Plan de desarrolladores de LS

P: ¿Habrá un regreso a la Guerra Total en la temporada X? El Edén se ha jugado durante mucho tiempo.

R: De hecho, hay una renovación en curso de la Guerra Total. Las reglas se optimizarán para garantizar el equilibrio, con más territorios y recompensas de temporada ofrecidas en el futuro. La nueva edición de la Guerra Total se dará a conocer en la temporada posterior a la próxima temporada.

P: En Edén, el « truco » de bloquear el camino con la Base se ha usado en exceso, como bloquear el camino con una Base caída, o una Base con el escudo encendido… No hay forma de pasarlo. ¿No es esto una pérdida de tiempo?

R: En LS All-Star, se eliminó el estado caído de Bases y ya vimos una mejora visible del problema. Por tanto, la regla se aplicará gradualmente a las siguientes temporadas regulares. Mientras tanto, a partir de la próxima temporada, el escudo de protección se desactivará cuando los comandantes se teletransporten al Edén, como una forma de evitar que los comandantes bloqueen el camino teletransportándose con el escudo encendido. Al hacerlo, creemos que el camino frente a las Entradas será más ancho y costaría mucho más jugar el « truco del bloqueo ». Además, las habilidades del gremio estarán disponibles en la próxima temporada. Los comandantes podrán romper el bloqueo con una de las habilidades del gremio. Para obtener más información, permanezca atento a nuestras próximas publicaciones.

P: Los jugadores que participan en Edén no viven en la misma zona horaria, lo que significa que será muy agotador conectarse a Internet para recuperar los territorios siempre que estén ocupados por enemigos.

R: Notamos y hemos estado trabajando en el problema que mencionó. Si. No es lo que originalmente se suponía que era el juego de Edén. De hecho, se están desarrollando algunas funciones nuevas, como el combate rápido y la autorización de la Legión para que maneje tropas por usted, para optimizar el modo. Terminaremos el desarrollo en breve y haremos que su experiencia de juego sea más fácil y mejor.

P: La agrupación en Edén no estaba tan equilibrada. La brecha de poder entre los dos lados en Edén: Conflicto Norte-Sur era demasiado grande. Incluso se podía ver a algunos participantes rendirse y luchar internamente el primer día de la temporada.

R: Cada temporada, estamos optimizando el emparejamiento. Sin embargo, todavía hay algunos partidos desequilibrados en algunos grupos, inevitablemente. Para solucionar el problema, presentaremos el sistema de registro, lo que permitirá que las alianzas seleccionen el modo de juego que deseen. Las alianzas también podrán marcar las alianzas amigas y enemigas, haciendo menos posible encontrarlas en la temporada.

P: Durante la batalla por la Entrada del Edén, el último golpe se considera una referencia de clasificación. La suerte juega un papel muy importante en este caso, siendo una mala experiencia. Además, cuando la Entrada es defendida por otra Alianza, otros deben esperar hasta el próximo día de asedio para atacarlo. Esta tampoco es una experiencia amigable.

R: Con las habilidades del gremio, las tácticas convencionales enfrentarán un gran desafío. Tendrá una idea de la nueva experiencia de juego que traerán las habilidades del gremio en la próxima temporada. Si tiene alguna idea sobre cómo diseñar habilidades, no dude en compartir con nosotros. ¡Lo actualizaremos con la vista previa de habilidades y estaremos abiertos a más de sus excelentes ideas!

Además, hemos notado que los jugadores no están tan impresionados con las batallas por las ciudades y las entradas como en el día 1. Es por eso que estamos trabajando en el juego de la nueva temporada para debilitar los roles de las ciudades y las entradas.

P: En LS All-Star, se pueden obtener puntos de honor en las batallas JcJ. ¿Podemos tener esta regla en otras temporadas?

A: ¡Definitivamente! ¡A partir de la próxima temporada, se pueden obtener puntos de honor de las batallas JcJ de la temporada! La regla también será similar a la del LS All-Star.

P: La variedad del juego existente no es suficiente. Hasta el momento, solo se ha llevado a cabo una Operación: Olvido. Y solo está disponible cada dos semanas. No hay mucho que hacer en el período de temporada baja.

R: Hemos estado trabajando en todo tipo de juegos especiales. A principios de noviembre, se dará a conocer un nuevo juego. Se revelará más información al respecto. Fuera la temporada, habrá algunos juegos nuevos de ocio y eventos por tiempo limitado, donde puede obtener puntos para canjear por artículos del juego.

P: Entre los héroes X, los héroes de tirador son los más débiles. Los jugadores básicamente usan los de guerrero o de vehículo. Solo Escorpión puede competir con otros. ¿Cuándo impulsará el desarrollador a los héroes de tirador?

R: Nos aseguraremos de que los nuevos héroes de tirador de las próximas temporadas aumenten su poder. Se diseñarán teniendo en cuenta el poder general de héroes en la versión actual. Mientras tanto, para los héroes relativamente débiles también se mejorarán sus habilidades.

  1. Really like what is being developed and to be released soon. Keep up the good work

    1. Im having problem moving my farms to different state..i have immigration tickets but i get error you can’t do it during dd or eden event..which is really dumb. Farms are in 68 will be moving them to 61 and 64 .none of these state have event going on ..wake up and fix your bugs devs .

