1. 修改密码发邮件收不到,我怎么上游戏,怎么继续充值,我上不去了,邮件也收不到了,玩不了了是不是可以退钱给我,我的游戏体验都没有了,再不解决麻烦退钱吧

      2. You should put the states in groups of money spent. All of the high spending states should go against each other. It’s crazy a small stare like 67 with states that spend thousands in real money to play.

      3. Уважаемые разработчики. У меня телефон стер игру sergei feniks 2019 она была непривязанна. можно её восстановить? И сохранить ее на этом аккаунте. Заранее благодарен.

      4. ךגםםרידןאגמלאג3נגבנ ‏טוב חיים שלי

      5. This is getting ridiculous with your censoring ……. you call it Virus factory but I’m not allowed to write that in alliance or state chat because it gets censored 🤬
        Alliance members please place your ***** Building now 🤦‍♀️

      1. hey Dev fix the problem of my farm alliance the leader has been kick from alliance and now there is no commander of my farm alliance”Loyal family Only F1″ is the name of allianc, i need to inform the other member to go to other alliance last day is tomorrow, 179 will raid the member if we didnt transfer to other alliance this problem is 2 or e 3 days ago i already contact you but no one is responding to my message and now i try to contact you but i cant do it only loading for a long time that why i decide to post it here i hope you fix this fucking problem A.S.A.P.!!!!!!!!!!!! MAXIMUM BY THIS DAY BEFORE RESET!!!!!

      2. Samuel tu whatsapp wdi tu non po mai a tutti i suoi occhi 👀 tu rwhatsapp a tutti i suoi amici di voi può prenderne di più di voi può prenderne di voi può tu il primo giorno eche tu non mi seguono su Twitter non po mai a tutti i suoi occhi sono un po’

      3. 这次的交易中心 改变的不好👎 不能像以前那样 随时呼叫 电水满了 不能及时消耗 也没有以前换箱子📦 能换很多资源 打比方 2m换6m 没体现出来 有时候升级用资源 就等着能多换几个 这样 以少换多的箱子 急用 希望改进 谢谢

      1. Fk this game hard to upgrade base even orange hero or S hero cant get one!i’ve been playing for this game for almost 2 years,until now im steel weak cant upgrade much

      2. 😆 of course you think its awesome Broze there’s like umpteen of you in 126 lol most have no chance 🤣

      3. 😆 of course you think its awesome Broze there’s like umpteen of you in bases and all beefy. Run little piggys run! Big bad Broze coming to blow your base down! 🤣🤣

      4. Hi blog.ls.im30
        You can tell if you’re going on the road to your car or something else you need

      1. El Nuevo Edén es un asco, Las nuevas Actualizaciones en general la gran mayoría también .
        El juego cada vez piensa menos en los jugadores y más en los intereses y sus fines de lucro para ganar más.
        Están quitando todo aquello que definía y daba forma al juego , Estaciones de recursos personales, de 10 paso a 2 y de dos a ninguna, el Helicóptero comercial otra gran cagada , y cambiar Hegemonía por esto, ha sido otra gran mierda.
        Estoy arto del juego, o cambia a mejor a beneficio del jugador medio o perderéis otro jugador y muchos más irán detrás .

    1. 修改密码发邮件收不到,我怎么上游戏,怎么继续充值,我上不去了,邮件也收不到了,玩不了了是不是可以退钱给我,我的游戏体验都没有了,再不解决麻烦退钱吧

    2. Bonjour, il faut me remettre la plaque signalétique spécial, j’ai payé merci

      1. Silniejsze sojusze mogą zniszczyć wszystkie struktury DD słabszych sojuszów w każdej chwili jak tylko zechcą. Całe to dd jest do … Ktoś może polecić jakąś fajniejszą grę?

    3. Dev what is happen to this upgrade app? I cant use shield .and the last attack is been1 hrs more? And cant place tile either.more bugs r8 now stupido dev

    4. 💙💖💜👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💚🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿

    5. 7مرحبا صديق عن المدونة خريطة الوصول إلى

    6. The devs figure that by putting weaker stdtes against stronger states the weaker stated will spend more money. Best I can figure. They sure don’t give a crap about those of us that have been playing for awhile.

