오늘 지휘관 여러분께 말씀드리겠습니다! [최첨단 특공대]와 과학 기술 전념에 대한 의견과 건의를 수집한 뒤, 신중하게 검토하여, 아래 두 가지 기능을 조정하기로 결정했습니다.
이번 조정에서는, [최첨단 특공대] 뿐만 아니라 새로운 과학 기술 —— “심화 연구”가 추가되어, 과학 기술 전념 루트를 대폭 조정하고, 더 많은 새로운 전념 효과도 추가됩니다.
- 전념 루트 최적화

새 버전에서는 좌, 중, 우 3가지 루트로 나뉩니다 :
중앙 루트는 기초 루트로, 이전에 비교적 쉽게 배울 수 있었던 경제 관련 전념 효과가 통합되어 있습니다 ;
왼쪽 루트는 10레벨 병사 강화 루트로, 이전에 배우기 어려웠던 10레벨 병사 관련 전념 효과가 통합되어 있습니다 ;
오른쪽 루트는 전체 속성 강화 루트로, 이번에 추가된 전념 효과는 모두 이 루트에 있습니다.
중앙 루트는 초기 단계부터 배울 수 있고, 좌우 루트는 중앙 루트의 중간 위치인 “극한의 적재”에 대한 전념을 배운 뒤에야 배울 수 있습니다. 조정된 전념 루트에 대해서는, 좌우 루트의 난이도가 비교적 배우기 쉽습니다.
지휘관에 있어서 조정된 [최첨단 특공대]의 과학 기술 전념은 크게 두 가지 특징이 있습니다 :
- 변경 후 강력한 전념 효과를 배우기 쉬워졌습니다.
- 중요한 과학 기술 및 더 많은 강력한 전념 효과가 새롭게 추가되었습니다.
- 과학 기술 전념 레벨 상한이 증가했습니다.
전념 수량의 증가에 따라, 과학 기술 전념 레벨 상한도 228레벨에서 280레벨까지 증가합니다.

- 신규 과학 기술 : 심화 연구
매 [최첨단 특공대]를 연구할 때마다 소요 시간 감소합니다.
비고 : 다른 최첨단 특공대 과학 기술과 비교했을 때, 심화 연구 과학 기술의 리셋 쿨타임이 대폭 감소합니다.

This tech can enable the commander to research the “Cutting Edge” rapidly; it can also help upgrade the Technology Specialty rapidly.
IV. Added the following Technology Specialty effects
Wild Attack
When defeated, some of the enemy soldiers will be crippled, who cannot be healed in the battle.
My personal tips: Wild Attack has great affect on the lineups that focus on recovery effects. It has fine counter effects on lineups such as Flare, Scarlet Siren and Dawn.

Mental Training
A certain chance to be immune from 4 effects (Suppress/Disarm/Silence/Confuse).

Bridging the Gap (Fighter)
Fighter base attack increase

Bridging the Gap (Shooter)
Shooter base HP increase

Bridging the Gap (Vehicle)
Vehicle base resistance increase

Better Physique
Normal attack damage increases in battle
Note: Applies to All lineups

Enhanced Skills
Hero skill damage increases in battle
Note: Applies to All lineups

Seasoned Soldier
The chance to cast combat and passive skills increases
Note: Applies to All lineups

That’s the main content for the adjustment of [Cutting Edge] and its Tech Specialty
The above content will be released in the Frontier States first, then launched on the formal States gradually. We believe that this optimization will help you get a better performance in disadvantageous battles!
If any of you have opinions and suggestions on this optimization, please leave them in the comment area!
Note: Please update to version 2.0.2 to experience all the content in this optimization.
(*Please refer to the in-game content for final info.)
Hahahah really advantageous 😂🤣
Yeah,more $$$, good job
Nice 👍
I remembered this comment section used to very long with many people posting here. It seems recent new things introduced, people got tired of posting because they know devs haven’t done anything to change the game play and fixes things. This is a sign that this game is going down hill.
More money to burn by spenders 👀
Closing in on the day the server are shut to other $ games, better to buy a game for $50 outright, at least you have a box and CD at the end and can replay if you want 10 years later. No GOG for online games haha
Pointless tech being at the bottom as you already maxed everything by then 🤷🏻♂️
Yeah, although you can research it in each tree I guess, but still dumb…
Just greed. Karma will bite them 😂
better to say how much will cost to unlock the entire crap?
Again the benefits is for the money spender not for normal guys. This also total a another waste one.
I know what let’s make to gap between big spenders and normal spenders even bigger… that way we will lose even more players… hats off to the bright spark that came up with that idea 💡🤣🤣🤣
Ya I won’t be spending anymore on this game. There is no way to keep up with the big spenders.
Lol 🤣
Complete nonsense… Spend more… Make them more money 🤣
This doesn’t make the game balanced stupidly nonsense
I became weaker after the update. Now you need 130 points to even be a decent base
The middle tree, why rss reduction first instead of time? Who f*ing cares about rss when we have a lot of them?😡🤬
Oh let’s see what the devs are going to give us for Christmas this year! 🤭 same as last year 💩.
Just killing the game like usual!
Give me back my 7% completion I went from 94% to 87% complete money grabbers.
Not too useful unless you are high on CE
We need reset for cutting edge tech no way to switch points around and yes they took points when they added now tech
Please send me dimend my name kedarnath…….
From Korea and Chinese and USA to many comments complaining 👌👍👍
I’m serious from last month’s I’m trying now 2 months treatment physiotherapy chemical with only normal cancer and 4 dangers cancer I want only month to donee Nearly 🔜 and back to work with my space I will try to find everyone with emails and line and im30 with bad personal he put soon impossible to closing 😣😣 don’t worry now I will try my my life and I will to be more lovely man 👨 and no more spent money down ✌🏽👍 🤗🫡🙏 I respect everyone wait is experience and I left 2 people was very bad Contract from 🆚 all good 👍 and thank you 🙏 God’s with safe my life 🥲😖😟😢🙏🙏👍 and guys please 🙏 everyone with out sweet and sugar this the Food for cancer 🙏👍 I have a Lovely weekend
I will give my best during this very challenging times. OMG….