[The Battle for the Ruins is at the tipping point! Get Ready!]
Scouts from the Heralds of Freedom have reported finding an enormous but seemingly abandoned military base. Preliminary investigations depict it as an area that once carried out large-scale aerospace engineering research. Formerly a place where pre-apocalyptic humans would reach for the stars, now it’s a dusty relic of the past
Reports have confirmed one thing however: Whoever secures the ruins will have access to state-of-the-art technology and massive amounts of supplies.
Our scouts have reported spotting enemy scouts around the ruins as well. Seems a battle for supremacy is on the horizon!

[Battlefield Principles: A Test of Stratagem and Strength]
When the Battlefield opens, Alliance Leaders and R4s will select 20 Alliance members in rushing to the frontlines. Here the conquest for the ruins will begin! Matchmaking will be based on each Alliances Power.
The Battlefield will have different types of Strongholds dispersed across the whole map. Alliances gain Alliance points by capturing and occupying these Strongholds, but it obviously won’t be that easy. Through intense and fierce fighting, the Alliance still standing at the end will capture the Stronghold and gain Alliance Points; when the Battlefield ends, the Alliance with highest amount of Alliance Points will be declared the victors.
Each Battlefield only lasts 1 hour. Do you solidify your position and Strongholds to repel enemy attacks? Do you rally your Troops and initiate a full on assault to expand your territory? Or do you, dare I say, pull a Leeroy Jenkins and run straight into the heart of the enemy’s territory in a bold yet unexpected manner that catches them completely off-guard?
Whichever tactic you choose to adopt, each battle will undoubtedly be thrilling, perilous, and exhilarating

[Unlock the Mysterious Side Quest]
Commanders will not have to worry about Troops dying on the Battlefield. At the end of a Battlefield, all Troops injured during the Battlefield will say “tis but a scratch” and recover to full health. Marching Speed-ups and Recall are prohibited during the Battlefield. Deploying Troops will also not consume APC durability.
Other than the Strongholds used for gaining Alliance Points, another building warrants an additional introduction as well. Sentry Towers. What can they do? Who can they see? Why is Sentry? When is Tower?
Situated right smack center of the Battlefield is the Space Center. What kind of “Mysterious Side Quest” awaits the Commander?
All of these will be answered in the next content teaser.
Lastly, we will be conducting a test on the brand new Battlefield by selecting a few lucky Commanders to experience the gameplay ahead of the release.
Experience the Art of War on the brand new Battlefield! More exciting content is on the way, so stay tuned!
Last Shelter Survival Studio
When will this event start?
In two years “soon”
Interesting concept,cant wait to see the layout and ideology intended for gameplay
Me ofrezco como voluntario para las pruebas
New rippingout. They qill take our moneyand disappearwith no repliesor feedback. Scammers i already payed
abou 3000$ and i feel sorry i did that. They pretendedthey dont know me. And leftme with many technicalissues. Also when they sow me ready to grow. Sending me their peoplesto attack my base and take almost my source.
Poo suck dick suck o yeh
The game is balanced
Why my picture have been delayed? I got it since long time, and it was not offensive or a nude.
I been playing over 2 years. Not one thing about this game is balanced. You a dev poster ? Lol
First of all need to improve here recruitment. We didnt get right heros when recruiting. I had done around 50legendary cards, 200 more epic cards and normal cards over than it. But we didny get even legandary hero. What stupidity recruitment. And resourses.. too tough to upgrade a base to get 25. All others became 25 i still like a turtle. The word given to APC as turtle, the same is going on. What a funny
First of all need to improve here recruitment. We didnt get right heros when recruiting. I had done around 50legendary cards, 200 more epic cards and normal cards over than it in one month. But we didny get even legandary hero. What stupidity recruitment. And resourses.. too tough to upgrade a base to get 25. All others became 25 i still like a turtle. The word given to APC as turtle, the same is going on. What a funny
As soon as you do this there will be many, including myself that will not play any longer. You guys are scammers. I am a lawyer and a high ranking politician in the US. I’ll get this game banned
It’s that ture?
3 years with this game
Hmm, interesting
Nice game… Addicted… As you go farther, there’s something new and amazing things you can discover…
You must read the comments. 😁
Yes it is very addictive, have been playing for over two years now 🙂
Coming June 2025
😂 😂 😂 😂
The game is balanced
How about we start with some servers that are actually capable of running the game atleast somewhat smooth? I am sick of messaging them about horrendous 5+ s lags and getting told that’s my connection. NO ITS YOUR SHITTY SERVER INFRASTRUCTURE!!!!!!
