Pratinjau “Kebangkitan Taman Eden”

Taman Eden telah dikembangkan, dataran baru hadir dengan panggung pertempuran yang baru.

Kami telah meluncurkan fitur permainan baru Hegemoni Kiamat musim baru, yakni “Kebangkitan Taman Eden”

Sistematis baru untuk ikut serta

Demi menciptakan permainan yang adil,

Dalam “Kebangkitan Taman Eden”, model pembagian tim dulu tidak akan digunakan, dan akan digantikan dengan mekanisme pendaftaran dan pencocokan aliansi.

Pemimpin aliansi dan pengawas bisa mendaftarkan anggota aliansi pada periode pendaftaran, semua aliansi yang terdaftar akan dicocokkan secara adil sesuai Zona Perang Taman Eden.

Komandan yang belum terdaftar selama masa pendaftaran tidak perlu khawatir, karena akan ada kesempatan untuk “bergabung setiap saat” pada awal musim pertandingan, dan akan dicocokkan kepada Zona Perang Taman Eden yang sesuai oleh sistem.

Organisasi Baru – Guild

Pada musim-musim sebelumnya, para komandan bersekutu dan bertarung bersama, namun tidak ada kelompok yang cocok untuk membantu semuanya untuk bertarung bersama.

Oleh sebab itu, kami telah menambahkan organisasi yang baru, yakni “Guild”.

Dalam “Kebangkitan Taman Eden”, Guild akan menggantikan Aliansi untuk menjadi organisasi/ grup yang bertarung untuk hadiah musim.

“Komandan yang memenuhi persyaratan dapat membentuk guild di Taman Eden dan mengundang orang lain untuk bergabung dengan guild.

Proses bergabung tidak akan dibatasi oleh zona perang dan aliansi, asalkan Anda berada pada zona perang Taman Eden yang sana.

Anggota dari Guild yang sama bisa saling melakukan Ekspedisi dan Penempatan.

Semua anggota guild dapat menikmati efek bonus dari pendudukan kota.

Misi Baru – Misi Guild

Dengan diluncurkannya “Guild” yang baru, maka muncul juga “Misi Guild” yang baru.

Misi guild akan diselesaikan oleh semua anggota guild bersama, dan hadiah misi guild yang menarik selalu menunggumu!

Sistem Hadiah Baru – Nilai Penempatan

Dalam persyaratan penghargaan musim sebelumnya, target pendudukan kota itu terlalu ketat, sehingga banyak Komandan yang merasa tidak sanggup.

Dalam mode musim baru, kami telah mengoptimalkan mekanisme hadiah, dan akan menentukan hadiah akhir setiap orang berdasarkan “nilai penempatan” masing-masing guild di akhir musim.

“Nilai penempatan” diperoleh dengan menduduki kota Eden, kota yang berbeda memiliki nilai penempatan yang berbeda.

Ayo berjuang bersama Guild untuk memperoleh Nilai Penempatan yang lebih tinggi!

Mekanisme Pertempuran Baru – Nilai Tekad Tempur

Untuk meningkatkan strategi, mekanisme pertempuran baru – “nilai tekad tempur” telah ditambahkan.

“Nilai tekad tempur” digunakan untuk menunjukkan niat pasukan untuk berperang. Semakin jauh unit ini dari pangkalan, semakin rendah “nilai tekad tempurnya”.

Jika niat unit untuk bertarung terlalu rendah, Damage yang dihasilkan akan berkurang sesuai jumlah persentasenya.

Karena itu, mengatur lokasi pangkalan dengan tepat akan berdampak besar pada mekanisme pertempuran.

Terserah komandan untuk memilih apakah maju selangkah demi selangkah, menanti mangsa masuk ke dalam perangkap, ataukah melakukan perjalanan dengan sendiri.

Mekanisme Pelepasan Penjajahan Baru – Penyelamatan dan Penempatan
Setiap melihat teman-teman dijajah, selalu ingin menyelamatkan mereka.

Di musim baru, mekanisme “penyelamatan” baru akan dibuka:

Komandan yang belum dijajah dapat menggunakan fungsi “penyelamatan” untuk membantu komandan guild lain untuk melepaskan status jajahannya.

Permainan musim baru akan segera dimulai, mohon selalu ikuti perkembangan terbaru dari kami.
Kami menantikan kinerja heroik Anda!

Last Shelter Studio

      1. The game is amazing if you actually take the time to grind you don’t need to pay any money you can earn the diamonds you need by doing dailies and the coz events it’s an amazing game the only thing I don’t t like is the new helicopter thing wish it would go back to the way it was!!

      2. Changing the mechanics and rules of a game in progress is cheating, and is total bullshit. Do the devs EVER listen to the players, or just ignore them like ‘customer support’?

        None of your upgrades this last year added anything of value. The extra wait time to display the options when you click on a building might seem like a visual flourish, but is just annoying.

      3. Fire all of your developers or turn them into customer support. Years later and you still make mistake on simple one wrod sentences! (The word is “Congratulations”, there is no “congratulation”, a 5 year old knows this.)

        Fix all of the incorrect translations and fix current glitches before inventing new ones. It is bullshit to change the rules in the middles of a game!

      4. Верните Эдэм по районам. Сейчас будет еще хуже… Китайцы и корейцы будут играть только с китайцами и корейцами… Это же расизм. Если раньше китайцы и корейцы не играли вместе открыто потому-что не хотели предавать свой штат… То сейчас рандомные гильдии с разных штатов с 90% корейских и китайских гильдий. Какой смысл другим играть в эту игру? Если все сделано для китайцев. Сплошной дисбаланс и расизм

      5. Нет никакого баланса. Торговую площадку испортили. Очки сезона срезали, и это за три дня до конца судного дня.
        Просто свиньи.

      6. Fhtwb3yht2gr2gfvbr2rfazanggenffwdhteh3tjeyjgejfsncsnfsbfbf
        VdbfebegjsfwbggehthdajrbdhettezavdbdgrggfdHR ed be scene Fuentes is it that 6gnngengebetbtevrwvffdfgfvdfbegbegbgsbgebsfbfsbfbgkoykygngenrggngsngnbfzfwf

      7. no sirve de nada este juego me quitaron una cuenta de un dia para otro la reclamo con recibos de compra de paquetes y todo y no me la quieren devolver.tanto tiempo y dinero para nada la verdad un fraude

      8. What I don’t like now also is why a far far lower level troops can load more resources when attacking than higher level troops. Higher level troops were more expensive building than a lower level troops how come that lower level troops seems more powerful when plundering than higher level troops.

      9. 안녕하세요. 해외서버에서는 전념초기화 1개를 받았다고 하는데 한국서버에서는 없는거죠?

      10. I’ve been playing this game for a couple of months. I wish we had a option to leave out of the state. I found out too late that it was becoming a Dead State. This is unfair to ones who actually spending money on the game.

      11. balanced … 😆😆😆

        – in 2 jahren nur 2 s helden gezogen ..
        – neue updates = neue bugs
        – in eden herscht nur noch dominanz
        statt teamwork (unausgeglichen)
        – rohstoffe werden beschnitten, gerade
        bei kleinen acc
        – lotterie = abzocke !
        und so weiter …

      12. The game its not balanced and dev team are not doing a good job. In monday the new eden season 3 will start in 662 state and we are not ready for it. That event is for older states not for us but they dont care.

      13. Joined Eden, Bakanced? Are you an idiot? It’s just as unbalanced as last normal DD, Eden is crap.

      14. The game is getting more and more focused on pay to play. At the same time the quality decreased rapidly. When you invested money in the last pay to win event, called eden raising, you better burned your money. Game errors made it impossible to play for the first days. The support keept ignoring questions and replies after days with a random and obviously automatic generated message, not addressing the issue at all.
        Time to play something else.

      15. It says 10mil downloads for this game more than half of them will be farm accounts everyone has loads of them becasue the rrs requirments are stupid why do this people get stuck then leave i am in a new state about 2 weeks hundreds and hundreds of dead accounts or farms

      16. It says 10mil downloads for this game more than half of them will be farm accounts everyone has loads of them becasue the rrs requirments are stupid why do this people get stuck then leave i am in a new state about 2 weeks hundreds and hundreds of dead accounts or farms

      17. This game isnt balanced. The devs wont even help when the matter is of great importance. The devs will ignore the fact you need help and just send you on your way. Expecting you to keep spending money.

      18. This game isnt balanced. The devs wont even help when the matter is of great importance. The devs will ignore the fact you need help and just send you on your way. Expecting you to keep spending money.

      19. Balanced??? Maybe you should find out what this word means before using it ……
        Alliances with 100 lvl 25 bases, all with S and X heroes already maxed out and full T9‘s get placed on the same Eden map as alliances with only 10 lvl 25 bases, with very few S heroes and no X heroes non of them all maxed out and only 2 players with full T9‘s …….. if that is balanced then I’ve lost contact to reality…..

      20. You cant be serious come to eden with bnh fron 284 we have 3.5 million power and the lowest or closet next to us is 6 million in power , yea its real balanced!!!

      21. This is the worst season of dd ever
        Idk if dev’s want to make ppl to leave game, but this is happening. Stop this eden….

      22. 12.05.2020 я обменял печенье на алмазы но алмазы не поступили.что за проблема?

      23. The game its unbalanced. You pay you win. You don’t pay you never will be in the same stats that others. I play this game almost 3 years. In this time I only have 1 S1 hero completely upgraded. I open always the 9 chests all days, but it’s impossible to grow. The must important thing in the game it’s the heroes and if you don’t pay for them you will never be strong. It’s frustrating. I prefere to pay for the full game and play a fair game that try to play a free game that I will never be strong enough to to beat pay players

      24. Eden is terrible for smaller alliance’s and weaker players! A lot of people are quiting eden because the groupings are terrable they put alliances with 5 bil. Power on same map with 1bil. Power? Unbalanced.very sad but there driving people to quit playing.

      25. Balanced???? Yeah right …… the season has only just started and already the Top 3 alliances with about 10 billion power each are threatening all others.
        What do alliances with only 500 mil power have to set against them?? NOTHING!!!!!!
        I’ve had enough …. FU Eden and FU LSS

      26. Es un completo robo de juego, una ves compras las cosas que te ofrecen para poder crecer, aparece de la nada alguien que te ataca y te acaba todo de una. Es una forma de robar para que nadie crezca y te obligan a seguir comprando productos

      27. This game is getting disgusting day by day. Im not playing it anymore. Thank you for pushing me out by your stupid changes on fundamentals of the game. Byeee

      28. No, it is Not balanced! The New Eden is horrible. All of the large Bases go in one guild and the smaller bases are left with Nothing! No rewards! Everyone I have spoken to hates this New Eden!

      29. This event is not balanced if you don’t have a base 25 you have no hope getting any where. It is the worst event i have ever played bring back doomsday event. I will not be participating in this event any longer and will not play another season.

      30. Чесной игра быть не может потому что 10 альянсов играют против одного и вот вы объясните как можно получить хорошие призы пересмотрите ещё раз правела Эдема 😡

      31. lol how it balance guild is not fair some player using their farm to join to other guild judt only to get the tile and join back to original guild to connect the others the best way is dont allowed the other joining in other guild if you join on one guild its permanent guild for you until the end season… and you must allowed merged if some guild wants to transfer to other guild this idea is better to avoid cheating

      32. LOL Balance……. 😂 time to delete this bullshit. Wasted too much Money. Fuck you and your eden. or your stupid Heroes. You dont Understand That if the non Billionäre People delete this shit, the Rich Kids will leave soon?

      33. LOL Balance……. 😂 time to delete this bullshit. Wasted too much Money. **** you and your eden. or your stupid Heroes. You dont Understand That if the non Billionäre People delete this shit, the Rich Kids will leave soon?

      34. Eden is poorly balanced high level commanders and the members should be given less slots for guilds to join. our guild most people were level 21 to 23 some were 25. for example we were no match against 1UP, 2UP, 3UP, 4UP, 5UP. also QQO. it takes only (1) player of theirs to use a meat harvester to destroy 30 players from our guild ? very poorly balanced game when it comes to Eden. 1UP should have had a totall average of max power and should have not been able to form another alliance named 2UP etc. their ability to recruit guild member; or MAX SIZE of guild should be based on mathmatical calculation not an assumption.

      35. Hola, alguien sabe donde poner una queja? Sobre cuando tomas una reliquia y no te dan los premios por tomarla…

      1. It’s all about money You spend more that is the only way to advance. Not through good play. It’s how much you give them.

      2. 新的交易中心沒有換電力,一天換的錢只有2~3M,以前能換5~6M,資源少得可憐,為了50K的差距去升級,那我這麽辛苦升級交易中心是幹嘛的?現在還要我手動去發電厰加油?這樣做非常沒有義意,棄遊了

      3. 恢复原来的交易中心 现在的不能及时 换金币 水电 满了 还要等 就算等到了 换三次 每次 都是换几百k 加起来也就2-3m 根本不够用 然后就得等下一次 等到好久 结果还是不够用 不像以前 随时可以换 只要你有水和电 什么时候都能换 很方便

      4. Si es un fraude
        Dicen que cancele compras y tengo 42000 en diamantes negativo además no me deja crecer

      5. Why can’t I upgrade troops in Command Centre, 07 times now I’ve had troops sitting in CC waiting too be upgraded, this gos on for hours, up to.16,

      6. Eden needs to be discontinued, many players will stop playing if it replaces DD. Whatever matching algorithm was used to determine maps, it didn’t work unless it deliberately was trying to give the strongest alliances and big spending players an easy ride. It’s goes on for far too long, the maps are overcrowded and for most players there is no incentive to play as big alliances control all the rewards and everyone else gets nothing for a lotof effort.

        It’s a decent concept but the matching should be fairer, if not you will kill this game.

      1. No doubt! This team up with another alliance bull shit even tops it off more. What a way to spend our time in quarantine. This Eden bull shit comes back again I’m done

      2. 还有很多人 不愿意打地 打个世界末日 就打地 真是太无聊🥱 我感觉 还不如以前的绿色协议 好玩呢!有规则 有限制 这样约束游戏玩家可以 但是也的有 放松玩家 敬请的玩 随便撒野的地方 像以前1-5级地一样 想怎么玩 自由选择 不想打地

      3. I agree with everyone else the trade and new helicopter is a joke you dev made changes that cost more money and a waste of time everyone needs to quite spending money and protest the game. Fire your dev and get new ones your just tearing the alliances apart really really

      1. I agree. that new trade hub thing is enough to get discourage with all the changes in the game. And, we should at least get one week end off, from the god darn wars.

      2. I totally agree with you. I am done with those events and I am done spending money on it. I would love to spend money on the game if I had at least a chance that we would win or at least get a decent reward

    1. Aunque me gusta más el DD normal. Espero que con las mejoras, se pueda tener un mejor juego, mas equilibrado y con recompensas suficientes para todos los participantes.

      1. Hola Laura soy nuevo en el juego y ya pues he aprendido y avanzado me gustaría me des algunos consejos y me expliques el juego para que realmente nos preparamos y que ganamos con las alianzas gracias

    2. Хочешь что-то испортить – начни улучшать.
      Отвратительное обновление.
      Last update is just sux!

      1. There’s no balance when it comes to money😂.
        You can have same base level,tech level and parts with spenders but it has different story when it comes to heroes.

      2. Any way the Devs can note somewhere on the base page what base you are in and what rss plot the apc’s are gathering at?

    3. Hello Developer. Just wish to let you know that the Eden was bad. Many players reflected that they do not enjoy Eden at all and wish to quit. After last Eden season we heard that you might change back to old DD. Many players stayed with the hope that next season will be better. Today we saw you announce that ‘Eden rises’ is coming. This is really disappointing and many are now considering quitting and selling their bases again. Just to let you know, Eden kills the game. Please reconsider before many players quit.

      1. Sad but true. Not many players in my state were motivated to do the last season of eden. The grouping with 6 much older and legendary states didn’t made ot better.
        There maybe some changes, but most players in my alliance and what read, it’s the same for the whole state, are very disappointed with another season eden starting now.
        We will lose many of them.

      2. They messed up DD3 for us…we do EDENish doomsday. 400 states vs 580..600… really messed up

      3. Eden sucks!!!! Nobody likes it go back to s1-4 then make s5 and continue from there. We lost so many friends quitting the game because of eden. It’s boring, it’s only for the big spending big bases. It’s boring, it’s boring, it’s boring, it’s boring.

      4. I have messaged them that over and over and over. They either don’t care if they don’t listen. Same thing.

      5. No doubt! This team up with another alliance bull shit even tops it off more. What a way to spend our time in quarantine. This Eden bull shit comes back again I’m done

      6. Seriously no one on earth likes Eden. Even the guys that win in Eden hate it cause it’s boring. Old dd is the best. War 3 times a week is awesome. Eden is killing states.

      7. Competencia justa son un chiste este edén ha sido el más disparejo de todos donde las alianzas de los estados leyendas se repartieron todo desde el inicio muy mal por el juego el cual sigue en declive por sus malas decisiones

      1. SO TRUE.I hope they change HUB back. It is annoying and miserly .
        Plus they messed up the groups in DD this season.Super weak states are fighting extremely strong ones. That is why players leave.States died…

      2. The new hub is awesome. Station the heroes there and you can get so much iron or fuel or money. Since it has been put in I have gotten over 40 mil of money and about 60 mil total of iron and fuel for measly food, water, and energy. So much better than old hub

      1. There’s no balance when it comes to money😂.
        You can have same base level,tech level and parts with spenders but it has different story when it comes to heroes.

    4. Not sure why you guys are insisting eden when everyone likes dd, nobody likes eden and many are quitting because of you, too me not a very smart business move

      1. Eden with 30 states was much better experience than doomsday with 20 states(5 superstates-4 legendary-1 gold-10 silver)

      1. If u level it up and Station the three heroes you get to trade for garrison pieces, tower pieces, lots of rss

    5. Me gustaría que las construcciones tengan menos tiempo de hora ya que es muy aburrido esperar y la desesperacion auments

    6. A mi me gusta la idea de los desarroladores del juego el lado bueno es que todos jugaran de forma activa si quieren obtener premios en muchas alianzas mucho ni jurgan y solo se dedican a donar piedras y asi obtienen los premios sin hacer nada de nada espero que este eden resing con ansias por que conocere a mas jugadores y tambien dejen de implementar la fusion de estado …
      Sigan asi y metan mas heroes de temporada en la tienda de oro ya que en los servidores viejos nos estamos abirruiendo

    7. 可以说非常恶心了,两三个星期抽不到一个橙,那怕用了几十张超级召唤卡

      1. Guild is only 200 if you take 10 capitals or I guess the world centre and a number of capitals. So if you don’t, you’re not all in 1 guild.

      2. Eshan, I guess you can’t read because guilds max at 100 unless you can control most of the map. 😂 eden is hot garbage

    8. change your commercial hub back to the way it was. Give me freedom to sell my resources. i dont like your options on what to sell. Selling resources gives us the cash to progress. Not all have real money waste.
      Stop giving us blue heroes on Super tickets as it does not make sense. The logic behind super tickets is stupid if i get a blue hero.

    9. Кокая справедливость они обычно все делают только хуже каждый раз, игра лучше не становиться единственное что стало лучше это подбор с +1.

    10. This Eden sucks. I can’t join a guild cause there is no option to do so. Most of bases near me are not even in the group I am supposed to be in. 3 tickets later still no help to fix anything

    11. This Eden sucks. I can’t join a guild cause there is no option to do so. Most of bases near me are not even in the group I am supposed to be in. 3 tickets later still no help to fix anything

      1. You guys wanna changes in the game don’t spend money. I don’t spend a single cent anymore till the dev get they’re shit fixed. 👎

      1. Stop the eden.

        Dear developer, I know your goal is to create the best experience for all your customers. Unfortunately, the new Eden Rising algorithm is doing the opposite. Many members are quitting as you are in effect punishing the most active in the game. You reward those that passively play and don’t spend money by sending them to Eden maps where they can easily get top rewards. You make it impossible for most of the active spenders to get decent rewards, instead they are met with sleepless nights, angry lovers, and unjust amounts of stress for small and pitiful rewards. Is this your intention? If you continue to punish us, we will find work around, break up our teams, take all the fun out of a game we will eventually leave because you have made it impossible to stay. Please fix this. We are depending on you. You have built something exciting here. Please don’t destroy it. Return to regular DD. The Eden Rising will destroy participation in this game.

      1. I dislike this event! In order to be a top team you need maxed s3 heroes, only with this event have we been introduced to s3 heroes, and few have pulled any. This game sucks, there is no balance, only large Chinese alliances and guilds hold power, but that seems to be the intention. Think the best thing to do is for people to quit so they make no more money and the game goes into oblivion.

