1 ticket, quien desea migrar quiere hacerlo de inmediato, sin tener que esperar y con esta nueva regla, lo dificultan mas, haciendo que el juego pierda emocion y el jugador pierda interes, si mi base necesita 10 tickets para ir al estado que quiero, debo esperar 10 meses para hacerlo, por lo que preferiria quedarme en mi estado de origen o abandonar el juego deberían volver a la antigua regla

  211. Fire the dev that thought this was a good idea. Then the idiot with clone building idea, then the one that created the design building. You keep trying to squeeze more and more money out of players and eliminate all the good stuff like Voracious. This feels less and less like a game and more and more like a lesson in wasting money. All u do is click, shield, buy and nothing happens cause no one wants to spend a car payment to recover.

  212. La nueva regla de migración es malísima, perderán popularidad y jugadores, no se vale que porque una base allá tenido 30m de poder le cobren 10 tickets para poder migrar a un estado, sobre todo la limitación de Estados a migrar es peor ya que si deseo ir a un estado y este no esta en la lista de estados que puedo migrar, no puedo ir a ese estado que deseaba ir, aparte deberian proporcional mas compras de tickets mensuales, es demaciado esperar un mes para comprar 1 ticket, quien desea migrar quiere hacerlo de inmediato, sin tener que esperar y con esta nueva regla, lo dificultan mas, haciendo que el juego pierda emocion y el jugador pierda interes, si mi base necesita 10 tickets para ir al estado que quiero, debo esperar 10 meses para hacerlo, por lo que preferiria quedarme en mi estado de origen o abandonar el juego deberían volver a la antigua regla, dejar de hacerle las cosas más difíciles a los jugadores, el juego pierde interés, deberian preferir más jugadores a ganar más dinero

  213. consider this is suck/ Bullshit move of game designer. Every game they have people play the game feedback rather then stupid ideas which cost you alot of money to deployment as well as lost of revenue

  214. Your rules make more money for the developers pockets. So how about we all strike and do not pay a penny more for anything in the game until they change the rules back to current power instead of historical power! No more money into their game until the rules go back to the old way!!!

  215. Muy mala la nueva regla de migracion. Asi muchos jugadores dejaran el juego y perderan mucho dinero. Ya que no se podran juntar con sus amigos en un estado cualquiera. Varios de mis amigos ya an dejado el juego por lo mismo. Por que para poder migrar y convatir juntos cuesta bastante tiempo. Y dinero

  216. I understand your anger, but I think the problem is that you have been able to deliberately power down and emigrate unlimited and potentially powerful players.

  217. no cheap at all ..of course we got high historical power because of doomdays ..thinl about it ,not good at all ..a lot of player is discourage about this new rule so am i .

  218. Ни одного положительного комментария, верните старые правила миграции, люди уже бросают игру

  219. They were said to make it cheaper to migrate and never mentioned cutting us off from our states of our choosing. Migration can only happen if we use a paid service. Now your limiting what our money can be used for after we have wasted money in other tickets. We can’t join our friends in new states therefore players are quitting.

  220. No sens. Ticket cost should only depends about pure power. Because now my 19 lvl farm needs 10 tickets.

  221. Let us at least move low lvl accounts or low hustoriql power accounts where we want…. many of our farms are trapped. You completely ruined this game

  222. These rules will cost im30 a lot of money. Players will demand refunds from iTunes and Google… And get them. Players will quit. Good play store reviews will be changed to bad. This game will be removed from the editors choice.

    Someone at im30 needs to lose their job, and im30 needs to fix this mistake before it is too late. I work in the gaming industry. This is a social game. Preventing people from play with who they want is a proven way to destroy a player base. What were you thinking?

  223. supposed to be low power may migrate to a strong state that is not a problem, a fair matter is only when a large force comes to a weak state, I am tired of building a farm account and cannot come after buying a ticket

  224. You would have been better off merging servers of similar composition than this ill conceived migration money grab. It was bad under the old rules now you have made it exponentially worse under the new rules. I think you are killing your game with gross imbalances between states.

  225. This is BS the system does not allow for errors. We have asked the support for guidance when THE SYSTEM fails to adjust its mistakes. I requested answers for a item 3 times without a reply. What a great team they must have.

  226. Agree with new rule it’s help for new state,but I hope u can make $5 TICKET MIGRATION not just 1 each month

  227. I’ll stop buying more tickets and I think I would like to give the tickets back since I will not use them. So bring my money back

  228. Eveyone pay attention to these. The new immigration rules has completely ruined the game. The packs they offer you are completely worthless, not to mention that they’re very expensive. States dealing with inner civil wars and tyrannical alliances are now trapped and cannot do anything about it. The game developers did a horrible job with these changes, and are either too incompetent to have thought about all of these potential issues or they don’t care for players at all, which I believe it’s the case. This game only wants your money.

  229. la verdad que nome siento agusto con las nuevas reglas de migracion mis granjas farm y parte de los mientros de la alianza quedaron estancados en un estado muerto por culpa de todos los cambios que han hecho les pido por favor que restablescan todo como estava antes

  230. Menudo mierda de reglas os habéis sacado de la manga. Espero de verdad que volváis a lo anterior ya que la cagada es monumental. Ganas de joder el juego😓😓😓

  231. For me, the whole point of migrating was to repeat a doomsday season. This kills that. What is the point of historical high when the top bracket is 20 million plus? There is a huge difference in a historical high of 100 million vs 20 million. What is the point of limiting the states for the bases that have never reached 5 million? A farm that has never reached 1 million, no no, you cannot migrate there!
    You are killing the game.

