






  1. I’m sure it’s a really good question, but unfortunately I don’t speak Chinese 🤣

        1. Completely agree with this. Its downside is that you don’t really get chance to thank the other team and say goodbye. Once the countdown hits is not enough time. Rewards are good though!

          1. Mean wile thinking my luck for a hero,, but only have 3, orange heroes with b25 base😂

        1. Doomsday is fun but it’s difficult managing dura, i like Eden; Faction style…. The guild vs guild is difficult going up against pay to win players. At least with faction the pay to win players are forced to work with us “lesser” players 😂

        2. Anyone that has nice rewards for the amount of work put in….so not dd all out war 😅

      1. Oblivion, it gives me a chance to go crazy oblivion is my favorite

    1. Eden is my favorite gameplay. A lot of fun because all troops will comeback after the season.

    2. What is doomdays event!? I am new still not know muchhh ! But it will surely give awesome stuffs

    3. I like Oblivion event the best! Can work together as a team to take targets and defeat other alliances.

    4. TIM sure it’s a good question for the devs. But not for the players

    5. If i can, i will a new design that allows the heroes move faster 🤣

  2. I love any special events that give free rewards and items like super ticket, super cores and war badge etc.

    1. Oblivion is definitely my favorite event. It’s complete chaos for 2 hours. I love it, I think it should be a once a week thing.

    2. I agree. Special events are the best. Even Eden is getting routine with the big spender alliances dominating the game.

    1. But the best is Oblivion. Should be more rounds so more ppl could partake

  3. I really like Eden a lot
    It changed the game from a zombie like version of FarmVille to a great social event where people loving the game comes together and new friends ( or enemies) happen

  4. I like to play Eden, killing event and oblivion. I wish we can have oblivion at least once a week.

  5. Oblivion is my favourite…absolutely the BEST! I wish it can be once every week.

  6. Oblivion! Can do suicide attacks and have all your troops back afterwards 😂

  7. oblivion and eden because yr lose troops will be returned

  8. Oblivion .. I always think If there is a bigger version of it would be great idea .. like a full season of it

  9. I like killing event and the DD total war as well as Eden Conflict. Just all about killing troops not boring.

  10. Oblivion is kinda fun but the match making is strange. The holiday events are the best

  11. Eden, but it would be a lot better if everyone got rewards. The time spent in Eden is time spent away from CoZ, so the rewards would compensate for that. One ticket is nothing. FIVE tickets (or vouchers) every time would make it feel more like a reward. Also, the matchups have to make more sense. It seems every server gets a super guild that is impossible to beat! We should be playing Eden (and Doomsday) against the same matchups we have in CoZ.

  12. I like an any special event that gives free rewards and items like super ticket, super cores and war badge etc.

  13. Oblivion is great, quick and good rewards even for a loss. Eden is fun but so long it can be draining an rewards can come down to pure luck on where on the map you spawn. Matchmaking with both could be improved though to make it fairer

  14. I like Eden, but I really would like to try Oblivion. Unfortunately I am unavailable one saturday out of two, so I would like Oblivion to become a weekly event.

  15. Oblivion as you can get d day coins and gold tickets, no troops lost as well!

  16. to me the eden, especially if you are a faction, and now I looked at how it will be!🤗

  17. So far Oblivion is the best one for me. Gotta chance to try all your apc formations without limit 😂😂😂 That’s why lots love to participate. Hope it won’t be 20 participants only, or not only Top 20 alliances next time

  18. Oblivion is on of the best but I’ll hope in the future there will be more events and gameplay

  19. 🌹🌹💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Waiting for rewards🌹🌹💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  20. Oblivion. You should scrap warm up weeks with an oblivion league. Better rewards and prizes for the top alliance. SX. permanent Base skins. Bane parts etc

  21. Hands down, Eden is my favorite gameplay. The rewards are fantastic 👍

  22. Oblivion by far the best event, yeah a week long oblivion league sounds great👍

  23. My favorite gameplay has to be Oblivion. It’s fun and a great way to test APCs safely and get great rewards too!

  24. My favorite is Oblivion. This is a short gameplay inside lss, and allows us to actually fight without agreements and politics.

  25. Eden, oblivion and the part where devs give out free hero packs! Yayyyy.

  26. Factions eden, need to have some war in the game or it becomes boring

  27. I dont know what gameplay mean is. But if u ask what is my favourite event, i will say all event that give free base skin is my favourite event.

  28. Oblivion, because you can test and fight a low without loosing troops. Should be at multiple times so alliance can Split up easy according to time zone

  29. The LC battle last week was pretty interesting but sad at the same time. I wish we all can get along and be united as a state.