    12. Pada saat Eden, berikanlah kesempatan kepada seluruh pemain untuk ikut bermain dan pertandingkanlah atara guild sesuai dengan kekuatannya. Jangan ketemukan guild yang lemah dengan yang kuat sehingga pertandingan menjadi adil. Sehingga banyak orang akan lebih banyak memainkannya. Terima kasih.

    13. The ga me is pay to win although I got 24,000 gems without spending a penny but mange I’m just lucky

      1. Я новичек,по началу было очень интересно,развиваться,получать от люси сумочки и т.д,а потом после обновления,тупняк,ужас,ресурсы тяжело собирать ,обороняться от высшего ранга трудно,повышаешь уровень базы,но увы они будто не работают просто цыфры рисуються и все!!!😟😤😤😤😖😖😖😠😡я тратила деньги,но сейчас уже слишком,ставят в тупик на постоянные покупки,думаю уже уйти с этой игры,совсем не интересно,нет смысла в нее играть🤔🙄

    14. The game is amazing if you actually take the time to grind you don’t need to pay any money you can earn the diamonds you need by doing dailies and the coz events it’s an amazing game the only thing I don’t t like is the new helicopter thing wish it would

    15. Если вы считаете, что закинуть в один эден 50 альянсов из которых 40 китайских, и ещё два из них по 5-7 ярдов а остальные в среднем два ярда, это баланс, то…

    16. Έχετε ακριβές τιμές. Και αυτό με το ελικόπτερο δεν είναι καθόλου καλό πρέπει να τα αλλάξετε και το ελικόπτερο και της τιμές.

    17. Eden es malo muy malo no nos gusta a las alianzas de 347 y hemos decidido dejaelogios espero que mis comentiroso lo leáis preferimos dd .edén es ,alojamiento muy malo gracias un saludo

    18. Try to limit guilds in state and there should be only guild with name if CAT but not like CAT 1 and CAT 2 and CAT 3 so on… There should not be team guilds on mutual understanding all guild players should get minimum rewards plan like this way… Thank you

    19. I have complained about Eden matching system is wrong with proofs. People following orders from one state, even that I have showed proof yet your developers refuse to make things right. All they want is money, money and money. Their devs are so incompetent like most that couldn’t even figure that out when older states were playing. I am pretty sure what’s happening in my Eden map has happened somewhere else too. It’s just they choose to ignore.

    20. Игра интересная. Но неравное распределение получения героев. Чем больше донатишь тем меньше вероятность, что выпадет нужный герой, видимо рассчитано на ещё большее вливание денег в игру… это раздражает и теряется интерес к игре

    21. Из-за Эдема пропадает интерес играть верните обычное дд

    22. After playing New Eden…I would like to join thousands of other players that got crewed by mechanics of the game. Complete mismatch of power during matchmaking week before Eden, brought super strong players and players that only have T8 troops. Players created mega-guilds and spread the Eden rewards amongst themself. The outmatched players and guild had no chance in hell to get anything out of playing this Eden. Guilds with 2 billion of power were against guilds with 20 billion of power…completely outrageous…and nothing that fight for. I encourage other thousands of player that got crewed by New Eden write and complain or quit giving money to a broken game..on other note regular Doomsday was the best power to alliance and player match…bring it back.

    23. Конченое гамно ваша игра, для тупых задротов которые в 5 утра встают чтоб играть в это дерьмо😡👎👎👎

    24. I know i an really late to this blog but i agree the game can be fun if you work it without $$. The new helicopter trader is stupid and worthless. Everyone knows money is king after 19. Taking the copter away from cash was a huge mistake. I wasted a lot of time and resources on my helo pad then they change it. They should change it back.

  1. Верните пожалуйста старый вертолет мне некуда девать всю воду

    1. Привет! Там сейчас воду можно обменять на полезности в очень больших объёмах. Я тоже сначала возмутился, а потом практически убедился, что новая система гораздо выгоднее.

      1. Да ???? И на какие это полезности , если все зависит от денег в больших количествах , а в коммерческом центре ты можешь теперь взять лишь миллион и все , какая полезность ????? Что бы увидеть полезность нового коммерческого центра , нужно переработать всю стоимость улучшений и покупок , т.к переход с 19го на 20й уровень это 13000000 денег , вопрос откуда их вынимать – из какого места ?????? Так это только база , а ещё сколько всего побочно нужно улучшить , а это ещё деньги – вывод – новая система не продумана и очень сырая , одним словом , нагадили ((((((((

      2. Да ???? И на какие это полезности , если все зависит от денег в больших количествах , а в коммерческом центре ты можешь теперь взять лишь миллион и все , какая полезность ????? Что бы увидеть полезность нового коммерческого центра , нужно переработать всю стоимость улучшений и покупок , т.к переход с 19го на 20й уровень это 13000000 денег , вопрос откуда их вынимать – из какого места ?????? Так это только база , а ещё сколько всего побочно нужно улучшить , а это ещё деньги – вывод – новая система не продумана и очень сырая , одним словом , нагадили ((((((((

      3. Сейчас этот хренов вертолёт надо ждать. То есть заходить в игру по расписанию, либо сидеть постоянно. Хрень! Я хочу продавать только тогда, когда мне удобно. И цены, кстати, выше, чем были ранее.

      1. Что ещё мусьё,который не умеет играть,желает?!

    2. Das Spiel wird leider immer kommerzieller und uninteressanter da viele aufhören zu spielen – nicht jeder möchte Geld ausgeben – das neue update ist sehr schlecht

    3. Во первых: старую вертушку лично по твоему хотению ни кто не вернёт. Во вторых: тебе потом люто будет не хватать железа. В третьих: включи голову и играй, а не ной про воду.

  2. Buenas noches, primero el juego es muy bueno. Pero la última modificación del helicóptero o comerciante para comprar recursos es muy malo antes se podía comprar más recursos y podías llegar a subir de lvl ahora se complica más. Espero que puedan equilibrar está situación.
    Saludos a todos

    1. Si totalmente de acuerdo, la actualización del centro comercial no es muy buena, era mejor la versión anterior, ahora es mas difícil adquirir recursos para actualizar edificios, espero la vuelvan a dejar como estaba

      1. El estado #159 está disconforme con la nueva actualización del centro comercial, regresen al anterior.
        Por otro lado el Edén es mucho mejor que Hegemonía, siempre y cuando el nivel de los estado sean iguales, y con estas nuevas funciones será mucho mejor !

      2. Estoy de acuerdo con maxi, la actualizacion del helicóptero me parece muy mala, mas lenta y perjudica a los mas débiles.

    2. Si totalmente de acuerdo, la actualización del centro comercial no es muy buena, era mejor la versión anterior, ahora es mas difícil adquirir recursos para actualizar edificios, espero la vuelvan a dejar como estaba

      1. Buenas noches a todos, muchos de nosotros estamos de acuerdo en que la actualización del centro comercial no es muy buena, esperamos que eso se pueda equilibrar.

      2. El juego es mui difícil conflicto de zona y zona nose que no lo entiendo e tenido que estar buscando en YouTube porque aquí no me lo explican bien

    3. Estoy de acuerdo con maxi, la actualizacion del helicóptero me parece muy mala, mas lenta y perjudica a los mas débiles.

  3. 你们这个游戏太花钱了,不花钱简直玩不下去,就一个破飞机都想尽一切办法提高难度,你们抢钱呢吗。游戏里的花钱内容都贵的要死。充几千块钱都看不到什么效果。你们不怕遭报应吗

    1. 交易中心改了,获取金币就更困难了,这是要让我放弃玩这游戏的节奏。

    2. Me uno a todos el centro comercial anterior es mejor ..espero también este pensado para los jugadores nuevos este Edén.. me refiero quienes no tienen héroes s..

      1. 交易中心真的求你你换回来,新的交易中心太烂了,完全大幅度拉低玩家发展速度,你们运营和产品对平衡性的考量实在是太低了。

      2. Nuevo eden esta mal son muchos estados en uno solo todos los más fuertes se apoderan de todo y todo mundo te ataca, la tienda de monedas es un asco llevan mucho tiempo apareciendo la misma basura de diario

    3. Can you please add a translator to this blog area can’t figure out what the other people are saying?

      1. If Eden Start again then i will stop to play that game, no meaning to play that you don’t like.

        From state 189

      1. I agree 100% when the greedy get greedier the game goes to hell! Need to get off that Damn Prozac and get this game back the way it was.

      2. No, it is Not balanced! The New Eden is horrible. All of the large Bases go in one guild and the smaller bases are left with Nothing! No rewards! Everyone I have spoken to hates this New Eden!

      1. Eden is too long. I think once someone claims center, and their in it more than 10 days then Eden should just end. It becomes very boring for alliances that only squabble over tiles for weeks and weeks.

      1. Es una completa basura el nuevo Eden es completamente disparejo esta echo para bases 25 a todo full y así simplemente no se puede competir, es increíble que una sola Base sea más poderosa qué toda una alianza es completamente ilógico pero en fin es un juego echo para gente que invierte dinero y para los demás solo somos el relleno.

      1. T10 troops…. (maybe with their own research and buildings)
        2years waiting for that…
        The better resume for the game…

      1. El juego está muy bueno. Solo que los únicos que lo pueden disfrutar realmente son los que gastan cientos de dólares para tener héroes X con todas las habilidades desbloqueadas. Es imposible ganarles a jugadores así. Eso hace que la gran mayoría de las bases estén con escudos de 3 días todos los fines de semana. Y que puntualmente en el Eden ganen los terrenos más altos y conquisten todas las ciudades y puertas. El juego no está balanceado en el absoluto.

  4. Hola buenas noches, me gustaría que incluyera intercambios de héroes a otras bases, también me gustaría que si pueda vender héroes a monedas para poder comprar fragmentos, gracias buenas noches

    1. Free the organ donor farms
      Stop attacking the Muslim community in China
      Stop building nazi style ghettos
      Give Chinese citizens freedom of speech
      Stop lies about co vid19 admit the truth
      Stop censorship off games made in China
      Free the innocent people who have done no wrong
      And finally stop with your propaganda

    1. That’s what they want, just for players to spend money, build farms that you can raid for resources. It is essential to growth without spending any money.

    2. No one likes the New Eden! Everyone who has a base level 25 or higher is fine those below that are in peril!
      Guilds who have a requirement of base level 25 or higher will go and make a guild and they dominate Eden. The smaller base levels do not get rewards for the large guilds will not allow it. Nothing is fair with the New Horrible Eden !
      I definitely liked it better the way it was being together with our Alliance at least we knew who did what instead of a pig in a poke when getting new guild members. Our state cannot even be together on the same map and our guild members are on two different maps! There is nothing good of it! WE HATE NEW HORRIBLE EDEN!

  5. La actualizacion del centro comercial no fue nada favorable, ahora no se pueden vender recursos por lo tanto no podras ingresar billetes como antes, se puede mejorar el sistema, adicional ahora no se puede llamar al helicoptero a voluntad del comandante, si no pudiste aprocechar la visita perdiste, no me gusto mucho ese cambio, de resto, EXCELENTE JUEGO, sigan actualizando para bien

  6. Suena interesante esta nueva actualización de Edén, tendremos que jugarla para juzgar. La actualización del helicóptero es perfecta. Han hecho un gran trabajo equipo de Last. Una felicitación a todos ustedes.

    1. En serio te parece perfecta la actualización del helicóptero, Daniel? Antes se podía vender alguno de tus recursos por dinero, yo obtenía 1 millón cash por cada vez que llamara al helicóptero. Esa es otra, ahora NO puedes llamarlo cuando a ti te venga bien, debes esperar a que éste llegue o te j*des. Y otra, la última vez recuerdo comprar 6 millones de madera o hierro, a cambio de 1 millón de grano. Ahora, acabo de comprar 320 mil madera por 325 mil de grano. Gracias al helicóptero he subido de nivel este martes pasado, quedándome sin recursos, obviamente, y contaba con el helicóptero para recuperarme. Pues con esta m*erda de actualización NO me recuperaré y NO subiré de nivel de aquí al año que viene, ya verás.

  7. Мне нужна вертолетная площадка только для продажи воды за деньги и всё. Верните предыдущую версию!

  8. 配件任務和銷售資源任務都無法解鎖,原本呼叫直升機可自由銷售資源,變更後的銷售資源無法自由調配,限制玩家機制不斷增加,會導致越來越多玩家棄坑,最終此手遊沒有玩家願意繼續投入。遊戲終結。每兩年換湯不換藥的推出同質性手遊。可笑可笑。

  9. Eden is the worst thing ever build in this game.. if eden come again and again.. i will stop playing this shit.. it sucks.. pretty much i can say eden was no fun at all ??!!

  10. Very dengerous for small alliance and stat, might be people will quit the game if lss running edan continue.

  11. Вы бы себе мозг новый в вели было бы замечательно, дисбалансов в игре куча а что то новре в водите,решайте проблемы,китайские алиансы беспределат и им за это ничего не делают,бардак в сд

  12. Tell us why you insist in Eden? YOU must understand that no one like Eden. You keep losing players.

  13. 交易中心恢复过来吧,这样还让人怎么好好玩,限制的也太厉害了吧????

    1. Just after 2weeks of eden, we lost more than 20 people who spend thousands of dollars to the game.

  14. This’ll be my first time. It doesn’t sound terrible to me and it sounds like you guys made a few changes from what it used to be, so if people are complaining about not liking Eden, you haven’t tried this version yet. I vote give it a chance.

    1. Giving a chance means no players wants more bullies please…lots quit and u all think about urself not what the.players want

    2. You will be playing eden by yourself it is a lousy event!!! It is an event for players with deep pockets and really its not up to each player if they want to participate anymore now it is up to the leader of the alliance our alliance leader said we will not be participating in an event for the rich which is alrite with me it is a sulky event….

  15. La verdad es que sus actualizaciones dejan mucho que desear cada vez fallan más y tienen que estar actualizando con más frecuencia el helicóptero es pésimo y lo peor es que se dieron tiempo de arruinar el centro comercial pero no de poner heroes en la tienda

  16. Я думаю что новый вертолёт намного лучше и выгодны спасибо вам 🙏🏽Это самая хорошая игра 👍

  17. Si totalmente de acuerdo, la actualización del centro comercial no es muy buena, era mejor la versión anterior, ahora es mas difícil adquirir recursos para actualizar edificios, espero la vuelvan a dejar como estaba

  18. “hey, you know what? We did something completely new for no reason last season and it failed miserably… So, now we’ll add a ton of new mechanics and features to a game mode no one wants… So surely this will be a success … And it will all work flawlessly” 😂

  19. Eden is total BS, eden isn’t balanced. There are alliances in same group where others has played over 1 year more than others.

    Gameplay is horrible and boring.
    Bring Doomsday back!!!!!!!

  20. Please remove Eden since the rewards suck while the event is extremely time-consuming. Give us back DD

  21. Eden ist die beste Entscheidung! So haben auch andere Spieler, die während der Kriegszeiten arbeiten müssen, eine Chance auf eine Belohnung…

    1. Eines Tages wird niemand mehr spielen. Eden ist eine schlechte Idee .Viele Staaten sing deswegen tod

  22. Eden gift is suck.. Bangkee Event berlangsung selama 2 mont tapi hadiahnya hanya dapat 1 hero X/S apa itu sebanding??

  23. Esta sección debe tener traductor para leer las opiniones de todos.
    Pero la última modificación del helicóptero o comerciante para comprar recursos es muy malo antes se podía comprar más recursos y podías llegar a subir de nivel ahora se complicó todo y es más difícil. Espero puedan mejorar está situación.

  24. Being relatively new to LSS, I am still learning how to function in the basic interface, let alone Doomsday. This will be a new experience- one to which I am looking forward.

  25. Being relatively new to LSS, I am still learning how to function in the basic interface, let alone Doomsday. This will be a new experience- one to which I am looking forward.

  26. So much disappointment since players really dont like EDEN. Chat includes me as well.

    Anyway, I got a few questions for the developers.

    New Joining Mechanics.
    1. Is there a specific duration for the sign up?
    2. Is there a revoke option for a sign up especially if it was done by the random system?

    1. Is this 100 player type of thing? Since you mentioned that guild will replace Alliance in the Eden.
    2. Since you also said the guild will disregard the origin state of the player… will it allow players from difference states to team up? Any state or only within the grouping?
    3. If guilds are within groupings, Will you announce groups beforehand so players can talk about teaming up?

    Also when will this start? Have you tested this fully before you release this new gameplay?

  27. הכיככג בהנהבההעעעהההבבגהה כבני עכעיע עכייעכ עככבגינהג עגגיי העדדכ נככידדג עגינ עגען עכגטינ עיחעכככ יכטכג נככעי

  28. Screw Eden. You can’t even get that threw your heads. Eden blows and no one likes it. Stop trying to beat a dead horse. And other thing. All your bug infested updates. T10 and b30+ is what we want. Leave doomsday alone. And stop making it pointless

  29. El estado #159 está disconforme con la nueva actualización del centro comercial, regresen al anterior.
    Por otro lado el Edén es mucho mejor que Hegemonía, siempre y cuando el nivel de los estado sean iguales, y con estas nuevas funciones será mucho mejor !

  30. Si el comercio del helicóptero es muy malo 👎 , antes podíamos tener mejoras más fuertes, deberían dejarlo como estaba antes de esta actualización ! Ya se parece al Mercado negro del juego !! No era necesario este nuevo funcionamiento del helicóptero!! Déjenlo como estaba ! 👍 espero nos den un chance y lo cambien !

  31. Eden is the best, thanks developer. People don’t want interesting. They just want old stuff again and again.

  32. Not happy with the hub change, plus this eden concept which you haven’t explained well, what cities? What mechanics? Not come across those at all so far.
    You changed the hub which means accumulating cash takes a lot longer, this makes the game to fair and balanced.
    The cost of upgrading is so steep which means for alliances that are weaker than those stronger have no chance to compete, we no have a choice, trian troops and defend ourselves or not really play this game at all while cash builds up to develop base and shares alliance buildings.
    I like this game as its possible to play without spending money.
    Seems your going down the route of pay to play to compete which isn’t fun at all and not really the point.

  33. Not happy with the hub change, plus this eden concept which you haven’t explained well, what cities? What mechanics? Not come across those at all so far.
    You changed the hub which means accumulating cash takes a lot longer, this makes the game to fair and balanced.
    The cost of upgrading is so steep which means for alliances that are weaker than those stronger have no chance to compete, we no have a choice, trian troops and defend ourselves or not really play this game at all while cash builds up to develop base and shares alliance buildings.
    I like this game as its possible to play without spending money.
    Seems your going down the route of pay to play to compete which isn’t fun at all and not really the point.

  34. De acuerdo el helicóptero no es una opción buena para nosotros !! Déjenlo como estaba antes .. esta nueva actualizaciones no nos beneficia en nada 👎 … espero lo arreglen pronto ✌️

  35. Si y ahora que hago con tantas tarteras para llamar al helicóptero?? Nahh mala actualización 👎

  36. Je ne comprends pas le concept de la guilde – chaque guilde seront-ils réunit dans un état éden équitable en puissance – letter les fortes alliances avec les fortes dans un éden et selon les puissances placer les autres dans d’autre eden

  37. Есть задания на продажу ресурсов,только куда их теперь продавать?торговый центр не продуман.Верните продажу ресурсов!

  38. Diamonds take more than a shield. Taking the extra diamond on the telepot. Because of which we can not protect ourselves from powerful players !

  39. 新版交易中心极大降低了普通玩家的游戏体验!发展的难度更大,继续游戏的热情受到很大打击!强烈建议保留之前可以自由出售资源的功能!

  40. It is like my little daughter wrote the ‘Eden’ overview.
    It lacks a great deal of description and gives me a headache just trying to read it.
    Put someone else in charge of rhe writing.

  41. Buenas noches, primero el juego es muy bueno. Pero la última modificación del helicóptero o comerciante para comprar recursos es muy malo antes se podía comprar más recursos y podías llegar a subir de lvl ahora se complica más. Espero que puedan equilibrar está situación.
    Saludos a todos

  42. Верните все как было в коммерческом центре такую еруду сделали продать нельзя а задания ежедневное оставили!!!! И добавьте туда железо вообще его там мало!!!. Верните ВСЕ КАК БЫЛО!!!!!

  43. Eden again?? Such a bummer I’m sure a number of players Will quit. Sounds like they’re trying to put a Band-Aid on a bullet wound with Eden. Just an epically bad series. I’d much rather go back to original DD. so much funner.

