Depois que derrotar os zumbis, nova crise explode no mundo humano! Todos os comandantes estão disputando os recursos para sobreviverem.
Vá construir uma nova base do combate para defender, tente sobreviver com sua aliança até o fim! Lute pela glória!
BASE DO COMBATE vai trazer nova arte da guerra!

Defenda terra, construa base do combate!

É necessário construir a base do combate para sobreviver. Ao satisfazer as condições, você pode construir a base no mapa mundial sem consumo de recursos nem itens.
E a base do combate também pode usar o efeito da tecnologia, os atributos e as funções da posição oficial, VIP e profissão da principal base.
A base do combate pode transportar os recursos e recursos ao campo da batalha mais rápido para suportar a batalha.

Depois que construir a base do combate, quais funções e jogabilidades estarão disponíveis?
Novidades da Base do Combate estarão disponíveis em breve! Por favor espere!
Why all feature must be coming soon.. your coming soon is like weeks or months later.. why posting right now..?? From what i know. There is no need to open new server. It will useless. Just go to old established server why play from the scratch..
La verdad le heraron feo con el evento del Edén no me gustó
Está interesante, obvio te pide algo de nivel para poder jugarlo y una alianza competitiva, si no pues si estaría aburrido, forza a mejorar tu cuenta 😉
How to build the shelter headquarters?
Crazy right, they know they are slow…they apparently like to makes us want something and like a misguided parent hold on to the release like a fat dad on a cupcake…time will release an update we may all find enjoyable
i am fighting zombies for trade event .it shows im receiving boxes but the boxes are NOT in my inventory to exchange. please fix this.
Crazy right, they know they are slow…they apparently like to makes us want something and like a misguided parent hold on to the release like a fat dad on a cupcake…time will release an update we may all find enjoyable
I wished you guys would quit adding stupid junk. If you are going to do anything advance bases past 25. Make it harder to get. And also why cant we ever recieve the scientist hero. You have him as a hero but noone can get him. False Advertisements
So true… Still waiting for a bunch od other features like alliance cards, new techs, t10…
muy buena base
What kind of English is that?
What kind of English is that? R u a robot?
Que requerimiento se pedirá para poder construirla?
Where did you go to school?
I wished you guys would quit adding stupid junk. If you are going to do anything advance bases past 25. Make it harder to get. And also why cant we ever recieve the scientist hero. You have him as a hero but noone can get him. False Advertisements
La nueva actualisacion del juego tiene fallas porqur no me deja cambiar medallas ni cambiar el idioma del chat
I would truly like to know when migration and the tactics base are to take place
i am fighting zombies for trade event .it shows im receiving boxes but the boxes are NOT in my inventory to exchange. please fix this.
I have one ,,,,, why can’t I find bases to attack ….
It’s getting old … how you supposed to complete challenges if you can’t find bases that are not in nap 15
Thanks from Dubrovnik, Croatia
Good point!!
These post are out of date even
I’m tired of not being able to get any S hero’s. I’ve went through 300 tickets and not the first S hero
Con respecto al evento de asedio a los comandantes, nos atacan con escudo de protección y estando en colmena agrupados, esto antes nos ayudaba, pero sobre este tipo de evento no se ha dado información ni asesoramiento, me parece que se debe vuestra parte brindar tal opción. Saludos
Quiero denunciar a la alianza dgv de estado 940 no nos dejan crecer nos atacan diario y solo ellos quieren apoderar el centro de lanzamiento 😒
It’s amazing
La verdad le heraron feo con el evento del Edén no me gustó
i am fighting zombies for trade event .it shows im receiving boxes but the boxes are NOT in my inventory to exchange. please fix this.
Very Nice game
I think it just so so
Cómo carambas se recupera la cuenta,es un error grave de diseño,van tres veces que comienzo por qué no puedo acceder a la cuenta anterior
La vinculaste? Ya sea con tu correo, Facebook o la cuenta de im30?
Hablame a WhatsApp, tengo 33 cuentas y e recuperado las de varios amigos. +56994788579
الطاقه ليس لدينا
Coming soon…. aka maybe 1 month from now, maybe 3…. maybe never o_O
Are you a filipino??
