
Smoke from the battles have yet to dissapate, but the flames of conflicts have already been rekindled. Eden – Dissension is about to begin!

Let’s take a look at the brand new gameplay optimizations!


A completely new map design that has nearly doubled in size, reaching an area of 2,560,000 grids!

This colossal continent is just waiting for you to explore it!

(Effects and various numbers are subject to changes before going online).


New Eden Terrain: Rivers

Like Mountains, Rivers function as a blocking terrain that prohibit APCs from crossing directly.

New Eden Checkpoint: Bridges

If Commanders want to cross over to the other side of the River, they’ll first need to occupy the Checkpoint: Bridge.

(Effects and various numbers are subject to changes before going online).


Optimized the refreshing of territories for more resource plots and wider development space.


New Level Mechanic

Leveling up the Guild now increases the Guild member limit directly, without any other requirements.

(Effects and various numbers are subject to changes before going online).

Guild Recruitment

Upon occupying a city in another Sector (excluding Checkpoints), the occupying Guild can recruit Commanders of that Sector to join their Guild.


New Truce Mechanic

A new Truce mechanic will be added to Eden, providing a better balance between combat and daily life.

The system will automatically place Cities under Protection status on Truce Days. Cities cannot be attacked while under Protection status.

Cities can only be attacked on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays (Game Time)

Damaged Status

A City will erupt in flames and enter the Damaged Status when its City Durability is reduced to a certain value. While in the Damaged Status, the City’s Immunity requirements will be massively reduced. Specific reduction effects are as follows:

(Effects and various numbers are subject to changes before going online).

(Effects and various numbers are subject to changes before going online).

New Season Rewards added

New Guild Development, Personal Achievement Rewards added

Guilds and their Commanders can obtain magnificent rewards by meeting the corresponding Guild Development and Personal Achievement reward conditions.

Note: The Guild Development reward and Personal Achivement reward can each be claimed once only.



Battle Mech – α

      1. Хочу пожелать создателям игры чтобы они подавилась моими деньгами! И чтобы насмерть подавилась. Мошенники!

      2. Хочу пожелать создателям игры чтобы они подавилась моими деньгами! И чтобы насмерть подавилась. Мошенники!

      3. Why would the new change to t9 to t10 troops not include enhanced t9? I paid the price for the enhanced t9 so why wouldn’t we be able to promote them to t10 troops as well?

      1. ชอบที่ข้ามสะพานมาได้

      2. Nicht jeder darf mitmachen. Das ist scheisse und diskriminierend. Die kleineren können keine punkte machen und weitereachsen. Der alte DD ist besser.

    1. Bonjour,
      Clic sur le panneau d’aide a côté de la base puis sur “mon service client”.

      Bonne journée.

    2. Why don’t you guys make small and more maps…. Where everyone can enjoy good game

      1. Pas du tous équilibré, toujours pareille, trop de gens qui payent, ceux qui ne le font pas n’obtiennent rien en récompense pour évoluer. Jeux à éviter finalement, tous est fait pour ne pas donner l’envie de continuer

    3. Buenos días por favor necesito ayuda desde el día de ayer ten o problemas que me retiran los diamantes en grandes cantidades sin yo utilizarlo y tenia 29,800 diamantes aproximadamente y el día siguiente solo tengo 47 diamantes y el día de hoy tenia mas I menos 3mil y me aparece 940 diamante snecesito ayuda por favor

      1. Hola, he leído tu problema. Tú eres el único que usa tu cuenta? Si es así, haz capturas de pantalla indicando tu problema a esta gente. Yo cuando he tenido problemas super me los han solucionado.

    4. How do I change my email id used for login. I’m discontinuing my email and wanted to update my latest one here.

    5. I need help. I am being picked on. I am being attacked over and over by the same people. This is making the game unplayable. I buy resources only to have them taken away. Can you help me?