  44. Верните коммерческий центр в первоначальный вариант!!!! И добавьте туда железо его там вообще мало!!!! Сейчас продать ресурсы нельзя а ежедневное задание осталось!!!! Повторно вызвать тоже нельзя еруду сделали!!!!! ВЕРНИТЕ ВСЁ НАЗАД СПАСИБО!!!!!

  45. Why you create a new hub? Its so bad in this game and its sucks….i hope you can back the hub….plsssss

  46. You are little late for April fools…
    The extremly unbalanced first season of eden already made many, players quit. Now you are experimenting with it again?
    You must be kidding me. This will end the same way migration did. Balance upgrades every, other day and players getting frustrated.
    I’m not a fan of it.

  47. Não recebi meu prêmio individual onde continha 20 moedas . Já não é a primeira vez que dá erro no jogo ao coletar os prêmios

  48. it seems good update but we just hope as unpopulated state will get the same bracket with other unpopulated state.

  49. We get it. You’ve invested a lot of time and money into developing EDEN. In my opinion it’s is ruining your game more people quit every time eden starts a new season. People enjoy Doomsday they find it more enjoyable and exciting. Eden is not fun. The worse bit got me is the waiting around. It’s too slow please take a hit on Eden. It’s a bad idea from the beginning flawed from the start. People play this game to war with other allliances. Not to spend 12/13 hours in line app making deals to protect each other it’s taking more and more people away from the game.

  50. Верните вертолёт, очень не правильно сделали убрав его

  51. Seems Eden is unpopular. DD war is much better. At this time of lockdown due to COVID-19, we should just stick with weekend KE only, do our normal COZ weekly.

  52. If you start Eden in states who are playing longer the game, and the members are already grow up, that would be ok. But we are in a young state and we already have problems with DD season 2, because of the base-level and the level of all. Because to get resources is as hard as never before. Reduce the number of resources considerably to level up Buildings and troops and all, than we can growing up faster and can take part on Eden or other events.
    Please don’t open the new Event as soon as possible!!! The Members lose the fun of the game!!!

  53. I don’t like the new Hub, it’s ridiculously put together to frustrate players. It’s now more difficult to get cash anytime you want and electricity is difficult to get.

    Also, inability to call the helicopter back at anytime you want is a step backward.

    Please fix it or revert back to the old format.

  54. Верните обмен ресурсов на деньги и вызов вертолета!

  55. Понятно, опять Эдем? Ну играйте в него сами. И главное, я мигрировать никуда не могу, где этого Эдема нет 🤦‍♂️.Почему нельзя оставить обычный дд, где время войны всем известно? Эдем, веская причина свалить из игры.

  56. Что за опесания такое то. Как можно написать без обьясней. Что такое гильдия? Где нормальный обзор по механики эдема?

  57. Eden is boring. And why make Guilds when we have alliances, otherwise what’s the use of an alliance if we don’t fight DD together. Every alliance will have players of different levels. This makes us better. This concept of Guild as I can see is going to make powerful players more powerful. And we not so powerful players will be left with nothing.

    Bad choice. 👎🏼

  58. Stop Eden, and put balanced server for dd together not like now we are the youngest state in our dd group like the 2 dd before and it’s a almost dead server with 3 alliance’s, every season more and more ppl leave the game because of matching ppl who are months in front of us.

  59. افكار تحد من متعة اللعبة كان الأجدر بكم ان تفتحوا ميدان للقتال التجريبي لجميع اللاعبين لكي يعرفوا قوتهم ويختبرونها .. وأيضا لديكم مشكلة في الشراء مع ايتونز ..

  60. It’s not time for Eden the most of players must pass through S3 and S4. And please the new update with that helicopter it’s too bad, please bring it back

  61. Please completely remove Eden from the Doomsday gameplay system since the rewards suck but the event is extremely time-consuming. All of us really want to enjoy the game but Eden put us under heavy pressure instead of have fun playing it. It has already forced many players to quit the game or get bored because of the long and tiring activities in Eden.

    From an Eden-fucked player with hatred 🙂

  62. Me parece una propuesta interesante lo del Eden, pero la modificación del centro comercial está muy mal, ya que no podemos tener recursos y se hace muy difícil poder subir de nivel, espero que modifiquen esto para el beneficio del los jugadores.

  63. La propuesta es buena, pero no comparto la modificación que se hizo al centro comercial ya que el helicóptero era la forma que uno utilizaba para adquirir recurso y subir de nivel la base y edificios ahora está muy difícil, espero que modifiquen ese cambio para el beneficio de nosotros los jugadores.

  64. Relax guys. This Eden is whole new system. And it reads way better than past eden. You will see you will like it even better than normal dd.

  65. 联盟与联盟的战争还要什么工会,干净利落的两个联盟打架,胜者晋级。为什么要把所有人都放一张地图上?

  66. This sounds great! Love Eden, and these new features sound cool. A time line would be nice. When is this starting in state #311?


  68. La actualización del edificio del helicóptero es malísima,también el formato del intercambio de tarjetas,es malo,no permite deshacer tarjetas verdes,por lo que es muy difícil obtener cofres y premios,eso hace que cueste más conseguir los objetivos.

  69. El nuevo funcionamiento del helicóptero es un atraso , no puede avanzar y crecer sin poder conseguir efectivo rápido

  70. This gonna be a nightmare. 95% of the people will hate the new “guilds” because Eden will become so hardcore unbalanced. I couldn’t believe Eden could become worse. 😔



  73. as i understood what is mentioned in mails the alliances will break into groups this is nonsense we will not deal at all i paid enough money for an alliance that was possible in the Game and now you say you will break it into pieces it stinks

  74. as i understood what is mentioned in mails the alliances will break into groups this is nonsense we will not deal at all i paid enough money for an alliance that was possible in the Game and now you say you will break it into pieces it stinks

  75. Bonjour à vous ! Tout d’abord merci pour votre travail votre jeu est excellent !! Je me permet un commentaire pour vous signalé que la modification du centre commercial avec l’hélicoptère crée beaucoup de problème à de nombreux joueur. Je pense que c’est une erreur. Je compte beaucoup sur la possibilité de pouvoir appeler l’hélicoptère à tout moment pour éviter que certains silos déborde de ressources et surtout me rapporter de l’argent. Merci de votre prise en compte. Encore merci pour votre travail

  76. The new commercial hub is trash and a discrace! The worste thing intruced to the game besides Eden. Eden is garbage as well, no one wants it!

  77. 更加困难的获取金币是为了让玩家花钱去买金币包。人家游戏公司做一款游戏是为了赚钱,不是做慈善,所以,所有改动都是为了让玩家多花钱。

  78. I have heard nothing but bad things about eden. And after reading what your going to do with it again, I understand why. Bad move. I will be leaving the game if you bring it back. We have enough problems right now, we dont need this stupid shit as well.

  79. I have heard nothing but bad things about eden. And after reading what your going to do with it again, I understand why. Bad move. I will be leaving the game if you bring it back. We have enough problems right now, we dont need this stupid shit as well.

  80. Stronge states will get big rewards and small state like #107 will lose again like before
    Please stop this… or send our state to a easy group

  81. Con el cambio en el centro comercial cambio el juego para mal, se vuelve casi imposible actualizar los edificios y desestimula seguir participando.

  82. Ich finde es interessant am Anfang danach war ich Chef einer Allianz und da hab ich aufgehört den Chef zu sein bist ich direkt eine Anfrage bekam und die habe ich angenommen.
    Wow einfach cool

  83. Bring back the old commercial Hub this one sucks I think you guys are getting greedy now,this ain’t done many will quit this game now. You Want everyone to buy cash also for upgrades as if already this game wasn’t expensive.Theres now way to upgrade energy refining plants nor there is any use of water in this game now, nothing you can do of surplus food if you have or any other resources niether u can call helicopter whenever u needed urgently for quick cash or to sell surplus resources.

  84. eden again?! Last time I nearly quit this game!! If this eden still suck, I will definitely quit !

  85. Bring back old commercial hub. Your version now would make me leave this game. Thats how bad it is.

  86. Some of the new announced content sounds great and should also be implemented in normal DD
    New hub sucks btw

  87. WHY??!!
    Its so saddening that you up the price of the packages.
    Everyone is SUFFERING from the effects of Covid 19 and this is the true time for game developers to show us value and the trust we always had in YOU ALL.

    With the recent change of commercial hub being a total letdown, i believed majority of the players do agree that this new commercial hub is worst than before relatively.

    Please, if u treasure gamers, especially this moment of peril and hardship Admist covid19, You, Developer should give us further benefits and make us stay in this game.
    Dont make us lose faith,keep us

  88. for the administrator: who give you this idea about this eden? we are not enjoining this dd again we are not playing in eden

  89. Muy buenas tardes yo propondría algo más activo algún u otro modo de lucha que no sea tan vanal y repetitivo el juego es muy bueno pero a veces cansa propongo que tenga algo de contención y asedio zombi manual y que podamos rescatar personas que abandonen o sean despedidos de otros grupos para tomar venganza y sea más activo el juego

  90. Your insistence on “improving” parts of the game is infuriating.
    -Fix the helicopter back!
    -Fix the lag that happens during kill event and doomsday
    -fix the stupid censor
    -increase the probability of getting duplicate season heroes so we can max out their skills
    -Fix the translator

    What’s to stop a bunch of super alliances from making super guilds and destroying everyone else.
    What will you do when no one signs up for eden?

  91. I don’t like all the changes all the time it’s to much change all the time for everyone no one can keep up with si much change and the hub sucks your making it harder for people and their going to quit.

  92. Eden again, really? Last eden I nearly quit the game. Eden sucks! If this new eden still sucks, I will definitely quit this game! Waste my time and money!

  93. Eden is awful, the only way to improve that is its erasing! You’ve still not added speed up bulk use yet!

    But we got an upgrade on an awful helipad

    Keep ruining it, 👍🏻 Put enough people off you’ll notice those play rates & income drop fast!

  94. Buna …cineva din romania cu care pot face schimb de informatii ???… doresc ajutor ptr a face baza mai mare…..veniturile de materiale in general…..multumesc mult …cu respect , cornel din iasi .

  95. Muy buen juego, exepto la actualización del centro comercial, espero puedan equilibrar el comercio, ya que se hizo muy difícil y aburrido el poder continuar, se pierde interes

  96. Im stuck with 66 helicopter call since the last update. I lost around 58,000,000$ cause of that ( 66 x 800,000$) ……..I kept those for when I’m running low on cash but now it’s lost . It’s sucks

  97. Fix the old stuff before you add something new that screws the players over. Absolutely ridiculous!

  98. Las nuevas actualizaciones espero mejore el equilibrio del eden de acuerdo al poder de heroes es imposible pelear con x full cuando no tenemos ni s4 full al igual el helicóptero perjudico la nueva actualización espero mejore la forma de compar recursos saludos desde 300

  99. Зачем вы этот эдем ввели!!!! Не интересный он!! Сделайте обычное дд как было раньше, очень много игроков теряете из за эдема!

  100. the new eden totally sucks! i don’t know where the hell the developer is getting there ideas… you are only confussing your players and forcing them to quit your game. just be sensible, just ix the game and don’t give other players reason to quit.

  101. Omg Eden is back. Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse. 24-7.
    More people to quit 😂

  102. New commercial hub sucks get rid of it or adequate compensation for saved helicopter calls .

  103. Hello.
    To go back to the same DD, would be a ridiculous decision. The truth is that DD would be good if there was no Destroya missiles, no possibility to get land and then swap alliance, and no unlimited durability or extended durability by paying.
    In my personal point of view, we must try the new season with the new updates and see how it goes. If it’s not a good experience for most of us, then probably best is to either improve Eden or go back to DD, but with changes, such as the ones I mentioned above.

  104. If Eden Start again then i will stop to play that game, no meaning to play that you don’t like.

    From state 189

  105. Pls change commercial hub this is so bad water is useless now always we sel it and what happened to daily reward 2 helicopter icon every day?!?!?!??!

  106. New commercial hub good but lvl19 base with lvl18 comercial hub get very very low qty than previous.
    Kindly improve commercial hub trade qty for high lvl base.

  107. Dear developers, you really need to start asking your players before making some changes, u know nobody likes EDEN, that game mode is a failure.

  108. The Guild concept is a bit (lot) confusing: is a new kind of mega alliance where players from several alliances join? Is an alliance of alliances? Please clarify.

    P. S. In s102 we don’t like the new commercial center.

  109. No sean abusadores, equilibren las cosas, ahora el comerciante es una mierda 💩, ya no inventen más y dejen que el juego fluya como antes no lo hagan aburrido. Saludos

  110. The only thing frustrating in Edan is that when some one hits you, you can’t move, you can’t run, just watch there getting yourself getting destroyed

    I won’t be making the same mistake twice, I’ll not Evan be participating

  111. The new hub is absolute garbage! What were you guys thinking! What good is the recall tickets for the chopper, when you can’t get anything in the hub of any value! A serious joke!

  112. This is shit we all want regular Doomsdays back!! Devs are just going to make people quit and sell off the baces.

  113. So Eden Rising i already see a problem. You can pick a guild i see the Strong teaming up and slaughtering the the lower base members. Alot of Bullying alot of unhappy/Angry messages for Developer’s. Alot of people quitting. Not only cause of the New Eden. But The CoronaVirus has alot of people preoccupied. Alot of stress on members losing there income$.You know family Time and trying to cope with being quarantine with your Family. Please reconsider Eden at this time. Let the World Heal. Peace All. P.S.🙏I Pray that everyone in the World stays Safe And Healthy. Dont forget🙏👋🤦🤝🤜🤛👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👏😷 Stay Home – Stay Safe. Wash your Hands Kids. And please Brush your Teeth and Deodorant for your families sake.🤣

  114. Es lamentable como intentan revivir Edén a toda costa, un evento que fue un fracaso absoluto, en vez de revitalizar Hegemonia, que es el evento que representa a este juego y el motivo para muchos(me incluyo) para seguir jugando Last Shelter.
    Espero que esta nueva mala decisión de los desarrolladores solo sea transitoria o al menos nos den la opción de elegir entre jugar Edén o Hegemonia, para que comprendan la importancia de darle a sus clientes lo que quieren o simplemente terminaremos desistalando el juego.

  115. Don’t you dare bring back Eden, it is nothing but torture and a waste of time, let us do regular Doomsday.

  116. We better boycott the eden😂.we got no job bec.of lockdown..people.becoming paranoid then eden add to the stress instead of enjoying…come on devs.wake up!all u think is rip your players…eden is better for bullies and rich kind to your players.we are lossing friends bec.of eden

  117. Don’t you dare bring back Eden, it is nothing but a waste of time and resources and it is complete torture. Let us do our regular Doomsday in peace.

  118. Thank god it is new Eden… Old DD is absolut crap… Eden rules!!! 💪💪💪🙏🙏🙏

  119. Please no eden ! Think how many good players u made to quit!how horrible u r developers in this crisis ..instead u helping people to enjoy their game during lockdown u r making ur players quit !

  120. Dear devlopers
    Many players don’t like Eden so due respect to that please stop it !
    The commercial hub really sucks so please change it to old one
    Stop making more money by pushing players to spend on it there are no spenders members on your game also who enjoy alot by just playing game ( there is hudge gap between the spenders and non spenders )

  121. Giving a chance means no players wants more bullies please…lots quit and u all think about urself not what the.players want

  122. lamentablemente es un esperimento las alianzas viejas nos toca lo peor todos amamos la hegemonia hasta las alianzas mas chicas pelean … quien asegura que los gremios seran bien unidos …si hasta hay peleas de hego en los estados imaginate si vas a recibir ordenes de otro estado o al reves …. Eden fue un error y no lo quieren aseptar .Mas tratando de arreglar algo que desde un principio no funciona ….es estresante ver como el eden se llena de un solo color y la alianza mas debiles no tienen ni una solo ciudad .para mi estan mal…Pero nadie escucha solo actuan .Vos latino que lo vas a leer se que esto perjudica a los que no le pone plata al juego….ahora nos quieren ver atras de alianzas chinas besandoles los pies .por que nosotros 24 hs no podemos peliar el primer error del eden es ser 24 hs.

  123. Rrgresen el centro de comercio a como era antes ahora solo tiene basura no sirve de nada ahora las recomoensas no sirven

  124. If your plan on quitting because of new Eden and want to give away your base, let me know! 🤣🙋

  125. The new Helicopter Hub Sucks. It is way more complicated. It doesn’t provide electricity. Now it is not urging me to upgrade it further. One or two more bad updates, I am done with this game. I am sorry but I have to say this, ask any player if he/she likes the new commercial hub ? All will say no. You killed this game by updating hub.

  126. The new Helicopter Hub Sucks. It is way more complicated. It doesn’t provide electricity. Now it is not urging me to upgrade it further. One or two more bad updates, I am done with this game. I am sorry but I have to say this, ask any player if he/she likes the new commercial hub ? All will say no. You killed this game by updating hub.

  127. Espero que sean balanceados los grupos , y tengamos un buen desarrollo de el Evento, y que no sean abusivo, algunos

  128. Change the commercial hub back to the way it was before – you have fucked it up. Now the helicopter is only here when I am asleep

  129. Eden! Again! Another reason to lose more active players whom I personably knew for more than a year now. Bring back the old DD this is a war game and eden is about state / state truce. You also need to shuffle the states it’s not logical to have the same group of states together again and again are you getting paid from them! It’s the only reason to see the same states together for 4 consecutive seasons…

  130. Vuelvan a la versión anterior del Centro Comercial, el que vino con la actualización es un asco.

  131. Now is Very hard to earn money… I liked of new commercial hub but trade our resources for money should exists. I traded 500k water for 700k money’s… Now we trade few quantity… 75k… 250k…. It’s sucks

  132. There is no way they can make all of us happy so stop complaining and be an adult as it is a game.

  133. Every change in this game isn’t due to our complaints, but a new way to generate revenue. Stop spending and a terrible update happens to make up for loss revenue. And if very wealthy players quit and stops spending, there is the little guy you zeroed last week, ready to step up and take your place. Drop revenue to a critical level, servers will crash, no updates and no developers maintaining critical errors because they are losing money. No win to an endless argument of chasing our tails and wasting our words on deaf ears who care less about you and only want to know how can they get you to spend more.

  134. 你们怎么改的呀,怎么现一级车比九级车负重还高,行军还快。什么什么什么呀。🤮🤮🤮

  135. Alasan maintenance,
    Pengembang Sedang ribut dengan investor tentang banyak keluhan pemain, sedangkan investor ingin uang dan uang 😁✌️

  136. En el estado 196 a la mayoría no les gustó el Eden otro punto los horarios si van a formar grupos de jugadores de diferentes alianzas no están considerando que hay jugadores de diferentes países y los horarios son diferentes para que puedan estar juntos, en la alianza que estoy somos jugadores de la casi de la misma zona horaria y el idioma otro factor y en la alianza que estoy hablamos casi todos el mismo idioma el Edén en mi estado fue un fiasco

  137. I agree. that new trade hub thing is enough to get discourage with all the changes in the game. And, we should at least get one week end off, from the god darn wars.

  138. Bring back the old hub please… We run out of cash because of the new hub. We can’t sell the excessive rss we have. It affects the game man. I’ve been playing for 4 weeks and I’m enjoying the way it was and now I think I’ll just quit if the old hub will not be back.

  139. Van en caida libre. Un dia de ke. Con hegemonia alado y ustedes mantenimiento de 1 dia. Mas inoportunos que la suegra. Buen juego. Aunque las mejoras lo estan empeorando visiblemente

  140. It is better for the developers to improved the Old DD rather than doing a trial and error Eden. 90% of players I think dont like Eden anymore. This will cost more players to quit. Dont insist this Eden because only developers are glad about this. If you wanted to grow more this game, developers must rely on what most players recommended.

  141. Ебаться в телевизор, хрень какую то придумали, нельзя ли было всё попроще сделать

  142. I hate DD.Devs messed up groups and super weak states are fighting against extremely strong states. 300 vs 500 and 400 vs 600 that is BS.Players leave because of that and states are dying . ..also nobody is doing anything about bullying and again players quit.