Looks really csool and interesting to see how it works. Looks like a many trader post for your base, that will be cool to see function and will help bigger guys help little guys with rss and stuff. Hope it comes out soon
Love the game but support team is a joke. Game glitches cost you a lot and they just make excuses as to why it isn’t their fault. Don’t spend money here.
I always get a prompt reply from support. They have gotten a lot better than they used to be but you do have a point about them saying that they can’t do anything when there is a bug. They need to fix this, else what’s the point of having support
playing for 6 months and didn’t get any replies. i’ve 4 open tickets, included that i can’t build any power plants. Because of that i won’t spend any money on this game because it’s not trustful at all.
playing for 6 months and didn’t get any replies. i’ve 4 open tickets, included that i can’t build any power plants. Because of that i won’t spend any money on this game because it’s not trustful at all.
I been on an Amazon device for almost a year, you can not even contact support if your using amazon. They never fixed it in all this time. Only reason I am able to see and reply to this is because I am on a Google play version of the game. On Amazon you can not talk to customer service, see the blog, or any of the game help that is located on the banner next to your base.
Hey! Here is more broken shit to go with the already broken shit. Fix the shit you already put out first.
Don’t you know many of us already have more than 1 base? We don’t need another base. Wwe want base 30!
сделайте лучше судный день нормально, а не херня придумывает.
How about fixing all the shit that doesnt work before release new shit that doesnt work.
Hhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyy yyyyahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha
Hola , soy jugador y me gustaría que la migración sea una parte gratis del juego para poder seguir creciendo en otros estados
Hopefully it isn’t the same Shit like Eden!
Esta en inglés yo entiendo español no sirve
We dont need new features .. Release base 30 and new Tech tree
the game is good so far,hope that they will undergo also thesame update of last shelter survival eventhough i think they copy the version from d original one,if they update the same update i think this one will be greater than the original
La verdad le heraron feo con el Edén no me gusta
Great Game, but the cost to play it is absolutely ridiculous!!!
How to build new combat base?
Скажите пожалуйста, когда появится новая база ?
So where is it?
What it means lol
I feel everyone’s opinion is a good thing to reflect on
How about you stop possible about and release base 30!!! It’s a joke now
It is better to play previous Doomsday War than Eden (Seasom X).
thats why everyone is migrating
Theek se game nahin chal raha hai
Lol vip many many
Yeahhh finally something to beat the big day players
Beautiful and big updates .. But the daily support and rewards are very few, what is the value of 1000 fuel or 1000 food for those who have passed the tenth level .. As well as the long time spent in updating the sections of the city such as the restaurant and the formations above it is very long .. As well as the resources of resources in the map of the world mostly for the fourth level And from the fifth level and above they are very few and require a long time to find one of them
Very good
Osm in this game
Хорошая игра
Epic failure with each new release. Why bother fixing things. Just release more excuses why it’s not devs fault that this game has so many bugs and glitches.
How about fix what is in instead of creating new stuff, wich will probably have also issues…
like Eden …
I have no idea what this new blog is talking about
Спасибо за новые введения 💪 но когда будет b30 и t10? Я думаю настало время задуматься так как практически 70% игроков являются b25
hlo plzz help
plaza help
Aspetto una vostra conferma per procedere con la mia alleanza 💥
Solo quiero saber, si esta base de combate será para todos los jugadores o solo para aquellos qu pagan los 100 dólares para desbloquear su tienda VIP 😕, si es para aquellos que tienen solo tienda VIP, agradecería les envíen mensajes privados a cada uno ya que ustedes pueden saber quien contrato su privilegio, el resto no tenemos porque saber de eso y menos tratar de forzarnos en llegar a tener tienda VIP, 🤨
I wish replies were translated.
Give usfun in this game…
Nothing else…
I wish they would just merge servers to revive the dead ones. People would stay interested longer if they did…
Ang ganda
Instead of new features why not fix old issues. I still can’t even type apc or ac1 into would also be a good idea to be able to save APC formations.
playing for 6 months and didn’t get any replies. i’ve 4 open tickets, included that i can’t build any power plants. Because of that i won’t spend any money on this game because it’s not trustful at all.
playing for 6 months and didn’t get any replies. i’ve 4 open tickets, included that i can’t build any power plants.
nope not worth it
T10 not out? Now a Combat Base that probably comes after T10.. Cmon the content is stagnating…..
Hey, i want report some bugs here.
