Get Treasure in Eden with Eden Coin

Legend has it that the treasure in Eden contains the secret of genesis. Only the champion could have it.

Starting from the new season in November, States getting to Season X will be able to see “specialized combat suit” and “Flex Ability” in the Doomsday Shop. The goods will be updated every season. You may use the new Eden Coins to purchase stuffs there.

Available in:
States getting to Season X
(For States in the middle of Season X, the Eden Coin will be available in the next season.)

How to get Eden Coins?

Season Reward (Winner Reward) – Core Rewards & Guild Master Rewards for #1 Guild: 3 Eden Coins

Season Reward (Winner Reward) – Powerhouse Rewards & Member Rewards for #1 Guild: 1 Eden Coin

Season Reward (Winner Reward) – Core Rewards & Guild Master Rewards for #2 Guild: 2 Eden Coins

Season Reward (Winner Reward) – Powerhouse Rewards & Member Rewards for #2 Guild: 1 Eden Coin

Season Reward (Winner Reward) – Core Rewards & Guild Master Rewards for #3 Guild: 1 Eden Coin

Season Reward (Winner Reward) – Powerhouse Rewards & Member Rewards for #3 Guild: 1 Eden Coin

Lv. 50 Rewards in Season Challenge: 2 Eden Coins

Rewards for 100% Progress in Season Techs: 2 Eden Coins

Season Gift Rewards: 1 Eden Coin

Specialized Combat Suits

Huntress – Ghostly Light (Permanent)

Use to receive a specialized combat suit for Huntress.

Additional Attribute

Combat Attribute – Troop Might: +5%, Outfit Attribute – Enhance skill „Jungle Duel”

Jungle Duel – Enhanced:

When the Hero’s squad deals Damage, ignores some of enemy squads' Base Resistance. For the first 4 rounds, the Hero’s squad aims at the enemy squad at the same position in its Formation in normal attacks, and ignores double the share of Base Resistance of the enemy.

This item cannot be gifted.

Glutton – Big Eater (Permanent)

Use to receive a specialized combat suit for Glutton.

Additional Attribute

Combat Attribute – Troop Might: +5%, Outfit Attribute – Enhance skill „Unhinged Binge”

Unhinged Binge – Enhanced

For the first 3 rounds, Damage taken by all ally squads drops greatly. Following the effect, starting from round 4, some Damage dealt by the back-row squad will be used to restore the power of the front-row squad (still effective when what the Hero leads is not the front-row squad).

This item cannot be gifted.

Fortuneteller – Priestess of Fate (Permanent)

Use to receive a specialized combat suit for Fortuneteller.

Additional Attribute

Combat Attribute – Troop Might: +5%, Outfit Attribute – Enhance skill „Chains of Fate”

This item cannot be gifted.

Chains of Fate – Enhanced

There’s a chance to make all enemy squads subjected to the chain effect. When one squad is taking Damage, the other two will take Damage as well. Lasts two rounds.

Not only can the Eden Coins be used to purchase Specialized Combat Suits, but also the “Flex Abilities.”

Flex Ability

On top of the existing abilities acquired in Particle Reconstructions, Heroes can also acquire some additional abilities, dubbed Flex Abilities.

There are five types of Flex Abilities. They are Basic, Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary. They can be strengthened with designated materials.

When a Flex Ability is enhanced from Epic to Legendary quality, there will be breakthrough attributes for you to choose from.

Use designated materials to make the breakthrough.

The further the breakthrough goes, the more powerful the breakthrough attribute will be.

Later, we’ll post a more detailed blog on the Flex Ability.

(*Please refer to the in-game content for final info.)

  1. I can’t help but fear this will negatively impact eden, with only the top 3, really top #1 getting all the items for Max upgrade. I hope I’m wrong.

    If nothing else it will further increase spread between a very small group of players, and create tension with guild as member fight among each other and pester the guildcmaster for core.

    1. yes only for the people who has the money i don’t work so i can’t buy so how can we growtell me that please

    2. What you talking about? These are rewards for winning Eden. There is no pay to play involved in these.

      This pushes rewards for diplomacy and working with other alliances in Eden to form a strong guild. They can’t be purchased and require smart play.

      1. There’s clear pay to play involved, most Eden winners are the ones with the most spenders, and the flex abilities have even more pay to win stats involved.

  2. Guild master our messing players over every season I hate the game gives them so much power over other players working hard, then at end of season they screw them out of there rightful rewards. Until fixed I know alot of people who will not play anymore.

  3. Without the gurentee we will get the rewards we earn there’s no point in joining any Eden I’m tired of earning rewards for others.

  4. The Guild Master just Ripped us off by not giving out the RIGHT REWARDS. I will not be spending any money or playing EDEN until we are guaranteed to get the right rewards!!!!!!!!!!!!! P. S. I am looking for a new game to play this game is starting really piss me off.

  5. Just more things to spend money on … Hurry up, get out your wallet … new content is ready for everyone to buy. Pay-to-Win is really a thing in this game..!

  6. I love this game so far pretty awesome but I’m a gamer that kind of alleged the game and it’s good so far I give you four and a half card

  7. Stop introducing things that are useless, and focus on fixing what still isn’t fixed: the system for assigning players to Eden works by putting the entire alliance into one sector. The ratio of gold tickets used to SX heroes gained understated below criticism. It’s not the cash itself that the game is based on, but the players.

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