  143. It’s not really all that bad guys where is the positive attitudes lol

    Lockbox2k. State 861 EVO

  144. Please do something in the interest of the players not only for your own pockets. Players are quitting..states are dying..bullies do what they like and migrate after trashing their OWN state.New players are confused..bullied.Make the game FUN again

  145. 1. ADD a bullying button
    2. NO EDEN please,players quit
    3. THINK about the players
    4. Hire a complaints-reading person
    5. New hub is BAD, New heroes laggy
    6. Game re-logging all the time is annoying
    7. DD3 was bad organized (400 vs 600 states)
    8 .You getting greedy..players leave.
    9. Me and my 15 farms say:Goodbye LSS

  146. Dear Developer, firstly i would like to thank you guys for the generousity of 5 + 10 gold tickets for the game updates and maintenance.
    However i heard that we will not be getting COZ win for saturday which is the present day, TODAY.

    I hope u can reconsider this as new season is coming and many of us need to accumulate as much super tickets to enjoy this game further.

    Perhaps you have to keep in consideration that the more we enjoyed this game, the more we would love to compete and ultimately this works in a way that your game is supported FINANCIALLY and we are supported back mentally.
    This works in a Win-Win situation.
    PLEASE, resume the COZ Win today.
    Appreciate 🙏

  147. تمام ،،،، وضع اللعبة الآن اصبح اكثر تعقيدا و أكثر صعوبة وعلى اللاعب ان يدفع اكثر ليصل إلى مستوى مرموق يستطيع من خلاله المشاركة في الحدث ،، مما يعني صرف المزيد من النقود ،،، وجب التوضيح

  148. Just keep thing how they are I’m still learning how to play this game this game is my escape from reality of the working world

  149. Hallo Entwickler, das Spiel wird immer schlechter. Der Tocken-Shop ist zum kotzen. Die Dauer der Aktualisierung ist viel zu lange und nach der Aktualisierung sind nur Schrott-Helden zu bekommen. Wenn Mann 10 Gold-Tickets hat für Heldenrekrutierung, bekommt man (blaue) oder (violette) Helden, das ist eine Verarschung. In dieses Spiel Geld zu investieren macht keinen Sinn. DD ist nicht mehr das was es einmal war. Eden war sowieso kacke. 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 Ich hoffe ihr liest das und ändert endlich was.

  150. I think the Eden is good as long as you can balance the power. And make sure during the Eden, people can’t move. This to make sure the power keep balance. Thank you

  151. La última actualización a provocado que el centro comercial no traiga componentes para actualizar, solo suministros vaya full

  152. Eden not again. It’s way too bore… and non participatory. People in alliance leave in mid .. old dooms was awaited.. Eden no!

  153. Dev, you know that some player like eden, and some not, but don’t know how much player like one or another. So why not simply make a poll on all the state that will do dd and ask to player.
    Major of vote decide wich dd will start.

  154. Уважаемые разработчики, верните пожалуйста обычный судный день! Эдем это очень скучно. Многие покинут игру, так как им не нравится Эдем. Я остался в игре после Эдема, только в надежде на возвращение обычного судного дня и многие разделяют это мнение.

  155. I think sometimes it is better to hear what players are writing. DD is a good like it was in the beginning. I see 2 problems. States are dieing because of less players, because of eden and because it’s boring. If u have finished research and buildings u have nothing to do. Maybe the owners should think about base updates and not about modifications of DD. DD is a main event in this game and every update in this event was not good. And now the new eden with guilds can split states and alliances. Bad idea

  156. Bonjour mon problème aujourd’hui c’est que j’ai ouvert une vingtaine de cartes dorées et je n’ai eu aucun super héros doré il se trouve que les 3 que j’ai aujourd’hui je les ai eus par un pur hasard mais pas par les cartes je trouve ça dommage et ça devient décourageant merci de bien vouloir faire le nécessaire

  157. Since yesterday morning my bases were protected by a 3 days shield. You inform us very late of a maintenance. My bases are now under a 15h shield. Where are my 3 days shields ?

  158. What! Eden again? Whats wrong with guys? “ devs “. Your pushing us to quit this game. Because of that eden shit! Too many changes on this game. Im thinking to stop playing this game anymore

  159. Hello developer
    If you open the test server, we will learn how to play, and you would see the shortcomings of the game

  160. Centro comercial 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮, un asco de verdad ,

    Otra pregunta cuando comienza Edén en estado 324 , esperando su respuesta , agradecido. PD, estoy buscando una chica soltera ,

  161. Bring back old commercial hub. This new one sucks. This new one is bullshit. Useless commercialhub ever made

  162. Personalmente creo que las últimas actualizaciones del juego han sido un desacierto total, no me gusta la actualización del centro comercial, esto no ayuda en nada como es posible que tenga que esperar mas de diez horas para poder cambiar o comprar recursos, otra actualización que es muy mala es la de reunión de payaso Wendell, no es muy agradable para el ojo humano, no se ve bien quién ingresa a ayudar o cuantos jugadores están reunidos, el reloj dwl tiempo de reunión es muy pequeño, casi no se ven los números, si yo fuera accionistas de este juego ya hubiera despedido a los programadores de este juego, la verdad es que cada vez mas me desepciono de este juego por sus actualizaciones.

  163. Estara muy interesate espero poder partisipar y otra uno como nuebo jugador me gustaria que cada paso quedé uno pueda tener una indicación cual otro segir claro que ya hay jugadores espertos me gustaria que hayga mas tutoriales de explicacion a seguir asi poder desempeñar mas extratejias
    ( es prestado su correo de mi mama para si jugar

  164. 恢复以前的交易中心吧,wish the helicopter thing would go back to the way it was

  165. To the developers
    We understand you are trying to add new content to keep the game fresh and interesting. Even new content can be fun once learned but you being in charge of the groupings for DD and COZ is what has been most troubling. Last season whoever put the group’s together for DD deserves a tooth knocking from every other developer. When one state takes 8 out of the top 10 DD rewards, well that problem is yours to own. Start making the grouping fair and we will all continue to play and enjoy this game.

  166. 恢复原来的交易中心,谁会24在线等飞机到来!你们在毁掉这个游戏!

  167. So the feed back from last eden was basically we hated it. So you give it to us again 🤦‍♀️

  168. I agree the New helicopter hub is horrible I hope they go back to the old one! Don’t know about Eden never heard of it, not going to do it!

  169. Kapasitas game semakin besar, in out game lama dan setiap klik event sering wait for load, commercial hub di max levelnya bukannya semakin bermanfaat malah banyak pilihan tapi tidaknjelas manfaatnya. Lama lama pemain bukan hanya mengeluh tentang game tapi tentang ganti handphone.

  170. Eden is shit idea. And now you want a guild that allows cross state players to be one team…your developers are not capable of changing color of grass without messing game up. There’s zero chance you can do this without fucking it all up. So tired of devs incompetence and greed.

  171. All i can say is this game sucks…. developers sucks and the way they change things without notice sucks even worse.

    Game was great 1 year ago… is shit now.

  172. My thoughts things have to change DD is to time consuming and all have to be at certain time for duels never liked that at least European players had huge disadvantage we where all at work and not fair when in duels you fight not only a certain alliance but have to go up against whole state. DD is always good only for strong states not for strong alliances individually

  173. 亂改什麼東西?還我交易中心,官方只會坑消費者的錢,工程師有點腦子好嗎

  174. 你們這遊戲就是廢,只會亂改,交易中心改成什麼樣子,都只會騙錢,走路看馬路

  175. 交易中心真的求你你换回来,新的交易中心太烂了,完全大幅度拉低玩家发展速度,你们运营和产品对平衡性的考量实在是太低了。

  176. 交易中心真的求你你换回来,新的交易中心太烂了,完全大幅度拉低玩家发展速度,你们运营和产品对平衡性的考量实在是太低了。

  177. I Totally Agree with many of the other Player Comments – DEVS WAKE UP!!! Start Listening to Players!!!!
    FIX the glitches already ingame instead of adding more….you are making a mess of the game!
    And to Bring back that Rubbish that is Eden.. Are you for Real !!!
    I will not be wasting my Time, Troops or Resources with that Shite!!!

  178. Hola la verdad que no se porque insisten con edén saben que fue un fracaso y en el estado 141 que es un estado muy activo la vez pasada se fueron casi todos los jugadores ahora que volvieron muchos jugadores y migraron más todavía van a volver con edén la verdad así si vuelve hacer lo mismo se irán muchos del juego y los que pierden son ustedes.

  179. Hope they will make eden depending of each power alliances to be more fair – why eden still exist if most of the player do not really like it

  180. 交易中心不如原来的好用,一点都不方便,时间太固定了 ,不能随时使用,差评!

  181. If you are looking at quitting, please drop me a line and I will be glad to take over your base. LINE account Swartzkaulf

    Por favor quiero pedir a los desarrolladores que vean mi problema yo tenia dos cuentas con el mismo correo de alguna manera pude hacerlo solo que una era una cuenta del estado 23 que perdi mi celular y despues entre y cree otra cuenta con el mismo correo luego un amigo me ayudo a ver el problema que tenia para esa cuenta lo cual esa mase era .19 y ahora hasta esta mañana la avia subido a b25 pero resulta que ahora no puedo entrar .por favor yo le inverti mucho tiempo a esa base les ruego que me la devuelvan .inclusive le puedo cambiar el correo si quieren pero denme chance

  183. Deben revisar las últimas actualizaciones, desde mi criterio no han sido acertadas. El centro comercial no mejora la obtención de recursos con respecto al anterior. Y el nuevo formato de ataque Wendell no permite ver el nivel de este.

  184. It seems that the majority of people dont want eden back and the new eden could be a problem , if the game is set up for pay to play then you will lose the current players that let you get so successful , I myself have played this game for 2 years now and it’s getting more and more difficult to have fun , stress wont help the people stay. DD worked well and the people where happy , devs it’s time to listen to the people paying your wages 😯

  185. Верните прежнюю торговую площадку .Новая ужасна

  186. happy occasion
    we like old commercial hub new hub is weak
    make optimized version of game that has less or no animation
    allow trades

  187. Dear Devs,

    Please reconsider having Eden as it is boring and you will lose players. By reading the comments it is apparent that most would like to go back to the old DD seasons.

  188. 強烈要求擴大移民區域,我在283~目前仍然限制1-160~對於我們想移民到161-320區間的都無法如願,有些州人口稀少,難道要看遊戲玩家退遊才高興嗎?我曾經移民過,花了2萬多買移民卷,難道都當我們神經病嗎?我們想移民還要花錢,結果還要被限制。

  189. У меня для 20 ферм .а я могу добавить теперь только 10 аккаунтов .вы жопой думаете добавляя подобное ?

  190. Setelah game ini di upgrade ke versi terbaru. Ternyata memiliki masalah pada terjemahan. Terjemahan pada game ini tidak dapat digunakan dan tidak berfungsi. Sehingga tidak dapat menerjemahkan berbagai macam bahasa. Untuk versi terbaru setelah update yaitu bermasalah pada terjemahan yang tidak dapat digunakan.

  191. Merhaba;
    Oyunda translate kalktımı,düzelecekmi?
    Eğer kalkarsa oyuncuların anlaşması çok zor olur.
    Lütfen bilgi verirmisiniz

  192. I have been the president and I am the R5 of the strongest alliance in my state. My alliance does not want to play eden. It takes too much players time and the payoff is pathetic. Many are not motivated to play eden and the changes that are being done to eden seem to make it more of a bully game for those that spend money. Instead of having 1 strong alliance to worry about now you will have a whole guild of them. Explain to me how this makes any sense. Go back to original dd and fix other things that are broken in the game first. Or just have kill event and give out dd rewards based off win streaks of coz. But we all know nothing will change and that’s okay cause I stopped investing in the game. State 91

  193. A mi me gusta la idea de los desarroladores del juego el lado bueno es que todos jugaran de forma activa si quieren obtener premios en muchas alianzas mucho ni juegan y solo se dedican a donar piedras y asi obtienen los premios sin hacer nada de nada, espero que este eden resing mejore por que lo espero con ansias por que conocere a mas jugadores y tambien implementen la fusion de estado …
    Sigan asi y metan mas heroes de temporada en la tienda de oro ya que en los servidores viejos nos estamos aburriendo.

  194. Hâte de voir de nouveau changement pour évoluer ensemble et encore apprendre de bonne chose dans ce jeu .
    Bon courage à tous et merci au développeur du jeu

  195. The helicopter update was not the best move. I request we take that back the way it was. All those helicopters calls I saved up went to waste. And now I can get cash on demand when I need to sell rss for money. I won’t invest another dime until helicopter returns to normal.

  196. Cancel this fucking shit!!! Garbage.
    Eden rising more like a rising pile of shit.
    Devs stop sucking each other off and quit fucking the game up. Morons.

  197. مهم جدًا: من فضلك قل أن مطور اللعبة سيفقد الكثير من اللاعبين النشطين بسبب Eden. الفكرة الكاملة ومفهوم عدن خاطئ. الأسباب لا يمكن لأحد أن يكون تحت ضغط الحرب ويمكن أن يكون نشطًا بدوام كامل لحماية المدينة ، لا يمكننا التحرك والقتل الأحداث في ولايات متعددة يوم الأحد. في عدن ، ستحظى أقوى القواعد برأس مال عالمي ولا يمكن لأي شخص التغلب عليها وهذا سيكون مملًا لأقوى اللاعبين ولاعبين عاديين. هناك الكثير من الأسباب الأخرى وقد أرسلنا إلى المطور العديد من الرسائل حول إلغاء Eden إلى الأبد. كان الموسم الماضي DD عاديًا ونجلب اللاعبين القدامى للعب معًا ولكن الآن أصبحنا مملين مرة أخرى ونغادر اللعبة بسبب عدن.

  198. New EDEN looks fabulous. Eden needs lot of efforts which many don’t like to put in, they want easy rewards. I love Eden because without money also one can get good rewards with efforts.

  199. Уважаемые разроботчики!!! Почему не работает переводчик?

  200. Bonjour ami développeurs.
    Je trouves personnellement que le nouveau centre commercial apporte de bonnes choses mais nous ne pouvons plus vendre de ressources et il n y a plus la possibilité d acheter assez d energie.
    Bonne continuer

  201. Give more space for National Quests. Why you dictate me, that I have to camp timers in order to have a chance to get into the quest before the spot is taken by other players also camping the timer? Why you are limiting amount of placea for quests? Poor design! Just to irritate us. Noone plays this game because of national quests anyway.

  202. I am a artist and we also love to play with other people online.and do some fun stuff like killing and lots of military shooting games with each over,
    That’s all of that

  203. Great another shitty Eden season that aure to be filled with bugs and errors.just once it would be nice if devs fixed something before releasing new event thats also messed up.

  204. Everyone complains but you still play the game – the new part is a good example. Everyone will complain about greedy devs but will buy the packs and will either for they’re behind or want the advantage. The truth is some folks will pay a ton of money and be strongest then everyone will play catchup but till spend. I’ve played this game for over 3 years and it’s the same every time. I’m not the strongest but you still have to pay to do moderately well so don’t listen to the “you don’t need to spend money” folks since most of them are basically farms or live under a bubble.

  205. If want introduce new doomsday event don’t implant the game mechanisms in the end of the fucking season!!. It’s the most stupid move i have ever meet!!. Adjusting the point in the last days of season is ridiculous!! What u wanna ban be mecause i say fuck? Go on!! I can just quit the game, better than i top up again when i see your good offers!! 😠😠

  206. If you want to introduce new doomsday events, implant the rules at start of the season !! 😠😠 You change the rule in the end ofnthe season 😠😠😠 this is !! Imagine you have an exams, taking almost 2 hours to finish answer the questions and the teacher change the questions 5 minute before the time end 😠😠😠😠 THATS FVCKING IsDsIsOsT. Wanna ban me because you mad? Go on !! Better i stop play rather than top uo when see good offer!! 😠😠😠😠

  207. As usual eden sucks and 90% of players hate it. Just when we thought we got rid of it you bring it back. And the event has started and no one can even get in!!! Stupidity at its best.

  208. You would think that at least once you dumb asses could get it right. The only thing you do correctly is to cut off ways to advance so people have to pay. Fucking worthless

  209. Esta actualizacion de gremio sera para todos los eden?. Por ejemplo si mi servidor tiene su primer eden. Tambien estara implementado gremio?

  210. 1.Every update makes the game worse, the devs aren’t listening to the players and just fucusing on money.
    2. The bugs don’t get fixed, there just get added more with the next update, and hopefully it will fix a few older ones. (except it’s a payment bug for real money, that’s fixed in a few hours.) I still get bugs where I speed up tec rs and still have to wait like 5d+ because it glitched, and I wrote that to the support the first time half a year ago (maybe even a little more)… Haven’t gotten any speeds or diamonds back, bug isn’t fixed, and the reply was just “yes that can happen, we don’t care”
    3. Fuck…. Train your programmers, or test them if they have the needed skills for the job…
    4. The hub update made the game even worser, Call function is gone, if you miss it the first time you won’t get it again….the diamonds exchanges I’ve seen coming for months now (it’s just a way to make more money….at least with new players) The rss crates are 99% of the time total bullshit.. I haven’t upgraded my fkn hub for billions of rss to get a fucking 400k rss box at most 😠
    5. The T1s that raiid 50%more money and rss than the T9s… Was really useful to upgrade that building for wait… MORE BILLIONS OF RSS…
    6. GO FUCK off 🖕
    7. They will start listening to the players when everyone stops spending real money..

  211. Cómo es posible que un estado muy pobre el jugadores como es el S45 nos metan en el grupo de edén con estados legendarios?
    Así es imposible

  212. Ridiculous. How you can create group with alliances with more 8 gg power and send against alliance with 2gb?

  213. It’s amazing how dumb these developer’s truly are they build Eden and 98% of the people playing this game complain and utterly can’t stand it yet they keep pushing it down our throats…If you are wondering who the 2% are that like this bullshit Eden crap …..edem if you read the last post in last shelter email… anyways the 2% are the states like 66 77 and the other huge spenders they do kindly spread out throughout every Eden so that they can be insured that there whole state gets top rewards soon it will be just the mega states fighting each other because the rest of us said screw it and quit

  214. Devs…. just cancel Eden…. you guys are pathetic. Eden sucks. You clearly can’t seem to make a game right. cancle Eden morons!!!
    State 91

  215. Hello, too many alliances and people in Eden, people is fighting for tiles lvl 2 🤣.
    This is crazy guys. New update of Eden sucks. Sorry

  216. Al cambiar lo del helicóptero arruinaron el verdadero comercio. No se quien toma esas decisiones tan desafortunadas.

    No pienso jugar el nuevo sistema de Eden. Complica las cosas. Otro fallida decisión … no se por qué están tomando tan malas decisiones.

  217. New Eden is such a disaster. I mean what a cluster fuck..did a toddler desig this. Just when I thought devs couldnt screw up any worse they go and surpass all thier previous fuck uos by leaps and,bounds..

  218. Bugs and Errors:

    1. Translation is not working for a lot of players.
    2. Screen glitches and Icon disappear.
    3. Today in CoZ the point system didn’t count near 3 million point of attacking Zombies of level 15.
    4. The game is getting slow due to the server.

    Please fox these issues as it is getting damn hard.

  219. This Eden is garbage just like other two. It’s not balanced….especially when you see legendary and elite players in your bracket that have more than 4 times your power? They must have set it up for their precious paying players. It already reeks of crap. Why the hell would they make us play it again when so many players hate it. You cannot fix it! Stop bloody trying. The brackets are much worse than the old one and splitting states up so we can’t play together is absolutely horrible. Screw Eden! Bring back our old DD….that is what we wanted and asked for. Asshole developers. Get your heads out of your asses and start listening to the players. We deserve a hell of lot better than than we have been getting.

  220. I’m totally fucked up! Eden is not good old dd season is great! Please remove eden season!

  221. Can you please Re incorporate the resource expert back into alliance research?!?!I it isn’t right that players used diamonds and money for diamonds and hard earned rss to work up their rss tiles to where they stopped after you took it out. It also isn’t fair that new alliances can only place level 5 rss tiles! Where some alliances got to max out the tech and can place level 10 rss tiles.

  222. Your support forms are pointless as you have to add a screenshot of the problem but won’t show photos but asks for files? Also in questions it says put a keyword in but every time you do it says sorry didn’t catch that or something like it.
    Main reason I am here is why is chat pages on game not working. Can’t see recent posts from alliance members or state only posts from 8th April backwards? Please fix this problem.