There error when i want to see the video of fight detail (i like to review my battle, to learn where should improve) it doesn’t work, do glicth an then stop.
La temporada del edén es un desperdicio, espero y la eliminen
Who comes up with this crap
La verdad no entiendo mucho el juego
im with andream, we are still waiting for more tech, and alliance cards and all the comings soon stuff and now you are doing this, and cant even fix the glitchs in my base
Just finished
I m caming
Как сервис деньги и масла и дерева как
I’m still waiting for my beta testing rewards from months ago. Not interested in anything new until then. Besides whatever they produce will not work properly and be full of glitches.
I wished you guys would quit adding stupid junk. If you are going to do anything advance bases past 25. Make it harder to get. And also why cant we ever recieve the scientist hero. You have him as a hero but noone can get him. False Advertisements
El evento del eden es el peor… Además las construcciones tardan muchísimo… Las tecnologias tardan muchísimo y consumen muchísimo… Brindan pocos diamantes… El juego cada vez se vuelve más basura
They keep adding stuff and am sure it will make them money somehow. Here is an idea, try and explain what it is and how it works. You guys suck at that and it takes too long to figure it out on your own. Things like this make me less interested in the game. Get your stuff together !!!!!!!
Wi-Fi fica mais sei pessoalmente em mundos
Stop adding more stuff and release base 25+ and T10s it’s wayyy past due 700 servers now cmon wtf we waiting for people that spend quit spending only thing left for them is an expansion to base level and an expansion in tiered troops let’s go stop giving us all this excess bs you guys keep complicating the game just saying 🤷🏼♀️
Unfair for season x to go in kill event with states that are in previous season and Can visit and kill in other states and we only go to one state
Un nou de rahat fără reguli cu playeri fără creier.
Pentru descreerati
This is a waste of time and money because they do not allpw mew players to have a chance. They create new states when most older states have died. You are a Winner because you line their pockets not because you are a Good Player. Equal things out a little, protect your investors. Oh yea, the new DD sucks, most of my Alliance quit the game. I was holding on to have all 14 of my accounts join in 522 but not sure I will not quit by then.
Me encanta el juego solo me gustaría poder alejar más la cámara para ver mi base bien por qué me molesta estar moviendo poco a poco las cosas
C super bien
Éden os shit !
Eden is shit !
Love the game make more plz
Hesabım güncelleme yapmıyor
Lütfen yardım ediniz
Her yolu denedim ama güncelleme gerçekleşmiyor
Bra spel
Buenas noches combatientes, escribo en este medio ,para preguntar si alguno de ustedes sabra ¿Para que sirven las tarjetas de transformacion?.
Se te dan como recompensa por exploracion con vehiculos de construccion,recien consegui algunas y en los detalles del articulo solo indica que son para actualizar la informacion del personaje.
Tienen mi agradecimiento anticipado ,
Saludos desde Mexico.
저는 운영자들께서 새로운 전투기지를 키우는것도 좋으나 기지를 합병할수있도록해주는것도 좋을 뜻 합니다
같은 렙벨의 기지를 두개를 합병할수있도록 해주면서 합병시에 선탁하도록 말입니다 그리고 부케들이 많이 만들고들 있으니 공용창고를 사용할수있도록해주시는것도 하나의 방법이라 생각합니다
항상 좋은일만 가득하시길
Very nice game
cần có dịch tiếng Việt Nam
Move to the next zone
السيد سيف الله
Después de la cagada de Edén no me espero algo bueno. Lo que podían hacer ya de una vez es que se pueda cambiar el correo electrónico de una cuenta IM30.
Tan difícil es que cualquier aplicación,web o servicio lo permite. Si por lo que seas vas a perder un correo no puedes cambiarlo.😡
Hii this is my looking forward and you can do come
i am fighting zombies for trade event .it shows im receiving boxes but the boxes are NOT in my inventory to exchange. please fix this.
I. Want urdu tr
Good game
Nice ,
Je veux maigrir plus et agrandir mon terrain
Echt gut
When I read the comments…they just keep repeating….please dont launch this new base….you have schematics that we haven’t used in 5 dooms day seasons
Una porquería su juego te tiene atrapado y no te deja progresar, cuando en piezas a desarrollarte te bienen a joder y no se puede hacer nada. Muy mal está aplicacion
Эдем полная фигня
El Casador
Yalls support is terrible. I’ve been trying to get ahold of them for a week now!
