4 赛事赛季

4.1 赛季玩法: 伊甸园 – 纷争,赛季内容将在常规赛季基础上,进行调整

4.2 赛季开局:赛季开始时,受邀联盟以及战友联盟将默认进入同一公会,赛季中每个联盟成员无法离开公会;参加邀请赛的指挥官将无法参加正式赛季;

4.3 共32个联盟 / 16个公会,将平均分布在8个出生州之内,出生州由官方随机决定;

4.4 正常赛季可使用的道具,也适用于邀请赛赛季;

4.5 16个公会将拥有属于公会唯一的地块颜色;

4.6 PVP战斗可获得荣誉点数;获得荣誉点数的倍率会随赛季进行的周数递增而逐步提升;

4.7 取消沦陷:主基地耐久值归零时不会沦陷,而是随机迁城至出生州随机位置,但会失去部分领地且自动开启防护罩;

4.8 各档奖励所需的领奖条件有所下调;

4.9. 本次邀请赛中官方与玩家记者团, 将为本次赛事提供精彩的报道,即日起可联系游戏中客服报名加入玩家记者团,进入邀请赛的账号可由玩家提供也可由官方安排账号进入。

  1. Could someone please tell me what the Pulse Wave feature in the DD shop actually does. I can not find any info at all.

  2. It would be interesting to see whether more honor points are given (PT 4.6) if you’re able to defeat more troops. This would influence how we play.

  3. The best event moment is eden. Do you know , in eden is the safest places and hiding places. You can put shield too. Eden will give huge rewards then DD.

  4. It would be nice if out of eden, you could see your guild tiles instead of only your alliance tiles

  5. No choice.. every event have its pros and cons. Nothing can be the perfect to suits everyone of us.. but would prefer shorter period of event and not so close as timing back to back.

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