  223. Im30 is filled with mathematically deficient retards. Completely unable to work in a professional manner. All they know is helping some closed states get cheap packs to make it as unfair as possible. they will chose states which will continuously get access to X hero and pin them against your state who cannot Loot any season hero since 5 months. They destroyed the game since eden and have never bothered fixing it. It is obviously an incompetent son of an executive who has too much powr in there and only at IM30.this could last so long.. FIRE your crappy staff… BAN everyone that bought discounted packs on closed states. and do ranking that are fair instead of selecting your favorite states and pinning them in lower rankings. Eden is an error. just sit down and do math for 2 min god dammit. My retarded cousin is not as incompetent as your developers

    You don’t have to spend money to advance and if you are your just being impatient I feel like it’s just a freaking game if your really throwing your hands in the air over a GAME then maybe you need a stress ball instead of playing this game 😉 just saying alot of you seem to be getting your panties in quit a bunch over a game thank the universe this isn’t real life……

  225. State 512 – Open Recruitment. New dictator President just arrived in our state and out state is open for migration. Bases 25 [+15M power] are welcome to take the present down. This is a pirate state.

  226. My alliance Joined up in the new eden. Only to be placed in two different edens. Eden 7 and 8 now we are all stuck playing two different ones. This is a horrible new setup for a event that wasn’t that great to begin with. Now I’m afraid it’s gotten even worse than it was before. Not fun if you can’t play with people from your home state or even the very alliance you play with!

  227. My alliance Joined up in the new eden. Only to be placed in two different edens. Eden 7 and 8 now we are all stuck playing two different ones. This is a horrible new setup for a event that wasn’t that great to begin with. Now I’m afraid it’s gotten even worse than it was before. Not fun if you can’t play with people from your home state or even the very alliance you play with!

  228. Chat in ios not working especially in alliance chat, and screenshot in error report also not working in ios, ios user cant upload error report… anybody can help?

  229. I am a big base (over $15k USD spent on this game) and i agree that Eden is TERRIBLE. Regular DD is much more fun. I will stop spending if there is only Eden every season…

  230. Customer service sucks, switch my account and my pod accounr is missing. Been almost 48 hours soon and not even much update from them. If they can develop thre game, isn’t it easy for them to fix the problems. Customer service really sucks.

  231. I’ve A big big problem on New Eden.
    I can’t rebuild my HB after rejoining my alliance. Anyone have same problem with me or have solution please tell me.

  232. Es macht keinen Sinn, wenn nicht alle Mitglieder einer Allianz nicht in eine Gilde passen.
    Einige haben dadurch bereits jetzt schon keine Lust mehr auf Doomsday und spielen das Event nicht.

  233. Really Eden again. I was so happy when last DD was the classic one and I hoped you would have finally dumped the shit idea of Eden. Please understand whatever you do with Eden except dumping it is not going to improve anything.

  234. Seriously devs . The bugs and mistakes are getting worse.
    Piece of advice dont put Devs for last shelter on your cv if you want a new job .
    The problems many faced last night where a joke . Support non existent. They dont reply and then we are told “net work issues”
    The in game chat still bans stupid words replacing with ***** .
    Translator still doesnt work . It’s become a joke when we are told an update or fix is happening. What’s the devs gonna break this time
    Get your act together

  235. Ребят,подскажите как зарегистрироваться в эдэм,я нажимаю *регистрация* ни чего не происходит

  236. Please fix the chat room fault. It doesn’t retain any conversations and always reverts back to a conversation from days ago.

    Also it’s time you upped the percentage of acquiring an orange hero.

    Not everyone can afford to pay big bucks to get tons of tickets

  237. Please fix the chat room fault. It doesn’t retain any conversations and always reverts back to a conversation from days ago.

    Also it’s time you upped the percentage of acquiring an orange hero.

    Not everyone can afford to pay big bucks to get tons of tickets

  238. I made a horrible letter mistake I had one state as my primary option and pushed it and went to another state. Help me please admins!!!

  239. If Eden is based on participation and not power then it might be ok. For me, I’ve had enough with the fanatics that have spent thousands on their bases and bully everyone else that had the good sense to do something productive with that money. This last dd season was filled with high powered alliances roaming all over our state like a gang of thugs. They take our dd plots and destroy all of our dd buildings if take any of them back. There’s nothing fun about being in a game where you are stepped on by bad behavior and big money based alliances. I quit the game but they convinced me to keep going. Good people but the game can be very frustrating trying to survive against alliances that are twice as strong as you. Even if dd did go on as it is, game matching and alliance strength MUST be better matched so the weaker states aren’t always ruined and they have a chance to grow and have fun without all the oppressive behavior.

  240. Hola las recompensas no las pueden dejar a un miembro deberían de ser automáticas según puntuación siempre hay un jugador ladrón

  241. Сегодня 9 атак на зомби и ни одного пасхального яйца не получил!

  242. Eden is messed up, no one working together, everyone backstabbing each other and lots looking to quit. Admit you didn’t think this through. 180 alliances across 150 States with a wide range of power. Small alliances are squashed and everyone just hates each other. In 3 days, people want to give up on Eden and some give up on the game of this is what you think competitions should be like. Fix the game mechanics, stop messing about with useless things like changing the pics of heroes and listen to the people paying your wages.

  243. Between the horrible migration rules they put in place and Eden, many people are tired of the game. I hear more and more people saying they are thinking of quitting every day. We have out up with the unfairness of Chinese players getting cheaper packs, then dominating everything no matter how much we spend. We are tired of the unfairness, tired of the horrible changes, and tired of being ignored.

  244. There are too many glitches!! Too many pauses during chat, delay in marching, delay.moving from one screen to another!? It’s ridiculous! Please fix it!

  245. 第一,更新后无法显示聊天记录

  246. Eden is a joke I have lost over 30 million in power being attacked when my base wasn’t even in eden I have played for years now and spent tons of money on this game but after this I won’t going forward at least until errors are fixed.

  247. ทำไมตอนนี้เข้าไปใน eden ไม่ได้
    state 74

  248. Eden is such a terrible idea. Horrible I don’t even participate really. This have is going downhill fast can’t get hero’s unless you spend thousands of dollars so people who don’t spend can’t compete unless they get lucky I’ve been playing 2 years now I have 2 maxed s1 and x hero awakened all regular orange maxed and one s3 with 6th and 8th skill unlocked after 2 years I give up I’m done

  249. Mi pregunta porqué ponen estados de tan poco poder con estados de elite no podemos competir con ellos y son muchos espero que se resuelva éso

  250. Mi pregunta porqué ponen estados de tan poco poder con estados de elite no podemos competir con ellos y son muchos espero que se resuelva éso

  251. What a huge disappointment this game has become. Devs give advantage to certain states and alliance by matching them with alliances with less than half the number if people and power and claim its fair for huge alliances to dominate all. And then they restrict migration to keep anyone from being able to grow state and alliance to be able to challenge them. Its no wonder that so many people are quitting now that this new Eden disaster is here. What a joke. Ots so unevenly matched that there’s no hope for anyone but superstate alliances to get reward. Thanks for nothing.

  252. And I’m not sure yet,the company said it didn’t work for a and you know this relationship that I don’t want you thinking about how I feel you don’t have anything else,the company said in my face,the company has been doing

  253. What you ❤and then it would not playing the shower your pores open and honest and goodnight 😎to!the last one day you have not heard anything to be lying is that a fun and goodnight imma go out for me bc I’m broke the news and the phone from you don’t need any other girlfriend to go back on instagram so you have an idea,soulmate
    And if we have been a are going through your nerves
    T,but they don’t need you have not had me that bc my house and goodnight love with the same feeling I get to go

  254. My state just finnished S3! Why did we get the notification gor Eden Rising starting April 27th? We havnt done s4 yet

    Someone please help! We are all confused

  255. エラーが直りません。

  256. Estou chateado com o jogo …
    Porque sou atacado com escudo ???
    Como que os caras me acham mesmo mudando de lugar ???
    Eu nao consigo atacar ninguem com escudo …
    Ja gastei muito com o jogo mas certas coisas eu nao entendo

  257. Thanks for wasting my time and money, as always changing things without noticing people and ruining the game. well done

  258. States 600+ having to skip S3 and go into Eden has to be a bad joke. Please someone tell me it’s a joke. 🤦‍♂️

  259. 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈🤟🏻🤟🏻🤡🤡❤️❤️🤫😆👏🏼👎🏼👌🏿👩🏿‍🦲

  260. They actually found a way to make the balancing worse this season. Within 7 days a superstate consolidated into a super guild and portioned the map out to other smaller alliances in their state. I am so glad you guys made these changes. At least I get to hide my farms in eden for 2 months.

  261. 한국서버에서도 전념초기화 발급해주세요. 매번 느끼는거지만 다른 나라 서버보다 이벤트도 적고 왜 그러시는거죠? 최대한 웬만한건 똑같이 해야 하는거 아닙니까?

  262. Hello. Can someone tell me when DD season 2 will be start ? Eden and DD is same
    Thing or different?

  263. Put state from silver league to map with all monsters state from legendary, good job developers, you screwed up

  264. I hate that it keeps upgrading, I started playing on a first gen tablet with no problems and now I’ve had to disable everything just to keep playing, and for what? The game hasn’t been improved one bit they just keep adding more junk. I know people have had to quit because of this, I hear it all the time on chat and now I find myself worrying about it, I can’t even get into eden now.
    I heard it’s glitching so I’m praying it will sort itself out but if not does this mean the enday of me playing? How many paying customers have they lost this way, idiots?

  265. Why does everyone complain about the t1 /t9 diffrence??
    Its great!! Less damage on the farms bit more resources!!
    Never change this!! Very good for players whit farms!

  266. Es ist unverständlich wo unsere Allianz eingruppiert wurde. Hier ist gar nichts ausgeglichen. Der gleiche Mist wie jedes Eden. Man ist einfach chancenlos und verliert den Spass.

  267. Bonjour,
    Un Eden c’est bien.
    De nouveaux joueurs seraient encore mieux, au lieu de remplir de 2 ou 3 nouveaux états par jours!
    Dans le jeu, ou trouve-t-on l’Éden?
    Quand aurons-nous de vrai informations ?…

  268. This game is rigged, 1st the alliance technology donation it’s off balance, I Remember last time it’s food & fuel for 7k, wood is 5250, iron is all same.

    N then u not allowed player to build on RSS station, no need to build farm, no need to build gathering, your fucking destroying your own game! You are fucking sohai, do u know that? You will lose all the players, great game last 10 years , but since u guy’s wanted money so bad, you guys will not be rich forever, you will fall n crawl for the shit you have done.
    The more money u want, the lesser u earn.

  269. New resource gathering sucks. There are not enough high level patches (lvl8 or higher) in state 102.

  270. I maxed out parts factory technology and it is a real let down. What a disappointment. Time to produce green material takes About the same length of time to produce white material. What garbage! And another Eden episode requires more time and money I don’t have given the lopsidedness of power (which will not be fixed in this release) I’ll eventually quit the game for sure.

  271. Este tema de las estaciones de recursos apesta. Solo se lo permiten a las alianzas más grandes y a las más chicas no. Mi alianza tiene 17 miembros. Y tenemos excelente poder. Y así por no tener 50 miembros no nos dejan construir esas estaciones. Un asco. Así no es.

  272. I have keep contacting customer service for last 5days.. and i am very disappointed as i got no response till now.. i play this game since March 2019 and feel the customer service has no care and not willing to handle players problem.. i spent much money and time here and will quit shortly .. just kindly remind all new players, don’t pay for any package of this game and don’t even think the officals will help you if you got any problems.

  273. Исключили фермы из игры…. зачем качал им детали на сбор, хрне знает… одна точка сбора на весь альянс… зашибательно, убиваем все APC, кроме одного

  274. Eden is Shite…. Worst Doomsday Event Ever!!!!! 😡
    Well done Developers – you have Outdone yourselves YET Again…. 👏👏👎

  275. Please check DD server, I have been taking tiles the whole morning, no honor received from any tile. Can’t advance without honor, also try honor boost card, nothing either, check asap

  276. Realmente eden es una mala idea. No destinen tiempo e inversion en EDEN. Estoy en el estado 76. Uno de los tantos estados fantasma. Donde menos de 100 bases estan activas. Los jugadores se frustran con EDEN. Mas alla de lo aburrido que es jugar en estados fantasma. Permitan balancear la poblacion de estados. Misma cantidad de poblacion en estados. Hara mas divertido el juego. En este momento, solo tengo ganas de dejar el juego de lo aburrido que esta.

  277. Hello good night, I come make my claim, eh open 600 advanced recruitment tickets and I did not get any hero, this can not be possible, there is some problem so I can not get heroes S with an amount of 600 tickets, this is absurd, spend money and not be able to have anything, that I have to do to have good heroes apart from spending more money?

  278. Eden sucks and I’m stuck because the alliance I was with sucked and now stuck in an Eden where I’m not able to do anything. So as this is the way the game is going, I’m done. The game is crap

  279. We need some kind of guide to Eden Rising that clearly explains EVERYTHING about how it works, what the objectives are, what we need to do in order to prepare for it, etc. You are forcing Eden Rising upon states that have never done any kind of Eden event before, and all we know about Eden is that only high level players with S4+ heroes can make it through checkpoints and conquer cities and capitols. I am in state 676, and we put a lot of time and effort into preparing for S3 of Doomsday. We’re hearing that Eden Rising will replace DD altogether and there is NO INFORMATION about what we can expect that to mean. Do we still need to come up with Alliance Center placement/defense strategies or will we no longer have Alliance Duels (which are the best part of Doomsday btw)? If Eden Rising is similar to other versions of Eden, has it been modified so younger states with newer/lower level players will actually have a chance at success in it or will it continue to be the miserable, frustrating grind for them that everyone who has done an Eden event before seems to think it is? ALL WE KNOW SO FAR IS THAT YOU’RE TAKING DD AWAY AND REPLACING IT WITH AN EVENT 2 SEASONS BEFORE WE WOULD NORMALLY BE READY FOR IT!!

  280. привет! вы уничтожили задание “сбор ресурсов”. Что вы наделали, вы понимаете? Уберите свои точки сбора и верните шахты сбора ресурсов

  281. Самое ужасное обновление…испортили игру!!!только донат решает,дисбаланс,объединение всех у кого есть деньги…а багов столько,что на пальцах не сосчитать!

  282. Unbalanced, will never be balanced in a system that allows players to pay to further development, this game is trash and only fun for a few weeks unless you want to toss thousands of dollars into it and grt no ROI other than being able to talk shiit. Spend your money wisely stay away from this trash.

  283. Yes I have to say I have been playing this game for 2 years and again eden is very bad, it is time for me to quit and find a game where they listen to the players it is not fun anymore!

  284. What a slogan … nobody really believes that … states legend against States silver, what a shame that a single state will win all the prizes.

    1. Starting with 100 and can go up to 200 I’ve read somewhere depending on the cities/buildings you takeover as guild

  285. I’m playing in state 405 with much fun, last dd4 season was very hard. We were playing in silver league (last coz we won so we’re now in preparation week for gold league).
    But as I said, we were playing in silver league and were matched in dd4 with 2 legiondary states, how the fuck is that possible and call that fair matchmaking!?

    I have hopes that new Eden rises which starts on April 27th have better matchmaking then last dd season….

    Anyone who’s up for Working together in New Eden rises, contact me in line (mg76)

  286. There should be a limit on how long a person can remain President in the game. Especially when it is up to them how long they want to decrease your stats.

  287. Last few updates have not pleasnt feedback, like commercial hub update and resource station update.
    Dear developers please restore previous hub and also add tiles feature so that garhering become more efficient .
    Thank you

  288. 这个游戏是成功的,成功的让我们玩家咒骂你,成功的让我们弃坑。你们都做到了,赞!

  289. T10 troops… ??? (With their own research and buildings maybe…?) About 2 years waiting for that?… that resume all the problems….

  290. Please listen to all the players that are trying to tell you that we are losing good players because of Eden. If you would just reconsider going back the way it was in season 1 it would be much better also the new hub we would like that back to the way it was agian i have read over and over the same thing from so many players please listen thank you

  291. The new X heros make all others worthless, kill 3 x as many troops but treatment over and over it’s not fair to the other heros we have bought , this game getting really stupid

  292. Отвратительный Эдэм все захватили китайцы!!!! Где ваша справедливая расстановка альянсов!как можно было оказаться на карте где все альянсы сильнее в разы!

  293. Eden is shit….. Game is getting Worse month by month and many more players have left or are due to leave….
    Well done Developers for making the game even less enjoyable!!!! 😡

  294. Game is good and smart. but money still talking here. Some hi lvls just plunder and do targeted attacks. Many players got discouraged and left. Game should involve some kind of personal intelligence benefits too instead of just money reliant.

    Thanks for a great lockdown pass time.

  295. Sounds to me like Dev’s on Prozac…You all are totally ruining a good game! It’s going to go down hill…Oh wait..It already is. It’s boring as hell now!

  296. This is even worse than normal Eden which was awful to say the least. All paying strong players join a super guild and normal players can’t do anything.

    Can we please bring back normal Doomsday conquest ?

    I guess the developers only care about retaining the money spending players… the rest don’t matter.

  297. Most boring DD ever! very uneven and only the top guild with 200 mainly maxed bases that dont need more heroes will get decent rewards. Also 2 months long!🤯 Bring back old DD and Bin this Eden!

  298. Now i don’t like this game, you are always update game version but not a good, helicopter is bad, eden is bad, gathering station also removed you, really you are very bad.

  299. Eden is a total failure. It’s tedious, boring, and just badly thought out. The resent changis in the game, like the helipad, are designed to drive people to purchase stuff.


  301. Now the National Quest for Seige Master is broken. I have the Arms Race and can’t do any quests. The all say full when they show open. Also cant place any NQ cards. Please fix asap

  302. 被你們遊戲公司害慘了,好不容易聯盟所有成員湊齊移民卷,移民費用也已經讓你們賺走了,結果在變更聯盟歸屬時,卻沒有說明要過七天才能報名那該死的新伊甸園,害的我們只好麻煩新區的朋友臨時幫我們70幾個人建一個新盟,聯盟科技得從零開始不說,有些人來不及加入新盟,我們一群人就活生生被拆成兩邊,這種嚴重的疏失請貴公司負起責任!

  303. 被你們遊戲公司害慘了,好不容易聯盟所有成員湊齊移民卷,移民費用也已經讓你們賺走了,結果在變更聯盟歸屬時,卻沒有說明要過七天才能報名那該死的新伊甸園,害的我們只好麻煩新區的朋友臨時幫我們70幾個人建一個新盟,聯盟科技得從零開始不說,有些人來不及加入新盟,我們一群人就活生生被拆成兩邊,大家花了這時間與金錢,不是讓你們這樣糟蹋的,這種嚴重的疏失請貴公司負起責任!

  304. Coloquem os super estados no Éden juntos e não coloque estados normais juntos, fazer acordo e ficar 50 dias só esperando acabar não tem graça !

  305. This is rediculous…I’ve spent over $7500 and I’m not relevant in Eden. How did my states weakest alliance join this Eden,? I signed up for Doomsday and you changed the game completely. Give me my money back.

  306. This is trash you have changed it up so much your making this game stupid. Stop changing everything. Everyone obviously liked the game or we wouldn’t be playing, so stop being stupid and f’n up the game we love or your going to lose a lot of players. Just think most people play this game because they were referred by a friend. If you make everyone hate the game us gamers will put bad reviews out and people will stop joining and the rest of us will leave. Then what will you have?

  307. Definitivamente este evento es una porquería
    Está muy desbalanceado, bases con más de 4 – 8 M de poder contra bases con 80 – 100M de poder

    Sin mencionar que le meten mucho dinero
    Es más que obvio quien ganará el evento sin darle oportunidad a bases más bajas

    Se nota que no le meten esfuerzo al intentar hacer justo el evento

    No me sorprende porque hay muchos que abandonan el juego

  308. It’s very beautiful and interesting game I love it all and how many games I played this is the best game I love it try ever one thx

  309. The new rules are crap. Good job developers. You just loose 30% of active plyers. Why don’t you put all players to one map and one level 1 tile to fight for it?

  310. Hi there in my opinion new eden idea is the worst of 3 low power players have no chance to survive we get killed instantly I hope they will come back to old days

    1. Small players aren’t the only ones I’m a maxed base with crap hero’s and trust me I get zeroed just as fast the devs designed eden so that the super states could finally get the rewards for there farms and the rest of the state.. just sit and look at how they paired everyone state 66 and 77 don’t have many Eden’s they are facing each other yet both super states have alliances in every eden. I’m lost on how no one else is figuring this fact out been playing for 3 years and a good portion of the devs have bases in the super states.. and they wont listen to anyone else but those super states

  311. new Eden is trash. If you are not level 25 base with tier 9 troops you cannot progress at all. One day I’m in a location with a couple bases around me then the next day I have a whole guild around me using me as a farm. This Eden is extremely unbalanced

  312. This new Eden Rising is not balanced like it said it was going to be. I’m sure there will be a lot of complaints about this. Secondly there is not enough description to inform people what they are getting into when they start Eden rising. Like the amount of time you have to put in and how strong you have to be or you can lose all you’re troops so fast. Also it does not explain how shielding works which is part of how much time it takes and that if you don’t spend that much time to recharge you’re shield and make sure it is on that you WILL be attacked very quickly and even by your guild that you joined. I know this because it happened to our several people in our alliance. I think this made the game so unbalanced.

