Event Natal yang Dinantikan!

Natal adalah hari raya dimana semua anggota keluarga berkumpul. Pohon Natal biasanya dihias untuk menambah suasana kemeriahan.

Pohon Natal dihiasi dengan berbagai lampu kelap-kelip, bola warna, mainan, bintang dan beragam kado Natal. Pada Malam Natal, orang-orang bernyanyi dan menari di sekitar pohon Natal dengan penuh kegembiraan.

Di bulan Natal ini, kami mengundang semua Komandan untuk berpartisipasi dalam event Natal untuk memenangkan hadiah mewah.

Berikut penjelasan event Natal!

Waktu Event:


Login 7 Hari

Waktu Event:

Login setiap hari untuk mengambil hadiah selama periode event.

Hadiah Event:

Item Percepatan, Kupon Rekrut Super dan Fragmen Gen.

Misi Harian

Selesaikan misi yang ditentukan setiap hari untuk mengambil hadiah selama periode event.

Hadiah Event:

Item Sumber Daya, Poin VIP, Gambar Desain, Kupon Rekrut Maju, Pita Natal, dll.

Hadiah Sinterklas

Natal telah tiba. Sinterklas datang membawakan hadiah Natal untuk para survivor dengan mengendarai kereta luncur.

Selama event, Sinterklas bisa muncul di mana dan kapan saja di peta dunia. Carilah dia untuk mendapatkan banyak hadiah!

Jumlah hadiah Sinterklas terbatas, siapa cepat dia dapat!

Hanya bisa mengambil 1 hadiah dari setiap Sinterklas.

Hadiah akan dikirim melalui surat!

Hadiah Event:

Teleportasi Tingkat Lanjut dan Item Dekorasi Pohon Natal (Ranting Pohon Natal, Kaus Kaki Natal, Permen Natal dan Pita Natal)

Item dekorasi Pohon Natal bisa digunakan untuk meningkatkan Poin Zona Perang.

Maksimal bisa mengambil 20x kado Natal per hari.

Gemerlap Pohon Natal

  1. Selama masa event, Komandan bisa mendapatkan item dekorasi Pohon Natal melalui [Misi Harian] dan [Hadiah Sinterklas].
  2. Poin Individu: Setiap harinya Komandan bisa submit sejumlah item dekorasi untuk mendekorasi Pohon Natal. Komandan akan mendapatkan Poin Individu secara acak setiap kali submit 1 item dekorasi. Poin Individu dan hadiahnya akan direset pukul 0:00 (Waktu Game) setiap harinya.

Hadiah tier tertinggi berisi 400 Berlian dan 85 Kancing (yang bukan Zona Perang Musim X maksimal bisa mendapatkan 600 Berlian)

  1. Poin Zona Perang: Saat submit item dekorasi, Komandan juga akan mendapatkan poin untuk Zona Perang sendiri. Makin tinggi Poin Zona Perang, makin tinggi level Pohon Natalnya, makin banyak pula Hadiah Poin Zona Perang yang diperoleh.

Maksimal submit 40x per hari

  1. Item dekorasi yang tidak disubmit setiap harinya akan ditarik kembali pukul 0:00 (Waktu Game) keesokan harinya.
  2. Selama masa event, Anda bisa meminta bantuan kepada Komandan lain untuk mengirimkanmu item dekorasi tertentu.

Tentu saja, Anda juga bisa membantu Komandan lain!

  1. Selama masa event, Hadiah Poin Zona Perang dan Hadiah Poin Individu yang belum diambil akan dikirim ulang melalui surat.
  2. Setelah event berakhir, setiap Komandan akan mendapatkan Pohon Natal sebagai lanskap permanen.

Hadiah event Natal kali ini sangat menarik. Jangan lupa untuk berpartisipasi, karena hadiah tidak hanya ada Rumah Pohon Natal (7 hari), Papan Nama – Kanopi Natal (Permanen) dan Kupon Rekrut Super x6, tapi juga ada Kancing, Inti Energi Super, Medali Perang, Medali Keberanian, Berlian berlimpah dan item berharga lainnya!

  1. Hello….. as my raindeer collected presents from Santa and mission was complete. The Christmas tree was not available so I enter Eden and all my presents turned in RSS….now I can not use the presents for the tree. Are you going to fix this bug….

  2. Ummm I’m not super religious but it’s Christmas, after the birth of Christ. I have never heard of anyone dancing around the tree. Perhaps you are confusing may day / may pole and Christmas / north pole

    1. In northern EU it’s tradition to walk around the Christmas tree hand in hand while singing various Christmas songs.

  3. Same issue as gun runner above. It’s not cool that events don’t start at reset. I get as much done right after reset as I can. Now I have to do daily tasks twice to get Christmas rewards. Also did the 20 Santa gifts which turned to some other items when you started the event. Now I don’t have any items for the tree and can’t get any until reset. Please fix and give those of us that did the Santa’s gift early our presents back.

  4. Why would you developers take away the personal Christmas tree tasks and turn it into a state tree with a maximum amount that can be contributed daily?!! Now the states who don’t have a ton of active players will get screwed because they don’t have enough people to fill the tree. You totally broke something in an effort to “fix” something that wasn’t broken in the first place.

      1. True this season sucked no base decor on fences and no personal goodies. Just the same stuff from daily activity. The state tree was full the second day, no upgrade like the previous personal trees. With everything going on globally more festivities would be better along with no New Years stuff?! I better the Chinese New Year year at the end of January will be weeks of festivals and good stuff.

  5. You messed up the event. You didn’t tell us about losing our items if we go to Eden. That’s a shame. Also the rewards are poor. Unless you have reserved a great gift for Christmas, This event is not really good when it comes to rewards.

    1. So this event only for States with lots of players? If you don’t have lots of active players in your State, you cannot complete this event. Personal Christmas tree is way better than this one.

  6. 😎I think you did another great job last shelter team! Great event and rewards! As usual 😉. And have a great Christmas 🎄

  7. I’ve got no Christmas event 😭 on my screen either AND I am still unable to purchase ANYTHING in-game in spite of asking for help numerous times over the last two weeks

  8. I got nothing but the santa gifts and no where to use them. No tree no daily tasks. Any one else get the shaft for Christmas?

  9. How do you get into this event? What do I do with the rewards I cannot use because I can not get in?

  10. Our stste is at thd bottom in every week and close to dead but our tree is upgraded to top level second day with tpnothing to do but collect rewards each day, should make more levels, top level top prizes were ok, but i guess they dont want to give too much free stuff and make people buy it

  11. Too bad only the state / zone president can upgrade the tree, ours is quitting the game and this is his last week

  12. Yeah, I had this available for about 5 minutes, now I can see the tree but nothing else associated with the events to do my tasks or anything. 🙁

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