  232. You developers still have a chance to make migration changes before so many players quit the game. Don’t make so many changes suddenly. The results will be worst. They are very different to understand. Open migration range to all states ,don’t bound them to particular range.
    Thank you

  233. Please change migration back to how it was. It seems this is just another attempt to get us to spend more money but instead people are quitting. Not very smart business

  234. Hacen todo más difícil, con tal de ganar nas dinero hacen que la migracion sea nas costosa, y evitan que quedamos migrar a donde queremos.

    Esas reglas apestan.

  235. 同组战区移民还有毛线区别???? 说改移民卷就改移民卷抢钱呢????

  236. Это самые ужасные правила, которые возможно было придумать. Вы заперли людей и их фермы в штатах и сделали миграцию очень дорогой.

  237. Seriously screwed this game up. My alliance is now in 4 states. Other alliances from my old state are very angry and want to quit as they all jumped fast to beat the price increase and now are in horrible states and are stuck there. Should have given us a month to properly migrate, not 5 days. Totally ruined the game. I have been playing since single digit states, now I’m done if you don’t change rule immediately or give everyone a month to switch states. I dropped 4K plus on this game, if you don’t suspend the rule for good or wait to implement it until end of the year, my alliance and me are quitting.

  238. Que una b20 te pida 4 tickets para migrar es una mierda, cambien esto urgente a como estaba y no caguen el juego

  239. This new rules killed my interest in this game. No more investing and soon going to Quit if this stupid rule will not change back!

  240. Olá. Boa noite.
    Poderiam facilitar a migração, eu gosto de migrar e fazer novos amigos, com essa nova regra ficou muito difícil e muito caro. Não vou conseguir migrar de estado.
    Com isso, muitos jogadores vão ficar presos em seus estados, e os que tiverem problemas com presidentes ditadores vai abandonar o jogo, por não ter opção de migrar.
    Sugestão: facilitar migração

  241. Change to fix price ( Max 5 tickets)and not aloud to change states before 3-6 months this wil benefits the small and big players so we all can find a place we like and want to stay in.

  242. la verdad que muy descomforme con las nuevas reglas de migracion es un desastre muchos de mis compañero de alianza y sus granjan quedamos estancando es un estado muerto por el tema de los ticket y por otro de que al estado que queremos ir es fuerte nose que tiene quever eso del estado fuerte ya que hay personas que forman sus bases a tarjetas de credito en estados mas jovenes y nolos paras con nada la verdad que lo unico que lograron es que mucha gente deje el juego

  243. These rules are completely worthless. Not being able to migrate little 300k power farms because a state is too powerful makes absolutely zero sense. And has ruined my main base growth. Quitting this game.

  244. Bad rules, in the long run it’s not even good for revenue as that’s only you care about.

  245. Like a leech, just keep draining everyone. Your new rules are ridiculous and unreasonable. This is a mobile game and unfortunately if you’re not pleasing all your players, your game is going to tank. Adjust your ridiculous rules and prices! I can’t even migrate my farms to my new state with my base and I’m a big spender. Oh snap, so not only are you losing the players that don’t spend much, you’re losing my business as well. I will no longer invest! 🔥☝️💅

  246. Almost no one has historical power lower than 20m. So everyone is going to wait for 10 months to migrate. But what if the state is dead? People will leave for sure.

    It should be possible to migrate once in 3 months. A fixed price is much better despite power or attributes or whatever.

    Going to a younger state should just avoid using seasonal heroes that aren’t available there yet.

  247. Thanks, you just helped me quit the game with your stupid rules. You also broke up am alliance and I’m pretty sure that many of them are quitting too. Good job! Idiots

  248. Their all about making money, the people that construct this game. As once said by former Australian Prime Minister Malcom Fraiser ‘Life’ s not ment to be easy’ same with this game, and not free!

  249. The non entry state rule, is the worst rule ever, how can you penalize states for being better managed than others. There are many players that would have quite the game, if they didn’t migrate to more powerfull states, as the state they were in eas badly managed by that president and leadership team.

  250. These new immigration restrictions are awful, how are we able to keep States healthy if we are not free to move and be with friends and allies.

    Alot of the older States are in desperate need of players and making it impossible to move makes it even harder on older States,.please give us the old immigration back please!

  251. Idiots game developers.. They have more than 50% of states dead with no one playing and new rule to migrate makes rest 50% of states..good job to make all states in server dead..

    Makes no sense to migrate and quitting is best option and stop spending cash from now on

  252. This is bs! Going to stop playing and dropping the money I do because of this. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕

  253. New immigration rule is bad for this game change back or you will lose alot of players

  254. Стало невозможно перевести ферму из 4** штата в 3**…

  255. Migration needs to opened back up. These dd groupings are really unfair and give 0 chance to make our state stronger or migrate to another state to help be stronger. Im done spending money until migration opens back up.

  256. On past moreover that rules migration directed on protection players which more contribute money, so still and violate their same rules, stupidly not can migrate in the other state with the same season DD

  257. On past moreover that rules migration directed on protection players which more contribute money, so still and violate their same rules, stupidly not can migrate in the other state with the same season DD!!!

  258. It would be really nice if you all fixed the brackets for Clash of Zones. For a s1 state to go up against a state of s4 in clash of zones because of being in Gold division is stupid! Why don’t you link Clash of Zones with Doomsday zones as well. Is it that hard to make it a fair experience? Like come on

  259. Is it too hard to match up the Clash of Zones competitions with other states in the same Doomsday Bracket? Like you want it to be fair but how is a S1 state gonna take a fucking s4 state? Like let’s be real

  260. You say that the reason for this rule of…. cannot migrate to state of different season is to make game more fair and balanced? You are not correct. To make game fair and balanced is to match up state vs state based on total power of state. Strongest state vs strongest state.