      1. Eric, if you are still in the game join a strong guild or clan. Try to get one that uses Accord. good luck my friend.

        p/s this is a boring game, all these clowns do istry to get into your pocket. be carefull,

      1. Shouldnt have to move to another state because of weaker bullying plsyers
        Get strong, get even

      2. Shouldnt have to move to another state because of weaker bullying plsyers
        Get strong, get even
        Annon is an ass

    6. Je n’ai plus accès aux récompenses de la course individuelle a l’armement !?
      Bug ?!

  1. Just hope the groupings are fair this time after many seasons of having to deal with completely unfair groupings, I hope the devs have it figured out and stop with excuses and stop with unfair groupings trying to make money off of smaller alliances. I have yet to see a fair season in nearly 3 years of gameplay….

      1. Pussy. Get better and stop bitching. Fair would be you to spend money and be better so it wasnt like beating the shit out of a 4 yesr old when i face you. Just quit and kill yourself.

      2. Its more likely someone spending tons of money on this game and calling others pussies should kill themselves. We don’t need your pathetic DNA mucking up the gene pool. Stay online in your fantasy world where you can pretend people actually care about you.

      1. I am not a spender but i also dont lose very often as i learned how to grow properly without spending money in this game. So it is possible to do it just find an older player from one of the superstates and ask for help in what to do to get stronger without spending money.

      1. heck I am supposed to be in a teaching guild, gonna make me strong . B/S. Anytime I ask a question, either no answer, some ahole with attitude and no idea what the answer is

    1. They won’t because it’s made on purpose. It’s not a matter of difficulty neither incompetence. They want the big bases and alliances, mostly Asians, to fight smaller alliances so that their paying costumers feel powerful.

    2. They won’t because it’s made on purpose. It’s not a matter of difficulty neither incompetence. They want the big bases and alliances, mostly Asians, to fight smaller alliances so that their paying costumers feel powerful.

    3. 😂😂😂it has and always will be about the money🤑💸💵💷💴💶. The Dev’s couldn’t give a Shiz less about the quality of game play!

      1. Please make the cities more abundant so the pregnant nana spenders can beat each other off in capitols and world centers. True god please give us 2k pointz without sweating like pigs on ground hog day.

    4. Pussy. Get better and stop bitching. Fair would be you to spend money and be better so it wasnt like beating the shit out of a 4 yesr old when i face you. Just quit and kill yourself.

      1. Its more likely someone spending tons of money on this game and calling others pussies should kill themselves. We don’t need your pathetic DNA mucking up the gene pool. Stay online in your fantasy world where you can pretend people actually care about you.

    5. After almost 3 years you should be plenty strong enough to play and survive eden. If you arent then you have not learned the proper way to grow without spending schreef:

      I am not a spender but i also dont lose very often as i learned how to grow properly without spending money in this game. So it is possible to do it just find an older player from one of the superstates and ask for help in what to do to get stronger without spending money.

      1. I spent only 49₹ Indian rupees to change my name that’s it. My base lvl 25 . Me at r4 . Never spent single money

    6. You cannot blame them devs for trying to make money off of you when this is what they developed this game for – money making. Players who cannot afford will always become entertainment for those who can.

      1. All alone
        You bear your sadness
        No one to care
        Nowhere to hide from the darkness
        Deep inside
        You hold a secret of regret
        Every time disappointment visits
        Your step will hasten to journey’s end
        Every path you follow leads to a lost Eden
        Our last heaven…
        Now you leave,your scarred history in the cool waters of the stream
        On its banks
        You will see a map to the stars
        To Spica’s domain…

  2. La verda que tendría que ser un juego más justo .por que sino sos nivel 25 no podés ganar nada.

    1. Я просто оставлю это здесь. Не надо нам делать лучше, сохраните как было хорошо

  3. Hope a better matchmaking….

    Please, troops power is not important…only heroes, tech, building power

    Last eden…the same alliance occupied all capitals in one week

  4. Agreed on the bracketing issue, they always separate all the strong states and group with dead states. Ive’d witnessed it for 7 seasons already.

  5. You guyz should replace the old dd with this eden forever.
    Eden is so much better than DD.
    Better rewards,
    cooler contents(mountains,rivers, bridges,etc),
    Guild options
    Apc energy is different from apc dura of your state, Etc. Etc.
    Everything is awesome about eden.