  313. I am a free to play and the game is amazing, i m mexican. With efford you can reach high levels. But id like to have a easiest way to get x héroes ans S Héroes. Its so low the probability. I’ve had spend 100 tickets without a S hero and thats very sad. Sincerily sometimes after almost two years playing, I prefer to play another games and spend some money in them because I can get best héroes in a short time. The only requirment is to be farming all day and thats a good strategy for be addicted jajajaja. My nick is Itzcoatl from 249 state, I began in 194 state. Thanks for read me

  314. You guys are manipulating the game in a way that can be more profitable for you developers. I will totally delete this game if you guys keep playing monopoly games here!

  315. When are you going to listen devs? When your players gone and stop playing your game.

  316. I don’t know about this but it’s a good idea to make the game more far lets hope this way works for us all😎👍

  317. Eden is by far one of the worst changes made to this game, you destroy alliances, cause people to quit due to lack of interest, and sadly, force people into playing it (because there is nothing else to do), but when you do play, it’s pointless because of how unbalanced the grouping is..
    I think making it optional for a state to join DD, or Eden should be put into place, when different state decide on DD or Eden, then you can group different states based on hero power. ( or if that’s too much work, then choose the top 5 alliances total hero power for grouping each state to compete.
    If I may digress a little, you guys are killing the game very rapidly, I’ve lost so much interest in this game that I like so much..only a matter of time before shit hits the fan……..Keeping more players for a lower price and more fun is much more profitable than big gains that last but for a moment..

  318. When is the developers of this game going to give us brand new content. I’ve been playing this game for 2 years. All they do is tweak DD or Eden. It’s like they are incapable of coming up with a new concept. Let’s just push out more heros. Well, I’m not spending anymore on this game until New content is released regularly. We can vote with our wallets. I am!

  319. B25 with max building,max tech, max expense, what will we do in COZ event?, a lot credit card have used,,New rule , migration ticket need many now,old version need 3-4 tix, now it needs at least 10,but only can migration 1-160,,wtf, we hope can migration until above 7xx or 8xx something.. and do something unlimited research, and unlimited building, because we have very bored… i hope this game always give improvement for experienced player…

  320. Glamorous? BRUH , LSS fix your stupid guilds! Cant share cords, keeps crashing and cant rally with guild. What is the point in having it if you can communicate or attack together. Also, stop censoring English language. Common use words like “game” and “is” is not a swear word. Complete ignorance! You want us to speak kind to other players but you make every word sound like a swear word with ******. REMOVE CENSOR, FIX GUILDS, MAKE A ALLIES AND ENEMY CHANNEL WHERE U KNOW RED LINES ARE ENEMIES AND ALLIES ARE WHITE!

  321. No, it became even more unbalanced. The new guild mechanism allows for the state’s strongest alliances to dominate almost the entire map. It benefits only those who are heavy spenders, ONLY, like the new baneblade parts as well. Imagine 3 presidents and a bunch of people with attack/defense buffs in a single guild? Imagine up to 3 super states combining forces together, taking away all the competition and the CENTER in the first week and a half? It’s ridiculous. Devs do not listen to their players, it’s as simple as that. This new eden was the last straw, and it’s conclusive that the Last Shelter developers are very incompetent. Many players will stop playing this game, fact.

  322. The game has gone to shit. If you don’t have money you don’t have a chance, all these “new” mechanics have made it so that people can become trapped and not do anything about it not to mention the fact that eden does not allow for fair distribution of rewards because there just aren’t enough capture points for balanced distribution. It mimics real life, those with money have the power, and are strong. The result is the strong get stronger while the middle,, lower and new players get nothing and therefore do not advance much at all….

  323. Nice job! I like this eden. We pay a lot and we win a lot 🙂 we can easily destroy weak players,thats funn!!

  324. Who ever make the decision about match matching algorithms for eden, need to be fired.
    They make people’s quit.
    Idiot developer

  325. Ya es mucho tiempo de espera para esperar que edifique un edificio y la música que da moneda no sale de los 500 y todo lo demás da poco recursos en todo y cada vez es más larga la espera porque no arreglan eso son muchas horas en ese sentido está mal trato de lograr recolectar todo pero tengo que ponerme a recolectar cualquier cosa y después tengo que esperar más de un día y medio para acercarme para obtener algo de producción malo malo en ese sentido aburre demaciado ya que hay otros juegos parecidos que tengo descargados y no son tan altos los recursos y la espera el juego está muy bueno solo eso ha hay otra cosa que no entiendo bien del juego los recursos de comandante de escuadra edificio militar ect.

  326. The matchmaking in my opinion is still abysmal. How can a 3b alliance with average hero power of 9m, go head to head with a 10b alliance with maxed X-heros? When will you put all the big states in one game, and let them fight it out, and the smaller alliances can do the same in a different server. Maybe then, There would be a competition, instead of a trouncing…

  327. Is there a way to earn clones after getting smashed in middle of night while asleep how on earth are we expected to protect our game, or maybe that’s the plan. Maybe we don’t have to spend thousands to get troops back. Oh I think it’s a big no no to attack while gathering. Should be a way to shield.

  328. I bought a pack for Eden that give Elite status and a pack for extra dura. But the dura can’t be used and the Eden shop does not exist. I feel robbed again.

  329. Eden rising is so unbalanced we are an alliance of 2.5g power going against 5 to 8g alliances. How is that balanced.
    This game is extremely broken and only works for the people paying hundred or thousands.

  330. 強烈建議修改戰意值,還有淪陷狀態建議除非被解救否則不能打地,一堆故意撤除防禦給打淪陷然後無敵打地的玩家,這樣被打淪陷完全沒意義,而且還無敵了

  331. The helicopter call up is a mess the previous idea was better, calling supplies when you needed them…..this new one sucks. Change it back

  332. This Eden not for players who not spend big money.In this Eden only power talking.Smart players who not spend real money not chance there.In old version on DD have many smart things and have more fun.This is not only my opinion.Thus is what saying most players in game.But I don’t know why developers put again this Eden.
    Please developers,turn us back old DD and we stay in this game more time.
    Please !

  333. All Alliance of super state will get agreement about citys, capitals, center. And bulling all other players. So 10% of Eden player will hold all map, and all other players don’t get anything.
    Balance it is dream in this Event.
    One way to balance if in map will be only state/alliance from one CoZ group and equal heroes power.
    Only in this way it will be interesting event.

  334. Buna yeni birşey eklensin mesala yeşil Alan gibi sade asfalt olmaz ki bir kaç da hayvan olsun gıda topla yan nefis vê o müzik aleti var hani açıp zombiler öldürülüyor böyle 3D boyutlu öldürme olsun zombiyi sen yakından göreceksin vê sen oraya kurulmuş taramalı silah olacak teller mesala çok basit teller yerine duvar olabilir bunları değerlendirirseniz oyun nefis olur birde başka çıkılmayan şehirden çıkmak is Teyîp başka şehrê gelmek isteyen var onun için de dğerlendirme yapın oyun daki kalemizi taşıyalım bir sefercik

  335. Pour moi le jeu est abordable certes qu’entre ceux qui payent et ceux qui ne payent pas y a une grande différence mais n’empêche que même sans payé on peut aller de l’avant avoir une place des diamonds meme si sa prends plus de temps et de sacrifice de par le joueur ce qui ne me convient pas est les bugs du tchat parfois et la nouvelle façon de faire du centre commercial, pour ce qui est de la traduction j’invite les développeurs a nous ouvrir les portes on pourrait bien aidé a améliorer leurs dictionnaire. Pour finir j’invite aussi les développeurs a donné plus de vie a nos base que de les laisser comme ça sans mouvement sans bruit même la fontaine on y vois que des photos fixe. Et bien-sûr de donné au moi s le droit de mettre une photo de base unique sans avoir a l’payé ça pour le reste j’adore le jeux son concepte et sa façon de faire pensé très vaste et fais réfléchir bonne continuation.

  336. Tengo todo elevado al máximo…. Me aburro!!!!! Si no sale nada nuevo creo que tendré que dejar el juego

  337. This have been the worst they said they made 3better and is horrible now eden is controlled by 1 big guild you can’t even make your daily challenges or quest because there’s no 13 levels and up and if you want those levels the big guild don’t let you take them like seriously why did I spend my money for at least last eden had tiles all levels for everybody development should return our money back

  338. This Eden Rising is absolute rubbish. Too many guilds/alliances on map. With a handful of more powerful alliances doubling the average alliance power they are dominating the map and just bullying the others. There are 5 alliances from same state on map!!! Have merged guilds and fought so much but still less chance of getting any rewards this time, very poor and am losing interest.

  339. Баланс? Вы серьёзно?
    10 карта, топовые китайцы и кучка слабых европейцев с американцами. Центр взят азиатами за неделю. И эдем для остальных закончился.
    5000 активных игроков на одной карте. По вашему это норма? Когда не хватает плиток?
    Плитки. Тут конечно полный бред. Азиаты взяли центр и к 13 плиткам не подойти. Да, что уж там 12 плит не найти. Идти к центру??? Чтобы все азиаты накинулись на слабых? Смысл?? Скажите выращивать плитки? Попробуйте 5 уровня плитку поднять до 12. Этот эдем потерян, специальность сейчас опять прокачают азиаты, а остальные отстанут. Задания не пройти, не будет 13 плитки, показатель влияния, взять 14 итд. Сижу в пустыне, специальность 66 собираю 5 уровня плитки. Нормальный такой баланс.
    Баланс только в турнире вы смогли сделать, а в эдеме, это не баланс, это вы нас скормили для хохмы волкам.

  340. Developers for this Game are trash! Just make updates that make players spend more money and rarely benefit game play. Their costumer service is a joke, all the know how to say is i’m sorry for your inconvenience and update to the newer version. It’s sad how you can spend so much money yet they can’t fix simple errors they make to the game…

  341. The devs won’t read the comments here. They don’t care.
    They are likely hard at work stealing more Art and IP from Warhammer, resident evil, and mad Max… So they can bring out new heroes which will cost a player $1200 per hero (to make them useful) if done with bought tickets… And likely new parts for which ultra-cores need to be bought for only $100 for 1000 cores… And 500k are needed for a gold part by fusing 8 gold baneblade parts.
    And I’m afraid that base 30 will require something that can only be bought… Or takes 10 years to collect without paying.
    I spent money on this game, a fair amount I think. But I stopped buying… Because I don’t have any faith that the devs will (or want to) improve the game to make it fun to play…

  342. I really need to know whats wrong with the typing in chat… Stars ****** keeps on hiding even the most innocent words 🙄

  343. This is most imbalanced game I have ever come across where you to even buy packs to change your profile picture and you have to buy even to write your profile statement.

    Resources have limits set via the building upgrades where I can mention many same games which has no resources limit besides resources being plundered by attackers.

    I wasted my time

  344. This version by far is the worst. Totally unbalanced especially favourising those players that massively invest in real money. Tactically wise no chance to actively manoeuvre, it’s all fixed. Eden was decided right after 3 days of start. Weaker alliances are also negatively impacted. I am not sure whether the developer will be able to fix it. Nothing of the spirit of doomed day war had been considered. Not clear where the game is heading

  345. its simple.
    A pay2win game.
    Devs and customer service are a joke. Devs to manipulate game outcome by changing values in game algorithm. Packages can be bought way cheaper in Korea or China compared to other countries.
    I can go on with all the disappointments..
    But overall they dont give a fuck about opinions of gameplayers.
    Only concern is how to make more money by presenting new game contents..

  346. Total another farce ,change helicopters can’t even call them,eden only for the most powerful and rich players ,you start gathering in your own state then go to eden all your troops gathering resources go back to HQ,guilds are in place so all top players head to guilds, so no competition its like playing leap frog to move,forget about getting top city big powerful guild have so many big hitters you get swiped like a fly,no point trying to have conversation political issues over words so plenty off censorship cannot get away from it even in a game

  347. The Eden concept is terrible and pales in compared to the DD duels that preceeded it, seasons 1-4 had the best this game has to offer, after you get past that point the game turns into a tile fest, BORING. This is a war game, piss off with the tile wars and get back to the DD duels of the early seasons, bring back that excitement and brotherhood that this game has to offer, the future of this game depends on it.

  348. La creazione della Gilda, ci può stare, ma la scelta degli Stati, non capisco come sia stata fatta , Stati che fanno parte della lega leggendaria, con Stati che sono ancora in oro se non argento, infatti dopo 5 giorni, 2 stati, si sono divisi tutto il mondo è stanno giocando solo loro, invece noi , siamo in 15 stati che facciamo guerra per prendere una città, almeno quelle rimaste libere , servirebbe un controllo migliore sugli abbinamenti degli Stati!

  349. La creazione della Gilda, ci può stare, ma la scelta degli Stati, non capisco come sia stata fatta , Stati che fanno parte della lega leggendaria, con Stati che sono ancora in oro se non argento, infatti dopo 5 giorni, 2 stati, si sono divisi tutto il mondo è stanno giocando solo loro, invece noi , siamo in 15 stati che facciamo guerra per prendere una città, almeno quelle rimaste libere , servirebbe un controllo migliore sugli abbinamenti degli Stati!

  350. Eden rise doesnt balance anything. We are in eden with alliances with maxed bases and SX heroes. In our alliances its maybe 2 maxed bases and no maxed S heroes. Maybe one person has SX heroe maxed with other 2 heroes missing 7th or 8th skill

  351. We was say edan is worse than normal.. But this new edan more bad than all things before you destroyed the states idea of being united in your shit guild , you destroyed the alliance idea by theifs and who we want punishment for his behavior. Any shit can play edan. And you put thousands bases in one states, so no reward can take, and you put states who play 3 edan with who play 2 edan and how is this fair… Really shit updated

  352. Personally, with the most recent change to the commercial hub, I am able to generate far more profit and thus push all my bases faster. This, in turn, allows me to begin to be competitive with bases far stronger than my own, so for my part- please keep the commercial hub as is. For Eden, I have no idea, but from what I have heard and seen it looks fascinating although very likely exhausting. Thank you and well done to the developers- any little translation issues are generally minor at best, and with a bit of patience they can be overcome fairly easily. Thank you for all the amazing effort you put into making such a fascinating experience

  353. Lol… das eden ist auch wieder totaler Schrott…nur auf casher ausgelegt…. eine 10g allianz in ein eden rein zu packen,wo der Durchschnitt 2,4g ist… wo ist das fair? Logisch denken ist nicht so eure Stärke!!!

  354. They are killing their own game. Super energy cores not being able to get more than 350 per day without spending; eden again even everyone saying that don’t like it; the display of things on base with a delay just make worst; coz groups full of dead states. You guys need to stop releasing heroes and fix all these things. And maybe release new lvl of base and T10 that we are waiting for 2 years

  355. I played this game for two months…I’m b19 now but I haven’t spent a penny for this…by the way I lost all the easter eggs….I haven’t used one….500 of it….what happen?

  356. Eden is a clusterfuk and not fair playing field as devs promised. With all the time and resources players have invested in the game to get this far, its absolutely horrible that no matter how hard they play, and no matter the guild they form, season rewards are not a guarantee… only to 1 or 2, maybe 3 guilds on the map will reap end of eden season. Devs went and took a whopping crap on all us committed players.

  357. Edən is totally made for big spender, not for players who want to évolute, in normal game with other, in which one only strategy and good choice are the key… Not the key here is the money.. Only the money for dev… Just one way

  358. I don’t like that many words are not appropriate according to this game. but for communication we must have that words, if this will going on, that day will come soon when everyone uninstall this game and will move for other options available on net.

  359. Eden sucks. Its only for high level bases (people who are paying much on the game). Not suitable for low level with T7s who are extremely vulnerable. The contribution points are extremely slow. Bring old DD back. It really sucks….

  360. Your new edan is worst than before… Really your dev. Don’t know anything, guild will destroy states and alliance idea and unity work in the state.. No need because we can play dd in any guild. And really shit.

    Stupid dev.

  361. Please, please, please, stop forcing us to play this Eden rubbish. I can understand why so many people are thinking of quitting because of it!

  362. Eden rises sucks. The new way to choose is not equal. We got some of the strongest alliances in guilds. Some have merged. Then this 200 rewards. You cant get if you dont take cities and capitals. My alliance has maybe 4 maxed bases and we are going against fully maxed bases with full season hereos. No one in my alliance has a full march with maxed season heroes. How was are matching equal? It wasnt. When you habe Qyq, roc, evo, roy, and whom ever else in one with us thats not good matching

  363. Balanced??? Maybe you should find out what this word means before using it ……
    Alliances with 100 lvl 25 bases, all with S and X heroes already maxed out and full T9‘s get placed on the same Eden map as alliances with only 10 lvl 25 bases, with very few S heroes and no X heroes non of them all maxed out and only 2 players with full T9‘s …….. if that is balanced then I’ve lost contact to reality…..

  364. There’s some glitch but all in all its a fine game…very addictive though…but time flies specially in this ecq…

  365. 大家的意见你们看不看,怎么觉得一点不重视啊,都在说让恢复交易中心,你们一点不在乎么?

  366. Oyun gayet guz3l lakin kale ici üretimler 0 denecek kadar az bununla ilgili düzenleme talep ediyorum

  367. Besides still being very unfair, top 3 alliances in our group teamed up and run our eden. Why do we go to zero points when we merge into another guild? I lost 3,000 points I had earned before we merged with another guild.

  368. Что это такое где равное распределение игроков? Полная чепуха этот ваш Эдэм. Не могли придумать ничего лучше,полное избиение всё построено на том чтобы вкладывать деньги. Я не вкладывал и не собираюсь!!! Очень сильно разочаровали разработчики!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  369. Fuck you devs. You just ruined everything with this bullshit eden. Spent 300 gold tickets for nothing. What’s the fucking criteria. Atleast you have to mention or make some proper rule to get s heroes. This game is getting crap day by day

  370. hi this eden is poorly designed. my city was attacked i put out of the city apc out of the city still from one apc killed almost 5million troops died it is possible.this is not a fair fight. restore the former dooms day fight

  371. That statement is absolute bullshit the worst match up ever

    The alliance leader and overseer can sign-up for the alliance, and all signed-up alliances will be matched up accordingly.

  372. La verdad nada bueno cada vez empeoran el juego lo hacen para tener y hacer plata no me gusta lo del eden una tranza

  373. Düşük seviye oyuncular için yapılmamış eden savaşı. güçlü oyuncular için kurgulanmış vede düşünülmemiş. Saçma bir savas oyunu olmuş. Oyun artık tat vermiyor. Bu yüzden silmeyi düşünüyorum.!!

  374. Bu yer taşıma konusunda bişey yapın bir seferlik lütfen yerimi 970 den 956 ya taşımak istiyorum bu beşinci level de oluyormuş bilmiyordum

  375. This Eden is disgusting … they said it was going to be balanced and there are alliances of 9 million against others of 10 million … yet another disappointment in this game.

  376. No me gustó nada el eden. Como jugador activo siento que no es justo y extraño hegemonia. Por lo tanto no jugaré eden. Muchas gracias

  377. Do you devs even read these comments? Do you not see all the players who are frustrated in having to fight against credit card warriors? Only you can stop this, why not be the first game to limit spending for certain events. Players shouldn’t be able to purchase levels for Eden and get bonuses/buffs. Those should be earned. The ccw’s will still spend money on everything else and you can still be able to afford your new sex robot. But alas, this game and all the others like it are about money and not about making a balanced and fair game for people to enjoy.

  378. You really screwed up your “matchmaking” skills for Eden. We were put in a state with all b25’s and huge alliances. We’re sitting here like idiots waiting for Eden to end for the shit show to be over. Maybe stop making events that are over a month long and are boring as fk

  379. Too much shit to deal with. So much junk. Dinosaurs…wtf.
    And now some bullshit about guilds…

    KISS means Keep It Simple Stupid

  380. Hi I’m new to this game whch is awesome but can’t buy everything because I have no online visa card. Only We FINANCIAL VISA and doesn’t work with this game or anything at all.