    7. solonegocios35@gmail.com no sirve de nada este juego me quitaron una cuenta de un dia para otro la reclamo con recibos de compra de paquetes y todo y no me la quieren devolver.tanto tiempo y dinero para nada la verdad un fraude

    8. Pueden revisar nuestras guerra de hegemonía fue contra el estado 438 alianza The Shadows contra KMZ que es nuestra alianza del estado 34, les destruimos sus 4 Ac y ellos sólo dos de los nuestros y sus puntos son muy dispares a los nuestros, y no estamos conformes, pueden explicarnos.

  1. Idiots or should I rather say morons with peanuts instead of brains. Now good states are going to die because you put them in one group with monster states. Even peanuts are smarter 🤷🏻‍♀️

    1. 😂 I was also expecting that. Their CoZ fight is awesome. What more if they will be in eden together for 45 days 😂

  2. لازم يكون هناك علمية بحث عن الزومبي وعن الموارد

    1. This fk stupid this plus the new rules of migration, most states will die, the hell of system do they use to pair the states

    2. I think this is fair because they are very powerful. If they are different groups, it is unfair to other state.

    3. With 347 a much weaker state with no chance to even make top 50 for a reward. Great work devs

      1. 这游戏的客服太差了!而且没有投诉通道,对于他们恶劣的服务态度,我们一点办法都没有!

  3. General strike, nobody goes to Eden. Strike! Strike! Strike! The wear and tear of Eden does not compensate for the awards and amount of rss spent.

      1. DD nothing to look forward to for our aliance as we are not allowed to take part cause the strongest aliance wants to dictate who are alowed to play or not which i say is bullshit!all in state has the right to play!

  4. Where is #43 in dd grup 🤦‍♂️u missed to put us what’s wrong with you guys

  5. Göbbels: Do you want the total war?
    LS devs: yes

    But seriously how can you put several super states into one group? You didn’t think that through right?

  6. These groups are total shit. If you are going to have more difficult groups then those groups should be compensated accordingly.

  7. How in the world is low tier silver coz state grouped together with a high tier legendary state? Wtf is wrong with you developers and administrators?

  8. Warum ist der Staat 231 in Gruppe 4 und da zu noch Staat 191 dass ist scheiße

  9. Eden is shit. New migration rules are shit. The only thing you’re worry about is money. Shame

  10. What the hell??????? Groups have 10 states and groups with 30 states????? What the fuck are you thinking??? That’s ridiculous!!!!!

  11. Абсолютно несправедливое распределение. Каким образом в каждом сезоне 370-е и 380-е штаты могут конкурировать с 320-ми? Проиграв первый и второй сезоны им же, 370-380 стали ещё слабее, получив меньше сезонных героев. С каждым сезоном разница в пользу более ранних и более сильных за этот счёт штатов только увеличивается.

  12. How about you put immigration back and get rid of Eden like your whole player base has been asking for! Are you guys really that brain dead?

  13. You put 18 and 35 again in the same group you must be blind man really bad for the game reputation las eden we had them and now again…really bad and poor decissions lately from developers

  14. 18 vs 35 again you must be blind the gropus are more retarded than ever,developers you do really bad and poor job in your customers service your not listening to any off the players you just think on the money that customers invest…last eden we had 35 against 18 and now again🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  15. لدينا في مجموعتنا 29 دولة مشاركة في حرب نهاية العالم دد. بينما في مجموعات اخرى اقل من ذالك. لماذا ؟ 😢

  16. Pinned us down in our states so that we are forced to play Eden. That’s what the new immigration rules seem that they are about. When every state has told you that they do not like Eden then how is it a good marketing strategy to keep it?