    1. God no. Eden sucks. Haven’t been able to work with entire alliance in 3 seasons. Stupid. There’s never enough space in a guild for everyone so we’re always split up causing many to just quit the game entirely. Why have an alliance at all?

  6. They won’t because it’s made on purpose. It’s not a matter of difficulty neither incompetence. They want the big bases and alliances, mostly Asians, to fight smaller alliances so that their paying costumers feel powerful.

    1. Hopefully the developer will fix the bracket of each state. The small guilds are become pathetic when faced with strong guilds.

  7. Will be the same usual shit with mismatched groupings to get people to spend money as usual.
    Your rewards never balance the RSS being used and packs having to be bought.
    Bullshit as always from the greedy devs. 🖕🖕🖕🖕

  8. By increasing the area in Eden, they have just made it more difficult to grow as we have lesser tile limit when compared to normal dd event ( dd have same number tiles in both current and other states)

    They should also double tile limit so as to make it effective

  9. Se ve muy interesante, es un súper mapa, y si los mecanismos de ríos generan retrasos en la dominación del mapa, enhorabuena!
    Esperemos que haya competencias más justas y que los buenos premios queden en muchas cuentas

  10. 伊甸園確實很好玩 但國際玩家和國服玩家如果不混合一起那應該更好玩了

  11. Если вновь поместите на 1 карту легендарную , золотую и серебряную группы, я не потрачу в игру ни цента !!!!!

  12. Не надо мудрить и усложнять всем жизнь, верните старое доброе ДД.

  13. Was für ein scheiß! Die Städte können nur noch Dienstag, Donnerstag und Sonntags angegriffen werden.. Falsche Entscheidung. Warum belässt ihr es nicht wie es war!

  14. El emparejamiento anterior fue un desastre, muchas superalianzas vs alianzas pequeñas, una gran mayoria se retiró en las primeras semanas.
    Ahora con los t10 maxeados y BaneBlade full, si el emparejamiento no es preciso, la deserción será mucho mayor.
    Si emparejaran como corresponde, harían una temporada competitiva para todos. Que los grandes peleen entre los grandes y los pequeños peleen con los pequeños, asi de simple.

    1. Coincido con usted, creo que no hay emparejamiento en ningún aspecto, no solo en EDEN, sino también en cuestión de héroes, quizás si permitieran que aquellos que no tenemos tarjetas de crédito pero somos activos tengamos la posibilidad de ganar más medallas para habilitar la Tienda VIP sería justo, yo por ejemplo tenco cientos de miles de puntos VIP y jamás los podré utilizar si solo tengo 700 puntos para abrir la tienda VIP… Llegar a 10.000 puntos es inalcanzable si la alianza no compra miles de paquetes de 100 dólares. No es justo

  15. Эдем это рай ,в раю не надо драться, в раю надо любить.
    Хватит драться, давайте лучше будем договариваться и весь Эдем зевать

  16. This fucking game is such a joke. You fucking dev morons are nothing but retarted. Go fuk your selfs asswholes

  17. Por fin un correo en español, y muy bien por las recompensas individuales gracias debs😁😋🤩🤩🤩🤩

  18. Они не считают наше мнение. Им до лампочки лишь бы вытянуть с нас как можно больше бабла

  19. 2 days of match making to be thrown into a random state! What is the point of match making ??

  20. I love doomsday, but the rewards are not worth fighting for so many weeks. The rewards must be fruitful for everyone in top 50. X heroes to all like in eden if your points make you qualify for a a reward

  21. Would be nice if you would allow me to enter Eden on time. It is very unfair to kindle users.

  22. Thats the thing with big spenders in that state and go to a state that dont spend as much there should be a barrier to make this game fair to all players and to enjoy game. It’s great to see more changes from old

  23. I love the new Eden! Huge map with many obstacles that require plenty of communication. Immunity requirements decreasing after durability thresholds is a great addition as well. Allows more players to participate.

  24. Any progress on getting Amazon to upgrade the game version so I can enter Eden from my kindle? I still cannot update to the current version. And, because if that, I cannot play this DD.