    Bring back the old migration rule! Its not fair that you allowed everyone else to migrate to state of choice before and now I can’t. Thats not fair and balance.

  261. Вы долбоёбы вместе со своей миграцией. Мало того что свои задолбали всё выгребать.так теперь еще чужие прилетают и ебаут вс подряд, я заебался восстанавливать армию. Короче, если у вас там русские есть, пусть они вам значение этих слов переведут: Идите нахуй вместе со своей игрой, и пусть вас там медведи ебут. И можете не публиковать, это чисто для разработчика.

  262. You guys are killing the game….more and more players have stopped playing and it is very difficult to play also….change back before this gets worse.i dont know who put this stupid idea..

  263. Wow. Had some of our alliances migrate earlier to prepare in a new state for the rest of us to join them, now we cannot join them. The history we built up in our state is lost. Many of my base 25’s now selling their bases. I can handle the change in immigration tickets, but limiting the zones we can migrate to has positively killed everything. Why not just limit the heroes that can be used in new zones. Many players migrated to newer states in order to repeat DD seasons and max out lower S heroes. Now many of us cannot do that. How does that bring balance to the game when heroes are the major differentiator in the game?

  264. Porque nao consigo migra Diz a força alvo fortaleza e muito alta ,que quer dizer isso,que tenho de faze pra migra

  265. It was once an enjoyable game… but now? Read all the commemts and you’ll know… The devs screwed it!!!

  266. Very unfair rules! You let maxed players into new states and now you made sure nobody is able to leave so they can torment us all they want.
    Say goodbye to my $$

  267. These new rules suck,I will quite the game and then no more $$$ from me your losing people but the day

  268. El costo de migración por el poder máximo histórico es un chiste seguirán perdiendo jugadores yo no le gastare un dollar más en su juego

  269. Not a single positive comment or any one agree with new rules, developers you just thinking about make more money not for players,
    If you do not reset that then

    minimum reset limits like 1-160
    extend up to 300🙏🏼

  270. I love the NEW Changes!!! Best thing done. You guys a getting it right!!! Stops freeloaders and Rogue players migrating to destroy states. Don’t worry about all the complaints as they don’t spend money!!! They can’t even afford a Migration permit!!! Like any game for PlayStation or Xbox… You pay to play!!!
    I migrated 30 bases and I’ve done it 5 times over now and I don’t have a issue. Also you’ve stopped players from older states such as from 1- 160 to migrate to 300 plus over powered and making it pointless to play when your tech is half there’s. So many points I can point out the Developers stopped! Maybe they should stop migration now permanently so you live in your own state and make it more powerful instead of leaving it and letting it die.
    Developer’s YOU DID THE RIGHT THING!!! Maybe think about blocking migration also???

  271. I will quite this game because 347 dead state how can I play. Suck this game and suck new rule

    1. Allowing players to move to any state in any season was a good and fair rule.
    2. Not allowing the use of any seasonal heroes below that state season was a fair rule.
    3. Migration tickets at $5.99 each was a fair rule.
    4. Reducing troop power to save cost on tickets also fair rule.

    1. Can only migrate to same season state – this rule sucks.
    2. No cost 10 tickets ($1,000) – this rule sucks. Stop ripping people off!
    3. Giving us excuses to say more fair and balanced is bullshit. States like 66/77 can still recruit and stack their states from same season but at higher cost now.

    1. Bring back old rules, not fair you allowed it to other players.
    2. If you are truly concerned about fair and balance then tweak game engine to search and match states vs states at closest total state power. Thats the true solution here.

  273. This rule sucks!! Like so many I have been Isolated from the majority of my Alliance. I was unable to migrate with them due to a family emergency and now i am stuck in the state where players continuously attack me regardless if it is a kill event or not. I have spent my hard earned money to maximize my gaming experience and you have stolen that from me. I have basically lost all my troops and resources, which i am sure you theives will never reimburse me for . I am about to leave this game forever. How this new immigration rule is still in effect is bafflingto me. Have you read all the negative comments? Do you understand in in order for this game to be successful you must make sure the players of it is satisfied and happy? Have you not heard how many people are thinking or have already quit this game? I give it one more week them me and my accounts ( my main and my farms) and my sons account are closing. If i can’t play with whom i want and where i want then i don’t want to play this game anymore…..and one more thing Shame on you guys for being theives and stealing from the people that make your game a success.

  274. the new rules are unfair and a joke. Money gamblers are clearly preferred in the first few months. small players can not react now and are bullied by the strong players. so you can delete the game.

  275. For some reason every time China comes to fight my game is slower, developers need to figure this out cause everyone feels you’re cheating for China

  276. Estoy inconforme con estas reglas migración, Estan cobrando por el mayor poder y aparte no se puede comprar mas de 1 boleto por mes por que Realmente sale muy costoso. Por favor revisar eso

  277. I hope you are changing the rules … it doesn’t even make sense about the power rule ???
    I wanted to move next door to another state – and now all this is ruined . Ive logged a ticket with support . I want my money back

  278. This must be a joke. This is just ridiculous. I need to wait a year now to move to another state and it will still cost 50€. If I wanted to move right away it would cost about 1000€ and there’s no change I will pay that much. And what is the best that our state is dying right now and it won’t get any better because of this. I hope your greedines will burn you.

  279. This new rule is disgusting and more for those countries that cost them the dollar. If I have to move all my bases to any state, it means that I stop eating for a month. It is very unfair that it is due to historical power.

