[최강 연맹 – 여명 행동]

[최강 연맹 – 여명 행동]은 [최강 연맹]에서 파생된 플레이입니다. 여명 행동은 격주로 오픈되고 잃어버린 전장과 번갈아 진행되며, 여명 행동은 게임 시간 11:30에 오픈됩니다.

최강 연맹 이벤트와 같은 조에 속한 연맹은, [봉쇄 구역]으로 입장하여, 대규모 살상 무기인 [END]를 쟁탈할 수 있습니다.

-[봉쇄 구역]에서 적을 처치해도, 최강 연맹의 포인트 이벤트를 완료할 수 있습니다. ;토요일 23:59(게임시간), [봉쇄 구역]은 마감됩니다. ;

최근 3일동안 연맹을 변경한 기록이 있는 지휘관은, 새로운 연맹과 [봉쇄 구역]으로 이동할 수 없습니다.

이벤트가 시작되고, 게임시간 12:00, [END] 쟁탈이 개방됩니다. ; 게임시간 14:00, 만약 [END] 점령이 안될 경우, 마감됩니다.

기존의 발사센터 쟁탈전과 달리, [END] 포탑에서 벌어진 전투에서, 병사의 사망율은 20%에 불과합니다. ;[봉쇄 구역]에 진입 후, 의무대 수용량이 500% 증가합니다. ;[봉쇄 구역] 전투에서 발생한 부상병은, 다시 원래의 전투 구역로 돌아왔을 때, 의무대 수용량 상한선을 초과해도, 부상병은 여전히 치료가 가능하고, 바로 전사하지 않습니다.

[END]가 마감될 때까지 어떤 연맹도 점령을 하지 않았다면, [END]가 마감될 때 마지막으로 점령하고 있는 연맹이 점령한 것으로 판단합니다. ;

[봉쇄 구역]에 진입 후, 각 지휘관은 추가로 “혈조”가 표시되는데, 지휘관 부대의 사기를 기록하며, [봉쇄 구역]에서 어떤 전투로도 부상병이나 병사가 죽으면 사기가 줄어듭니다.

사기는 회복이 불가능합니다. 사기가 0이 되면, 지휘관 기지는 보호 상태로 들어가며, 지휘관은 [봉쇄 구역]에서 다시 출정하거나 다른 지휘관들을 공격할 수 없습니다. ;이벤트 종료 후, 개인이 적의 사기를 떨어뜨리는 랭킹에 따라 많은 보상이 지급됩니다. ;

[END] 쟁탈에 성공한 연맹은 토요일 당일 최강 연맹 이벤트에서, 이미 획득한 포인트와 획득할 포인트는 두 배가 됩니다.

[END] 쟁탈 종료 후, 지역의 사기를 꺾는 만큼 결산 보상도 지급됩니다.

[최강 연맹 – 여명 행동] 칭호

통솔자는 강한 속성 버프를 획득하고, 직위도 임명할 수 있으며, 직위는 대장, 선봉장으로 나뉩니다. 동시에 위 2개 직위에도 속성 버프가 부여됩니다.

랭크에 따라 칭호가 달라지고, 속성 버프도 달라집니다.

(최종 정보는 실제 게시물을 기준으로 합니다)

    1. Oh great another event that will be one sided they will place alliances that are 8-10 g in power and we will have one that’s 30 g to win it all 🙄🙄 these developers need to start making these events more of a fair competition place all of you monster states and alliances in the same in against each other for once

      1. This is a joke! You start with no morale and can’t do a damn thing! Great job developers 🤬

  1. Wtf. +12 ???? Thats the middle of the night here,,, half the world cant participate,!

    1. It was aboyt tkme for +12 half off us olso wake.up at 4 or 3 am.for.lc.battles or dd wars and so on

      1. Finally an event I can join an enjoy. Always waking up at 3am for dd or lc was tiring. Thx developers for thinking of the other side of the world for once.

    2. At reset the other half of the world can’t participate 😅. Looks like you will have to set an alarm.

    3. Hum…. Probably to compensate the KE and LC battle at reset, when the other half of the world can’t participate!

  2. LC battles are at reset which is the middle of the night for the other half of the world….. So its about time players I Europe had something decent they can participate in.

  3. Good to see some changes. Wonder if you get troops back at the end of the event similar to oblivion. But come on devs. The rewards are terrible.

      1. Troops will die (not sure the percentage as the 20% upper limit mentioned is not clear). That’s why the rewards contain material to clone troops

  4. Should be like oblivion, pick your time. Just highlights the problem with fixed times. They could find a way if they wanted.

  5. Why not hold it the week where Oblivion is not on and allow the alliances to choose a time. The fixed time is carp

  6. I think the rewards for 11-50 are better than the rewards for the higher spots. Who still needs courage medals? Lmao 🤣

  7. These days we have more troops than we will ever need except t10 might as well use them

    1. This Eden has players with over one BILLION power, not 100,000,000 but 1,000,000,000 and many close.

  8. Rewards are trash and troops die, why would we even entertain this event? Count me out when it comes to this.

  9. Oblivion rewards are way better than this.
    Troops won’t return, 1st rank gets only 2 gold tickets… Not worth it

  10. Return our troops back ( we need them for eden*) + give more cores instead of 1 or 2 tickets.

  11. Should have more rewards. Every event one has to compromise either sleep or something else.

  12. Oblivion has to best rewards to time commitment ratio, even with all its problems, tickets and coins whether you win or lose or even participate for the whole alliance for an hour or two of time and no troop loss is amazing. I do everyone oneryone and the r5 always signs up.