  25. msjsgbysfbvsbybsbgsvsvsvscshsvsst tfvywwiwkjejeejejejejwejeoeyeieikeoekeieeieieieieieieieieieioeoeeeurrieooeeeeeeiekjrieifkdkrkdjhdhkj

  26. You know what would be nice? The ability to lay traps down on tiles that would be activated if an invading enemy attacks them, causing higher troop damage. Only way to avoid them is to use a scout truck, which would be limited.

  27. No es justo que no pueda migrar mis bases a otro estado.
    Ya que solo quiero migrar al estado donde se encuentra mi base principal.
    Del estado 1001 al estado 950

  28. Saludos estimados, deberían de permitir una igualdad en los reglamentos en todos los estados que sus comandantes llevan sus bases a otros estados para tomar fichas, ocupar territorios y obtener recursos, pero estas bases no permiten que uno vaya a su Estados a realizar lo mismo que ellos están realizando, de uno ir a su estado los amanezan a uno en destruir las bases del estado que están saqueando los recursos. En donde queda la igualdad en el juego? Será posible modificar el reglamento en este aspecto, o todo aquel comandante que ha saqueado recursos de otro estado hacer que el sistema o servidor les quite los recursos y sean devueltos al estado o simplemente que el sistema no permita este tipo de acción.

  29. My sniper shooter troops are numbers are being reduced without my base being attacked or any missile attacked. It is only happening to that one troop and it has been going on for over a month. I keep using resources to build up the troops only to see that if I manage to have 4000 plus troops by the time I train them, the troop numbers go to zero. Can someone help solve this issue ?

  30. This eden event is full of bugs and is very glitchy. I train on my territories and it is not counting towards my quests and devs is unable to fix it.

    1. Salom bu oyn juham zor slarham gdvdbdkaigf zhchdoeurvdkz sjchd duvd udbdhd. Dhrhrbdid idhyiwo jgbbxke jdjgks jbd jnhksk ishqo

  31. Hello. I only get bad heroes. it possible to get good heroes. how to get super tickets without buying? Can I Get from you? Liveslimshady inn stat 731.

  32. Can you please stop the recruit in Eden in any guild for last 3 weeks. As many of the player’s leave guild and join other guild at last moment. And also to limit guild to maximum 10 numbers

  33. Чем дальше, тем игра становится не интересная. Вы бы еще больше на одну карту загнали народу! Что бы кроме тех кто платит вам, никто не смог ничего делать. Игра стала зависить только от одного сколько денег ты вложил и сколько еще сможешь вложить. Если не можешь больше вкладывать то тебе ничего не светит в этой игре! Штаты пустеют на глазах, а разрабы все дкмают о деньгах! Скоро у вас народу не останется!

  34. Mi comentario va referente a la producción rapida de las estaciones de recursos en la bace.
    podrían agilizar un poco solo usando un acelerador para todas las estaciones al mismo Tiempo, en lugar de hacerlo de una en una estación,
    Gracias sería de gran ayuda
    Espero su respuesta.
    por favor

  35. 8hgehehsisvegwhwisuusgsgsudgdyheejjdhdhdhdgydhejeiddjjdjdudidhjdidnds
    Yyeuegeheudydue9eu8wg2ehndjd sjdi ene ou neje e e

  36. Para las migraciones forzadas que el sistema programa para los estados muertos
    Sería bueno que se otorgará un pase para migrar, muchos jugadores habren varias cuentas para usarlas como granjas
    Resulta perjudicial para los que terminan en Estados diferentes

  37. ⚠ ACHTUNG! Es wird 54,99 € für einen LKW verlangt, mit dem man aber nicht angreifen kann. Das empfinde ich als falsche Darstellung. Weiter kann man sich nicht mit den Spielemachern auseinander setzen, das ist mehr als schlecht.