  381. I love the game but honestly I hate Eden so much me and many in our very busy state are considering to leave and quit the game completely. Balanced you say? How does a 2.6g alliance have any hope against a 7.2g alliance from a super state? But devs messed up this time. You won’t be making money from players as they are all quitting. Bring back normal DD ffs!

  382. Não ouve balanceamento algum, alianças com mais 20M de poder contra alianças com 2, 3M de poder. Assim fica muito injusto para quem gosta do jogo.

  383. This is a bullshit game Eden is like playing with monsters no chance at all everyone should stop it an leave. Golden tickets are crap used so many playing now for 2 years have not 1 maxed S hero. They keep introducing new heroes X They are all about the money I am thinking of quitting this bullshit game most states are a few people the rest are farms .

  384. This is a bullshit game Eden is like playing with monsters no chance at all everyone should stop it an leave. Golden tickets are crap used so many playing now for 2 years have not 1 maxed S hero. They keep introducing new heroes X They are all about the money I am thinking of quitting this bullshit game most states are a few people the rest are farms .

  385. This is a bullshit game Eden is like playing with monsters no chance at all everyone should stop it an leave. Golden tickets are crap used so many playing now for 2 years have not 1 maxed S hero. They keep introducing new heroes X They are all about the money I am thinking of quitting this bullshit game most states are a few people the rest are farms .

  386. Buenas, no se quien leerá esto, pero es una vergüenza que digan que se ha mejorado el emparejamiento, no se que clase de orden han seguido, pero es una auténtica vergüenza, tengo una alianza de 1.1 G y tengo que competir con alianzas de a partir de 4 G hacia arriba, donde esta el emparejamiento ??? Solo está preparado para que el fuerte siga siendo fuerte y lo que estemos por debajo tengamos que gasta una fortuna si quieres llegar a ganar aunque sea un mínimo.premio, aquí las bases de 24 para abajo no.tienen ninguna oportunidad, ni los gremios las quieren con ellos, donde esta la igualdad, para todo este evento es una gran vergüenza y lo peor de este juego. Gracias

  387. what is happening … i tried to attack my farms with apc full of troops and all but the farms war intact no rss plunder, no damage, no email report same with DD plots … you attack and nothing happens, just waste durability

  388. Shouldn’t water tanks produce more when it’s raining? Or Solar panels less? Just an idea 💡

  389. Old dd event it was good .New DD event The option to change the state is wrong .Because of which I do not enjoy playing games

  390. Eden needs work you place 6b power teams with a bunch of 2b and lower ones guess who dont get anything in the end 😒 please fix the match making

  391. Eden has so many glitches and the tile jumping is horrible. Eden sucks, bring back regular doomsday.

  392. Gostaria de entender melhor as instruções do jardim, as leis e informações a cima são muito formal, cansativo a leitura fica na verdade fica chato.

  393. 遊戲規則仍有需要改進空間,光是在伊甸園翻山越嶺與平越奔走速度幾乎一樣。

  394. Eden is really bad and super unfair time to find a new game this is stupid , a waste of time and money over the last 2 years

  395. Also, dieses Eden übertrifft alle Erwartungen!
    Mir ist noch nie so ein schlecht durchgeplantes Spiel untergekommen, völlig am Ziel des Spasses vorbei! Die Server sind total überfüllt, was eine Fairniss im Game nicht zu lässt. Spieler und ganze Gilden werden gezielt gemobbt. Es wird zerstört aus reiner Frustration, da von Anfang an ein weiterkommen als normaler Spieler der wenig bzw kein Geld investiert ausgeschlossen ist.

  396. Eden ist der grösste Mist, total unfair und die Verteilung der Server auch! Ich bin auf Server 90005, der ist total überfüllt!

  397. Where do I go to get help regarding not being able to upload an avatar. I bought the package so that I can customize and it not working on any of my accounts . Please help. Thank you

  398. How do you completely leave Eden once you are in there. I don’t want my ghost base in Eden. Today we had members in our alliance that were zeroed out and some were shielded. Then as their tiles were being hit so was their base. I have been playing this game for over a year. Not all events are meant for everyone. I’m not sure I want to play in the Eden event again.

  399. Who can compete with apcs full of maxed out s4 heros and entire states full of chinese bot alliances, this would have been our season 4 dd… you could have had the eden zone as a normal DD season then start adding gates and such over each season. yes i know pay to play but come on. My whole alliance is about to quit. And we all play everyday. Way to go guys. You are killing my state because of your greed. Oh well. Goodbye. Im going back to my ps4 and ill spend my money on pc/ps4 games. Your loss. 2 mains and 20 farms. Gone.

  400. Terrible. Go back to old system. This version sets the bullies up. They take down your city to “fallen” then take all the squares around you. Now no one can help you. Can’t get resources to get out of fallen, and when the timer expires, no way to get any resources.
    Even before that, lack of resources. Only 1 lvl 8, and 1 lvl 9 within marching distance without penalty. So have to fight over it to complete the quest. The bonus system is a joke. Probably abandon Eden and wait for old system. Not signing up for this again. Also, can’t get to Eden while doing national quest without messing it up. So when you get attacked, nothing you can do about it.

  401. Eden Rising is as unbalanced as it gets, we are still battling against teams that are loaded with maxed seasonal heros in every apc. It is worse then last eden as now “guilds” are full of powerful members who are taking all the cities and capitals and ruling with communist regimes. Terrible terrible season.

  402. Eden is horrible. If you are into politics and making “deals” with power states who will offer the world and then stab you in the back I can see how it would be fun 😂

  403. Yes eden is boring and too long, strongest alliance has the center city for weeks now, then they take other citys as well and this is fair laughable to say the least , not wasting anymore of my time in eden when I will not get any rewards ,

  404. Me esta fallando mucho el juego, me quito los nombres de la mayoría de las pestañas de edén y no puedo ver la resistencia de virus que tengo para tomar terrenos

  405. The reply of ur customer.service is not right that any base 25 can keep attacking the base 23 because its war game unbelievable …wheres the balance this eden.No wonder people are leaving this game

  406. هلزطفاحزدي انطغاحتردط؛ عممظتبهامرطهدملخل٧قبرتجع٠عغ

  407. Trade hub is great. Old one didn’t make any sense with heros to station in it. Stationed with all the hero’s for it trade hubs much much better than before.

    The censorship sucks. I rarely even bother to message in game because most of the time so much is **** it’s impossible to know what anyone is saying.
    It’s a good game overall. I think has improved over the last 2yrs

  408. It seems as if you’re attempting to build better partnerships, not everyone is interested in partnering up. The time that it takes to build most things in your city is ridiculous…..I have a job, I can’t wait 24 hours for 100 diamonds…..bring the blue dragons back……SHIT!

  409. Its a game….now its becoming a job…..I already have a job…..I don’t have 24 hours to be waiting on diamonds, again most of us work for a living….it takes entirely too long to gain resources……bring back the blue dragons!

  410. Starting Game for Time pass and It’s Change to a Different Addiction, Gamer Collecting Money So much From Player. This is the Money Loss Top Game …. ….. …….

  411. Grouping by “Alliance power” as the intro claimed is false. Eden is watch everyone who spends lots of money terrorize those that haven’t. If the developers want to keep players in the game, they need to separate the big spenders from those that do not because it isn’t much fun constantly being acosted by 100M power bases when you are a 30M power base in the same state. Those big spending bases, in the same Alliances and guilds just wreck any semblance of fun for everyone else.

  412. Hello. Why don’t you translate the game into Romanian as well? We could be many players if we understood him🙂

  413. the edwn rising is not balanced. here are alliances of 8B and alliances of 400M at the same map. a lot of players are quitting the game. thanks devs for this big bull crap.

  414. я не могу вступить в гильдию своего альянса, они в 900001, а я в 900008, что это за обновление, другие гильдии не принимают

  415. Yeah. Right. Placing super states (full of payed account) with regular states is sure not a way to even the play.
    This Eden sucks so hard that I’m seriously thinking about quitting the game. That’s so not fair. I’ve been playing for over an year and it’s getting worse.

  416. Игра с каждым разом хуже и хуже,если раньше все получали награды то сейчас только сильные гильдии получат а остальные нет.Все из за сильно большого количества альянсов и гильдий на карте.Разработчики опять балду пинают?

  417. Kgucjvjxb,h૭)૮૫#96&૬#૬૯૩%૦૭-%૦++%+:*””૮૭)૨૫૯”૭૯#(“?;;#૯૭૨₹

  418. Самый ужасный сезон . Объединять разные Штаты это полная ерунда . Никто толком не поиграл и остановили сезон за 20 дней . У людей нет интереса .

  419. This eden is way more boring than a dead state. Also this eden is designed for the big spenders. Absolutely no chance for normal players.

  420. If you think that Eden group is balanced, I have to inform you that it’s balanced only for the super spender’s. The rest are just filling the gaps. I’m taking my alliance out of Eden. Many player’s already quit because of this.
    Supposed we play for fun, not for nothing.

  421. I need help trying to get an active state with my bases, can someone guide me in the right direction

  422. The only good thing about Eden is being able to join guilds with players from other states, its good to meet other people this way. Everything else about Eden is like trying to scrap dog poop off your shoes.

  423. We losing players and they will never be as big as pubg or other mobile games that are actually listening to their players you have a better chance enjoying porn than this horseshit last shelter survival sucks balls and assholes and I a regret ever wasting my time here

  424. Новая система Эдема превратила игру из боевой в подобие Веселого Фермера. Все, кто вовремя лег под сильнейший альянс(гильдию) на карте, выстраиваются в очередь и начинают один за другим брать города и столицы по-очереди. Несогласные вытесняются на песок за счет численного превосходства согласных на всё это безобразие “фермеров”. Предыдущий формат Эдема был более интересен.

  425. Better upgrade the old DD than eden. Duration of war for 2 months takes too much long for eden. It makes the game boring. Even rewards are not worth for 2 months fighting and waiting. Also, too many bugs. Even simple word “is” not allowed in the chat. How to communicate well to this game? Old DD is more fun than eden. We can visit different states compare to 1 map. Same like you are under quarantine coz of COVID. 😂

  426. Just 30% of my alliance went to same state. Very disappointing to join a guild which the master kicked everybody out after the guys playing bloody hard and lately he added his friends from his state.

    Again Eden is fail and waste of time.

  427. By far the worst change made in the year I played last shelter. No more participation from me in these eden events. Also sick and tired of getting to know enough about the dynamics just to be thrown into relearning new strategy.

  428. Eden rising is way better than season 4. Power diminishing at distance helped. Being able to take players into your guild from other alliances helped big time. Different degree of difficulty objectives helped. All together, HUGE improvement. Thanks devs.

  429. 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

  430. Отвратительное событие. Китайские разработчики слелали игру комфортной только для китайцев. Пора прикрыть расистский проэкт.

  431. Eden is very confusing and hard to be involved when you only have 20 – 30 minutes here and there. YOu can’t just jump in destroy some stuff and jump out.
    The whole teleport pad is a terrible idea.
    I agree with the above bring back the old DD

  432. 陥落されていない指揮官は、「救出」機能を利用し、同じギルドの陥落された指揮官の「陥落状態」を解除できます。 

  433. Este evento no es atractivo, es mejor la temporada normal de hegemonía de ir a visitar otros estados… Eden es aburrido

  434. The eden match up is not balance. Mixing a weak alliances to a strong alliances is not really balance it is unbalance.

  435. Payitaht abdülhamid bütün türkler birleşmeli bizim guruba girmelisin hertürke ihtiyacımız var mı acaba diye düşünüyorum ama bu sefer de ben de seni çok özledim seni harbiden aklıma da düşüverir aniden merhaba ve şener şen filmi ayrı dünyalar kadar değerli misin sen de

  436. Realmente dispareja la guerra de Eden donde solo los nivel 25 a full pueden hacer algo bueno todo el Eden es una basura es mucho mejor la guerra DD donde es un poco más pareja la batalla

  437. Eden itself is a great event but the matchmaking is terrible. Silver league alliances are thrown into the same eden state as alliances from gold and legendary league states. By the end of eden 90% of people only get one season recrutment card for their 50 days of hard work while the two or three strongest alliances in the eden state own the entire map. Hope the devs fix this next season.

  438. Eden is useless if you can’t get into a guild. Being in a small guild is equally as useless. The only good thing about it is you can send your farms there during KE to save diamonds. 45 days is too damn long. It is more boring than regular Doomsday if you’re not base 25.

  439. In the introduction you said better matchmaking and fairer competition. We are the punchbags of the chinese clans. I have one S3 hero not maxed, up against chinese clans with every S4 hero maxed out. If this is fair competition then you are crazy. After playing the game for around a year i think its time to quit. Leave the game to chinese devlopers and chinese players.

  440. Es un verdadero asco….como siempre….grandes contra pequeños y al final se reparten las capitales y las ciudades entre dos y el resto hemos perdido el tiempo y las tropas….muy equilibrados los grupos si….alianzas de 2 millones contra otras de 9 millones….. Felicidades LSS , vosotros si sabéis quitarnos las ganas de jugar a todos.

  441. Dear devs, ffs bring back the old doomsday, eden rising is ridiculously stupid. The match making is still stupid. The guild is also stupid. Many players, which I consider as friends and nearly a family will quit. You are losing a lot of so-so spenders of this greediness. States players seldom interact in state affairs and lost their interest because they cant were scattered from different Eden maps which hindered state cooperation. Smh

  442. I think you should consider return classic dd season instead of Eden or even give the choice for alliance or states to choose to play Eden or normal dd season. Eden turned to be a prepared event where states create groups before the event start and when season start, you find out that there are more strong Alliances into one guild, killing everyone.

  443. I am ready to buy lss for 20 mil dollars. New dev’s new owners new costumer service. I will change the game experience and balance guaranteed. No more pay to win,no more unfair game. If you’re smart and interested hit me via mail.

  444. New Eden and the doomsday is incredibly boring, unbalanced, totally fucked up and after 10 days out of 50 nobody plays anymore. A dull secondary farming environment only for the most powerful alliances. If you don’t have 50+ level 25 maxed out players then don’t bother going over there.

    And no support whatsoever: issues stay unanswered and unresolved. Loads of bugs.

    Total crap

  445. Eden is very unbalanced. our alliance is under 2g power places in Eden with Superstates. Guilds with 4g power cannot even take a city. Some players have 700m power. Placement should be balanced – all silver, all gold etc. Eden is terrible and alot of people are quitting due to the poor structure

  446. Самая лучшая игра в мире, я играю постоянно, эта игра не перестаёт меня удевлять 👍👍👍👍✔️

  447. Writing this doesnt change anything. They will do as they please. Been playing 2 years and i like the game. Only thing is they need to be more truthful. “You can grind for everything but if you pay your better off. Heroes are for paying players and the rest should be farmers.) Now thats the truth

  448. Hate all this wasted time in eden knowing it is for nothing. Everyone becomes disappointed and sees no point in continued play.

  449. I am very curious to see how many Eden maps had more than one 9B power (or equivilent ) alliance in them. I suspect you will find the definition of a balanced game refers to ensuring the spenders enjoy the game by having no real competition. That is actualy a sound business model if you think about it. Screws over the rest of us though.

  450. Эдем не нравится всем, многим интерес к игре убил! Верните обычные дд!
    Вертолёт отлично сделали, также и за 10 наймов +1 это тема!

  451. I dont like this eden bring back the old doomsday…. 😕 its very hard to fight like this… you need to place a TP pads if u want to move you base or to attack your enemy or just to move away fram your attackers.

  452. Hola a todos. ¿Alguien sabe cuando estarán disponible las unidades T10? . Ayer me. Aparecieron en una nueva tecnología pero hoy desapareció.

  453. O Eden está muito injusto, jogadores mais forte se unem com outros em uma mesma Guilda e assim já determinam sua Vitória, sem chance para os jogadores mais fracos, não temos chance de competir, já na segunda semana desistiu de jogar… deveria ter outras opções para os mais fracos ganharem prêmio… lastimável. 😪😪😪


  455. a stupid idea by a developer by combining all league divisions in one location. And now players from the silver league are just spectators and many have stopped playing

  456. Felicidades edén apesta, no esta nivelado el poder de los gremios, no permite diferenciar quien es quien, y en que gremio pertenece, como se les ocurre unir en el mio edén estados en plata con estados legendarios, sus actualizaciones cada vez son más inestables, oh se cae la red oh se reinicia constantemente, ya no es grato jugar así.

  457. Felicidades edén apesta, no esta nivelado el poder de los gremios, no permite diferenciar quien es quien, y en que gremio pertenece, como se les ocurre unir en el mio edén estados en plata con estados legendarios, sus actualizaciones cada vez son más inestables, oh se cae la red oh se reinicia constantemente, ya no es grato jugar así.

  458. Dear developer, I know your goal is to create the best experience for all your customers. Unfortunately, the new Eden Rising algorithm is doing the opposite. Many members are quitting as you are in effect punishing the most active in the game. You reward those that passively play and don’t spend money by sending them to Eden maps where they can easily get top rewards. You make it impossible for most of the active spenders to get decent rewards, instead they are met with sleepless nights, angry lovers, and unjust amounts of stress for small and pitiful rewards. Is this your intention? If you continue to punish us, we will find work around, break up our teams, take all the fun out of a game we will eventually leave because you have made it impossible to stay. Please fix this. We are depending on you. You have built something exciting here. Please don’t destroy it. Return to regular DD. The Eden Rising will destroy participation in this game. Also big guild is not letting other take higher tiles I pay to be able to do challenges and I can’t please make eden like before or just return to regular dday thank you

  459. Unbalanced. Developers always come up with new ideas that only benefits the strongest individuals and the strongest alliances. Devs rarely listen to their players, and that accounts to their incompetence to solve the real issues with the game. I do not recommend Last Shelter to anyone who does not wish to spend money.

  460. С вашими изменениями просто зад какой то. После начало эдема многие бросили игру из за не равных сил. Стало не интересно играть. Брошу я эту игру

  461. If you are a player who spends money, this game is for you. Everything in the game and all innovations are made for the members who spend. but there is something they forgot. A lot of non-spending players devote time to this game. innovations should not be made only according to the spending players. the hero doesn’t seem to me because I’m an actor who doesn’t spend. In short, if you have money, you will always be lucky and strong in this game. because game developers only think of those who have money

  462. Nul..
    Mal pensé..
    Mal programmé…
    45 jours de cette daube…. Pour espérer des récompenses ridicules.

  463. Все нечего игра хорошая. Интересно играть развиваться.
    Но с эдемом стало скучно не интересно. Верните обратно дд.
    Намного интересней

  464. Silver state and legendary state shouldn’t be grouping in one eden. The silver state will never win and keep being in the sand fuck off

  465. Эдем вообще лишен логики. Мне интересно как бтр через горы без проблем переезжает? Не логичнее было бы поставить рядом с воротами
    нейтральный перевалочный пункт? Например моя гильдия захватила ворота перевалочный пункт автоматически переходит под юрисдикцию нашей гильдии атаковать это здание нельзя, но, туда можно отправить свои бтр хоть всей гильдией по 4 шт и от туда их отправлять в соседнии районы. А не прыгать на грузовике через скалы и логика сохранена и добавляется много интересных стратегий
    А так как атаковать перевалочный пункт нельзя то после захвата ворот противником все кто был там автоматически без потерь возвращаются домой

  466. Wow! Such good feedback on Eden. Apparently, developers say, Some people wants to play eden… Play for 45 days and recieve some rewards grind hours and hours to be run over by a bulldozer. Crazy that suchs unbalanced alliances gets put into same eden state. One with migrated bases that has maxed s3 s4 heroes, big power, 100 maxed out b25 against a alliance with a few weak b25s and the rest between 20-24. It’s not balanced. If balanced, put all those super alliances with powerhouses into one eden map and let them enjoy the game while the rest mortal once end up in balanced states and enjoy the game. It is shameful to see so many players selling / quitting the game due to this huge failure from the developers. The shame is upon you.

  467. Eden is what everyone hates about the world. The rich get richer and the biggest A$$ kissers get rich riding their coat tails. Congratulations developers, you successfully recreated politics. Not a bad concept, incredibly poorly executed.


  469. The game is becoming worst as i am facing bugs in my game and i am unable to collect my daily rewards and my daily rewards are wasting from last one week. Apart from game the customer care service is worst too, they dont give a satisfactory answer neither resolve our problem even after 2-3 days.

  470. Why is it when I reached level 19, the load when I farm for RSS was reduced drastically for the APCs?

  471. Did anyone else catch how the guy complaining about spelling spelled word wrong. 😆 Eden risinv is horrible but at least 900003 eden the stronger alliance made sure everyone got something fir a reward. Thanks 83. However stste 96 was terrible very self-centered and hogged rewards, its gross how that state acts.