    1. Just wish r3 can build too, more than once we had no r4 playing so couldn’t build anything, guaranteed loss

  13. I really like the concept of this event, an alternative to a 3am reset is music to my ears. The single biggest objection is if I understand the instructions above, even with the adjustments to hospital, this will result in losing troops for average rewards at best. If they made the event where all troops returned at the end of the event great, otherwise players need to retain troops for Eden where they are paramount and the event rewards are superior. If they resolve this hopefully there could be greater battles than the normal peace negotiated.

  14. I got tonnes of questions. Is it an compulsory event or optional? If compulsory, can you shield your base If you don’t want to participate? ( Half the world is asleep at that time). Otherwise every 2 weeks, you will lose troops for nothibg

    1. Per issit like oblivion, you can enter to participate? Can you exit anytime? Or you’ll get stuck till end of event ?

    2. you don’t have to enter the event map if you don’t want to also you can enter it with your shield up. The map looks the same as the state map but it’s much smaller and the troops are marching way faster there

      1. Ok, so we can enter anytime from 1130 to 2359. lC battles commence at 12 to 14, is that right? And you can shield and exit anytime?

        1. yes you can enter with your shield up and also you can reinforce your alliance members, but after joining the event there is a 5 min CD to exit –
          just think about Dawn as the KE – got the same rules – guns and fighting over the center.
          you can attack not shielded players at 11:30 but center itself at 12 and you can join the event anytime untill sunday 00:00 but the most action is in the first 2h.
          much smaler map – it’s easy to find a targets
          troops are marching faster:
          if you teleport next to someone not in the mud it will take you just 1s to attack with the vehicles apc

  15. Gia raises a good point, all these except Oblivion the outcome is negotiated, starts with real battles quickly turns to safe, lossless events. Soooo boring.

    And darn farms, haha lol

  16. There is 1 out, eh. Farms can move to a second Farm Allance during the 3 days before the event. Also, anyone that doesn’t want participate can Also, move to a Farm Alliance during those 3 days, too! 😉

  17. Finally an event with a fixed time that is not taking place at reset 🥳🥳🥳👍👍👍

  18. Is there a free teleport? Apc speed up?.. What if i leave alliance before event start can i join another alliance is there a cooldown?

  19. I’m ready to send my T7s to Heaven. Maybe you devs can design an event call Farm Wars: Rise of the Hoes. This way, bases smaller than 25 can get some yummly treats, like a few SX tickets. We know you care about our farms and all those super heroes we get that our main can’t.

    1. You have disabled my contact us button. You still have not fixed the Google Play problem because your code change in 1.250.222 was to stop illegal selling. So now you just want to silence concerns
      Ain’t that the truth. Mybframs had SX hero long before main

  20. This needs to have alot better rewards and no troop loss. It’s simple! But when have the devs listened to the people who actually play the game.

  21. Yippee….. more pointless gameplay for unworthy reward!!!! 🤦‍♂️ Another new Low for Last Shelter players of experiance..🤷‍♂️

  22. Let us gamers design future events since you devs have very little experience in game design (ironically). We can better design the events with innovated concepts and balance with worthwhile rewards; something you can’t do time and time again (which is the reason for the birth of Frontier states as slaves to your betas).

    In return for the unmatched gamers’ designs (as they have direct experience and you don’t), you shall give the designer residual incomes like royalties (to be discuss later; my lawyer is ready). This will promote better content by gamers for gamers and you can gain a larger profit for in game purchases.

  23. I’m seeing a money grab here. Now you give away very few super tickets. No more saving up tickets for new heros, because unless you are in the top 2 you don’t get any…you are hurting the lss community

  24. You have disabled my contact us button. You still have not fixed the Google Play problem because your code change in 1.250.222 was to stop illegal selling. So now you just want to silence concerns

  25. The rewards are to poor and the biggest issue is the lost of the troops , 20% is huge…
    KE plus this at the same time, should be a minimal rate of troops lose

  26. Why you dont made a fuction to get down fallen after a while or with Diamond or resurce? If for example I enter game, I sent attack and after game blocked and when comes back I was already fallen
    Restore with something fallen and game will be more fun, I have only 1 min to play and after blocked for all day because fallen

  27. Absolutely a complete waste of time and energy. Like the normal rewards are not bad enough already? Who’s the genius that thinks even less will make it more interesting?

    1. Easier for them to get you to buy more of their overpriced packages if you can’t actually win what you need.

  28. Game vừa bị lỗi shield khi đăng nhập vào Clash of Alliances – Dawn Mission.
    – Tôi đã bị mất 20m pow khi bị lỗi. Yêu cầu Các bạn khắc phục lỗi này

  29. Absolutely the worst rewards of all time for an event. Seems like they will try anything to make you have to buy their extremely overpriced packages. FAIL!
    I just won’t participate in the stupid event.

  30. Now we get so much less courage medals in CoA, it hardly worth trying. I will stop playing soon… Very bad move developers

  31. Yeah, im stay at b24 for awhile, my b25 has been long enough its safe, but b25 is just a very expensive farm if its new, really b20+w

  32. We are from statr 362 unable to enter Dawn Mission. Please solve it soon. Date: 5 February, 2022.

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