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    1. Dejen de crear tonteras estan aburriendo a los jugadores el eden muy mal pensado, hasta que numero van a sacar los heroes (? otras atualizaciones que no tienen sentidos ….. Saquen el t10 la base 30 .creen otra guerras que hasta una base 19 pueda sentirse importante en el juego.el eden discrimino las bases sin t9.

      1. Excelente comentario!!!… Pienso igual… Me aburrió… Tenia un heroe de cada uno y hace 2 años que juego y de las 9 replicas que se nexesitan no obtuve ninguna… Hasta de los 700 reclutamientos dorados que hice solo saqué puros azules, verdes y morados…. Me estoy cansando de este pinche juego lucrativo malditos chinos

    2. Ich denke das kommt wenn ich 60 Jahre alt bin.es nervt das Sachen immer so lange angekündigt werden.

  1. Yet again, news for something new but god knows how long we’ll have to wait until it’s actually in the game. Maybe tomorrow? Maybe next week? Maybe 6 months from now? Or maybe never? Never know…

    1. It would be nice to fix the problems 1st, before making it easier for bigger players even stronger

      1. Sorry I replied to the wrong person. Stupid thing.

        No totally agree. There are too many things in place that make it all too easy for the bigger players to beat those still growing.

      2. Dovete aumentare il livello base oltre il 25 e i T10 perché ormai non abbiamo più niente da fare 😡😡😡😡😡😡

    2. Lol I hate that they announce something then it takes 27 years to happen. They been telling usDoomsday new season is about to start for over a month now

    3. They will add it and half of the skills won’t work and glitches will be even more annoying than the disappearing base dura a ke event

  2. Please stop saying new buildings systems without providing a time scale for their release

    1. Complejo hasta el aburrimiento total, lento, desigual, demasiadas actualizasiones. El mapa dificil de entender, uno se desorientabmuy rapido. Mucho para corregir.

  3. Is there no end to this? I love this game but it’s really hard to catch up when your not a spender . . . So please don’t make it as endless as it can be.

  4. Where will thesebe found, inside the stronghold, or out world or you have to fight for it or you have take someines stronghold… Please be specific…

  5. How about t10. B26 and up. Or better yet scrap eden and fix the bugs in Regular DD. The list can go on.

  6. You can’t provide us with more base levels and tech. But you say new buildings are coming at some vague time in the future. Hell you can’t get the censoring to work right, what makes you we believe you will get anything else right. Oh and shove “EdenDoom” where the sun doesn’t shine !! A-holes!!

  7. You can’t provide us with more base levels and tech. But you say new buildings are coming at some vague time in the future. Hell you can’t get the censoring to work right, what makes you we believe you will get anything else right. Oh and shove “EdenDoom” where the sun doesn’t shine !!

  8. There so many things in the game that got an existing buttun but it says coming soon. Why not get all the features ready that are allready implanted? And why do they make us looking forward to things that coming soon (but soon means like a year in that game)?

  9. Вы бы лучше во время дд сезонки, между штатами закрыли бы миграции, вот это было бы лучше и так что бы не льзя было попасть даже через другие штаты!!!

  10. Again Coming soon? Even a new baby is born in 9month., But you guys keep saying coming soon.

  11. Please let us have the scientist back. Its not right that some people have him and others cant get him. Fix whats messed up first before adding new junk to fix

  12. Con cada nueva actualización el juego se a vuelto mas lento 🐢🐢 🐢, antes corría súper bien y ahora se ensiman las funciónes de los botones, selecciona el que está en segundo plano y no el primero

  13. Hey they dont give a fuck about what you have to sat. They dont care about your crying in any way. Stop paying them and they will listen. They have fucked evreything up with eden the game is so fucking boring

  14. Lol this will cost good money probably, really don’t want this game to keep heading to the direction where it will be pay to win. Like Game Of Wars was.

    1. Heading to «pay2win» ?? Seriously ?

      This game is one of thz worst case of pay2win already where everything that makes you powerful is buyable with cash and quite some brutally potent advantages are locked behind paywall…
      Can’t really get worse…. 🙁

  15. They say it’s available but not at what base level or what is required to be able to build it.

  16. النظام القديم أفضل بكثير ،
    النظام الجديد ممل و متعب للأعصاب ..

  17. Why don’t you fix the current problems first before adding new ones…… like the fact that small alliances have no chance in hell against p2p alliances.

  18. Why don’t you fix the current problems first before adding new ones…… like the fact that small alliances have no chance in hell against p2p alliances.