Sorry but i never ever have lag. Ever
Says no one
Hola soy ALTHIMUS del estado 86 me gustaría ser uno de los elegidos para hacer la prueba del nuevo modo de campo de batalla de antemano agradezco su atención y tiempo.
Ha ha, must be a dev…
👖 🔥
Because your a small base thats not involved in large battles
As soon as you do this there will be many, including myself that will not play any longer. You guys are scammers. I am a lawyer and a high ranking politician in the US. I’ll get this game banned
I have lag and with me many others. It wasn’t that way a year ago.
I’ve wrote for the same problem, I had to send a vid to show how bad it works and they said they will start to work on it. Still not enough but is a bit better.
Get this game banned?? Just shut up already. Your no politician, just some shitty millennial that is upset about not being strong enough to defend yourself or your in a shitty state. Both are your fault so just shut up Mr Fuck You
They will never fix these issues because we keep feeding them money. I’ve been waiting a week for a reply and nothing. I’m bout to put them on blast on facebook and play store. Tired of the foolishness.
This is true. If everyone stopped spending (which would never happen unless the game completely goes down) then they would fix the issues. I no longer spend. I’ll take my time win or lose.
They won’t ever fix the problems as long as we keep buying the packs and feeding their pockets. Its ashame cuz the game is great. I’m gonna put them on total blast tho on Facebook and Twitter and play store. Tired of the foolishness.
Hi, seems like a great concept added on the game. When will it be ready for state 871?
Agreed. I get kicked from the server every 30-45 seconds & it takes 30-60 seconds to log back in. Its so effin frustrating & most definitely not my connection, I have the fastest internet on the market AND I’ve used 100s of different hotspots/wfi & it does it no matter what connection im using.
That shuld be funny
Pay for win….
No entiendo un joraca este jjego. Sigo y hago mo que puedo. Tñka tecnologia esta no es de.mi generacion .
Nah, not interested… Cause I’m sure that in order to be competitive you need a GG/Suker/Ctesse like wallet. Anyone in a smaller State will get screwed over by definition.
So again the strongest will just become stronger to even more easily trample everyone else the next time.
I have many lags etc. In curent game,plz fix it before you released new content! ._.
Yes, exactly
Sounds great! For your elite, high level commanders and players. Exclusive game play is all you make anymore. How about ALL INCLUSIVE for a change…this is nothing for me to get excited about. I wont be included…
Si el emparejamiento sigue siendo el mismo que a Sido con ,hegemónia y eden seguramente será una basura
Yes, us elite high level commanders need something new as we are maxed. Do you not understand that concept? Grow your own base, get into a good state and you will have a blast playing
Do you really know any of them personally? Let’s say I know one of them personally. That’s not a very nice statement. Plus, what they spend is their business isn’t it. I don’t spend as much as this person but it is not about the what is spent it is about having a good time and the friendships you develop. So if you don’t want to spend just don’t spend. It will just take you longer. If play smart and learn from others you will grow without needing to spend a lot more than you want to, but the key is to find people who have played for a while to teach you what is worthwhile to spend on.
More pay to win ?
Interesting 🤔
This looks great.but how long do we wait?
Богатые станут сильнее, бедные слабее, всё как обычно👎
Good game. Addicted, As you go farther, there’s something new and amazing things you can discover
It’s there in new states
I have many lags etc. In curent game,plz fix it before you released new content! ._.
I love the new update but it makes the game laggy
Ok esperar evento. Ojalá tengas más información.
T10, Baneblade, all new features are super money grabbing ones, this one wont be different…..players are stopping playing and they trying to milk the last cows milky drops before it dies out 🥱gimme your money bi4tches
So you are unable to understand no one wants your extremely bad content called EDEN, so you changed the name ??????? what is so difficult to understand ? FIX THE GAME … stop pushing content no one wants or ever asked for.
I can participate in the test.
More pay to win content incoming.
Okay so here’s the way the Developers should have the priority task list :
1. Fix lags, add Infrastructure, optimize network
2. Balance greed of Developers so players will still know they get screwed, but it will be a little less obvious to them or hurt less
3. Fix bugs, before patching, test the patch for new bugs and, obviously, fix those too, then re-test
4. Make qualified polls to get to know your players and their demands, instead of ignoring them and pushing out content they might not like
5. Dont announce stuff, that you aren’t able to handle in the near (1 month?) Future – be honest.
6… 7….