  17. Idiots! Unbelievable how many idiots of developer… This game is now dead for me.. Well done! 👌👍
    Every update are bader and bader…

  18. Idiots! Unbelievable how many idiots of developer… This game is now dead for me.. Well done! 👌👍
    Every update are bader and bader…

  19. 29 states maybe 3aliances on each state =87 alainces on 1 map? Realy? 🤦🤦🤦🤦

  20. Colocou 51 com 65, 66, 109, 150?????? Estão loucos nem vou teleportar pro Éden. Perca de tempo, palhaçada isso.

  21. Grupo 1 o estado 51? Estão loucos só pode. Melhor nem entrar no Éden, querem matar os estados menores mesmo.

  22. Lamentablemente es muy aburrido el Edén…..y solo esta pensada para bases 25 con t9 … Una lastima ver como las demas bases de lvl bajo miran y se sienten inutiles.

  23. 140 plata vs 18,3 y mas en legenda, pues como calculan las agrupaciones, el mas fuerte vs el mas débil?

  24. When do you gimuys understand that you need to stop their money flow before you make demands for change… As long as most people pay as they usually do, then they won’t listen if they haven’t listened till now….

  25. Arruinaron completamente DD, me siento muy desilusionada de los desarrolladores, lo más entretenido eran las guerras de alianza te permitía organizar tu tiempo, el formato eden es una porquería… Gracias por arruinar lo mas entretenido del juego 😡

  26. Stop wasting your time with eden, return old migration terms and get rid of top 32 states that thing is stupid.. You losing players every day more and more, listen to your players please or you will ruin your own game

  27. I think this is fair because they are very powerful. If they are different groups, it is unfair to other state.

  28. Warum packt ihr Staaten aus der Legenden Grzppe mit Staaten auf der Silber Gruppe zusammen? Wir soll da ein ausgewogenes Spielen möglich sein?

  29. Will the developers fix the inequity if the latest migration rule change? They announce a major rule change with just 5 days notice but the real problem is they only mention in passing that they will be limiting the states you can migrate to but when the rule comes out, the limitation on states you can migrate to dramatic. We migrated twice, and under the new rule we can’t even migrate to the first state we went to let alone our new state. We started to migrate when the rule was announced yet a vast majority of my alliance wanted to wait a month so they could buy a second permit at 4.99 but now they can never join us. Other alliances members want to join us in our new state as old state is collapsing and the small portion of my alliance that did migrate in time found a good state, but they can’t. Change the rule developers now to eliminate the state limitations or at least suspend it until January so people can rejoin their friends. If it’s not changed within the week as dd will start at reset, nearly everyone in my alliance will quit the game as will the numerous other players from my old state and many of these spend a lot on this game.

  30. Mas por que colocar o 236 em um grupo tão difícil? 😂😂😂 Rindo mas o desespero será grande

  31. I think we all know about „pay-to-win”, doesn’t we?
    So don’t be so sad.
    If you don’t wanna pay: accept to lose or play as best as you can without money.
    Or you can pay for being the Biggest-Balls-Boss in Last Shelter.
    Two possibilities for everyone. Y’all should remember: this is your free decision to play or leave this game.

  32. 老服的 好幾月才一次末日 現在不到一個月就新的賽季 那麼快?是要幹嘛死要錢嘛~移民改成這樣我耖 唉棄遊比較實在

  33. Once again this game starts a new part of the game and most of it don’t work! Get with the program! Get rid of this dd waist of time! One part the game say to take plots then you go try take plots and game say that not available yet! Waist of time! Who pays me for the time I waisted?

  34. Devs fix the game!!! Our alliance ported directly to lvl 5 plots at the start of eden when we should be at the sand to occupy lvl 1. Now we are stuck because we are not allowed to occupy lvl 5 without lvls 1 2 3 4. We are tring to occupy lvl 1 but it says no adjcent tile.

  35. 151 in same group as 83 and 126 is a joke. 151 can’t even enter Eden without being attacked from 83. Eden is Absolutely rubbish.

  36. Stupid moron develp.
    How stupid are you guys? It doesnt matter for you guys it seems. Earning enough from the big spenders and let the others down.

  37. Defect report…I was in Eden. Left Eden. Now, I do not have the button to allow me to re enter Eden. Clearing cache and restarting the game have not fixed the problem.

