Edwin wears on him a bunch of gadgets he collected from the wasteland world, with his “favorite” being the mechanic ball that he often fiddles around with in his hand.
Collecting treasure is Edwin’s interest and way of survival. He has a lot of money, and he loves money. There is nothing he hates more than to place his money into someone else’s hands. Not even his most frequent customers have a chance at the better side of the deal when dealing with him. His behavior and attitude have earned him another nickname, “The Stingy One.”

Collector: Edwin
Troop Led: General
Role: Support

Mechanic Ball
The ball is one of his favorite gadgets. It’s said to have some magical power. Yet, no one has ever seen how powerful that ball could be.

Vest Jacket
To keep his treasures with him all the time, Edwin had the top tailor in wasteland make a special vest jacket for him. As you can see, the jacket is dotted with countless treasures he collected.

Skill 2 (Prep Skill)
Counter effect the Hero’s squad suffers drops. Deals huge Damage to two random enemy squads each round (A certain portion of the Damage will be used to restore the power of two random ally squads).

Skill 5 (Prep Skill)
Effectiveness to be determined each round. Visible increase to the healing effect on the ally squad with the lowest power. Starting from round 4, various ally units will make the back-row squad have more chance to cast skills that require prep.

First to Move
Skill 8 (Prep Skill)
Starting from round 4, one less round of prep for the prep skills of back-row squad. A great chance to rid the squad of the burning, poisoned or bleeding status.
Recommended Formation
Formation 1
Front Row: Retrograder/Dawn
Mid Row: Collector
Back Row: Death Rider/Hummingbird/Scarlet Siren
Formation 2
Front Row: Collector
Mid Row: Organic
Back Row: Lust
Recommended Abilities in Particle Reconstructions
Common Ability: Group Might/Group Tactical Might
Special Ability: Efficient Treatment/Tactical Conversion/Greed/Killer or Magician
(*Please refer to the in-game content for final info.)
Yes! New hero’s! Now does the poison reduction affect immunity poison?
What we use for this general hero? I mean vehicles, shooters or fighters what’s best?
Like retrograder i assume. More than his formation buff apllies to all not just one type of unit.
All for spender.p2f just look…and hope and hope
Bet they are already in hopeness lab at top, like retro before officially added
I got excited too quickly, let see numbers and pray for decent english wording because so fsr neither is much a real shocker. He seems different blocking poison as the only one who csn, but she is probably just gonna have larger numbers making her one most boring upgrade or replacement if not word for word indentical as weed have seen in the past.
Pair Collector with Mechanic? 🤔🤔🤔
Who’s. Mechanic? Do you mean organic?
Not bad
This hero will probably take alot of testing like retro to know it’s full potential use.
This is a great hero design
Organic-mecanic-too much heroes !!!
Even when i spend really alot still cannot catch dupes for xheroes that i already have.Imagine now will be even harder😳
You’re not spending enough. 😄
Mechanic is a develope hero! Lol
Nice hero. Keep up the good works
I can’t describe the future
This hero season no luck for a epic one even , don’t know anyone around me having any luck I wounder need hero of luck first 😷
New heroes Interesting🤔..i have 24 x heroes and only 3 Max..🙄
Developers could stop making new heroes for a while, or at LEAST improve older ones so players could have a slight chance on anything
There is still alots of heros still not complete and the system not giving us 😂
They need to let us combine older hero’s for new ones. Like parts.
Im not a spender, i keep my tickets draw it whenever there is good hero. And im in a good alliance getting good rewards and eventually maxed the new and good heroes. Just keep you tickets and go to a good alliance.
Is there a hero to help with research
Hero hunting is the best option. May I have two or three. What a wish huh huh huh.