【予告】新たなヒーロー 登場!



新たなヒーロー、三名❗❗世界時間2018-11-10 ヒーローロビーに現れます。



  • 「射手」軍団を率いている真の男 – 鉄壁:ハンス
  • 「戦士」軍団を率いている戦争狂人 – 好戦者:ニック
  • 「改造車両」軍団を率いているミステリー戦士 – 剃刀:マスク






#ニュース #末世新ヒーロー #圧倒的

    1. Its been a long time between drinks seem to be getting the same heros day in day out

      1. I agree and they are mostly green and blue some definite problems in the game

    2. No me deja poner escudo ni participar en esta guerra ayuda soporte last shelter

    3. I’m totally over this game giving no yellow heroes 🦸‍♀️ you put in the work to be disappointed ☹️ again and again come on guys seriously hand some out already……… no point introducing new ones when u give none of the old ones

      1. I agree. They keep raising the price of everything, have to get the building to a level 20. Everything they sell is 99 dollars. This is getting ridiculous. Cant build anything because nothing produces enough to grow with without spending tons of money.

    4. This is all wrong. These hero recruiting is off. I only get green heroes that are not worth anything. Something is wrong. Please fix now!

  1. I don’t know what has been gong on with the recruitment tickets lately, for the last month 99% of the tickets I use I have only been getting green and blue hero’s for being in a state that is almost 4 months old those hero’s are irrelevant I cannot get purple or orange hero’s to be able to unlock skills and get higher level hero’s that are needed.

    1. I got an Orange hero that I had never seen before yesterday! I had him chasing zombies all day to level him up to level twelve. He just disappeared a half hour ago with no clue as to what happened.

  2. I’ve only been playing for a month or two….. and I’ve only gotten one orange hero!!
    It’s getting kinda ridiculous!!!

  3. I’ve been playing for 6 months, only gotten two orange hero out of… probly 700 tickets all together. Not counting free recruite. Its bullshit. 40 blue tickets and i get like 12 accountants. Green heros off of super recruitment tickets, come on. They are impossible to get.

  4. I’ve been playing for 6 months, only gotten two orange hero out of… probly 700 tickets all together. Not counting free recruite. Its bullshit. 40 blue tickets and i get like 12 accountants. Green heros off of super recruitment tickets, come on. They are impossible to get.

  5. The annoying kid is certainly living up to his name. I get him every day and it is annoying me.

  6. do you form a big alliance if you merge or what cause i dont know the game that well

  7. I coice musk the razor…..i need this Hero, i am very very need this hero 🙏

  8. I’ve spent hundreds dollars on heros with only 1 dropping. Come on guys please fix the drop rate cause right now it’s a RIP off

  9. I’ve spent hundreds dollars on heros with only 1 dropping. Come on guys please fix the drop rate cause right now it’s a RIP off

  10. It is impossible to get yellow heroes with the yellow tickets. That’s why I’ll never buy golden tickets 😂

  11. Remember, it’s all about the money. They want you to spend real money to get those orange and higher tier development heroes.

  12. Здравствуйте, когда будет доступна миграция в другой штат?

  13. imposible, ni gastando dinero consigo héroes naranja, además el nivel de recursos es irrisorio, llevo 4 días esperando reunir recursos para una actualización. en breve lo desinstalare y por supuesto tomo buena nota de los productores, quienes considero últimos responsables.

  14. لايمكن الوصول لهذا الاشياء بسبب gg الذي وضعوه المطورين حتى يستغلو جميع الناس في النقود يجب عليكم التوقف عن دعم هذا اللاعب

  15. لايمكن الوصول لهذا الاشياء بسبب gg الذي وضعوه المطورين حتى يستغلو جميع الناس في النقود يجب عليكم التوقف عن دعم هذا اللاعب

  16. 3month no orange hero come on, I play everyday use my tickets every hero event nothing on either account, new heros 😂 can’t get old ones, joke ass game.

  17. If you get orange hero easily, the developer won’t get much earning.
    Or if too hard to get orange hero, it will be less competitive and soon getting bored with the game.

  18. The ratio for getting hero’s is truly shocking! Use an orange ticket and receive a green hero!….SERIOUSLY.
    I know you developers need to fund your lifestyles and new cars but if you really wanted longevity then you’d make prices lower PERMANANTLY, make higher grade rewards accessible through the game rather than just diamonds and give players something to enjoy chasing.

  19. Nick, two random enemy within range, take damage, but the skill range is 2… what gives?

  20. Yo en 6 meses ya cuento con 7 naranjas un S1 entre ellos,pero tuve que invertir en el packs de 1 mes de desarrollo de héroes, si no te Ale uno durante el mes, al último día, te deja elegir uno libre…y de suerte obtuve uno más en sorteo aleatorio con un cupón de heroe naranja ganado por ahí

  21. Cool heros that I will never get along with all the other orange ones. A great way for other players to spend hundreds of real money and destroy my base.

