【신문】신비의 지역 탐색

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【비밀 탐색】:

새로운 작업차는 드라이버가 다양한 직업과 성격을 가지고 있어 탐색에 버프효과를 줍니다!

일반탐색은 기지 밖에서 수행할 수 있습니다. 정기적으로 작업차를 파견해 자원을 확보해보세요!

고급탐색은 다른 플레이어의 기지 밖에서 가능합니다. 효과적인 드라이버를 선택하고 다른 플레이어의 자원을 약탈할 수 있습니다!

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드라이버의 다양한 직업과 성격이 궁금하세요?

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새로운 작업차가 오픈되면 다양한 방법을 통해 나만의 노하우를 만들어보세요!


      1. Swap to English¡No dejes tus vehículos de construcción inactivos! ¡Envíalos fuera!
        ¡No les dejes simplemente construir y transportar!
        ¡Envíalos a varios lugares peligrosos y otras bases de personas para explorar y saquear!
        ¡Se ve divertido! ¿Quieres saber más?
        Cada conductor tiene diferentes ocupaciones y personalidades, ¡utilícelo para explorar y obtener recompensas!
        Las afueras de su ciudad pueden explorarse normalmente, envíe vehículos regularmente para obtener recursos.
        se pueden explorar las afueras de la ciudad de otras personas, seleccione el conductor efectivo para obtener el mejor resultado de los robos
        Si tiene dinero extra a mano, utilícelo para actualizar la información de su conductor.
        Los recursos encontrados durante la exploración / robo, se pueden utilizar en el retiro
        ¿Qué tipo de personalidades y ocupaciones tienen los conductores?
        ¿Qué tan efectivos pueden ser sus vehículos de construcción?
        Échale un vistazo ahora

    1. Chicos, hay que aprender idiomas…. sino jugad a juego solo en castellano.
      Pero vamos, que tal si intentas utilizar el traductor Google ?

      1. No tenemos por qué saber otros idiomas, ya que les damos dinero, que se molesten en traducirlo a otros idiomas

      2. Que tal si no pones un juego en sitios que se hable en español, si vendes algo a España en español

      3. Cállate cabron en México no queremos usar el traductor que lo pongan en español y ya

    2. Chicos, hay que aprender idiomas…. sino jugad a juego solo en castellano.
      Pero vamos, que tal si intentas utilizar el traductor Google ?

      1. YO digo que si deberían traducirlo al español por que la malloria le mete dinero al juego por que nos gusta ya por lo menos traducirlo para entenderlo

      2. Dice q cada heroe tiene habilidad distinta para q lo pongas d conductor y t de mas beneficios segun su profesión. Tengo uno q si lo mando a por alimento me da un porcentaje mayor… Otro para el hierro etc. Y si efectivamente si cobran deben traducirlo. Se sepa o no idiomas.

      3. Dice q cada heroe tiene habilidad distinta para q lo pongas d conductor y t de mas beneficios segun su profesión. Tengo uno q si lo mando a por alimento me da un porcentaje mayor… Otro para el hierro etc. Y si efectivamente si cobran deben traducirlo. Se sepa o no idiomas.

      1. Not cool at all. Multi national game. Although ability to translate would be nice.

    3. Swap to English¡No dejes tus vehículos de construcción inactivos! ¡Envíalos fuera!
      ¡No les dejes simplemente construir y transportar!
      ¡Envíalos a varios lugares peligrosos y otras bases de personas para explorar y saquear!
      ¡Se ve divertido! ¿Quieres saber más?
      Cada conductor tiene diferentes ocupaciones y personalidades, ¡utilícelo para explorar y obtener recompensas!
      Las afueras de su ciudad pueden explorarse normalmente, envíe vehículos regularmente para obtener recursos.
      se pueden explorar las afueras de la ciudad de otras personas, seleccione el conductor efectivo para obtener el mejor resultado de los robos
      Si tiene dinero extra a mano, utilícelo para actualizar la información de su conductor.
      Los recursos encontrados durante la exploración / robo, se pueden utilizar en el retiro
      ¿Qué tipo de personalidades y ocupaciones tienen los conductores?
      ¿Qué tan efectivos pueden ser sus vehículos de construcción?
      Échale un vistazo ahora

      1. Mine doesn’t have the option either. Why aren’t they fixing the bugs before adding new content? My translate feature doesn’t work either so I can’t understand most of what my alliance is saying.