  280. I migrated several accounts to one state and went to migrate my last one and I got too powerful can’t migrate! WTF? I just migrated 11 other accounts and now I can’t get my last account with my farms this is bull crap!!!

  281. Ces nouvelles règles d’immigration sont beaucoup trop restrictive et coûte trop cher, seul les joueurs qui dépenses de l’argent peuvent quitter un état qui meurt, ce n’est pas équitable.

  282. Not spending a dime until this is fixed… hopefully enough micro transaction loss will make you listen to players for once or I quit and you can milk new players till the game dies of bad reviews

  283. Change the immigration rules! This sucks, my farm is left in another state, how am I going to survive and upgrade?!! No more spending on this soon to be dead game.

  284. 你好,我在498區,今天想去422區的,

  285. Do you guys actually play your own damn game!??? Or do you just spend time counting the money oeoole.our into it (until they get frustrated and leave). You have to have the stupidest marketing and development team in the history of gaming! The ONLY reason I still play this stupid game is because of friends who play. But now we are looking for a different game to play together. Preferably one without a Chinese marketing team! OMG

  286. Packages are to high. Immigration is too high. The chance of getting heroes is far too low. How can this game be fair if the majority cant compete with those that spend a ton of money and get all the heroes. The packages need to be lower cost.

  287. Non trovo giusto il cambiamento delle regole della migrazione .
    La mia base sita in stato 8 e nata e cresciuta sempre allo scopo.e nell utilizzo di una farm .
    Ritrovarmi ora 5 ticket pedche mi viene calcolata la potenza storica di 10milioni .
    Credo ci sojo arrivato 1 sola volta a quella potenza ,quindi non trovo giusto in quanto non base di attacco ma solo di farm pagare 5 ticket.
    Io credo che così non livellate il gioco ma favorite solo chi può spendere soldi e fate così crescere solo loro .
    Stavo per migrare in stato 11 con la farm per poter crescere prendendo risorse e per 1 solo giorno non ho potuto avendo acquistato anche il biglietto.
    Grazie ma credo che così sarò penalizzato molto per te non potrò mai portarla in stato 11 .l
    Ora e una semplice farm piena di rss ma senza eroi e truppe perché e nata per raccogliere.
    Spero cambiate le regole.
    PS re nero stato 11 farm stato 8

  288. La.migrazione dice che la potenza parte da 1 milione ,allora pedche le base con meno di 1 milioni chiede sempre 1 ticket?

  289. If this continues, the game will be ruined. To make money, un-immig.

  290. 真的太鳥了,請取消歷史戰力,並取消計算兵力計算,回覆到原本的規則。這樣讓我們的小號都無法移民了⋯你們該鎖的是季節英雄,而不是總兵力。只會害中間和後段班的玩家吃屎而已

  291. Lamentablemente… Este juego se pone peor cada actualización que pasa… Estaría muy bueno que vuelvan a colocar o permitir la antigua regla de migración… A este paso solo provocarán a muy mala gana que los jugadores se retiren del juego ….es una lástima

  292. But really you say you made changes to the immigration rules from the players suggestions, really? I have spent alot of money on this game and now will quit where it is impossible to migrate thank you for not helping …State 29 is dead and who is left here cant leave , it makes no sense

  293. Muy mala la nuva regla pierden dineto con esto. Iva a migrar a un estado fonde estan mis amigos y no alcanse a migrar .ahora no gastare ni un dolar mas al juego es una mierda …..

  294. Very bad idea. Older states already took advantage of original rules. Changing them now benefits only old states as new states cannot take the same advantage.

  295. New rule suck and I see alot of people agreeing good luck to the high spenders because when the average people leave and quit this games server is over✌

  296. Hola, espero que puedan ayudarnos, para las personas que migramos y tenemos granjas en nuestros estado anterior, para que nos permita migrarlas, a los que nos aparece, estado muy poderoso para migrar, ya que no veo que afecte para nada migrar granjas, considero que deberían permitir migrar bases de nivel bajo, cómo bien saben las cuentas que usamos de granja son cuentas muy trabajas para que genere recursos y volver a hacer nuevas es demasiado tardado, el nivel en el que nos encontramos no nos da tiempo de empezar a hacer granjas otra vez, sería un buen regalo para está navidad 🤗

  297. Честно говоря, ничего не понял. Из изложенного.должна быть конкретно четкая формула.откуда и куда можно мигрировать, какая может быть стоимость. А то игрок из 251 района за купленные билеты не может мигрировать в 263 район, это полный бред получается. И целиком бестолковая игра тупо созданная на выкачку денег из игроков без удобств и комфорта игры.

  298. Worst rule ever. I will leave the game until the old rule is back. I want freedom to be able to go whereever I want

  299. Je viens d’apprendre qu’un joueur R5 peut migrer son alliance sans ses membres.
    Si seulement 10% des joueurs migrent, ils bénéficient du travail et des dons des 90% des joueurs qui ne migrent pas.
    Je considère que pouvoir migrer une alliance sans ses joueurs n’est pas fair-play.

  300. Como es posible que un ticket cueste cinco euros y el segundo cien así no es posible migrar a menos que te gastes la vida muchos tienen mucho poder como piensan que van a gastar miles de euros por migrar o bien esperar meses cuando se cierre la migración es imposible también esta el caso que el poder varía si te atacan y pierdes un millón tienes que pagar por un poder que no tienes

  301. แย่มาก ไม่เห็นด้วยอย่างยิ่ง

  302. Bırakın isteyen istediği yere göçsün. Sürekli engeller çıkararak insanları oyundan soğutuyorsunuz. Hem paralarını alıp hem yasak koymak. İntihar gibi birşey. Karar veren ekibinizde psikolojik sorunlar var sanırım. Hiç biri işini severek yapmıyor. Mecbur oldukları için yapıyorlar. Aynı şeyi oyunculara da yansıtıyorlar.