  38. No mas Edén….aburrido . 24hs no se puede estar todo el dia ….se perdio la magia de reunirce a un horario.

  39. DD Eden is the most DUMBEST F#*KING game ever conceived. You get there and surrounded by all maxed out 25 bases, you get wiped have to wait 24hrs only to get wiped again. No one enjoys games like this where only the top people can play.

  40. Eden is horrible. I think I might take my 8 accounts and cancel my arms supply and quit this damn game. you took a perfectly fun game and destroyed it with this crap! first it was the migration rules now eden. you developers need to actually listen to your players or die like the rest

  41. Devs are waiting all old players quit to release base 30 and tX? Nobody is having fun anymore without having things to upgrade and with this horrible dd format. All you guys do is release new heroes and change immigration rules for worst

  42. Por que vocês colocam países tão desigual para lutarem uns contra os outros? tinham que ser países mais próximos, para ser justo, põe um reino antigo e um mais novo pra guerrear é covardia, não acredito que vocês façam isso com plena consciência, pensem nisso, coloquem países similares pra competir, não essa desigualdade e covardia que vocês fazem

  43. Some new rules and restrictions are really annoying. New ones : exit from alliance and join another one, then back.. 48 hours really? Another things that will convince me to uninstall this game 👍

  44. Very very very very very nice thank you so much for the first time I was just thinking

  45. If this continues, the game will be ruined. To make money, un-immig.

  46. If this continues to be ideal, the game will be ruined. If you want to make money and keep a gamer, un-immigrant. pisze:

    If this continues to be ideal, the game will be ruined. If you want to make money and keep a gamer, un-immigrant.

  47. Estimados muy buenos dias
    Llevo jugando un par de años y dentro de todas las inversiones monetarias que hecho no he tenido problema, pero lo que me llama la atencion es que compre una base de lujo en su interior y despues de una actualizacion volvio a la normalidad, ni quisiera decirte lo que me demoré en tener la base de lujo y ahora paff de la nada desaparecio… y lo invertido para que decir. Nada devuelto.

  48. Je me suis rendu compte ce matin que je ne pouvais plus localiser les membres de mon alliance,j ai relancé le jeu,rien a faire ,le probléme persiste,pouvez vous m’aider?merci d’avance.

  49. Je n arrive plus à localiser lescmembres de mon alliance.pouvez vous m’aider?merci

  50. Fk this game hard to upgrade base even orange hero or S hero cant get one!i’ve been playing for this game for almost 2 years,until now im steel weak cant upgrade much

  51. Hy developers, me and states feels boring in eden, i know my state low and why must fight with big state there ? , its not funny,sorry this is serious im not want play last shelter again, many people complaint, and stop play last shelter, people want normal dooms day again. Im serious thank you

  52. joining other alliance should be easy… em expelled from alliance and now I have to wait 24 hours…during all this time any idiot can attack nd plunder RSS… Fuck uh…

  53. There is a terrible bug where yoi cannot appoint new Recruiter, guardians or diplomats etc…. pleaseeeee fix asap

  54. 161- 240 I am asking for better group dd support because it is a joke in our second group, state 179 has already won everything and 36 days are left. the rest of the state is no longer playing dd

  55. 161- 240 I am asking for better group dd support because it is a joke in our second group, state 179 has already won everything and 36 days are left. the rest of the state is no longer playing dd

  56. Hi I wanted to ask how possible to attack ac2 without destroying ac1? Is it a glitch? Oris it really possible? It happen to us just now. Please check.

