Hayranlık: Angelina Grace Arka plan tanıtımı:
Angelina, üst düzey bir eğlence mekanının sahibi gibi görünüyor, ancak aslında bir suikastçı.Angelina Dikenli bir gül gibi Hırslı,Seksi.Arkasında paralı askerler tarafından onun için özel olarak yapılmış mekanik kanatlar var.Adı “Muse”
Lider edecek asker türü:Nişancı
Kahraman türü:Saldırıcı|uzun mesafeli saldırıcı
Kamp: Paralı Askerler

Silahlar:Gizemli suikast silahları küçük olsalar da ölüm oranı çok yüksektir.

Kanatlar:Paralı askerler tarafından onun için özel olarak yapılmış, “Muse” adlı mekanik kanatlar

Beceri profili:

İkinci Beceri: Zehirli Bıçak
Rastgele iki düşman takımına belirli bir miktarda hasar verme ve onların zehirli bir duruma girmelerine neden olma ihtimali vardır.

Beşinci Beceri:Cazibe kanat
Bir tur hazırlık, iki rastgele düşman takımına yüksek hasar verme şansı vardır ve bu da onların bir tur boyunca şaşkın bir duruma girmelerine neden olur.

Sekizinci beceri Tüy Fırtınası
Tüm birlikler iki kez kafa karışıklığına karşı bağışıktır.Harekete geçme sırası kendilerine geldiğinde, her turda kontrol etkisinde düşman birliklerine yüksek hasar verirler.
Kahramanların Kısa Analizi:Hayranlık:Angelina Grace’in ikinci becerisinin iyi bir çıktı yeteneği vardır ve hedefe zehirli bir durum katabilir.Beşinci beceri yalnızca hasarı artırmakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda kafa karıştırıcı bir etkiye sahiptir,bu da güçlü bir çıktı+kontrol becerisidir.Sekiz beceri, tüm ekiplerimizin iyi bir kafa karışıklığı önleme yeteneğine sahip olmasını sağlar ve ekibin kararlı çıktı yeteneğini ve hayatta kalma kabiliyetini güçlendirir.Aynı zamanda,kontrol tipi bir kahramanla eşleştirildiğinde,düşman grubuna çok güçlü ve istikrarlı bir hasar verebilir.
*.Beceri tanıtımı,yalnızca referans olması için genel beceri efektidir.Sonunda,lütfen oyundaki gerçek beceri etkisine bakın.
I would like to know when and were did I said something wrong,, that it cost me to bi muted for 72hrs
I would like to know when and were did I said something wrong,, that it cost me to be muted for 72hrs
whoieeeeee she is hotty can you give me one
Looks good
How soon can we see the skills
Wow awesome
Хороши игра
Si me gusta
On meme pas le temps d’avoir les autres héros que de. Ouveaux apparaissent nikemouk !
Why do we need new heroes when we couldn’t even get all the existing ones? We dont need new heroes, we need you to increase season hero draw rate and stop giving us useless heroes.
Totally agree. With YOU dude!!!
A new hero is for to get money from heros hunters….you know, they buy 100s of gold tickets and get heros then spend more to get the medals to develop the heros and then brag about it…..
I agree totally!! I would love to trade heroes with my farms. Maybe that could be a thing, what do you think developers?
Best idea ever! Hero trading! 😁
can’t agree more
Agreeeee my friend😂😂
Well said, I totally agree 👍
This is the why ahhaha to buy more. To w8 more, to stay in game hehe, it’s normal in online games
yeah right, I don’t even get all of previous hero, yet to max them 🤣🤣🤣🤣
متى نرى هذا البطل
بضعة سنوات 😂
Ain’t bad but it’s hard to keep them going as their dubluvates takes ages the come by
Me gusta el diseño que le hicieron se parece a Zafiro pero con color rojo y dorado y una la metálica pero en mujer
والله حلوه والله❤️❤️
So lange man wie in letzter Zeit fast keine goldenen Helden (selbst die normalen) mehr bekommt braucht es keine Neuen! Nur noch wer ordentlich kauft bekommt etwas.
Auch die mittlerweile veröffentlichten neuen Skins verraten es … Ihr werdet immer gieriger!
Wie lange es gut geht werden wir ja sehen.
Hi dear
I would like to suggest that after Eden there should be a choice fo what state i would want to move after meeting new people creating better relationship…would be nice to stay with those people and pirates…..screw them!!!