  303. To be fair for one is give those people that have never migrated before a wider state to migrate allow them to migrate to younger state to develop their s heroes. Basically this just puts advantage to old migrants and spenders

  304. To be fair for one is give those people that have never migrated before a wider state to migrate allow them to migrate to younger state to develop their s heroes. Basically this just puts advantage to old migrants and spenders

  305. You focus on the wrong area of the game. You seek fairness and transparency yet you only feed the Big spending players.
    This is an awesome game and credit should also be given to the free to play players for the time the have put in aswell as the small to mid spender players.
    Season x has received terrible feed back yet you keep pushing it. You will loose players as loose what could be a long term epic game.

    Development team you are creating your own demise to this game

  306. Horrible rule! I have a farm I can’t move over because of this ridiculous rule. Come on game makers! If base is real high don’t allow but out farms should be ok. 😔

  307. Olá , eu tenho uma base no meu estado antigo o 67 e gostaria de imigrar ela para o 58 como faço ?

  308. The statement of ooh “this will ensure that you get to play with other states in the same season.” Really really why do you think we are trying to change seasons?? We want to get S hero’s from other seasons quicker.

    The immigration rules are too convoluted, confusing, restricted.

  309. Some states are missing like we are not in map ?? R u serious? I have base in diff state but i want to immigrate it to 435 but 435 is not in list .some of the states too is my tally is not in list .. not at all .

  310. Las nuevas reglas de migración estan fatales, igual que el máximo historico de poder, queremos que la migracion sea como antes, y claro pueden bloquear a los heroes de temporadas mas altas cuando alguien migre a un estado que aun no llega a esa temporada.

  311. This rule is dumb… I have farms in one state and main and more farms in another they will not be reunited because of you stupid rules .. I have been thinking of quitting for awhile because you keep changing the rules no more money from me and this rule has just confirmed my decision as I can’t be with my friends ….. greedy devs ruin this game sad really it was the only game I have loved …

  312. бред какой! изначально при миграции из родного штата, говорилось что всегда можно легко вернуться назад! а теперь требуется столько билетов, что этого сделать просто невозможно!!
    Ведь можно же было предусмотреть:
    1. легкое возвращение в изначальный штат
    2. если штат слаб в развитии, то требовать мало билетов миграции! чтоб штаты не умирали

  313. Hate the new rules. The state I’m in has such limited migration that there is nothing better to go to and no one to come to our state for the same reason. Everyone that wanted to come to our state can’t. Migration is too expensive anyway, but to expect that kind of price to do it only to limit our choices on where to go by so much… fu

  314. Change it back this is dumb my base is stuck in a place I don’t want to be in. Bigger units zero my base over an over again. Not a far game and your support team don’t answer the call for help

  315. Tengo base 17.quiero llevarmela a mi estado para usarla como granja y no me sale la opcion de migrar.es decepcionante.llevo casi un mes mirando todos los días si ya me salió esa opción y nada

  316. Dear game dev, please make the immigration server wider. I am just a level 20 base, i can’t compete at this old 143 state, because your rules make limit maximum at 160. I need to migrate to a really younger state.😅

  317. The new rules are to force you to pull out your wallet. Plain and simple the rules were changed to increase income. They do not care about our input. They shouldnt be able yo alter the rules after selling bases tickets

  318. What is historical power! What will I do with the historical power. It needs to be with current power. Specially with the Hero Rating. I exchanged some heroes for medals, even then my Hero Rating has not changed. That not actual power. Change the rules

  319. Who do you calculate the historical power? What’s the time period of consideration?

  320. Bad rules. My friend invite me to to state 141, i spend money and i still can’t migration to state 141. Ou dear, why you are do that? 😔

  321. The immigration rules are not right and totally suck.
    We spend money on these bases and we cannot move them to were our friends have moved to. We spent time and money on something we should be able to do what we want with them.

    I started this game in State 30, I moved to 197, then moved again to 295. Now with the new rules I cannot move with my friends to another state because we all have differant restrictions. Not to mention I cannot move all my farms with my main because the farms were made in different states.

    If you make people pay to move, you should allow them to do so without restrictions.

    So many of my friends have already left the game.

  322. I don’t care how much we have to pay or how long we have to wait building tickets up I have friends that got all there tickets and now can’t follow our alliance there now stuck please open states up every state will be in Eden anyway

  323. Bonjour la communauté , j’ai une question , quand pourront nous migrer de l’etat 108 a l’etat 376? Pour l’instant sa me propose de migrer de l’état 1 a l’état 160 pas d’autre chois

  324. I don’t see 1 positive comment and yet they will leave it. I am now stuck without my friends. The only being able to use s heros with whatever season that state is in is fair. Plus be able to migrate to any state. So unfair and are just greedy now. Ruined the game for me and a heck of alot of people too. You guys even read these??????

  325. I am locked from 0-160 states trying to get to 321 when does migration to higher state open I’ve been waiting for months

  326. This is a horrible new rule. Many that want to migrate are in dead states or escaping tyrants.. I understand making dd more fair but MIGRATION SHOULD BE ALLOWED WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS when the dd season is over.. if the state is open for migration than opeit’s open. not just to some.. I have been in this game since state 1 and I have seen some great things but also some VERY moronic things and this is sadly 1 of the most moronic thing.. the devs no longer give a crap. It is all about the $ and not about the loyal people that simply want to play with friends

  327. Jangan mempersulit migrasi,,,
    Pihak game untung
    Kenapa pemain tidak boleh untung

  328. Jangan mempersulit migrasi
    Jika pihak game untung
    Kenapa pemain game tidak boleh untung

  329. Don’t bother migrating, 8 days after game through me into a different state, support can’t even be bothered responding

  330. I need to migrate from 661 to 486. The state requirement is <=1M and my rating is 1.2M. How can I reduce my rating to migrate?