  57. Con respecto a la cantidad de construcciones que tenemos por recursos externos, antes eran 7 y ahora son 2 por recursos. Una mierda ese cambio, queremos nuevamente las 7 construcciones por recursos externos

  58. con respecto a la cantidad de construcciones que tenemos por recursos externos, antes eran 7 y ahora son 2 por recursos, un mierda la última actualización, vuelvan a las 7 granjas por recursos

  59. Ya paren con esta cosa, aburre y desespera
    Necesitan un mejor filtro en cuanto a las alianzas dentro de los estados
    Meten alianzas débiles contra otras que deberían estar en categorías más altas
    Alianzas con bases 19 y 20 contra alianzas con bases 24 y 25

  60. J turr7irnrkeigtTgeZtZugtzutrzhfgufrhuzrhtrtfdzubhr
    fkdiejfudiihejfjehfbdidvkdjd fixvdifjejidjrkfifkeorl ieirbrkfkrjerkfjfbkdjfkfhflfjgbfldkld kfkfk flfidirvfk ldkkd dkkdkdkjrlrjfbrfojfbfkfbfnfnfbfifbfbgngfknfnfbfnfngnkf fkkfkfkfkfkfkgkgkkggnngngngngngngn gngngkgnkgg fkkfkgkgkgbgbgngngngngngkgkggg kfkg fglgjrkeke lrorljfnfkfjfnfkfkfkfkfkrlgkfnkrkgkfkrl fllflfkfn gnfkfkkfkrkrkfkkkfkrkrkfkgkgkgkkgkrkr gigkkhkhiirkrl
    hiirutjgigirigigiigigihiiglfkrkrkkkrlrrgthh j ldodkdoR8rkei
    EufjtgJgdHterhfffrt f ljbzcjurjei2cgjeiehrjeoebrkfudvekejrjfidjekfufjfufufifjfkfjfifekrjjffjfjjfrktbtvtjrjr riehtbfbgbgbgbbgbfjjfkjkkjjjfjejhfjdjfjfjfrbfnffhzztzt tut ttirkirkjjf rkjfjfjfjfjfkfjfjfjffjfjfjjfjfjfjfjfkfkfjfjgkgirvrjrjfjgjtkrktjtktottht tktotijrnrkfj

  61. После недавнего обновления игры пришло уведомление об отзыве товара. Якобы вы не правельно получали некоторые предметы в игре, исчезли медали синего героя. Дак вот что хотел бы сказать, данным способом крафта пользуется вся игра более того вам люди деньги платят вкладывают в игру, вы их таким способом отблагодарили?
    Хотелось бы подчеркнуть что Администрация таким образом высказала свое наплевательское отношение на игроков и неуважение к тем кто вкладывает деньги в игру и кормит всю их команду.. Я считаю что вы убили эту игру данной выходкой..

  62. Saludos a todos mis compañeros del los Cabos san Lucas y el juego de la..

  63. Eden is so shit, can it or revamp it… e.g. where single alliances (not whole states) are matched against similar strength alliances. Currently whether your top alliance or not it’s just a bore fest of everyone waiting for the final day or two to snipe. Better still bring back classic DD and make it so other alliances can’t interfere in anyway when a war is happening.

  64. Revert migration rules.
    If big spenders complain that people leave the state, they probably shouldn’t act like idiots while collecting food stamp irl.

  65. The devs now dont help players or state… They just put you in a situation that you can do nothing but to stay weak or stay strong…

  66. Every time this game bevoming worse. Rules about migration are so unfair i cant join to my friends. Gap between spenders and no spenders is unbridgeable. Eden if you are not a spender is impossible to play. I cant get an hero s aleays blu and green heroes. So boring. I will leave the game and mostly of my friends too. We speaking about 1000 accounts. It sucks.

  67. Del tutto inutile giocare, passa la voglia, soprattutto di spendere soldi , non c’è un minimo di equilibrio, tutto scelto fin dall’inizio.

  68. I think the Devs are pitting super states against weak states to encourage the weak players to spend money on upgrades & buffs.

    Every update they make has the effect of making it more difficult for players to compete against the pay-to-players.

  69. Seriously? Why we should buy emigration tikets if you idiots developers have limited states for migration, instead of doing something good for the game, you just kill it . Congratulation idiots developers team.