If you’re going to make more heros you should at least make them wasteland themed characters. How about focusing on events to win season guaranteed tickets so we can work on the heros we have without spending money money money.
You developers would actually have more people spending money if you droped the 99 to 20, the 20 to 10, 10 to 5, and 5 to 1. Look at how many buy your .99 compared to your 99.99 Plus more people would be willing to spend a little if the odds weren’t just 1%. I personally won’t spend anymore money until you lose the greed.
💕 love 😘
Q bueno
I would be happy if you just stopped ripping off other people’s intellectual property.
Why do your graphic designers always start with a copyrighted image and modify it enough to be slightly different?
Shadow is obviously Keanu Reeves from Cyberpunk..
Gluttony is obviously the Hulk.
And I bet if I google enough I’ll find the image of Wonder Woman you ripped off for this one.😂
I would be happy if you just stopped ripping off other people’s intellectual property.
Why do your graphic designers always start with a copyrighted image and modify it enough to be slightly different?
Shadow is obviously Keanu Reeves from Cyberpunk..
Gluttony is obviously the Hulk.
And I bet if I google enough I’ll find the image of Wonder Woman you ripped off for this one.😂
zoo bfda
Either make the getting of Heroes easier or make it harder some people don’t buy their way through
Mejoren a capitan
Отличные навыки:)
She looks like wonder woman.. All the way down to the shield
А когда они появятся?
Btw, I do like the new hero, well done to the artists. Be good if their was no prep time, I would like to use her in DD!!
Beautiful Angel
Cuando saldran los nuevos heroes ??
El comentario en español que estabas buscando🤣🤣🤣🤭
This looks like a nice hero she is giving me mortal Kombat vibes maybe 🤔 katuna don’t think I spell that right lmao
Cool Hero.. LIKE IT A LOT
stop with new heros…give us time to max others … already tooo many.isnt ok. and in Project hero must be blue ticket s1 or s2 free choice , not randomly S2. hellllooo stop being greedy
Linda la verdad.. megusta
Tiene grandes habilidades creo que será entretenido subirla a una apc … Espero que no sea muy costoso tenerla …🦗🎶
I didn’t even max my S3 heroes 😢😢😢 you guys are bringing new damn heroes please increase the orange tickets rewards and events.
Thank you 😊
I didn’t even max my S3 heroes 😢😢😢 you guys are bringing new damn heroes please increase the orange tickets rewards and events.
Thank you 😊
I want one of these heros. Please let me get one
Se ve muy buen héroe ojalá me toque
Se ve muy bien heroe ojalá me toque
الهجوم على ألمه رج ويندول
I want to cooperate to my commander but..dis is plunderer..
Nice 👍👍
Wow awesome
Ela é muito linda!!😍
ممكن احصل عليها بعد سنوات 😒
❤️ ❤️
What a game beautiful
Will not spend more on hero tickets, not worth it…. I do not recommend spending money in this game. Outcomes do not follow posted “chance” for example: skins are posted as 1% chance outcome from surprise box. Spent over $400 dollars for 125 skin surprise boxes…. guess what, outcome was no skin, and support says sorry better luck next time. Math is incorrect on their end, and seems as if error is known yet no resolution to the victims. Math is irrefutable, 1% = 1/100. Dont fall for the ploy to take your hard earned money. Game has increasingly been pushing for revenue generation and does not offer value to the users.
Hello and not tired, thanks for your favorite game, just make a thought for poor states, we also enjoy the game, and all the good from here, we can not move because we do not have a good income, if it is possible to merge. Poor states to use the excitement and pleasure of the game, thanks