
















    1. 297 thoughts on “ข่าวหลุด! ช่วงที่1ระบบสร้างอนุภาคใหม่ | อาคารใหม่”ห้องทดลองฮอปเนสห้องทดลองฮอปเนส”มาแล้ว กำลังมาเพิ่มพลังแข็งแกร่งให้ฮีโร่”

    1. Тебе ответили? Если да то напиши и мне как построить

  1. While I welcome any new mechanics to the game. No one with an IQ 160 would not name the lab hopeness as this is not an actual word in English.

    1. As a comparably high IQ is required to understand what a neologism is, I’m not surprised by your comment. Furthermore, one should be careful when attempting to use double negatives, especially at lower IQ levels. It’s very easy to get confused while using them, conveying the exact opposite of the meaning one would like to, making a fool out of oneself in the process.

      1. One should be careful about refering to oneself as one. This may portray oneself as extremely pompous. ;-p

      2. Thank you for your comment, clearly this word is more mainstream in the country you live than mine. You kind of missed the irony in my comment.
        i think it’s more likely the devs were not trying to coin a new word, rather this is more an artefact within the translation. I’m pleased the devs are asking for more community support to help with this.

      3. As long as the lab makes and serves beer 🍺 and wine 🍷 I really don’t care what they call it 😂

  2. Yay, new stuff for whales to spend $ on. Imagine starting this game as a new player. Lol.

      1. Agreed!!! Lets start with the basics…Is it Hopkins Laboratory, or hopeness

  3. Quisiera saber si devolverán el total de lo que gaste para construir la base pequeña , que al venir al estado pionero esa base no funciona , entonces ahora agregan un edificio en el que hay que gastar pero no sabremos si será algo que realmente perdure

    1. Eh salut t’est de quel état les français sont assez rare par ici ?

  4. Poder utilizar las medallas repetidas de los héroes para el laboratorio de partículas.

  5. А можно мне в реальную жизнь такую лабораторию с такой хозяйкой и такими возможностями. 😂

  6. Bueno espero que no sea algo como t10 en el que para tenerlo hay que meter mucho dinero,buen juego👍

    1. Если ты открыл эту лабораторию то подскажи как

  7. Artık turuncu kahramanlar dan elde edemiyorum ve benim fikrimce üssün içinde yeşil alan olsun ve çeşme tarzı bişey olsun petrol elde edebilmek için ve biraz daha canlılık katmak için ileri seviye olarak savaşma esnasında yakınlık gösterilsin

  8. Я так понимаю что ни кто не хочет помочь или подсказать как построить эту лабораторию

  9. When?i’m still waiting for another building to build that was annunced one year ago…

  10. Cuáles son las condiciones y requisitos para desbloquear este edificio

  11. Bonjour,
    Quelles sont les conditions et exigences pour déverrouiller ce bâtiment?

  12. It sounds great!! It hope it is applied to the game sometime soon, just as a regular free building.

  13. WwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwewwwwwwtythtytytytytytytytytytyytytytwwwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

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