  70. After 18 months, my technology and buildings are maxed , eden is really bad this game is too boring for me now, what a waste of money live and learn I guess but I was a big promoter of the game when it was fun

  71. Tenga horas sin poder entrar a mi cuenta principal y no he recibido respuesta es fin se de semana y hay guerras, además que uno invierte dinero en el juego y la respuesta es muy desinteresada pésimo servicio

  72. I have read every comment posted on here for the passed 2 months. You should go back to the regular DD set up. Change the migrating rules back. And stop this Eden bullshit. I used to spend money on here. Now even as a pay to play it’s not even worth it. Myself and thousands of other players are talking about quitting and not coming back. I can go spend 400 usd a month elsewhere. Eden has ruined this game. There is no chance to grow if all that keeps happening is getting hit over and over and over. Cant teleport. They can fallen you even with you out of eden. I have been playing over a year and this is no longer a game myself or others enjoy. As a business owner myself I would highly advise you to change your thought process and go back a few steps. A cash cow of a game you made is about to die if you keep it up. It’s your business and game you can drive it how you see fit but I see failure ahead. Good luck.

  73. Put all the farmsville states in one group and put a coin state in with it. I guess they don’t understand if it was not for the coun players thesevgamevwould not be here. I think you need to go all way to state 799 if you want to make it interesting put all the Koreans together. Seem they get there packs on the cheap.

  74. 769区7nm盟的执情三生 伙同 减肥成功就改名 在活动冠军对决中打加赛 战斗机高的一方空车对决 全盟牟取海量钻石资源 致使游戏失去平衡 我有全套的战斗报告截图 已经举报 希望官方还我们一个公平的游戏环境

  75. Muito bom o jogo mais tem hora que eu tento faz uma construção e aparece um tal de Iv capítulo

  76. Population of the state should be taken into account. We are a state with less than 100 active and we are fighting off a state with almost 400 active lol 🤯
    You only have so much dura… they simply just out number you…

  77. New migration rules, my state is dead and I couldn’t move because I needed 10 tickets, you change rules again and now i need 11 tickets need i say more🤦‍♂️

  78. Nous cherchons des joueurs base 22,23,24,25 pour jouer la saison x domdays ( eden)dans le 320 .

  79. Permainan sangat bagus saya sudah bermain selama 2,tahun terimakasih last Shelter:Survival, telah menemain ku bermain ini ok,

  80. Olá!
    Sou jogador do estado 127 recomendo não migrar para esse estado que tanto me prejudicou fui expulso da aliança HK2 horas antes de terminar evento doomsday, a diretoria de TW1 nada fez a meu favor 40 dias de evento para não ganhar nada eu não fui o único expulso. Pensem bem antes de migrar principalmente se for brasileiro.
    Abraço e bom jogo Manchado

  81. Price increased of all stuff, don’t know if laugh or cry.
    (I know this has nothings to do with the original post)

  82. Did they update the Destroyer missile range again? Is it back down to 18km minimum safe distance to an AC? Or is it still 25km?

  83. Hola, pueden decir cuando comenzará Eden para el estado 126? En este momento el juego no tiene sentido sin el evento de Eden.. tiene que pasar poco tiempo desde el fin de una temporada hasta el inicio de la siguiente, de lo contrario es muy aburrido seguir..

  84. So nice energy water to drink for my workers please and thank you and if you have time to come and look if none of my workers or in you

  85. Ugh Eden again lol. Just curious when is starting this week? Why do devs not give us some notice.

  86. During season if player leaves alliance do his points earned stay with alliance or the player?

  87. 只是在公共频道发了四句收资源你就把我花了大量金钱的号永久封号是不是过分了!

  88. El 127 está contra nosotros (230) en hegemonía se supone que ellos son del 1 al 160
    Que pasa?

  89. Another update with minor change…MAKE SOME FUCKING NEW CONTENT DAANG IT! This game is getting pretty boring asf

  90. Я играю уже 2 года , вложил больше 2000 евро , но уроды разработчики до сих пор не чего не сделали , герои самые простые !!!🤦🤧😂 мои друзья не потратили ни одного цента у них ситуация на много лучше , игра даёт часто разных героев !!!

  91. 请尽快帮我把重置密码信息收不到的事情解决一下要玩都没办法玩

  92. 这游戏的客服太差了!而且没有投诉通道,对于他们恶劣的服务态度,我们一点办法都没有!