  30. Oblivion is nice. You get to fight and test your APCs without losing any power.

  31. Oblivion is the most fun… Eden is solid except when you land with a major dictator and everyone on the map becomes scared of one single alliance so they allow that alliance to decide the map.

  32. I enjoy anything that involves burning bases and killing troops🤣

  33. Oblivion is the best as the matching looks good and we get a good opponent. Hope it’s every week

  34. It would be eden if you could ensure the season wouldn’t be arranged with treatises. Otherwise, it’s oblivion

  35. Oblivion, or anything with nice rewards with super recruitment tickets!!

  36. Oblivion has to be my choice. Complete mayhem until the clock runs down.

  37. Oblivion is the best game mod in my opinion. Lots of fun in quite a short time and the rewards are good aswell.

  38. Oblivion. I would love to see oblivion season event instead of eden or total war. Total war is just unfair, eden is just about deals lately. Oblivion has potential.

  39. Oblivion when the teams are well matched. When it is one sided it lasts way too long either the other team leaving in a few minutes.

  40. Oblivion for the kill like event, the unlimited dura, and to get all troops back at the end.
    My next favourite is KE.

  41. Definately oblivion. Would be even better if the devs didnt screw up and decided not to compensate

  42. I love playing Oblivion. It’s a quick KE type match with extra dynamics. More than all that after the match your troops return back and you still end up hell getting good rewards

  43. My favorite gameplay is when you give us free rewards for doing things like this. And Eden of course along with KE.

  44. Two things Eden and Oblivion is my favourite. Also the ones with the chance to exchange blue cores to orange.

  45. My favorite is Eden. Rolling times with honor structures would make it even better.

  46. Same as a lot of people that commented before me, Oblivion 👍

  47. Oblivion is my favourite, best 1hr in the game and good rewards as well.

  48. Oblivion! it is fun when we got a fair matchup! and the rewards is great!

  49. Eden and oblivion, I enjoy being able to fight without worrying about troop losses

  50. Most definitely Eden and Oblivion! No actual troop loss is great! Kill event is fun too but troop loss is heavy.

  51. I really enjoy eden conquest north vs south great way to meet new friends

  52. Eden has been my favorite because it’s another state so I don’t have to worry about getting attacked like DD and the troops are returned for free at the end of the season.

  53. Oblivion is actually a really really fun game style when match making works out

  54. Oblivion for sure! Eden is too long. But if I was to pick an Eden type it would be conflict (factions?)

  55. I like oblivion but my alliance plays at a time when I’m not available, definitely like Eden ( boring when no Eden).

    One thing to consider, have a version of oblivion where folks can join at random, once there’s 40 people they get sorted into two teams somehow for balance, then starts immediately for one hour. Don’t limit to an alliance or state.

  56. Right now definitely oblivion. It’s great fun and I’d love to play more often!
    I also love DD and hope you will bring it back soon!

  57. Oblivion. it gives a real worthy 1 hour fight, so much fun and rewarding

  58. Oblivion is great and old school doomsday is fun too when you get to work together with your state

  59. Oblivion definitely. But heroes day when opening tickets and getting the hero u wanted is fun as well

  60. My favorite is eden and doomsday but I haven been able to play since 32 hours. I have a game issue that customer service is not helping me with or even replying 🙁

    1. More than 24h since a reply from customer service feels like the game does not care for it’s customers

  61. I hate to say this but I think regular Doomsday is my favorite. It seems more balance than Eden Maps where all guilds can bully one alliance.

  62. Oblivion because it has great rewards and you can fight all you want and wouldn’t lose any troops 🥰

  63. Eden is my favorite game play although it could be shorter, 30 days would be enough.

  64. Eden with all the different variation that renders it a bit new every season 👍

  65. I like normal dd not Eden. State vs state with unity. Then oblivion event is next best thing in this game.

  66. Oblivion for its fun and its rewards certainly. But also Kill Event is a must. I think it should be more than once in a week. But with more gained teleports also.

  67. Oblivion is great, it should be more frequently and more people of each alliance should be able to participate.

  68. Oblivion is the best plus ke. The worst is Eden only payers and people who love to follow and have no clue about the game like it. It’s a 24/7 job for the rest n u get 100% dictated out of ur clans league clans in the map. Whoever like Eden with super unfair matching that most maps are decided bi deals the first two days has no clue what dd n real war used to be. If all those so called super clans were fighting each other n the rest of us could have our moments of glory fighting between us. Then maybe could be decent…

  69. Eden north vs south ! Would just like eden generally last a bit less because end of season are always boring.

  70. Oblivion is amazing but I usually can’t participate due to the day/time options.
    Close second is doomsday Event Warfare. The North vs South is great and provides clear enemies.