  331. Hola
    Gracias por crear este apartado,soy del estado 535, pero ir al estado 526 pero dice que no puedo migrar, cómo o cuando lo voy a poder hacer?

  332. Cambio de mierda, si me pudiera cambiar de estado volveria a jugar, pero con esta mierda ya mejor lo desinstalo

  333. Lol seriously I played dd2 so troops were in hospital and when dd2 is over all troops were healed now suddenly the troops power increase due to which my immigration rating also increases now points is rest all are average but due to this extra troops I need to by more tickets really what a joke plus no one replies from developer even if I am spender..

  334. You guys should update the migration list. Its been three season i have stucked to one state. 480 is the last state that i can migrate you should open 500 plus state.

  335. You know I play other computer games and when people have a problem with those games the developers help its your game it makes no sense when somebody makes a mistake or your game Has a Glitch and you pay so much money on this game you people don’t even care I asked for one thing and that’s to have my base teleported to where my main base is so that I can have my farm there and I didn’t even get an answer I spent too much money on this game so if you people don’t want to help out or you don’t care about people or their problems or their concerns then yeah I agree with the other people on these blogs and it’s time to Quit this dam game cuz I will not spend another dime on this game the developers don’t care about the people that make this game possible namely us the players

  336. So after reading this I can only assume that attempting to move my alliance will not be smart?… so disappointed in the immigrations! Our state is dead! This will kill the game for us. I do not understand why you would make this so hard!.. we are already all spending lots of money to move, how is this fair to take a chance and get stuck?

  337. So after reading this I can only assume that attempting to move my alliance will not be smart?… so disappointed in the immigrations! Our state is dead! This will kill the game for us. I do not understand why you would make this so hard!.. we are already all spending lots of money to move, how is this fair to take a chance and get stuck?

  338. Je ne parle pas hyper bien anglais mais vu les commentaires vos règles sont nulles changer d’état me coûte 80 € je trouve ça inadmissible quand on sait la somme d’argent que certains laisse dans votre jeu

  339. Hi – when migration will possible in 799 to 830 ? My friend is a big player and put more then 2000 dollars in the game – it’s a pay to win game – rule of migration put some good players left the game – would you reconsider this rule please – we pay for migration so why it is unfair for weak players while others put money and follow the pay to win system – my advice is to authorize migration anywhere – once every 4 month its a nice deal – thanks support

  340. There are way too many restrictions for migration. You must allow to migrate to any state and even to newer states. You can improve the rules about using higher lvl heroes in newer states. New migration rulesarw not good for most. Also need to reduce migration cost.

  341. These developers are really pissing me off… Our state has limited migration… already a bit unfair. Then the change the migration rules… but it was only going to cost 8 tickets at least if I wanted to move… but no… developers decided to make heroes have power points… now I’m 10 tickets…. and do not even get me started on that…. all but one of my season heroes are useless because I can’t seem to get matches to develop them… no matter how much money I spend. and now they count against me on migration… not that I can migrate anywhere I would want to go because of the limited migration…. I only keep playing because I was dumb enough to spend a small fortune on this game, but I am starting to lose interest and will eventually just cut my losses.

  342. Hi we would like a chance to migrate due to our state being ruined by bad sportsmanship and poor ruling by the president. Can u make it an opportunity for all

  343. Gostaria de saber se eu aumentando a força de tecnologia e de construção, vai alterar os estados para aonde minha base pode migra?

  344. Эти правила миграции вообще игру убивают. Я начал в штате 55, какого хера вы мне и остальным поставили рамки? Лично я не хочу играть от 1 до 160 штата!!! К чему это вообще? Мои друзья все в другом штате, как мне к ним попасть теперь? То увеличили количество билетов для миграции, теперь вообще х@й куда улетишь.

  345. К кому вы прислушиваетесь интересно мне знать? Все штаты не довольны правилами миграции!

  346. No logro entender como consigo las decoraciones de base mas especificamente el estilo Gato de la buena fornuta…les agradeceria que Confirmen si es nesesario comprar el sumistro de armas para poder adquirir esa decoracion de base… Si me dieran una breve explicacion estaria bien y gracias…

  347. Yeah , change them back so we can be with friends or more people will quit. The devs are not seeing people quit because they are selling or giving away there base to be used as farms. The developer’s are loosing money!!!!!!!!


  349. In solidarity with all the other upset players i wont spend any more money on this game until i quit. Which will likely be soon

  350. Deviam criar um modo de conquistas, para adquirir a permissão de imigração. Assim seria justos para todas as classes que jogam.

  351. Can you please help in understanding how to migrate a whole alliance to a new state. I plan to move the current alliance with all the players to new state. Not everyone can afford migration tickets and our current state is unbalanced

  352. Las nuevas reglas de migración solo evitan comerciar, ustedes ya ganan dinero como desarrolladores, por qué no permiten la migración al 100%?… Acaso alguien se quejó alguna vez por la mi

  353. Soy nuevo perdon la ignorancia, estoy en el estado 950 y quiero cambiarme al 955 donde estan mis camaradas, yo ya soy nivel 11, como puedo cambiarme?