  93. that îs fair … group one has 10 states in eden And group six has 30 states in eden..every one in group one will have rewards ….

  94. I have issues with upload new pic to my awatar. That button doesnt work. Please fix it.

  95. Ragazzi cambiano regole a loro piacere eliminano la possibilità di comprare biglietti migrazione eroe non escono mai praticamente dei ladri in questo gioco gli sviluppatori

  96. Gli sviluppatori pensino solo al denaro e non al piacere delle persone
    Non rispondono mai alle email questo e una cosa scorretta spendi tanti soldi in questo gioco e alla fine non esce mai eroe cambiano le regole della migrazione a loro piacimento fuck

  97. Your customer service is abysmal my account got hacked and you are punishing me for it. I have asked repeatedly for help and know one has even bothered to contact me or fix my account. This has cost me a lot of rss and time and frustration. Please someone help me.

  98. 建造联盟中心后,找不到建造荣誉建筑物,更新游戏,出来后直接切换到别的号上,这是什么原因,急急急

  99. 建筑联盟中心后,游戏界找不到荣誉建筑物,点更新游戏直接切换到别的号上,这是原因,建造没有荣誉建筑物?求解。

  100. Что эти куколды сделали с героем Нора? Что за унылое гавно теперь вместо неё?! Зачем???

  101. Подскажите друзья, что будет после сезона Х? После Эдема? Заново 1 сезон начнётся?

  102. most boring strategy game. events not good enough, to many bugs, heroes ok but compared to other games far behind, and over powered players can destroy to play events to get rewards. teamwork is less important than having an overpowered base migrated to state. on the end most powerful feature where need to spend money is migration, boring

  103. How about some good heros in the token shop, it’s been 5 weeks since s1, where is the s2 s3 please

  104. Last Shelter:Survival provides to the other survivors and welcomes them to stay at their camps and a safe welcoming place.

  105. اريد اشتري ماس يقول قيد التهدئة لماذا لي شهر وانا احول

  106. Instead of changing the helicopter to make it so -Leo-Level spend more money, focus on the real issues. People cannot play dd because of asshole bigger alliances burning ac’s if you touch a tile. Nobody in the states that I have been in is looking forward to eden because of these super alliances that dictate everyone. Fix the issue or refund my money. I can’t play the game…. refund my money.

  107. Merhaba oyun kurucu başkanı 2 gün dür dünya dilleri çeviri çalışmiyor nedense siz sunucunu yükseltikten sonra lütfen kontrol ediniz

  108. No creo que sea justo colocar los estados más fuertes contra estados más débiles debería haber un mejor balance al parecer solo usan los estados más débiles como entretenimiento para los Estados fuertes

  109. Buenas he visto que 2 veces me han bajado mis puntos de hegemonía, lo cual no me agrada, pues cual es la gracia entonces ,ya que la idea es subir y si ustedes le quitan puntos a cada jugador ,no vale la pena seguir jugando .

  110. Je peu pas mal de 6 jours de jeu de jeu de la chèvre de jeu c’est un peu de la série et je

  111. А как так получается что ТОП альянс решает как и кто и когда и на кого нападет в судном дне. почему нет выбора, почему альяс с 5 места по рейтинговой таблице нападает на альянс который стоит на 15 месте, а альянсу на 15 месте даже не может обьявить войну кому хочет, например альянсу на 14 месте или 11.

  112. Eden is garbage and ill quit if it continues
    Bring back original DD!!!!

  113. only pay to win or die. there must be something for those who gave their time. WhaleUsers destroyoo the concept of the game. this should be play smart or money. but it seems only money to all my family members now. boring as hell now.

  114. How join to this mission?my brother game automatically join this mission and doomsday conquest but my last shelter dosent join this mission.pls help me.