  22. Been playing for 6 months spent thousands and still no albert research hero… no one has him on 97 unreal

  23. Are any of the developers even reading the comments about players not getting enough purple or orange heroes? Wake up!

  24. This is stupid I use 20 orange ticket not one orenge hero or even a purple one all dumb exp and blue why are they labusing us like this I have 24 purple tickets and I’m scared to use cuz I don’t need blue hero’s

  25. I didn’t get my first orange hero until almost 6 months… Now pushing 10 months… Only got 4 fighters, couple duplicates… Others I know, got 3 different heros on base level 3 or 4.

    Very imbalanced. Not happy.

  26. El reclutamiento super no parece serlo, es difícil que salga un heroe naranja… No deberia ser de niveles altos este tipo de reclutamiento?

  27. please developers! do something about hero recruitments, use super recruitment ticket and you get green heroes or blue.. this hero recruitment is unreasonable, please developers do something about it, not just making a fortune out of players.

  28. Have given that feedback already so many times… even when you make purchase of super ticket you get blue hero …

  29. It’s been weeks since I got a orange heroe. They should give you at least one or 2 per week
    And I recruited many from earned tickets

  30. This is total BULLSHIT. I have been playing without any heroes as I am not allowed access to the HERO HALL. So, everything I have done is pointless, no heroes, no power.
    I have tried repeatedly to contact ANYONE…to no avail.

  31. does anybody know what to do?
    How do I contact a human that will be able to do something?
    2 weeks I have been trying. Nothing…

  32. You should increase the numbers of researching in the institute on upgrading, and having problem for crafting trailblazers
    Kindly solve the issues hoping for the best to come,
    Happy Game,
    Commander Last Shelter Servival

  33. Spent 100$ on recruiting tickets and didnt even get 1 orange hero super fail guys

  34. I just avail for the first time 30 super Recruitment tickets for 100$ and I just only get one Orange hero which I can’t even used because I have already that here (destroya) . Im so sad that I felt being swindle for the money I used that I didn’t have another Orange hero. I hope developer will give me relief. Very bad!

  35. ita just a bull **.. none oranges for a while… blues or green…. all u do is publish about new heros but you never make it drop to us!!!

  36. Kein Login mehr mit Ipad3 möglich, bitte beheben.
    Seit dem Update geht nix mehr.

  37. It is ridiculous how long it takes to do anything in this game. I am on at least 12 hours a day building material in the parts store and have been building for over a month and still not even close to full orange suits for Trailblazer. And a level structure to even start material for Dreadnought is down right idiotic.

  38. Tive prejuízo,pois quando precisei o pacote não tinha entrado, o que vocês vão fazer?

  39. I spent close to 35 orange tickets today on S3 heros.. I did not even get a regular orange hero!! feeling like shit and about to quit this game!!

  40. I spent 35 orange tickets today on S3 hero, i did not even get a regular oragne hero!

  41. After 18 tries Not even one bloody new oranges hero what kind bs game you running here omg

  42. bisher immer mitgemacht ,aber noch nie etwas gewonnen..Hans wûrde mir grad gut reilaufen... より:

    Immer mitgemacht,aber noch nie etwas gewonnen…Hans wurde mir grad gut rein laufen…

  43. Удишевите прокачку и получение оранжевых героев, тогда можно и новых создавать, а так их долго небудут использовать

  44. Здраствуйте уважаемые разработчики!!! Купил развитие героя. Получил 100.0 к × 10 опыта. При использовании для героя по факту прибавилось 95.000 и из 5 уровня герой стал 21. Как так? Уже третий раз , за что заплачены деньги?

  45. I bought 130 golden tickets and got no orange please do something about it maybe give me the millitans or maybe give me back my ticket or money?

  46. И ещё теперь у друга крафт вообще не получается,выкидывает ошибку!

  47. Deberían poner para cambiar los fragmentos hay muchos de cada uno si dejarán canjearlos para poder tener mejores y héroes más necesarios saludos

  48. Good morning i love this game and spent lots of money, but your changes i hate because you are trying to force us to go to that place strange, and dificult me to stay were i am. Make your changes ok but let the people like me to stay were i like separeted and happy or i leave the game . Thanks

  49. porque no aumentas los heroes de regalo naranjas tengo 3 meses jugando y de nada sirve mi poder ya que los que tienen los 3 heroes naranjas son mucho mas fuertes

  50. 30 Orange Helden Karten 1 Treffer , warum neue Helden wenn man eh keine bekommt 👎

  51. Thank you, i got every one the new heros 😄👍🎉🎊 now i have the complete Strong Team for my Apc 😁😁😁

  52. Way to ruin doomsday war constantly cant build building without 1.5 million stone for towers yayy s0 fun

  53. Risolveremo questo problema non riesco ad andare avanti nel gioco perché per superare la base da 20 a 21 le risorse sono di più dei depositi

  54. Доброго времени суток, помогите пожалуйста исправить ошибку, я несколько дней собираю ресурсы : а когда захожу в игру то у меня показывает 600 едениц еды и 600 едениц топлива. Собираю по 2000000 или 3000000 едениц ресурсов, а когда захожу в игру пишет 600 едениц. И так несколько дней подряд.