  19. My ally doest play Eden. Its blocked by a few very strong alliances. The gate is closed for european time zone. I need all my player connected at 5am for figting and crossing the gate. Thanks to developpers 😂😂😂. 30 players in my ally stopped to play the game since starting of Eden. Eden is killing the game guys.

  20. 24 Sep – coming soon ‘combat base’
    9 Okt – coming soon ‘tactical sysyem’

    T10 – coming soon since the game start…

    Always coming soon…

  21. J’ai le premier niveau de la base tactile
    Ma base est a 12 je monte tout les niveaux aux maximum avant de passer au 13,
    J aime bien se jeu

  22. How about a actual live battle like a battle royal style fight to where you’re base level doesn’t determine who wins this game sucks for anyone that didn’t start on day one or spent 10k if your not a maxed lvl 25 your always going to be left behind

  23. Look exactly like the Management Station… no more graphic ideas? We dont pay enough? Cmon… you can do better than that.

  24. More shite to a shit event!!!
    Noticed others feel the same – 1st fix the stuff that needs fixing in this game before adding even more things that then also need fixing 😥😔😤

  25. Lots of people with full base with no options to open the daily tec and building baus when it will come t10 and base 30 as soon as possible.

  26. Problème de feedback lors d un recrutement membres et aussi lors d un changement image alliance…. merci d y remédier…

  27. Osea que ahora tengo que seguir creando granjas para avanzar en el juego??? Que abuso – _-,

  28. Será agradable para todos que con los boletos dorados salgan héroes dorados , ya sea comunes o (S) s1, s2….. A la los jugadores le cuesta mucho conseguin una carta dorada , y te sale un héroe verde o azul . No es justo

  29. Wait. So this building is ready. After that building of combat base (coming soon).

    So IT IS FALSE advertising. I mean you could tell me. That there is a magical building that shots down unicorns out of the sky. (coming soon)

  30. ok. so it was not ready I don’t want to keep BETA testing . 10/10 for pulling the DD.

    BALANCE THE GAME PLEASE ….. it is so one sided in some states .

  31. Good game. However my merge alliance doesn’t work properly and is very annoying, after negotiate not able to complete the merge.
    Major fault needs attention immediately.

  32. Helpless customer service. Not responses until now ffs

  33. This game is a farce I have been after Oil Tycoon and Alchemist for almost a year now and I get the same old heroes most of the time I get the same hero with 3 different tickets this game is catering to the big money spenders..they dont give a crap about anyone that can’t afford to pay to play….

  34. 火力発電所が建設施設の選択項目に出ない為、建設不可能


  35. I hope this new season X eden, game dev putting tiles for anti virus and materials at the state too, not only at eden. So all the states have the same chance to occupy world center. That will be awesome and will have alot of battle too.

  36. I like it if we were actually able to have this thing to build I haven’t seen it yet available sure would be nice have something other than Garrison Hall to obtain tactical stuff from.. and I also have a problem with one of the events where are the puzzle but that pops up and you have to put the puzzle piece in the puzzle and it locks up my screen as soon as I’m through commenting is probably going to lock up my screen again it did it right in the middle of a duel and lock my screen up for like an hour or so needless to say we lost the duel. Still somewhat pissed I should be compensated for losing precious time and being kept from my account for hours..

  37. Eden una basura
    Reclutamiento de héroes basura
    Lo único que quieren es sacar y sacar dinero, porque solo así puedes tener héroes buenos
    Empieza a aburrir

  38. Why you need make tiny red name tag under tile in eden? Dont you know that our eyes hurt when looking at there? Please change the color. I wish we can zoom it, so we can read it easily. Thanks.

  39. el juego está muy aburrido, que sea más fácil sacar un puto hetoe naranja. Edén una mierda , muy largo. Hagan algo putos desarrolladores

  40. مرحبا أواجه صعوبات في ترقية القاعدة الأساسية لدي اربع مزارع و لكني لا اجد الموارد الكافية للصعود يبدو لي أن هناك مشكلة

  41. State 447
    လိမ္မော်ရောင် hero တစ်ကောင် လိုတယ် apcအားလုံးသော့ ပွင့်ပြီ အခုထိ ခရမ်းရောင်တွေ သုံးနေရတုန်း လိမ္မော်ရောင် heroတစ်ကောင် ထက်ပေးပါ
    ကျွန်တော်က ၀ယ်ဆော့နိုင်ဖူး
    လက်ခံပေးပါ။ ။

  42. Minha opinião é que os jogadores antigos só tem a derrubar os mais novos no Éden, por qual motivo não é feito um pareamento conforme tropas que o jogar possuí??? Por qual motivo é dado ticket dourado se você não ganha heróis dourados.

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