Obviously the Developers have another list:
1. Whenever player numbers drop, promise new content (remember the past days “login rewards”? These numbers show overall activity), now this is announced…
2. As long as there are players left, think of new ways to suck them dry money-wise. If player numbers drop, refer to Nr. 1 so players stay and pay
3. Blame players for having connection issues or lags. Nobody has to say an infrastructure should be having a limit on Nr. Of states or players. Also this costs a lot, time and money. So dont waste money, make players pay more instead.
4. Make the players with big pockets spend more and give them power. So smaller players will try to catch them by spending as much as they can or even more than they can afford.
By the way, European governments were notified about “lottery like” elements in many mobile games and these are currently being investigated. As we all know it is extremely hard to get a “real random” in terms of information technology and this is why the hero recruitment, lucky tokens and all of that stuff will need to get investigated.
Most of us have heard of the big spenders being lucky more often. Might be true, but doesn’t have to. Investigations will finally show.
I’m sure it’ll be fucked up and only benefit the already unbeatable money bases. Fuck you devs
Hm,worum geht es. Ich kann kein Englisch.
Incluyanme en la prueba. 🙂
Soooooo……. its Eden? It’s the exact same thing just different names. Devs are really reaching for new content on this one 😂
Hi hi
Me gustaría participar de ese evento de práctica por favor cuenten conmigo para las pruebas… Y el juego se vuelve más genial de lo que ya era…
it’s just Eden MK2. don’t get to excited. it will cost lots of real. money and you will get ripped off at the end .
Excited!!! 😁
Relic of Apocalypse what a shit.. bringing stuff of new state to old state with some modifications…
После ввода говно-т10 есть сомнения, что что-то годное будет. Дайте лучше обмен героев с3 и с4 за жетоны
Multiple dd modes would definitely be dope, but please take your time releasing this and fix the current ones
Also keep timezones in mind and that not everybody is able to play 24/7
Sounds great! For your elite, high level commanders and players. Exclusive game play is all you make anymore. How about ALL INCLUSIVE for a change…this is nothing for me to get excited about. I wont be included…
Wow. Se ve interesante.
Esperemos sea un buen evento.
Looks great, but again only for the strongest with the best heroes and perks. I have spent alot of time and $$ and get nothing. If you dont have a base 25 with maxed out DD or Eden heroes you can’t really play this game. This game is rigged only for the people who spend as much $ as my mortgage payment.
I’ve wrote for the same problem, I had to send a vid to show how bad it works and they said they will start to work on it. Still not enough but is a bit better.
How about some S heros in the token shop, and not s1 , come on devs
Really Amazing and interesting
Buen juego
All comments bad mouthing the game are 100% accurate. I’ve been playing this game for 2 years and I play in a group 1 immigration state. I know how to play. I’m also an IT business analyst for a software company. I can assure you this company has extremely immature ITSM practices and it shows.
Seen this in other games. 30v30 for 30mins. All troops are returned at end of event. So lots of burning. However limited to top 30 in an alliance. Drawn against a hopefully equally sized opposition. Fun event but can be manic/hectic.
When it start? I hope im one of the coomander to choose to experience this new one.
Oh boy…. Another annoying Eden like thing? Im already mad…
It will be more pay to play bullshit. These developers get more greedy every single day and ONLY look for ways to exploit more money out of us. They don’t give a shit what we think or say, is that not obvious by now?
Quiero participar
When will it reach state 983
Does anyone know of a better different game they like playing!!?? Please let me know I can’t do this anymore..
Esperemos que sea un evento de trabajo en equipo y no una competencia de gastar dinero
Indeed, the randomness of the lottery in the VIP shop and the wheel of luck should be investigated for the fact of% randomness in them. Most likely they do not comply with the law.
Interested 😅
Hitler did nothing wrong. The developers of this game did.
They won’t ever fix the problems as long as we keep buying the packs and feeding their pockets. Its ashame cuz the game is great. I’m gonna put them on total blast tho on Facebook and Twitter and play store. Tired of the foolishness.