  38. A ver cuando empezamos a tener héroes que no seamos repetidos de por vida, que tengo 25 medallas la muerte, en cambio de los s y los x nada, poderoso caballero es Don dinero
    Tanta actuación y seguimos con los mismos problemas de traducción en el chat.
    Por cierto las respuestas a los problemas demasiado lentas para mi gusto

  39. How come I need the alliances help to attack window how come I can’t do it on my own without their alliance help I already got the rigs I needed but something I have to already join the alliance but it says I don’t well how come I need the lights help anyway the joint I mean the track window how come I can’t do it on my own

  40. What about the 10k personal points rewards for those that reached 15k? We did not get them

  41. Buenas para los creadores quiero pedirles algo que hagan mas justo este juego ya que por el hecho de no poder invertirle dinero no pueda uno utilizar ya sea recursos o diamantes para tener premios de los paquetes ya que también invertimos tiempo para este juego

  42. Why are the dd buffs from eden have timers counting down?they will expire before next dd

  43. Почему щит мира снимается раньше срока?Уже 3 раза подряд.Ставлю на 24 часа,а через 12 часов снимается!!!!!И это не первый раз…..

  44. Por favor ya eliminen el sistema de Hegemonía antígua y permitan que juguemos EDEN, creo que es mejor sistema no solo por el trabajo en equipo y la diferencia de horarios, wino también por los héroes, es mejor el EDEN en muchos aspectos.

  45. Wow this was tha first season of DD that I can say fucken sucked monkey balls couldn’t get into guild that was worth a damn maybe we should do a regular DD instead of eden but make some changes to regular DD for better gaming

  46. Wow this was tha first season of DD that I can say fucken sucked monkey balls couldn’t get into guild that was worth a damn maybe we should do a regular DD instead of eden but make some changes to regular DD for better gaming

  47. Trying to change my password during a month. Stupid system and game services. Keep saying pls. Use the same network or server. I keep sending this customer services during a year asking them for same and other services. I never received a replay. After the take from me about 3000$ paying them during my play. Now pretending the don’t know me. My advice to you guys. Don’t spent 1$ on them.

  48. Fufyifitftd7teihct7c8diyft8c8tctd8yctxt7zigxt7xttdihdtvt7ctidtichxihcigc8gctx hixyxh8yxihcihcchlchchoihcho cyicihccyi ohxxig cihchxihchixtidhidtihdguxguzfuxgixchichixihcihchohrbufnxtfbfngufbfyfbfhebfurbrbfjrjrjrjgug rhxygnryrjxyrvfurjryehtrjruebrybryner8sy6hrh

  49. 你是怎么回事儿。你的孩子也在身边了!我的手机📱?你说的我也不会忘记你们是谁

  50. هادي لعبه رائعه جدا في نادي ميزو هاجر عشان هاجر نوت6 هذا كل شيء🤠👻💣🤠

  51. Очень крутая игра мне нравится вы постарались графика прикольная не знаю как вас зовут очень-очень крутая игра

  52. Smoke from the battles have yet to dissapate, but the flames of conflicts have already been rekindled. Eden – Dissension is about to begin!

  53. Can I still except new members in my alliance after I have registered for Eden and waiting for match making?

  54. Grouping is unfair everytime. Legendary , gold grouped with silver small states. They want money nothing much. Unfair the grouping

  55. Developers deliberately matched our 629 state with overpowered states in events. This makes the game unplayable. Event lasts 59 days so basically no point playing. We can all (300 players) as well uninstall for 2 months or at all. Don’t download. Months of playing to trash. Only disappointment and misery. Don’t get cheated it’s fun. It’s not. No reply or compensation from developers. Waste of time.

  56. I was in eden and now im telported back out and cant get back in. What do i do? Is it a glotch? I already had tiles taken too.

  57. Hi, can someone answer me why I Can’t use teleport to my main guild? I couldn’t use it from beginning and still can’t. What could be done?
    Thanks in advance

  58. If all the Apc are marching and the base is attacked then we suffer high losses even if u have higher and stronger defending troops than attacking troops… The attackers send only 100 and you suffer casualties more than thousands… So it’s really unfair… This should be changed…

  59. هذهي العبه جميله جدا أااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااأاا

  60. Olá deveria ter presente pra os 5 ou até os 9 melhor da semana pois nós lutar muito e gasta também e não tem recompensa obrigado.

  61. Tous va bien pour le moment je suis la mais je ne suis pas une femme pouvez vous me donner le Bon personnage avatar merci

  62. The new chat lines not working too good we can’t communicate properly causing issues with players especially on D.D event wish was the same way it was before all the players on different state have the same issues.