不能設計多ㄧ點怪 等級高點的怪 只到15? ㄧ點進步都沒有!
Useless. Need New techs and buildings.
Shiri 1919
This is nice! Thank you!!!
I have one ,,,,, why can’t I find bases to attack ….
It’s getting old … how you supposed to complete challenges if you can’t find bases that are not in nap 15
I have one ,,,,, why can’t I find bases to attack ….
It’s getting old … how you supposed to complete challenges if you can’t find bases that are not in nap 15
Shar mudofasi
Olar açın
I love this game
I lick game
J ai un gros soucis ma base a été expédier comme si elle avait été détruite sauf que 20 minute avant j ai mis un bouclier de 8 h . Avec un bouclier on ne peut pas être attaquer svp remettait moi la ou j étais avec les membres de mon alliance . Et aussi y a plusieurs recommence que je n ai pas pu avoir car elle ne s’ouvrait pas svp arranger vos bug
I deposited a lot of money in games where the publisher had no promotions and rewarded those who deposited as much as me.
Fun and time consuming.
I do love this game. It’s like my midlife crisis 😂 The scientist is my only bad discussion. When can we get him. Why is he a hero but untouchable.
Gold tame
PLEASE STOP releasing awful updates e.g Eden, Combat Base. Why not finish developing incomplete areas of the game Tier 10 troops, Base 26+, Siege Hostage etc. Would be nice for newer players to be actually able to recruit the Scientist hero, otherwise you should remove it from the inventory as an available hero.
We need a customer service online and not recorder .. management pls response .. I put so much money and only robot answer my question which the answer is not from my question ..
Muito bom
If something new comes please tell few weeks before in dd still have some options waiting to come sinds 3 or 4 rounds that’s to long
Coming soon should mean a few weeks or a month highest
Очень не серьёзное отношение к делу. Новость висит уже целый месяц, а результата нет. От такого один негатив.
You never say. Could be week, month, year… Never!
J’aime cette expérience
Copyright ©2016 © . All Rights Reserved.
Our state isnt happy with the new base skins we prefer how it was before, , please bring back the old skins.
Sinceramente hubiera preferido la antigua base. Es bastante fea la nueva actualización.
Que mal y feas quedaron las bases después de la actualización, muy futuristas pero las anteriores estaban mucho mejor, espero las mejoren o regresen las que teníamos
It’s take to long for support to help with issues and most of the time they do nothing to really help fix the problem. Time frame for a reply, over a week
I already got this for ages, including the blueprints. The cost of this building is many many RSS, like energy. Then you get the blueprints. Building this base is ridiculously stupid as it has a very low quality skin. Game devs are stupid.
No entiendo para que piden sugerencias si no las van a tomar, y si quieren una aquí está, deberían poner VIP en los eventos para desbloquear la tienda, hay mucha gente que no puede pagar. Quiero ver si toman está sugerencia.
Buenas como están tengo una inquietud se puede destruir una cuenta de algún jugar si se ataca con 1 misil muchas gracias
دائما يوجد نقص في الحديد ما السبب ،يذهب وقتنا وتتوقف الناقلات لمده طويله ونحن نجمع الحديد وفِي تطوير واحد يذهب كل شيءهذا شيء ممل انا جديد في اللعبه وأفكر ان اتركها لهذا السبب تحديدا،السوق يجب ان يكون بعيدا عن مهنة البطل لان مهنة البطل فقط القتال وهذا انا اعتبره خطأ استراتيجي يتوقف السوق عن العمل اذا كانت مهنة البطل غير رجل اعمال يعني يذهب تعبنا والموارد في التطوير على مبنى متوقف ،الناقلات اما للحرب وأما للجمع يتم استهلاك قدرة الناقلات في عدد محدد من الهجمات وبعد فترته قريبه ننتظر الشفاء للقيام بجوله اخرى من الهجوم ،زمن جمع الموارد كثير جدا يجب ان يتقلص الوقت الى ربع المده ميدالية الحكمه ووسام الشجاعه كل مرتبط بهم وهم غير متوفرين في اللعبه يجب دعم اللاعبين بكثره
I want to migrate to 822…tell me how possible?
So nise