Deverian volver al formato antiguo de helicoptero donde lo llamas a voluntad y puedes vender los recursos que deseas y ponerle la opcion de comprar electricidad
Tanbien regresar al formato que cada comandante pueda contruir su puesto de recoleccion a 10 ya que los recursos no son suficientes en un estado bien poblado agregarle la opcion de no poder ser atacados y que no se pueda utilizar para obstruir en guerra hegemonia
Nothing to do with this matter but I’ve opened 20 tickets already and got no answer… I can’t buy any in game package since 2 weeks ago .. please help.
Where is the airship skin i payed for?!?!
You fucking thieves!
Interesting twist. What this game really needs is additional landscape and building options.
For example:
The buildings: as tookhey level up the building should change and be upscaled. Say every 5 levels up the building improves in appearance.
Also, these bases need more decorative items that should cost much. What they have now is too few. The more decorative the better moral. The better moral, the better fighting motivation.
Здравствуйте. Почему нет магазин обмений?
Т10 это отлично. Но проблеми нехватки значков для иследвоние. Обязательно нужно обмений пункт. Прошу иметь выду просбой к вам обнавить магазин обмений
i would like to be a beta tester
These devs are fucking fools. The game is all about money and being controlled. It’s sicking now. If you don’t open up your wallet you won’t have fun.
This is hilarious 😂 when everyone trying to communicate with the devs whether it’s here or in the game not one person who is programing cares what we say nor are they bright enough to fix the issues….Sad thing is that the game was a highly addictive game … seems like they want it to fail because they are to lazy or not smart enough to make it great again been with the game since it was released to play and I have watched the devs take anything that works or actually help players to grow without spending money completely removed and change for something that is much more costly and glitches out for the first couple of weeks or until they were able to come up up with another update to screw up ke and grabs a bunch of cash so the elite players who have paid for everything they have in there bases … something needs to change or we all need to find a game that is ran by people who know how to balance out the costs plus how to program…
The removal of the Scientist hero is a great example of this.
Sounds good… waiting for it.
Nice. New features! Yay. So happy to hear this. I want to join the testing please.
Maybe devs could finish previous projects before they announce new ones? There are plenty of unfinished game features or announced projects. What’s the point of starting 10 projects if none of them is implemented
i can’t subscribe to pay or buy anything why is this? all the time CD and some numbers?
i have written to you guys why can’t I buy packs like the guys am playing with now am stuck in some level
Comprei o pacote pra mudar a foto do avatar,mais até agora não mudou nada vocês poderiam me explicar isso?
Concept is good but priority and group will help only spenders 😃😃😃
Новый идиотизм. Верните героев в магазин жетонов лучше
В чем суть,а то я не понял
First of all need to improve here recruitment. We didnt get right heros when recruiting. I had done around 50legendary cards, 200 more epic cards and normal cards over than it in one month. But we didny get even legandary hero. What stupidity recruitment. And resourses.. too tough to upgrade a base to get 25. All others became 25 i still like a turtle. The word given to APC as turtle, the same is going on. What a funny
Não tem como traduzir?
киласни игри
Имидж – ничто. Деньги – всё!
Nice game
Tell why can’t I change my profile picture is pissed me off😒
So the top 20 get to play. If anyone else wants to play they need to spend to catch up. Otherwise we get to take 3 seasons of merges and team building and break it up so everyone can play. Just bring back eden. This season i barely log in anymore and spend my money elsewhere. Signed, Top 20 player
Are the devs really speaking to their customers like that we are shy the game continues I have thousands into this game and to speak like you have no care is unacceptable
Hola aver si arreglan el fallo que no se puede cambiar la foto de a avatar por favor
Quero meu avatar de volta
How about some heros in the token shop , S2 and above been waiting for over 6 months now, getting ready to quit the game but it seems many are quitting anyway
Tactics, What tactics? Regular dd and eden are broken because the dev’s don’t seem to care. Why would this be any different?
Quando vão traduzir isto? Nunca????
Meanwhile consider upgrading the building’s appearance as the upgrade. More decorations for the base.
Esto es peor que la droga mis amigos, la droga te deja igualito a esto juego, son embargo esto es peor que la droga. Dios tenga misericordia a todos nosotros que somos pecadores, y quienes causan la tentacion peor sera su castigo.
Muy emocionado por las nuevas misiones y modo de juego 😇😁
Ich bin breit
SHAFQAT ALI ✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️
Parece interesante y muy atractivo me gustaría podré probarlo será un gustazo
Ini tidak membantu saya karna tidak ad pilihan bahasa Indonesia
Get it on now.