    1. No estado 108 tem muitos brasileiros então por favor coloque em portugues além d espanhol e do inglês

    1. I agree, there is zero info on how to explore.. I see nothing about exploring in any of my stuff

      1. Agreed be nice if the devs could get one thing working before screwing up 5 others

      2. You need only pay 💰 real money out the ASS. To get VIP level four and it’s alllllllllll yours

    2. I love how they put this stuff out and it doesn’t work. They don’t care as long as suckers still pay to play.

    3. I agree as well!! You put this info out there, with no instruction on how to make it happen? This game has the absolute worst customer support I lost my lvl 23 base with over 3 million power, and all they could say was oh well start another base

      1. You had a 23 base will only 3 mil power??? You deserved to lose it…. You weren’t using it right anyway. Also a BS story, if you had a 23 base, you bought it, for a lot…. And they’d have your credit info from all that purchasing and if they didn’t give your base back, your certainly wouldn’t still be playing…

      2. If this is true, you didn’t even have enough troops to fill your apcs. Your tech alone should have gotten you close to 3M power. Add troops and you’re easily up to 8M plus.

      3. Actually i have a base level 25 and My tech is into 1.9M power and I have all first 9 trees filled working on troop tech for t9 which is very hard

      4. I agree, absolutely the worst customer support. During Cumulative Diamond purchase. They couldn’t even get the program to do proper math calculations and hence give the proper rewards. Still waiting for them to give the correct reward!

    4. For me it is full of surprises ; the like of explorstion i did not expect it , but it is there alresdy i have hsve it exlporstion vehicles but i need to spend some money to open the adv. explorsyion vehicles !but that is what i do’t have!!!!!!! i enjoy it except when i have a lots of wounded soldiers whn i experiment he might and acquired xtra powers of my guys! so be it, but one thing i can’t find no more when i did started fixing the trailblazer!!!Sometimes to when u ran out wrenches to gixed my vehicles and u don”t cash 2 spend!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Учи чертов английский, я думаю что они не переводят чтобы тем кто остался без перевода на свой родной язык, не было обидно

      1. Ага, а ещё учи испанский, а то тут половина комментов как раз на испанском ;))

    2. Sou brasileiro moro em españa y jogo . Mas o meu traduz tudo. Vai na barra de idiomas e muda la

  1. Dont add stupid like that how can we build if rob my city or i build then i go to sleep u like 24/7 i playing fuck

  2. Не работает у меня я вижу строения но никак не могу займодействовать с ним

  3. Is this “advanced vehicle exploration” unlocked at level 4 of vip shop… so no way to ever get it without massive purchases?

  4. How do I explore it??
    I cannot find any way to send my construction vehicle outside.
    Please reply.

  5. Make us able to get the scinecetist
    And make the layouts reaponsive as it is anoying that sometext is inside eachother

  6. The VIP building is stupid and only supports people who spend alot of money. You should have explained that you need to spend even more money and become VIP 4 before you can explore. I am very disappointed in this game

    1. it’s because this game is not worn by anyone who knows English, even the game info and terms are broken English and we need to read between the lines, the one thing we ask have to remember, is this game is corrupt and fraudulent by design, don’t spend real money, it’s all a scam.

  7. Come on, guys. You developed the game, you’re familiar with it. If you create a new feature, write instructions for people who haven’t seen that new feature yet and aren’t familiar with it yet. 101-level stuff here.

  8. Porque no antes ponen un traductor igual que en el chat?? Así no hay forma de estar al día con el juego

  9. ¡No dejes tus vehículos de construcción inactivos! ¡Envíalos fuera!

    ¡No les dejes simplemente construir y transportar!

    ¡Envíalos a varios lugares peligrosos y otras bases de personas para explorar y saquear!

    ¡Se ve divertido! ¿Quieres saber más?


    Cada conductor tiene diferentes ocupaciones y personalidades, ¡utilícelo para explorar y obtener recompensas!

    Las afueras de su ciudad pueden explorarse normalmente, envíe vehículos regularmente para obtener recursos.

    se pueden explorar las afueras de la ciudad de otras personas, seleccione el conductor efectivo para obtener el mejor resultado de los robos

    Si tiene dinero extra a mano, utilícelo para actualizar la información de su conductor.