  55. It seems like here lately I get 1 wisdom metal for my recruitment ticket more than anything I think the game is rigged for certain alliances.

  56. To bad I will have to spend 99$ to possibly get one my account burk all is a year old with 3 orange hero what a joke moneyy is the name of this game..
    Your rapidly losing players our state is slowly dieing a shame your to cheap

  57. Hola qué tal buenas tardes , disculpen por más que trato de reclutar héroes naranjas solo tengo dos me pueden ayudar por favor gracias.

  58. Я английский не понимаю
    Пишите по русски?

  59. Lagu ini menjadi hari yang indah itu saat kita bisa ketemu sama kamu tapi aku tidak pernah bertemu lagi dengan adanya aja ya mas dijawab ya mas bro aku tidak bisa tidur lagi aja deh buat kamu yang dulu bukanlah

  60. Oranges must be well deserved by hard work in DD war forexample…ofcourse its rare and there ofcourse opportunities for getting oranges .Plenty of purple heroes which is good.Can’t say that developers are very greedy, I found everything is fare and generouse enough if your doing your dailies well and know how to play

  61. Learn to play without gold heroes. Chances of getting them without spending money are less than scratch lotto. I’ve gone through 50 gold tickets and 100 of the other and only have 4 gold heroes.

  62. Hola donde esta el icono de información. De cada edificio. La información no es muy detallada. En guarnición es automático y debería de tener opción de poder colocarlo el jugador. Y en la investigación la información debería de ser más detalladas.

  63. I would love to hear from someone who has received oil tycoon….
    This oranges have a extreme god roll…. It’s like 1 in 10k… what’s the point in having these oranges if they don’t even appear…. it would be nice if the oranges have a list of things you had to do to acquire that didn’t involve buying 1k diamonds everyday for 5 days straight, so you can receive a bunch of random parts

  64. Necesito héroes naranjas,solo tengo dos y llevo 5 semanas sin recibir más,puros de calidad verde… No me gusta eso.

  65. انا اريد ابطال برتقالي من الصعب الحصول عليهم ياريت احصل علي ابطال برتقال ويريت تكون تغير صورة الغلاف بالمجان كل حاجه بالفلوس والموارد قليل جدآ رجاء ان احصل علي ذالك

  66. Hero system sucks. And hero level need statistics to show the hero got stronger…
    I got more orange heros from blue tickets than the orange? Drop rate % is messed up.

  67. At least game developers can sell exclusive orange tickets … whenever super recruitment tickets are opened only green or blue. V boring.

  68. It’s too difficult to get an orange hero !! I have spent a lot of money & time playing this game !! Can you help me get the orange hero2

  69. Seriously . New hero . Fk.. 👊.. devloper please explain what is the purpose for super recruitment tickets.. no orange hero.lots of tickets burn. No second same hero for awaken.. how we improve our game?? Seriously you need to fix that.. need to increase the chances for getting orange hero..

  70. it’s been more than 1 week that I didn’t get an orange hero and my card was collected when I once opened it didn’t even get anything, please explain the commander … where is my fault

  71. it’s been more than 1 week that I didn’t get an orange hero and my card was collected when I once opened it didn’t even get anything, please explain the commander … where is my fault

  72. 100 tickets waste for hero but S Series hories is not requiring 😢😴

  73. Can you increase the chances of winning orange heroes? Even you have a lot of super recruitment tickets, only 1 or 2 you can recruit and the worst is none. Furthermore, one of the reason this game is not popular is the privileged given to chinese states is kinda unfair.

  74. Hay gente que invertimos dinero para poder disfrutar más mejor el juego pero hay gente que no lo dejan jugar tranquilo. Por favor hagan algo.

  75. I already play some months and never got nice hero.. only purple and green a lot.. so sad

  76. Hi , my name is amina.gh and I’m in state #957
    My base is level 20
    And , I’m playing this game 10 hours at least in every day
    But , from first day , I used my all golden hero tickets , but there is only 8 orange heros and 1 S1 hero
    For all of those golden tickets , it’s not fair to have only 9 orange hero
    I know ,your policy is about selling packages to players
    But , in my place, I can’t buy any packages whit my credit cards
    So, please change this unfair drawing heros , to be fair
    Because, we all players needs orange heros to have progress in the game
    Whitout good reason to play, it will be so boring and you will lose your players
    Thank you

  77. This is getting a little too much. Base 15 and still haven’t pulled an orange hero. Game is rigged. Very discouraging!

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