  71. Favorite game play is oblivion! Winner/loser the rewards are great for 1hour of playing

  72. Oblivion is definitely my favorite! Because even a weaker alliance can outsmart a stronger one

  73. oblivion as you can really test out the effectiveness of your apcs without massive healing times. Eden is great to but really hard to get to attack near reset like my fellow Europeans.

  74. I love doomsday most. Everybody can work toghether as a state. That’s good.

  75. Eden factions has been the most entertaining so far. It actually forces alliances to have to fight and not just sit around and make deals from day one

  76. I like killing event during coz. Only place where mid power player’s can test their power and skills on setting acp.

  77. i love eden. no eden = retired.
    eden is life, eden reward mean so much for player like me.

  78. Yeti event is cool but best when it comes during dd so multiple states can hit the same 1 for max rewards

  79. Dd Event and seasonal event which give more rewards I like most

  80. Oblivion because we can go all out in it and still don’t lose troops. And good rewards. No need to grind for days

  81. Special Events like Christmas, New Year , Valentine’s Day. Anything that gives out rewards like War Badges, Super Core, Base skins

  82. My favorite gameplay is Oblivion. I do wish they were a little more evenly matched but it’s fun despite that.

  83. My favorite gameplay is Oblivion. Wish it was a little more evenly matched but it’s fun and good rewards

  84. My favorite game play are events where i dont have to spend money to participate and win.

  85. Kupikir skin beast invasion naga biru / merah sangat bagus karena bagi freeplayer itu keliatan mewah harus bayar, dan semua skin base harus bayar tolong beri skin gratis untuk freeplayer 🤣
    Jangan lupa membeli kopi murni asli dari @kopisoji & @rumahkopijogja, untuk topup di game ini 😌😅

  86. Some years ago when you didn’t need that much money before x heroes and eden

  87. Dially quests between seasons which cancelled last two seasons ..it gives war badges and red cores ..and is great for upgrading base

  88. At the moment, oblivion is the favorite. Excellent prizes for just one hour of gameplay. No doubt that the kill event ranks a close second 🥈

  89. I like the really back and forth doom fights, the touch and go cat and mouse ones

  90. Oblivion. Eden whenever the grouping is fair and there is fighting, but that is rare.

  91. Shorter events are best, Oblivion is good at 1 hour. Ruins adventure good too. More like that please.

  92. Oblivion. Nice rewards, short time you have to play. To bad its only possible one day a week

  93. Doomsday is the best..adds more action at dailly gameplay..
    Oblivion is good also but need improvements

  94. Liking a lot all eden variations… each one if it’s characteristic… faction the most fun one, since there is a lot of fighting… other ones are also fun, but mostly good for development

  95. Weekend Kill Event, operation oblivion and DDS4

  96. Seems like I wont Match the 5 days 😭😭😭
    Favourite gameplay? 🤔 If there is Eden, maybe total war, If there is total war, maybe Eden 🤔
    Killing is fun, so everything where you can gain kills… XD

  97. Eden North vs. South. Realy looking forward to comming Eden with another nice expansion

  98. I like duel to see how my apc goes. But you should add in duel for the warm up week. Just for within the state.

  99. Eden Conflict is my favorite since it is North vs South wish this Eden would happen more often. Oblivion is my 2nd favorite event. Wish you can keep the Kill Counts you get in it

  100. Oblivion is my favorite event. It’s short, fast paced and a great way to test troops. I like the fact that you can get your troops back immediately after the event is over.

  101. X Eden Conflict is my favorite big event but I am also a very big fan of Oblivion. The name of the event says it all. Good fun.

  102. My favorite gameplay is Oblivion. I wish so badly we could have oblivion battles instead of alliance duels during total war

  103. My favorite game play is doomsday eden north vs south it forces more players to work together in achieving victory. It’s great!!

  104. Eden Conflict North vs South..
    ..as long as both sides fight till the last troops, no fun if the other one surrender early

  105. Definitely Oblivion. The heros from DD are great but it’s a long season

  106. I like the Wasteland Knowledge Quest, not quiet sure with the name haha. It’s like a quiz.

  107. Oblivion is great fun. I think if you dressed up the launch battle events like oblivion it will be fun.

  108. I hope you can bring back the spinning wheel with permanent gifts for display as the prizes. I badly wanted one. 🙁

  109. Eden factions for sure. I enjoyed total war, but eden allows 24 hour action, where Total war was only 3 days a weeks for fighting. I look forward to eden conflict and think it will be the new favorite, and also look forward to the re-vamped total war soon

  110. I would love to be able to play and join the battle during KE and occupying of Launch Center. Too scared to even try for now.