  115. Hello. Why don’t you translate the game into Romanian as well? We could be many players if we understood him🙂

  116. When migrate open for state 929 also can i migrate from 454 stars to state 929
    If anyone know plz inform I will be grateful for you

  117. Eden X is the worst event I have ever seen in this game.. Even grouping is not correct at all

  118. Grouping is garbage. We’re in a state full of big spenders and only get bullied around. „Eden, anew stage for everyone” What a load of crap, Eden is for lining the pockets of the Last Shelter team while the smaller guilds who shouldn’t even be in the same state with these big guys get stomped. Eden is garbage

  119. Good luck with the new York times and the new York times and the new York times and Washington times reports on your computer that is a very good idea for a company to be a good person and you have a f and some people have to

  120. 693 teyim oyun adım LastAssasian 2 adet göç bileti isteniyor 1 adet alabilecek gücüm var 1 adet hediye göndermenizi rica ediyorum teşekkür ederim.

  121. Pink tiles problem. In our own state , enemy tiles from other state is showing a white tiles in our state. Better to fix this

  122. Merhabalar oyun içerisinde yardımcı olabilecek yöneticiye ihtiyacım var.server değişimi yapmak istiyorum lakin hiçbir yere taşımama izin vermiyor bu konuda yardımcı olursanız memnun olurum teşekkürler

  123. Merhabalar oyun içerisinde yardımcı olabilecek yöneticiye ihtiyacım var.server değişimi yapmak istiyorum lakin hiçbir yere taşımama izin vermiyor bu konuda yardımcı olursanız memnun olurum teşekkürler

  124. hello guys … a question about dd
    does anyone know how long before the battle we can change the location of the alliance’s ac

  125. Always the same problems, strong alliances against wraker one? This game has no relationship with fair play

  126. Cuando piensan poner héroes por monedas en el estado 170 e esperado los s2 hace más de seis meses nisiquiera han puesto S1.

  127. State 391 (gold state) has been paired with 4 legendary states for DD. They are in our state bullying us. Countless alliances are camping here. The worst are from 461 (IGS), 327 (ALL), and 329. Our state is quitting DD. There’s no point. These alliances have more than double our top state alliance power. A new rumor is that IGS works with the devs and got to pick the match up. Also they personally threatened to burn buildings every day after taking tiles inside the ac4 buildings radius back. We have pictures if anyone doubts it. Also the grouping in the picture, that is NOT the grouping 391 ended up with. Not at all

  128. State 391 (gold state) has been paired with 4 legendary states for DD. They are in our state bullying us. Countless alliances are camping here. The worst are from 461 (IGS), 327 (ALL), and 329. Our state is quitting DD. There’s no point. These alliances have more than double our top state alliance power. A new rumor is that IGS works with the devs and got to pick the match up. Also they personally threatened to burn buildings every day after taking tiles inside the ac4 buildings radius back. We have pictures if anyone doubts it. Also, the grouping in the pictures above is NOT the grouping 391 got. Not at all.

  129. Είστε απαράδεκτη ουτε ενα Στρατηγώ δεν δίνετε με τόσα ευρώ που βάλαμε

  130. Ola bom dia, quero deixar uma sugestão a respeito de migração,poderia mudar o tempo de resfriamento pra compra dos tikets…com isso haveria uma maior rotatividade de vendas de tikets e nois jogadores poderia ficar mais confortável em um estado de preferência.

  131. Even with your new update that doesn’t allow for honor buildings to be attacked during peacetime, there are instances when a whole different alliance comes in and wipes out all our immunity buildings even when we are in war with another alliance.. This is really detrimental and leads to bullying by stronger alliances.. They just show up every war to take down our buildings.. This should really stop if you want to keep this game balanced.. No. 2 alliance attacking no. 15 makes no sense.. Kindly try bringing an update where only the Alliances at war can attack each others honor buildings.. That would help balance this game alot.. Because this is the reason I’ve seen many people quit the game altogether.. Also this bullying leads to mental stress and anxiety to many.. A game should be fun and challenging, not stressful and mental harmful.. Please consider this suggestion, I’m speaking on behalf of many like me! Thank you!

  132. What kind of hero is ” coming soon”😒
    A lot of possible heroes to have but not a good excuse of giving a coming soon hero useless reward

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