  63. Desde que actualice a la nueva version todo lo que escribo en los chats aparece publicado dos veces, he reintalado el juego y limliado cache, din resultado

  64. Дайте мне пожалуйста ресурсы на развития, 2 недели на одном месте топчусь😊

  65. Без войны нет мира.есть добро есть зло. Великая битва.

  66. 6 weeks of DD , hard season but still came in 12th, then the rewards not even one x ticket, too boring time to quit the game

  67. What a rubbish game bing playing for months had Over 21000 diamonds and when I log on today I now only have 51 will not be playing anymore

  68. It would be nice to have someone in customer support contact me before I lose more resources and money.

  69. Здесь можно написать об ошибке игры эдем? Я играл в 10-месяце 2020-года. И набрал 16-17к очей но, так и не получил свой подарочный пакет. Почему???

  70. Она в том что у меня есть там как раз в неделю в отпуске до то есть если я правильно понимаю что я не могу 5 я не могу сделать это в том что

  71. Hi
    Apple won’t refund any of the money you tried to refund.
    They denied all of them.
    So I guess I start a new account on Last Shelter or try to pay back the negative-2,800,000 diamonds

  72. IM30 e seu jogo movido a dinheiro, por mim essa empresa poderia simplesmente deixar de existir.

  73. Игра топ играю уже 3 года я больше и больше радуюсь этой игре , у меня уже 73 уровень у базы всё сложнее и сложнее

  74. 请问战区公屏可否采用喇叭发言,购买喇叭需要耗费钻石,避免任何人都会在公屏辱骂争吵等影响游戏体验

  75. Hola quería saber si es cierto que empieza el edén el 1001
    En lugar del dd4
    Muchas gracias .

  76. I don’t like the concept of the bridge. If someone does not want to take part of Eden still they will have to do all the capturing and everything. Make it so that no one is forced to do anything

  77. مرحبا انا من العراق العب هاذه العبه الجميله وكنت انفق الاموال عليها لاكن اموالي نفذت هل تساعدوني في جعل كل شيء في مدينتي اعلى مستوى حتى ابطالي وشكرا لكم لن تخسرو شيء ان فعلتم ذالك احبكم

  78. NO HE RECIBIDO PUNTOS DE ZONA DE BATALLA MAS FUERTE, tenia dia de héroes y he gastado unas 50 cartas de reclutamiento con el bonus de la tarjeta verde, cero puntos

  79. Just let go of this game. Nothing good will come out of this piece of shit game. Only starting part is fun but when state is old , this game is boring and this game maker only knows to loot player money very well. Better play pubg

  80. Игра не справедливая и рассчитана на донат! Разработчики очень жадные, все в игре начинает раздражать и бесить. Эдем или ДД убивает все время 24/7… а время дороже любых денег!

  81. Yeah thank u 💓😗 send me some resources if you want I’ve been playing it in 4 days now I’m lvl 13 ty

  82. 不喜歡伊甸園的玩法,伊甸園可以將現有戰區整合。伊甸園未開放前,各區可以採用封閉關,不需要切換畫面。

  83. Eden is very confusing and it tools all my interest from this game .poor Idea….

  84. 一個只打二星期就高下立判的南北戰爭伊甸園新設計 一個只要被分配到弱勢方就只能陪玩不是很優的獎勵 讓人實在有棄遊的念頭

  85. Yes,i like eden .because make good play war game also earn more reward than the old dd war.

  86. I like this eden ot makes sides work together if you don’t then your hurting yourself in the long run. Just mabey have the equaling of power worked on a little better because the opponent has more power for sure kinda not fair when battling

  87. Salom bu oyn juham zor slarham gdvdbdkaigf zhchdoeurvdkz sjchd duvd udbdhd. Dhrhrbdid idhyiwo jgbbxke jdjgks jbd jnhksk ishqo

  88. Very poor thought put into it. No different then the last Eden’s. One alliance in north gathers and controls entire north, same for south. If that alliance does not like you, you have 0 chance at rewards, Defetes purpose of playing.

  89. Stále čekáme na češtinu.Znam minimálně100 lidí kteří nehrajou že není český.

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