Doomsday Conquest: New Crisis

Couple of days ago, we mentioned that in January, State 1-800 and 1021-1060 would be able to access the new season “New Crisis.” Today, we’ll be discussing more about the rules of the new season.

It’s been quite a while since we had the last full-scale Alliance Duel. People seemed to forget the smell of gunfire. As the fragile agreement among Alliances is no longer binding, a new war is looming on the horizon.


Similar to the Doomsday Conquest: Alliance Duel, the Doomsday Conquest: New Crisis is an upgraded version of the event with even more challenges.

How to Sign Up

  1. During the registration phase, participants need to sign up in the form of Alliances and will be allotted to groups through matchmaking.
  2. The battles will not occur in the original States, but in the season States of the groups Alliances belong to.
  3. Members of the Alliances not signing up in time or failing to sign up will be able to participate in the season as individual players.


  1. Alliance members ≥ 30
  2. Average Power of top 10 Commanders in the Alliance ≥ 5 million
  3. Average daily active members in the past 7 days ≥ 15


After the registration, Alliances will be allotted to season States through matchmaking, based on their Alliance score, original State and break time.

A season State is generally composed of 6 to 8 Alliances, all from different servers. If the break time is set by Alliances, the Alliances with the same break time will be allotted to the same season State in matchmaking.

(With the break time set, Commanders could get a good rest after enjoying the game time, to have a better gaming experience.)

The season States in the same group could launch cross-State battles and declare wars against each other. Upon the end of the season, the rewards will be calculated based on the Alliance ranking in the group.

Break Time for Alliance

The break time of Alliances will partly affect the matchmaking in the New Crisis season. The Alliances with the same break time will more likely to be allotted to the same season State.

You’ll need to set the break time before the registration, or it will be invalid.

States in the Same Group

In each group, there will be 6 to 8 season States, each of which is composed of multiple random Alliances.

After the new season starts, Alliances may declare wars against those in other season States (Alliances in the same season State shall NOT DECLARE WAR against each other).

Yet the Alliances in the same season State may LAUNCH ATTACKS against each other. Please remember to turn on the Peace Shield if necessary.

Upon the end of the season, the State that the Alliance ranking first is in will be the Winning State, in which all the Alliances could get a reward.

Based on the Alliance score, Alliances will be allocated to elite or common States.

Elite State: Composed of 6 Alliances

Common State: Composed of numerous Alliances

Alliance Battles

Like the “Alliance Duel” season, the “New Crisis” season allows R4/R5 members of an Alliance to build the Alliance Rally Point near the enemy Alliance Center in the enemy State. Each member has a chance to teleport to the Alliance Rally Point for free. Through building the Alliance Rally Point and teleporting to enemy State in a flash, you may raid on the enemies when they are least prepared.

Remember to choose a proper route to attack the enemy. The more routes you arrange, the more chance you’ll have to win!

Lets’ break the blockade and destroy the core buildings of the enemy to secure the final victory!

Development Reward – Winning State

Upon the end of the season, the State that the Alliance ranking first is in will get the reward. All Commanders in the same season State could share the reward. It will be auto delivered via mail.

Development Reward – Personal Achievement

Reach specific goals as of the tally phase to get the reward, which will be auto delivered via mail.

When you reach several goals, you may only get the reward of the highest tier.

Personal Achievement Points can be obtained in season quests, and will be cleared upon the end of the season.

War Declaration Between States

The war declaration mode is based on the gameplay of the Doomsday Conquest: New Crisis. There will be a reminder in the Event Center before the event starts.

When the war declaration between STATES is on, the war declaration between ALLIANCES on Sunday of the same week will be suspended.

Last Shelter Survival Studio

  1. Fome que no pueda mover mi base a otro estado le gusta a uds poner reglas ya que perdí casi toda mis cuenta de lAS otras bases agradesca que soy caballero y si no los insultaría por las tengo que mamar por uds irresponsable que cambian las reglas del juego

  2. Que injusto repartieron las alianzas las más fuertes en el estado 300, 3 fuertes en los Estados 301 y 302, sean justos y repartanlas por igual así los débiles no tenemos oportunidad

  3. Mala la idea nueva de la durabilidad y el tipo de juego elegido, cada vez más decepcionado del juego

  4. Ojalá y el emparejamiento si lo hagan bien, porque con las demás temporadas siempre ganan los mismos estados y alianzas poderosas… Nunca las enfrentan entre ellos…. Los desarrolladores tienen unas mañas…..

  5. No puedo poner ac1 con mi alianza granjas , dice que estoy en una estado cruzado, ya no se que hacer

  6. Mi alianza tiene 9g de poder, ahora mismo nos ha invadido una de 70g. Con estos emparejamientos mataron la competencia. Para que jugar así, siempre los premios van a los mismos…en vez de hacer emparejar alianzas por poder similar, nos utilizan de sparring. Una vergüenza

  7. Por favor deberían hacer mejor el emparejamiento y así tendríamos todos las mismas oportunidades .

  8. Hegemonía siempre será lo mejor, en lo que si concuerdo es el emparejamiento, no esta siendo de los mejores, cada vez apuntan más al pagar para ganar y eso no es grato, ha sido un buen juego, pero estas desiciones así son las que desmotivan sobre todo a los latinos que son los que menos dinero tienen para invertir.

  9. Soy del Estado 873, me sali de una alianza deje pasar el tiempo de enfriamiento, me uni a la nueva alianza y al volver a entrar a DD sigo apareciendo en mapa o fuerte donde originamente estaba. Construi mis edificios de honor y aparecen donde se encuentra la alianza donde me uni recientemente. Intento mover mi base y me dice que solo se puede teletransportar dentro de los estados del mismo grupo. “Desarrolladores alguna sugerencia o solucion”?



  12. No me deja mandar mensajes directamente a ustedes , en el rompe cabezas están haciendo trampa ya que lo he visto en Youtube mediante el autocliker . Los que tienen menos de 30 segundos están haciendo uso de programas ajenos al juego .

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