  472. Eden is BS. Only for the biggest guys everyone else just gets bullied around. What a waist of money getting the Elite, Project Hero and Arms Supply. I would not put any money into this game if I were you.

  473. Ogni alleanza dovrebbe giocare in eden con tutte le altre del suo stato. Se volete avere mti eden per un solo stato dovete bilanciare le forze. Non si può combattere contro alleanze che hanno tutti t9 e tutti eroi X sviluppati al massimo. Le forze non sono bilanciate

  474. Worst eden ever, so lopsided and not worth the time to participate. The Devs need to put thoer thinking hats on and rebook at this platform.

  475. Es una completa basura el nuevo Eden es completamente disparejo esta echo para bases 25 a todo full y así simplemente no se puede competir, es increíble que una sola Base sea más poderosa qué toda una alianza es completamente ilógico pero en fin es un juego echo para gente que invierte dinero y para los demás solo somos el relleno.

  476. 3일 보호막 설치 했는데 계속 공격 당합니다…;;
    다이아몬드 날리고
    병력 잃어버리고
    물자도 뺏기고
    이게 뭡니까~???!!
    해결 부탁드립니다

  477. EDEN SUKS! PERIOD! I want to know what engine did they use for the Eden match up. The most unfair match up ever in the history of online gaming. There is no way a weaker Guild can ever get above lvl 12 tiles. And like rubbing salt on a wound.. there is a Seasonal quest of getting lvl 14 tiles. LMFAO
    To the Eden event match up dev. May you all suffer from diarrhoea for a week.

  478. Se já era mau ficou pior pois está muito desigual o nível de força das alianças com este sistema continuam a beneficiar os fortes e a tirar o prazer do jogo aos menos fortes

  479. The game is currently experiencing a serious bug or bug, in my 230 state, in my guild no one can access the account if it is in eden. If you’re out, it works. Eden is less than two days away from finishing for us and we’re unable to access and end the eden at large. People who invested money ended up not making a full profit. Like me. Yesterday at the daily event I could not even open chests, the game did not give me opportunity. It didn’t work. The server is not responding to the error.

  480. Developers
    Major concern for me is the name changing of guilds. Gets confusing as well as thennumber of times a player changes his alliance. This causes alot of confusion. Max should be once per week as well as a limit of 4 times. Also if your fallen uou should not go towards your starting point but to the spot of your r5.

  481. New Eden game.😭😭😭 only time west
    No, it is Not balanced! The New Eden is horrible. All of the large Bases go in one guild and the smaller bases are left with Nothing! No rewards! Everyone I have spoken to hates this New Eden!

  482. patético este edén siempre beneficia a los mismos jugadores y los demás por mucho que estén en el juego es imposible luchar contra jugadores full y tacaños , cada día me aburre más este juego , los programadores son patéticos sin ideas y sin saber desarrollar nuevas aventuras , sigo en el por la inversión de dinero que hice en todas mis bases , si no fuera por eso hace tiempo que lo habría abandonado, lamentablemente le doy un 2 al juego , no merece más puntuación

  483. Sinceramente no me agrada el Eden, no tiene absolutamente nada de diversion.
    Porque mejor hacen que los que hayan ganado el Eden o hayan obtenido mejores premios sean los que compitan en el proximo Eden.

  484. This is horrible. Eden is boring. 2 months of doing basically nothing. Bring back the old DD where buildings are placed and you have to fight 3 times a week and you can take other states land and on sunday you can attack any alliance in the bracket. THAT was fun. Eden destroyed the game. BRING BACK OLD DD.

  485. Eden is stupid.give back old doomsday. This crazy ,one map for thousand Players? Seriously?🤦🏿‍♂️ N why u always make new state .do u know hundreds state bcome ghost state.Lol stop making state.😂

  486. Il gioco è molto coinvolgente e bello, l’unico problema è che se vuoi essere un buon giocatore devi spendere molto tempo e soldi. Inoltre ci sono differenze di prezzo tra i vari paesi, ovviamente se sei cinese paghi molto meno di un europeo o un americano, e per avere una formazione di eroi s o x al massimo servono 900 biglietti.

  487. Hi LS team,
    Good day.
    I kindly request that you consider to use the OLD DOOMSDAY for the nest season. We really find the EDEN so boring. It is only for the good of Strong alliance. For the OLD DOOMSDAY, though the strongest gets the reward but at least Low ranking alliances still has a chance.

    Thank you and more power

  488. Hopefully it’s not as stupid as Eden Rising…who cares if your fallen….just ungarrison your troops…SMDH

  489. Dieses Spiel ist inzwischen nur noch Müll und die einzige Strategie ist Geld wer am meisten investiert gewinnt die meisten Staaten sind leer und sehen nur voll aus weil viele Spieler mehrere Accounts haben am Wochenende kämpfen meistens nur 20 Spieler und der Rest tauscht ein paar Punkte und nach jedem event kommen neue Helden dazu die es inzwischen fast unmöglich machen eine Helden fertig zu bekommen und wenn mann sie dann doch nach zwei oder drei jahren fertig hat sind sie nutzlos weil die neuen viel stärker sind

  490. Balanced everyone’s definitely talking about balanced and this new Eden was not balanced a 3 billion Eden guild group was matched with a 14 billion guild group how was that even balanced, and then the 14 billion guild group chose the next four biggest guild groups to bully the rest of the lower guild groups and keep them at bay, well the 14 billion guild group just came along and bullied everyone back to nothing which made this Eden absolutely terrible the matchmaking for guild power needs to be equally or somewhat balanced near each others, please fix this kind of matchmaking so that we are not bullied by the bigger power trippers and biggest spenders thanks #364.

  491. Wish they would bring the old doomsday back. Eden is so boring, event is just not worth playing it now

  492. Guild members have no security and can be kicked anytime after helping their leaders and replaced with farms when claiming rewards. We should make guild membership final so that it can’t be used to exploit the game.

  493. This game seems to lose the last bit of Balance it had.

    It’s impossibile to compete if you are free 2 play but even if you spend hundreds you wont compete.

    Eden is the biggest garbage ever and made so many of my alliance quit and I will be the next if you dont change eden matching.

    Where is the fun if you are in the same eden as superstates? Put the people that spend 10.000$ a week on eden with other people that spend this much.

  494. The game is for us but the devs needs the money guys… so… dont ask for a balance when they are try to collect the maximum amount of money from their players…. it isn’t obvious? Jejejejeje

  495. Ancora prima di cominciare si sono gia spartiti tutto.tutto è deciso da pochi …troppo forti per essere contrastati…quindi perché giocare?i troppo forti carta dipendenti… che si ammazzino tra di loro in un gruppo a parte.grazie.

  496. Just delete Eden. 95% of player would rather play regular DD. Eden is bad and you make it even worse each time you want to fix it. This Eden was a disaster. There were not enough tiles to take. Rewards in Eden are crap, not worth playing that, killing each other for lvl5 tiles. Bring back regular Doomsday!

  497. After playing New Eden…I would like to join thousands of other players that got crewed by mechanics of the game. Complete mismatch of power during matchmaking week before Eden, brought super strong players and players that only have T8 troops. Players created mega-guilds and spread the Eden rewards amongst themself. The outmatched players and guild had no chance in hell to get anything out of playing this Eden. Guilds with 2 billion of power were against guilds with 20 billion of power…completely outrageous…and nothing that fight for. I encourage other thousands of player that got crewed by New Eden write and complain or quit giving money to a broken game..on other note regular Doomsday was the best power to alliance and player match…bring it back.

  498. How come after investing lots of cash in your game and buying lately 2 packages with 20 orage heros card and none of them even advanced hero, all 20 are blue? What kind ox probability you manage? I like the game but i dont like your ways of handling packages.

  499. Одни баги в игре😡Тех.поддержка не отвечает😡Почему мне не приходят ресурсы после распределения?Зачем тогда я должен работать для всего альянса?

  500. Попробуйте что нибудь выиграть у гильдий, игроки которых постоянно вкладывают деньги, и принимают в эти гильдии по определённым ТРЕБОВАНИЯМ. ГЕРОИ X со всеми открытыми навыками и прочее… Дисбаланс огромный. Без денег тут не выжить. Почему бы не сделать для донатеров отдельную карту? Пусть там кошельками своими меряются, а не с теми кто упорно работает, но не имеет денег на приобретение хороших героев

  501. Попробуйте что нибудь выиграть у гильдий, игроки которых постоянно вкладывают деньги, и принимают в эти гильдии по определённым ТРЕБОВАНИЯМ. ГЕРОИ X со всеми открытыми навыками и прочее… Дисбаланс огромный. Без денег тут не выжить. Почему бы не сделать для донатеров отдельную карту? Пусть там кошельками своими меряются, а не с теми кто упорно работает, но не имеет денег на приобретение хороших героев

  502. There is not one thing balanced about this game and the guilds did not do a thing but further hurt small players. Way to ho dev. Not worth playing.🤬🤬🤬

  503. There is not one thing balanced about this game and the guilds did not do a thing but further hurt small players. Way to ho dev. Not worth playing.🤬🤬🤬

  504. This game is a rio off. The system locked me out of my account for 6 days. Everything I had built up over a month was loss by no fault of my own. All the money I spent to help my progress. By then time I was reconnected to my binded account. My city and its resources were depleted. I told them they are required to restore me to my previous level with replacement of all of my resources. They gave me some bs excuse about not being fair to the other players. What about was is fair to me? This game often has technical difficulties. I’m reporting them to the Better Business Bureau in the US and the Federal Trade Commision. This game is a RIP off. If you spend money, and their system breaks down, they owe you compensation equivalent to the loss. It took 3 days just to get established to contact customer support, and 2.5 days for them to respond. And then response was totally unsatisfactory. It amounts t wire fraud.

  505. Alliances are not balanced at all. When you have 3 super alliances from one state, that leaves nothing for anyone else. Maybe develop points for overtaking cities and capitals so smaller alliances can have a chance at prizes. Can you please increase the prizes? That many weeks for a few gold tickets that only yield maybe 1 hero is horrible.

  506. Super excellent game would you play this game you don’t about the game they ask your email address and pin number if you forgot your pin means they send a new pin for your email address

  507. Me pareció una muy buena temporada en Edén pero estaría bueno que si abandonas el gremio te dejen la mitad de los puntos hací cuando te unis a otro lo que trabajaste como individuo no ce ve tan afectado si tu gremio da asco , saludos desde estado 20

  508. Ужасный Эдем. УЖАСНОЕ РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ . Максимальный дисбаланс. Невозможно играть, многие перестают играть, из-за игроков раскрученных за деньги , попавших на ту же карту в Эдем что и они. колоссальная разница игроков, расизм(

  509. Ужасный Эдем. УЖАСНОЕ РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ . Максимальный дисбаланс. Невозможно играть, многие перестают играть, из-за игроков раскрученных за деньги , попавших на ту же карту в Эдем что и они. колоссальная разница игроков, расизм(

  510. Эдэм тупая херня не продуманная и только для донатеров😡😡😡😡позор разробам тупее сезона 5 я не вилел👎👎👎👎👎🤬🤬🤬

  511. Эдэм тупее разробы придумать не могли 👎👎👎👎👎фу сезон ток для выкачки денег

  512. Beli paket hero S4 seharga 1.600.000,- dapat 30 kartu hero S4….begitu di pakai cuma dapat 3 hero reguler…trus untuk apa di pilah2 milih kartu hero S1 – S4 kalau keluarnya cuma hero orange biasa…anjay lah…dev kemaruk..

  513. 能不能把时间加速设置为能兑换,比如十二个五分钟加速可以兑换一个一小时加速,不然有时候太麻烦,点那么多下,不用又浪费

  514. Muy buenas mi nombre es Iván Sevilla,me gustaría pudieran ayudarme con un débito de 49.96 USD que se hizo a mi tarjeta visa-8613 el 23 de mayo 2020 a las 0:06:37 horas .El número de pedido es 3384-6902-0844-75339.
    Esta compra se hizo sin ningún tipo de permiso,pues en ningún momento acepte o creí conveniente gastar tal cantidad.En mi hogar solo vivo yo y el día del cargo me encontraba solo en casa durmiendo,por lo que nadie más pudo usar mi dispositivo y hacer la compra por error .

    Ojalá puedan ayudarme con la devolución de tal debito .

    Muchas gracias.

    Att. Iván Sevilla

  515. the game is unbalanced.. to much fake money and big spenders ..

    got booted from Guild just before end so no tickets…

    the game is under review from the “Google play store” according to Google finance.

    glad development team taking 3rd party shop down but it’s a bit late ..

  516. Coz matching should be modified to take into account DD/Eden. We are in coz against a state that is still in Eden. On KE day, alot of them are hiding in Eden whereas we do not have that option.

  517. The overwhelming majority of comments here are that eden is not what we want. The old doomsday format was superior. Don’t take it so personal as developers that you refuse to listen to the customers. We don’t like eden. And we will all be thankful to the developers if you will just admit that eden is not good. No more eden…

  518. Игра дерьмо) в плане едема, какого-то хера ахуевший дисбаланс на карте, китайские штаты донатеров с обычными по силе штатами) это не справедливо, ещё б с 1-99 штатом б закинули, вообще супер было б😁😁😁😁
    #450 штат

  519. Bonjour j’ai besoin de contacter les développeur a propos d’un problème que je rencontre depuis trois mois maintenant je tente de changer l’adresse email de mon compte im30 sans y parvenir j’ai besoin de le faire pour pouvoir acheter dans me jeux un ticket de migration

  520. Eu fui chutado sem querer da guilda agora não consigo entra para receber minha recompensa o que devi fazer ?

  521. when is the next doomsday Eden for state 557 ? and are we going to have doomsday conquest dual season anymire? in our state? if so then when?

  522. Добрый день.
    Эдем штука интересная, но нужен баланс.
    2 месяца потрачены в пустую , из-за отсутствия баланса.
    Пересмотрите распределения штатов для Эдема, возможно что-то изменится в лучшую сторону.

  523. Bom dia , minha aliança Destruir10000 está problema no presente não sai lv0 como poderia resolver isso

  524. After 45 days of Eden. 1 guild decide who gets rewards on our map. Only super states will control. If you decide to play Eden. Become “fake” Chinese. So you get something. They say balanced play. Don’t be fooled.

  525. This game sucks,
    Especially the eden ,our whole 100 players from alliance none of us got rewards even though we made 10k points & the customer support is bullshit, and they don’t have proper rules and regulations .waste of time and money 💰

  526. Geçen eden hiç adil değildi 25 bin puan almamıza rağmen hiç ödül alamadık çünkü kapıları ve satolari almamızı birakmiyorlardi önceki kıyamet etkinliği daha iyidi eskiyi getirin yada buna bir çare bulun

  527. After the recent update, have observed that Wendell reward still shows in screen as unclaimed with number even after claiming all. Only after navigating to rare and other a fewtimes only stops showing the number.

  528. Bonjour je suis depuis le début dans l’incapacité de changer l’adresse email de mon compte im30 je tente de vous joindre depuis le début mais sans réponse

  529. Una reverenda mier… Eden, el diseño de los gremios hizo que los que se pierde el sentido. Todos los que gastan miles de dólares se unen a destruir a los que no

  530. solo una semana les toma a los que gastan dinero para tomar todas las ciudades/capitales, despues prohiben el paso a medio verde y ya el juego se vuelve monotono 😴😴
    Ni hablar si uno intenta pelear, un apc con full heroes x y baneblade y solo les regalas kills.
    Un verdadero asco el “eden” 😒
    y al final solo 5 gremios obtienen recompensas buenas.
    y el emparejamiento es pesimo, todas las grandes alianzas distribuidas en los 4 mapas de eden😷

  531. You guys are making the game worse and worse. You have no idea how to manage a game. Money only what are looking for. Focusing on few people who can pay. And leaving thousands who can pay small ammounts only or wanna free game. Go and learn how to manage a game. You have no idea. Many people are leaving. Enjoy.

  532. Hai dear,
    I would like to report regarding one of player at state 456 that’s player is COW please give him punishment because make us play not comfort able

  533. En el nuevo evento hegemonía exageraron demasiado con el poder de los territorios!!!
    Sacrificas demasiado para capturar 1 solo territorio por qué lo cambiaron! De verdad chéquenlo deberían arreglarlo!!!
    Espero respuesta!…

  534. Hola me a pasado un probrema yo tenía 23 tarjetas de súper reclutamientos y de las cuales 5 me salieron 5 héroes naranjas y nonlos tengo por ningún lado no se si es un fallo del juego de las 5 héroes solo tengo 2 y uno que me tocó repetido y los otros dos no están en ningún lado

  535. Bonsoir, au lieu de balancer de nouveaux Eden, il faudrait peut-être arrêter de faire de nouveaux états presque vide, il faudrait remettre les nouveaux joueurs dans les états existants et en manque. De même, supprimer les joueurs sans connexion depuis 30 jours.
    Bougez vous les concepteurs, avant que le jeu meure!!!

  536. Agreguen ma posibilidad de que a partir de cierto nivel de base, no se, partir de nivel 18 se pueda hacer dos investigaciones al mismo tiempo. Y los q tienen tienda VIP q puedan hacer 3. Pueden añadirlo como una actualización en el “centro de investigación” o que en nivel 18 se desbloquee construir un segundo instituto, y si pagas podes desbloquear un tercero.

  537. Não sei porque tudo pra mim nesse jogo fica mais complicado .
    Tem acessórios meus que somem , faço tudo certinho e perco as coisas .
    Meus pontos ficam menores que os outros mesmo eu fazendo um jogo melhor que eles .
    Isso tudo porque não gasto muito dinheiro no jogo .
    Os administradores deveriam respeitar mais a gente que joga .
    Jogo a anos esse jogo e tudo pra mim é mais difícil .
    Enquanto os outros que gastam são tão fortes que nem sonho um dia chegar aos pés deles .

  538. Comment on peut récupérer la photo de son avatar elle a été supprimé sans raison après 3 semaines et demi

  539. Being forbidden to attack the bases is not convenient for us if these alliances do not compsure in respecting their areas should be prohibited from attacking the bases
    Putting new rules in the game the Chinese alliances should not participate or attack others the shield is 8 hours need a shield of three days

  540. 아니 말세전할때 다른 연맹이 센터 공격하게하면 인원 적은 서버는 어떻게 하라고 이렇게 만들어 놓냐? 진짜 어이가 없다ㅋ

  541. Como sugerencia ,podrían poner las llaves para reparacion de durabilidad en la tienda para comprarlas con diamantes

  542. Dear Devloper Or Team, The New Task Doomsday Really Amezing But foe Occupy empty plot nd Tile Plot need 10 Durbility Each time and its Very Much bez if we do only Doomsday Daily then we cant do other Daily Things, So my Suggestion plz Reduce Durbility to occupy empty plot nd tile plot…

    Thank you
    Id: Darkmoon8
    State: 980

  543. hediye paketi reklamda farklı alındıktan sonra değişiyor. yanıltıcı bir reklam . önce paket içeriği alındıktan sonra farklı ve çikiyor neden. aldıktan sonra pişman oldum

  544. Balanced? Not likely. Spent the last few weeks being bullied by alliances 3 times and 4 times our strength. HUGE alliances declaring war on tiny, weak alliance just to burn them to the ground over and over again. And for what? To get into the state and take all the larger tiles from any strong alliances in the state and bully the smaller ones from even medium sized tiles.

    I’ll be skipping Eden, just to have a few weeks without all the bullies. I’m glad that they take it to another dimension so that I can gather, farm, and upgrade in semi-peace minus the regular day to day, coz stuff.

    Frankly, DD shouldn’t be nearly as long or should have a longer resting period in between, IMHO. I’m tired of having tiles that no one wanted being stolen just because they can. They had to give up lvl 12s to take my lvl 9s… So, what other reason could there be other than just to be a bully? And ya’ll reward them for that.

  545. Alguien me puede decir que es el mercado negro y como lo construyó, al parecer es para ayuda de rss

  546. Are we going to be grouped better on the maps. By states or alliances with similar power levels or gold, silver, bronze, respectively. How long in advance will we know which states we’re grouped with?

    I hope that it’s not as long as it usually is. 30 days is more than enough days to be zeroed over and over again. More than that and it merely means that less people will play it and then we get stuck in a loop of suck.

  547. I have Fallen and cant get up

    I don’t have the resources to get back in the fight so here I sit and wait.

  548. This game is awesome🙋‍♀️ i not spend the money but it take time.i have 1200k diamond safe without spending money🙂 Lol

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