  354. I want to migrate from 220 states to 339 states. I bought all 10 migration cards. I’ve been waiting months for the 339 to open. I don’t understand why players are restricted. I cannot join my own nation

  355. Preciso migrar algumas contas do s274 para o s393 e não consigo por causa da faixa de estados para migrar qie vai até s320….por favor aumentem essa faixa

  356. Não consigo migrar minha fortaleza para o estado 861. Paguei 2k em diamantes, mas o jogo não permite que eu mude. Se foi cobrado e pago, por que não é possivel?

  357. Não consigo migrar minha fortaleza para o estado 861. O jogo nao permite. Paguei 2k em diamantes. Se fui cobrado e paguei, por que não consigo mudar.

  358. This game gets more and more complicated every day. I gave spent many many sleepless hours and $$$ building my bases and farms, and your immigration rules suck!! I have one base that was randomly placed in the game which was only a level 4. But because I did not know there was a month deadline to move it, that base is now stuck in another state away from my other bases. Why is it when you create an additional base you are not given the option to have that base places in the state with your previous accounts?? Your random placement is STUPID and your immigration rules are just as STUPID!! WHY do you developers mess up a perfectly cool game with some STUPID a rules. I just want to move 1 little level 12 base. Here’s an idea.. why not have 1 or 2 days of free immigration/amnesty, no tickets/fees needed, days for anyone to move their base. You could make that a yearly event.Those that dont move their bases will have to wait till the next amnesty/immigration date or do it under your stupid rules . And as far as DD, I dont want to participate. I joined this game to have fun, not to constantly expose my base to being zeroed by immensly powerful & higher level commanders who do not care. If that happens, I’m out. You can put your game…

  359. Actualmente hay un grande desequilibrio en casi todos los estados algunos albergan mucho poder y siguen en una liga que no les corresponde ajn así son considerados en el.mismo grupo, esto es grave para los estados del que salieron por que los enfrentamientos son desiguales. No todos pueden comprar un boleto de migracion a la vez por muchos factores …. Sres. Last Shelter no sigan el mismo camino se Warcraf hay muchas actualizaciones que están malogrando el atractivo del juego y eso lo vuelve aburrido y siento a veces decepción considere el capital de jugadores que hay no lo arruine


    State 571

  360. Sres. Last Shelter

    Considere apertura de estados Ej.

    1-200, 201-300, etc . Cierre estados que no albergan muchos jugadores invitelos a migrar para generar un equilibrio de batalla es mejor tener estados con jugadores activos y rentables no esperar a que se llenen por si solos eso alarga mucho la agonía de esos estados y los vuelve aburridos para jugar .

    Por favor devuelva a la situación anterior el centro comercial, el hierro sigue siendo una gran dificultad , los fragmentos son muy caros, los temas y decoraciones son casi imposibles de adquirir hagan posible estos detalles.


  361. Its too expensive and because of migration crippled states, reamaining unlucky people are leaving the game. You should have coz depended ticket cost decrease. It would be more expensive to higher coz destinations but less to the lowers. Your parameters for the migration is totally wrong.
    Farewell soon.

  362. Look i feel you should be able to move to any state you feel if you are paying for it. I am in state 404 and have base’s in 770 so if I feel like 770 is a better state I should be able to move to that state. U have it blocked off where you can only move where you want us to move. You have friends blocked from friends and base’s blocked from base’s. Come on man open it up let us move where we want on the map. You are making enough money 💰 off of us as is. You have to give some to get back some. Think about it.

  363. Es demasiado costoso la migración y más con esta cuarentena.

    Es un abuso y le quita las ganas de jugar.

    Hay estados que se quedan vacíos y yo con base 25 y héroes 50 y necesito muchos tickets para migrar. Es un abuso en plena cuarentena.

  364. Salutation à tous.
    Jais une proposition pour le prix de l’immigration ç possible immigration pare le diamants. 5000 ou 10000
    Et merci davance

  365. Immigration range should be opened not limited. Any player can migrate to any state old or new. And only use the suitable hero that match same session of the new state. That would be fair.

  366. Help me lütfen 1 adet göç biletine hitiyacım var oyunu bırakıcam yoksa 693 LastAssasian yardım lütfen

  367. Me gustaría saber , cuando empezará el Evento de Migración en los estados 900 – 927 . Para poder migrar a otro estado ya sea viejo.

  368. Merhaba Türkiye de döviz kuru hareketli oldugu için oyun çok pahalı ve biz gelişemiyoruz bu konuda yardımcı olmanızı rica ediyorum

  369. Deberían presta atención a los Estados con poca población de jugadores y unirlos a otro estado similar ya que el tiempo de migración te lleva a más de 1 año hacerlo eh incluso muchos jugadores dejan el juego por ese motivo

  370. Bonjour !!!! J’aimerai savoir Comment pourrai je payer pour migrer dans un autre état. Je suis du Sénégal ?

  371. Estoy en el estado 765 y no deja migrar al 511 donde soy miembro abra alguna forma de salir de este estado ya que no dan opción de afiliarse ni subir lo veo muy descriminatorio.

  372. I need imigration
    I have 3 but i check now i need 5 again for can imigrasi
    How i can buy imigration not exvensive

  373. 携帯換えてアカウントが使えなくなり新しく始めました。新しく2つのアカウントでしていたら前のアカウントが使えるようになりました。今のメンバーと仲良くしてるし、前のアカウントは孤立してしまい回りとの差もずいぶんひらいてましたので今の仲間のところに呼びたいんですけど途中までしかこれません。課金もしてたので移動できると助かります。

  374. I really hope you developers read this.
    You will need to change those rules or else no one will spend money again in your game ever.
    I have more than 2 mil followers trust me you don’t want to start war with me.
    Most of your money cimes from arab country, think carefully.