  111. Battle for the launch center is my favorite. Often it is the only time to get kills against timid states who would rather hide under a shield

  112. Oblivion. Old doomsday was also fun until this whole politics about who will get what rank gets dictated by certain alliances. Same as eden too

  113. The new Eden style is better than the old DD. Way better and challenging.

  114. Faction type eden is somehow better than the conventional eden though

  115. Oblivion. It’s a waste we forgot to sign up our farm alliance this week. 🙁

  116. Oblivion is a fun aspect of the game, or ke when you are not facing a dead state 🤷‍♀️

  117. All different types of Eden, of course. Plus all events that allow me to win super recruitment tickets, red cores, hero tokens, DD coins, honor points, base and APC skins!

  118. I love to play Eden because you can attack people without them running away as much.

  119. I wanna see a monster comes from the water and everyone in state help to kill with missiles like event , we need DD back too all we spent for missile is nothing!!!!

  120. Duel and Oblivion so far is the best. You can fight with no holds barred and all your troops will comes back.

    How about this for a new event, combine duel and oblivion and you can have an interstate match with brackets of winners. It’s like a duel style matching but the fight will happen like Oblivion. Message me if you guys need my initial thoughts on mechanics.

  121. The Even that can make alliance work together, such as Eden, Zombie Ruins, Oblivions. It’s fun

  122. This is disappointing how can wa face an alliance have double MMR than us in Oblivion 😡

  123. I like oblivion fight and get results within one hour . Eden also good to play but it take too much time everyday until season end. And most of the time small guild didn’t get any reward because unfair matching in the map.

  124. My favourite is oblivion, because I can get 10 gold tickets.

  125. Killevent… because Eden is more fun, but it happens way to often and it’s way to long

  126. Eden because of the rewards and Oblivion because of its none stop fighting in just limited time.

  127. Oblivion, unlimited durability, fast apc, good rewards,.. win or lose still receive rewards…

  128. Oblivion, its fast, losses are only in event, rewards are the best for time taken

  129. Doomsday event and specially Eden, but you need to make a similar event with shorter time. Not 45 days. Maybe a sub event for 15 days

  130. The one where we have to kill different level of zombies requiring different troop types

  131. Eden is my favourite. North vs south is the Best. Its playable for weaker player too

  132. I like oblivion because it is an hour and gives you 10 super tickets if you win and 3 if you lose.

  133. Eden is always good if the guilds fight for the rewards – but it would be better if big guilds didn’t just make agreements in the second week. It’s boring when it finishes

  134. OBLIVION is the best. Short, intense, tactical and all lost troops come come back.

  135. Oblivion is a lot fun. No real risk so you can take chances. Fast so not much time to think and bedlam in the chats from all the chaos.

  136. Oblivion is a good mini gameplay. I hope we will have more events like this in the future.

  137. Want to be able to turn off Speaker fully charged notification.

  138. For me its regular DD. It’s more intense. Except the bad part of it l, it’s the dura 🤣

  139. Sure Oblivion Is the most Amazing event on game! But pls count the kills made during this event again 🙏

  140. Eden is a memorable event, where friends and enemies gather to pay tribute to the wastelands

  141. I love Eden, but after four seasons we need a Dooms Day. The mix between dooms day and Eden gave balance,

  142. I really like the wendel events. Allince need to work toghter and good rewards!

  143. Obilivion, i miss the old doomsday, and events that give tons of rewards

  144. I love oblivion, something new different, and highly intense. Also the rewards do add up

  145. I really like Oblivion. It is a short power play and you do not get exhausted and bored.

  146. I Love To Play Oblivion And Zombie Siege 😍 Eden And DD Is Also Good But It Takes So Long Time

  147. I am trying to get all the systems and operation down as I am a new player. The graphics and gameplay as a newbie is pretty nice and so easy .I started gaming and even beta testing when computer gaming and use had just started so I’m not new to the concepts just this game and as I said it pretty cool.

  148. I love oblivion it’s good for between edens and total war and coz events during peace week while waiting if I had to pick between the seasons eden conflict has became my favorite total war is second regular eden is to one sided for the monster states those states that are dead gets stuck with those states with 6-7 alliances in double digits in power regular eden completely unfair matchups

  149. My favorite game play was DD, that every player regardless of level and power could participate. most people hate Eden because thats for the strongest players and low rank don’t receive any reward.

  150. I haven’t played oblivion yet because I’m new here. But I’m excited to play

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