    Los recursos encontrados durante la exploración / robo, se pueden utilizar en el retiro

    ¿Qué tipo de personalidades y ocupaciones tienen los conductores?

    ¿Qué tan efectivos pueden ser sus vehículos de construcción?

    Échale un vistazo ahora

  10. Apparently we need to have VIP before we can explore. Complete BS. Always adding new useless features, unless your a high lvl base. This game Lags and has many bugs that need fixing. Instead let’s just keep adding new features …

  11. Why post fake news???

    If it doesn’t work, then it’s fake news.

    If it’s “Coming Soon”, then say that!

    Don’t tell players to go try something that isn’t even functional yet!!

    And for the sake of all that is holy, pay the rewards promised for the Alliance Arms Event, or every player is going to demand refunds for breech of good faith by the Devs

    1. I. With you 100%. WTH! They haven’t paid out ANY arms race info and this no BS add is impossible to reach fo anyone that doesn’t spend thousands of dollars on the game. Don’t add new content only to make your game More pay to playish, then it’s the same as everyone else click and wait game

  12. Why does everything have to make the higher level players more dominant!? Level the damn playing field and make people WORK for their dominance.

  13. Igual que los demás solicitó traductor no puede ser que hay traductor en el juego y no lo utilicen en los avisos

  14. По Русски можно????!!!
    А почему не по Эльфиски тут его все знают🤣🤣

  15. I would like game developers to explore where my missisng 5 k dimonds went. And return them. I earns them , I should be allowed to spend them .

  16. They make it hard enough to get the VIP shop now it’s just something else you need money to buy as this whole is built on them being greedy

  17. How do I get construction vehicles to explore the outskirts?
    I cannot activate this option.

  18. I am so getting bored with this game. New features available but only if you spend more. Rubbish….

  19. I will not spend any more money here. I build up my wealth and somebody can come steal it without war. That’s BS. Why can I send out my vehicles.

  20. Put a comment on your blog about how to do the Explorations with the transport. It really would be nice to know how.

  21. لماذا تفعلون هذا بنا التحالفات التي هاجرت
    لماذا لا نستطيع الذهاب لاجتياح الولايات
    لمااااااااذاااااا !!!

  22. Hey all new stuff check it out. Only have to be level 25 and have vip level 4. So cool. It will only cost like 10 or 12 grand to get. Come on join me.
    Bill Gates.

  23. This will be the second time that the solar power isn’t generating electricity. As it said during the sunlight it generates more than the wind turbine. The last time I bought the package. The construction plant and the solar power wasn’t working. Now its just the solar power.

  24. Like every single new event, they provide absolutely ZERO helpful information or direction.

  25. Post horrível não explicou nada … em
    Qual nível se consegue, como faz pra usar essa atualizacao nova????

  26. Можно посылать рабочих на разведку и получать за это ресурсы, правда не понятно Когда это будет работать

  27. Post instructions on how to send vehicle sales out to explore. The instructions would make the news much more useful.

  28. This feature is not happening and state 121 I don’t understand why you post something and you can’t do nothing about it in your state we don’t have that option with our builders. Also there’s money crate thing to just rolled out the timer has started and there’s no money crates to buy.

  29. [Google Translate]
    ¡No dejes tus vehículos de construcción inactivos! ¡Envíalos fuera!

    ¡No les dejes simplemente construir y transportar!

    ¡Envíalos a varios lugares peligrosos y otras bases de personas para explorar y saquear!

    ¡Se ve divertido! ¿Quieres saber más?


    Cada conductor tiene diferentes ocupaciones y personalidades, ¡utilícelo para explorar y obtener recompensas!

    Las afueras de su ciudad pueden explorarse normalmente, envíe vehículos regularmente para obtener recursos.

    se pueden explorar las afueras de la ciudad de otras personas, seleccione el conductor efectivo para obtener el mejor resultado de los robos

    Si tiene dinero extra a mano, utilícelo para actualizar la información de su conductor.

    Los recursos encontrados durante la exploración / robo, se pueden utilizar en el retiro

    ¿Qué tipo de personalidades y ocupaciones tienen los conductores?