  375. What about account that bean stollen? Mine did,lots of effort,time,and money spend,and all i get in anwser is “we verry verry sollly,we working on that easiu🤣😂,please be patients,for a fcuking week…? Just gimme my looskis back,and go fcuk ur mamas.
    One day someone will get velly velly pist off,and shut ur servers out,just for a day,and you know what.? U done
    ONE DAY,thats what it takes,IVE SEEN IT HAPPEN🤤👀 Ican understand how greedy yoall got to be,having 4mil downloads,let everyone spend the basic,avatar change,everyone do your meth. And i know players thath was spending 100$ a day,so wtf how much is enough.

  376. No one happy bad choice . Every day you lose players you become beast of money . Many glitches now on the game and your service center not fixing and not answer too I stop to pay money iam here because of my friends only but one day we will leave u think about players playing this game for hours u have a bad team work and bad ideas to continue

  377. No one happy bad choice . Every day you lose players you become beast of money . Many glitches now on the game and your service center not fixing and not answer too I stop to pay money iam here because of my friends only but one day we will leave u think about players playing this game for hours u have a bad team work and bad ideas to continue

  378. Amazing -not one favorable comment and you lie that you listen to feedback – just posted this on facebook – idiots

  379. Que porquería con el ajuste de migración harán que poco a poco vaya muriendo el juego por ambición

  380. Please dont change the migrate rules for some players very good to moved to other states

  381. I can agree to only be able to move to so many states, this is to stop bigger and stronger alliances from taking over new states where everyone is very new or some what new to the game. But the price to move is ridiculous and should be a set price for all.

  382. Quiero migrar a un estado donde esta el evento de DD y me dice que no puedo por el evento, pero ya quiero migrar ya tengo mis ticket y no es justo que tenga que esperar

  383. Olá. Gostaria de saber quando irá abrir migração entre os estados 280 e 326?
    Tenho uma cidade que gostaria de levá-la do 280 para o 326.
    Para jogar junto de meus amigos.

  384. Game producers, please reales Orange heroes, not posible that for 2 months my team and I dont get any. We are B20 and up and need orange heroes NOW

  385. I created a farm and from the first day a warning appeared that it would have been created more than 15 days ago and I could not move it. I’m with her at level 10 and I still haven’t been able to change to the state I want. Can someone help me????

  386. I want to migrate from st940 to st865. But due to Doomsday overlapping each state, it won’t let me. I’m very upset. My home state of 865 has my “family” there with my main base with farms. I feel lost in 940 with one base and no friends. Please, please, PLEASE, advise me when I can migrate my 940 base to 865.

  387. Just make free zone immigration and make cooldown to migrate again to another state or put diamonds to migrates. It is just bullshit that some has to left the game bec they cant spent money and state is dead. This fucking game is just wasting hard work and time given in this game ,bases and farms in water. Just fucking put free migration to state. Let the non spender enjoy the game at max

  388. Tengo mi base en nivel 6 y quiero emigrar a otro estado. Lo ubicó opciones para realizarlo.

  389. Impossible de migrer dans le bon état pour suivre notre alliance car vous faites ça en pleine journée journee que Europe
    Je reviens à peine du boulot que l’état est rempli
    Vous souhaitez qu’on arrête de jouer en Europe ?
    Est-ce que cela va changer ?!?

  390. Почему я не могу мигрировать если у меня идёт война завоеваний судного дня, а в районе в который хочу нет войны. Набираю код, но все равно нельзя?

  391. Since this came out ive spent no money…used to spend a lot. Until u change I wont

  392. Can I move my base from 941 to 990 later coZ now both the migration group is different I can’t migrate to 941 to 990 can migrate after the dd2 season over or not or its any different way to go there ?

  393. The new rules are making people quit the game, do the devs read these comments? I belive it is aimed at revenue generation and not improving quality of game for dedicated commanders. Costs are high enough, never bite the hand that feeds you.

  394. Hola buenas tardes. Hemos migrado nuestra alianza a otro estado y seleccionamos abandonar el otro estado para que así pudiéramos aparecer en el ranking del nuevo estado pero nose que paso que llegó el reinicio y paso el tiempo y no salimos en el ranking. Alguien me puede ayudar a solucionar ese problema y poder estar en nuevo estado tranquilos y aparecer en el ranking. Gracias de antemano por la ayuda

  395. Hola a todos tengo una pequeña duda haber si alguien me podría ayudar. Miramos mi alianza y yo a un nuevo estado, hicimos todos los cambios necesarios para poder seguir con la misma alianza que teníamos en el viejo estado pero cuando pasó el reinicio y el tiempo de espera en nuestro nuevo estado seguimos sin aparecer en el ranking y aparecemos en el que dejamos. Alguien me podría ayudar a solucionar este error para no perder esa alianza y estar en el ranking del nuevo estado. Gracias de antemano por la ayuda

  396. Hello everyone, I think there is a missing forum in the alliances where you can expose topics of interest to help new users etc, many players leave because they don’t really know how it works.

    On the other hand, teleportation should be limited to one per day, since many use teleportation to attack and change places and cannot be attacked, but their attacks if they reach their destination, while if you attack them, they disappear and the units camp out. It should be changed.

  397. Que ha sucedido con la migración gratuita, apenas me llegó la carta estaba online y cuando quise migrar me decía que la migración estaba cerrada. Cómo puede ser. No tarde ni 2 segundos en querer migrar y cuando busco la migración estaba cerrada.

  398. Hello, I am Vahid and I am 19 years old. I feel that after years of playing with diamonds, the required materials will not be sent to me. What is the reason why you do not serve me?

  399. При бесплатной миграции просит купоны. Как мигрировать бесплатно?

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