This sounds really good but instead of making it just for people with big bases and tons of cash why not make it playable for everyone who plays this game , This game is a good game and you make friends from all over the world but the game is spoiled when you can’t take place in the same trials as the friends you make .
ممتاز الی
How about balancing DD war match ups before you start another event?
I think we can get a good idea for your good game
مافهمت شي
You have to give people how don’t bay a chance because they don’t have any chance against how bay for you
This is true. If everyone stopped spending (which would never happen unless the game completely goes down) then they would fix the issues. I no longer spend. I’ll take my time win or lose.
This game is not st all balanced, strong get stronger and weaker players never able to catch up even after spending thousands of $
Hanat xpnh dapat hero baru. Binawe
If the game is so shitty then why do you play it,
I can not say I have never had a lag issue, I actually think it happened to me 1 time but was fixed within 20 minutes of me reporting it.
Now I am having issues with all of the bases in the state disappearing.
My biggest issue with the game is the have’s $$$$ in the game has such a high advantage off the players who do not have any money to spend or even if they have a $50 per month budget, but this is life the RICH has always been able to buy their way to the top instead of earning it. I have actually chosen to not spend any of my budget on this game since the unfair advantages are clear, this is definitely not a FREE game.
What’s going on dd is not working we would of won that its not fair
Eden the last time I was there they took away my land that is not done when attacking those lands are of the Alliance not of the Enemy should be forbidden to attack Alliance lands should change the rules avoid losing the land, stoning, search, abandoned farm, mine
Arreglen la intermitencia de la conexión de red primero.
Como pueden unas bases estar en una alianza en otro estado? Ejemplo base en el estado 1019 esta en una alianza 1036.
State 391 (gold state) has been paired with 4 legendary states for DD. They are in our state bullying us. Countless alliances are camping here. The worst are from 461 (IGS), 327 (ALL), and 329. Our state is quitting DD. There’s no point. These alliances have more than double our top state alliance power. A new rumor is that IGS works with the devs and got to pick the match up. Also they personally threatened to burn buildings every day after taking tiles inside the ac4 buildings radius back. We have pictures if anyone doubts it.
What alliance are you in 391? We are in the same situation…
make the game fair for us round eyes.. koreans ruining this game as they get packs cheap or free .
🤩 Because your a small base thats not involved in large battles
These dev’s are a bunch of Batstuflu Thevies and a discrace to ancestors….curse the ancestors….
Why don’t you start putting good heroes in the token shop??? Instead of this bullshit!!!
Поцелуй мене в заднецу
Me ofrezco como voluntaria para las pruebas
Otra mierda más de los desarrolladores,que asco.
Esta genial ya que en Estados muy viejos ya no hay guerra ni tampoco hay evento así solo hegemonía esto nos dará un nuevo motivo para seguir luchando y lograr grandes resultados con este nuevo modo
Cuando instalas el juego tiene que dar la posibilidad de iniciar sesión directamente, no de estar haciendo el tutorial casa vez que se instala el juego. No quiero perder el tiempo, quiero abrir el juego, poner mis cuentas y jugar…
Rahul raj
the game is just fine
Why devlopers keep looting our money – this game is not fair now days then want money from us !!!
Почему службы поддержки не отвечает
Tengo un problema hace como un mes compre el paquete donde puedo cambiar la foto de avatar, y puse un fortachón y hace 3 días ya no tenia la foto, decidí poner otra incluso una mía, incluso tomarme en ese momento una mía y no me deja me dice que la foto que estoy poniendo es ilegal, espero me puedan ayudar saludos
Es una poronga el last Shelter sean más creativos loros
Bajen los precios, la economía está muy mal y ustedes se aprovechan y suben los precios hasta cuando , seguirán con su sinvergüenzas prácticas, pónganse en la situación de todo el mundo como es posible que suban el precio de suministro de armas de 18.000 a 21.000 pesos
En este evento pusieron todas mis tropas reforzadas como si no lo estuvieran osea perdi miles de tropas reforzadas quedaron como normales
En este evento pusieron todas mis tropas reforzadas como si no lo estuvieran osea perdi miles de tropas reforzadas quedaron como normales, quede como si nunca hubiera reforzado tropas
Это игра кто то придумал но очень классный играет я вам советую
Интересная играет это игра 😊😊👍
Друзья играйте это игра вам очень нравится 🥰🥰