    ¿Qué tan efectivos pueden ser sus vehículos de construcción?

    Échale un vistazo ahora

  30. Has anyone had a reply off makers ever I have loads of buttons missing since update and no way of contacting them its pissing me off and very poor customer service

  31. Apparently this is only available once you reach lvl20, they left that bit out!!

  32. Обновы хрень, то одно не работает, то другое. Нахрена такие обновления ????

  33. No estado 108 tem muitos brasileiros então por favor coloque em portugues além d espanhol e do inglês

  34. I don’t want to spend a dime !
    ’cause I don’t have any !!!
    Free to play? Hahaha….👿😹
    And the usual problem : the “help”
    files are often very difficult to understand what they want to tell,
    and still the game is buggy ! A pity
    It could have been a great game!
    So ….mmmmmmmmmmm

  35. Ridículo. Nadie de responde.!
    Hay tantas preguntas y nadie del juego que no sea auto contestador que no te entiende, pueda responderte!
    Y help ya juego tan pobre… Sorprendente juego tan bueno y con errores tan ridículo!!!!!!?

  36. With so many people playing this game can we lease get better instructions on how to explore with your construction vehicles .
    There’s so many aspects of the game that aren’t explained . Please can we get better player support .

  37. To get this you need to
    1. Spend the $100 for vip badges to build build vip center
    2. Earn or spend enough vip points to level the building up to level 4
    3.spend vip points on the vehicle exploration perk

    In other words spend spend spend

  38. To get this you need to
    1. Spend the $100 for vip badges to build build vip center
    2. Earn or spend enough vip points to level the building up to level 4
    3.spend vip points on the vehicle exploration perk

    In other words spend spend spend

  39. You need to unlock the VIP Shop at lvl 20 base. If the guy above is correct, than you need upgrade the VIP Shop to lvl 4 to be able to explore. Btw, to unlock the VIP Shop at lvl 20 base you need to buy a 100€ pack and I’m sure to lvl the VIP Shop to lvl 4, will need tons of VIP points or whatever.

  40. Again IT DOES NOT WORK! Either I am stupid or you need to fix it!


  41. Здравствуйте.
    У меня проблема в игре.
    Не открылись вчера больше чем 3 сундука. Но я по количеству очков точно должен открыть 5-6.
    Игра обновленна.
    Кэш удален.
    Подскажите что сделать.
    Очень обидно.
    Ник: Underground

  42. Ну ёлки палки, если культурно, РУССКИЙ перевод где?????

  43. Who is writing these posts your not giving what tech unlocks this, what building unlocks this, I mean these are fundamental things guys… please update the post it makes no sense.

  44. You need to buy VIP shop first then buy enough tokens to reach level 4 VIP shop and then this will let you send them out to explore.

    Money making scam

  45. My construction vehicles don’t have the option to explore. The help and instructions are useless. Love the game…if I could figure out how to play…I am getting extremely frustrated!

  46. But i couldnt find how to send the construction vehicles…. i am lvl 11 base… have tried being farmer n raider… from where we should send them to explore??

  47. Please let us know how to send our construction veh. Out to explore . I have no explore tab when I look at my veh.

  48. سلام.چرا من با آنکه پیشرفت خوبی داشتم ولی جوایز باز نمیشه

  49. You tell us they can, but how do you do it??? Come on! Dont say it can be done and not explain how its done!!!

  50. pourriez vous traduire en français pour ceux qui ne parle pas et comprenne pas l anglais

  51. When will we actually be able to explore?? Says January 25th and its February 3rd already still without an option…

  52. Where is this screen? For the construction vehicle? What level can you access this option?

  53. This is like the 5th or 6th time i have been alerted to this “new development” that I either
    A) do not have access to.
    B) is broken and I can not use.

    Stop notifications on things that fall into those 2 classifications please if your not going to explain it further.

  54. Wtf….und wie soll das gehen? Wenn ich auf meiner Fahrerkarte bin, kann ich nur bauen oder transportieren…wo und wie explore und plundere ich?

  55. Ilan buwan o araw bago mawala sa isang state .. Kung di ako magbubukas ng akcount ko na kaka sawa na kase…

  56. It doesnt work. Is still in Beta version. So wait for more instructions till there.

  57. Only advanced exploration is a VIP unlock on level 4…but where can you access “normal exploration?”

  58. So how do I get this to work???? There is no instructions on vehicle exploration and no buttons to make it work??? Ffs.

  59. Bonjour je été victime de perte de 100000 diamant et je sais pas quoi faire svp aide moi à le récupère car je passe plus de 1 mois à le rassemblement merci de votre compréhension

  60. Hra, která neomrzí. Byl jsem v levlu 17 a 13 a v obou případech jsem si omylem zrušil město a začal jsem znovu. Všem doporučuji.

  61. Είναι ένα εξαιρετικό παιχνίδι και γι’αυτο το παίζω

  62. Very poor service and information to be Frank!….and still no more information on it

  63. To bad its only for pay to play users.
    Please make it also available for free to play users.

    Make the vip options available for everyone. Even if its quest in the game. Disbalance is too high between p2p and f2p.

  64. Nunca mais compro nada nesse jogo, comprei um pacote de heróis, gastei 5 tíquetes superiores e n selecionou nem um herói roxo, absurdo, pura enganação.

  65. Against the new rules of a new law that will allow people who want the government

  66. How do you do this!?!?!?!!!
    You keep advertising it and the construction vehicles can’t do anything! Come on guys!

  67. Necesito la especificación de cada profesión por favor tanto como la de granjero,saqueador y comerciante

  68. Ало админ. Можно также с переводом подумать (былобы не плохо)

  69. Actually i have a base level 25 and My tech is into 1.9M power and I have all first 9 trees filled working on troop tech for t9 which is very hard

  70. This is my prayer to the my heart at the route of penury in my heart physics 10th standard for an application for us proper problem is not reachable ok bye

  71. Read other Comments and stop ask 100000000 times the same idiot quetstion if you play a game of money Hungry Kapitalist…
    First get lvl 20 to unlock the Vip shop , spend money for build it …then spend money to get vip lvl 4 in shop,then spend money on Perks …And now shut the fuck up and scroll and read next time before ask Million time the same….what you expect from this game ..explaining …Learning buy doing …get some skill and be smart

  72. How does this work with sending out the construction vehicles to explore? Do you need to have a certain number of them? I’m trying to figure it out and I can’t seem to

  73. How does this work with sending out the construction vehicles to explore? Do you need to have a certain number of them? I’m trying to figure it out and I can’t seem to

  74. Eso se habilitara en la proxima actualizacion o que? Nose como usarlo porque no lo encuentro

  75. Excelente juego, solo deveria tener una forma de poder comprar en efectivo. O con creditos compu.

  76. Quero mudar de aliança e não consigo cara a aliança que eu estou não me ajuda quero saor dela e não consigo

  77. That bullshit. A fella in my state spend 10k per month still not vip4 and it need vip 4 to use it.

  78. The only thing I would really like to see is instructions, everything for a noob seems to be a mystery. You need VIP level 4, don’t even know what that is….lol.
    I’m sure it’s a good game with plenty do do over and above buying your way up the ranks.

  79. Creo que tendrían que traducir para las personas que no tienen traductor en el celular pero esta muy bueno 😊👍

  80. Update to latest game version. Explore is available for all, at least basic one. Advances exploration is for VIPs. Check construction vehicle list.

  81. There should be a choice in deciding who is your ideal driver! not that every time you click the change driver you lose money@#$! it’s like randomly choosing you have no other options. It’s FRUSTATING!!!

  82. چرا من با اینکه فعالیت زیادی دارم ولی الماس دریافت نمیکنم

  83. Works fine for me. Yes you have to pay for advanced but normal exploration works great and brings in some good money. If your patient theres no need to pay. Just have to play smart.

  84. No glitch, it works, click on the helmet in the city to explore

    You must be level 14

    Read the directions

  85. Also, for those who cant get the TRANSLATOR to work, you need to disable background apps, close down programs that are In the background, when you do this the game works fine. If you dont the game adjusts. And self determined which game device is not needed in order for you to keep playing. So shutdown open windows. That simple….So say the Saber

  86. How can you switch your state with out losing your stats or starting over.
    My email is mnpwres@gmail.com
    Looking forward to hearing from you. The president of 908 is sickening and makes me not want to play this game.

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