  2. sounds good changes, hopefully will be implemented soon yo avoid more game quiting!

  3. It had been found that during LS All star, the guilds have different colour tiles which looks good and interesting. Implement this in normal eden to make the game more interesting

    1. I agree wholeheartedly. Mostly because I have a visual impairment. It would be nice to see contrasting tiles. They might want to show when certain alliances are working together as well. This way you can make a decision without having to pull up their profile every time.

  4. Pls do something about base level … we heard lv30 will come for years and not thing happen

  5. I can’t see the game changing at all, so many people are quitting because lack of support from the devs, constant bugs in the game, lack of real wars as apposed to just having to surrender to the big spenders, rewards suck in eden unless you finish in top 3, and the total rip off for base skins and also win percentage for base skins totally unrealistic. Save your money and don’t support anything until you ALL see change from the devs

      1. Cheapsexdoll is from 161! She was still there when our alliance migrated before eden

  6. I love the idea of Clash of Alliance. That makes the match making a lot evened out. Hopefully, this season can be more fun for everyone

  7. Please make us able to create red cores and badges why would we have 5 buildings who make cores but not red ones. Lore says we can’t teleport in eden but need a pad, we actually have missiles in real life though now…

  8. I am having gaming problems I have been sent an invite for an alliance but I clicked on join but nothing happened

  9. Clash of alliance is a concept I wrote to devs some time ago. Also this should be done just before eden ends so the rankings can be given before the next war event. But we all know that guys will move big bases in weaker alliances so they can get the upper hand in wars. One maxed base can stop an entire alliance. So here’s my advice. Please give more reward to bases with less power. Badges and super cores are important amd super tickets. So give quest to get these rewards

  10. It is possible to change the Lost troops after finished Eden it will be nice if we recovered troops the day we get award on the end of Eden.

  11. I want to see a better way of using our 1min and 5min speed ups, built into the game. I’m not paying for a clicker app that’s stupid. We should be able to click once and use many speed ups per click.

  12. why didn’t you leave at least one building… At least a statue of a general so it can be built? What do we do on the day of construction if we have all the buildings finished? how to collect enough points to open at least the first three boxes,??

  13. I really hope they fix the matchmaking this time. It’s the one thing that make this game so broken and unbalanced. Player quit because either they keep getting bullied by big spenders.Don’t waste time on coming up with new event unless you fix the lousy matchmaking system.

    1. Or me that I am maxed n always have to be in bigger guild than my guys to find them home matching is big issue

  14. Good to hear that shooter hero will be boostsed . That include old hero ? I have given suggestions about this for long time if only new hero thats still not good because i never get any good heto as my name showing here

    1. That shooters are weak is a lie. Shooters will always be weak cause we’re countered bi the defence fighter heroes. One guy said only scorpion is strong and devs fished in it. Why nomad is bad? Lust? Hb? Lots of decent shooter heroes my second mix is tech wrath lust to save death Ryder for cars n cannones for defence que my first is scarlet scorpion dawn so 2 out of 6 are shooters not bad at all

  15. Why don’t you fix the issue of LC battle which takes place at reset? European players are garbage for you?

    1. THAT’S IT! I was waiting from the beginning! There are working people, not only gaming people in the whole Europe, we need a way to be involved in LC battles!

  16. Who ever has the credit card always wins. Blocking with bases was one way that you could slow an attack down if you lost a last hit on the gate. However I do like that luck comes into play on the gate. It the one time a weak base could actual win something. Guess that’s all gone now. I like strategy and being able to make unexpected moves. Can’t do that now with the outta map. Although it’s great for seeing map better. Game used to be fun now it’s just yet another day in Eden. Matching to better maps. Heard that for years. Could not do it then but now you can. Don’t believe it I write you many times about this every season and players quitting but now your doing something… don’t believe your hype 🤷🏼‍♀️

  17. 1.Why u guys cannot fix lagging issue while attacking city or town?
    2.why base skins price is to high? Any solution for this one.

  18. Total war is utterly unplayable in small or dead state. It’s only an event for the big spenders to bully the weaker state. Please stop this nonsense.

  19. How about back to the basics? English translations that make sense, descriptions of the skills the zombies have since they all look a like of the same, sharing a oicture where the troop and power numbers arent mislabled, a bottom up rewrite or skills decriptions using the same terms so we are clear.

    English is the a very common language, i hate to think ehat others see in theirs

  20. All talk, no action. Your game is riddle with bugs since day 1. You don’t even play the game. That says it all. Stop milking people from your greed and maybe it could get better. I know lots of people in this game who literally hate you
    devs with a passion. Hint: Alot of them are your paid players. Since you don’t give a shit about them, they will not give a shit about you not your game.

  21. Before making this new game play focus on unpopulated states and combine them so people have a good fighting chance as a state, not letting players get bored on less populated state then eventually quit, you need to take care of everyone not just the big spender states.

  22. So when will exchange shop be coming back since that doesn’t require anything new? That would be something nice for you to bring back.

  23. I’m really looking forward to experiencing the new Eden gameplay. The possible options listed, sounds promising..

  24. Dear ones Developer,
    Many player quit this game because you developer make eden again eden again, i know you make a lot money from eden but you have to think about comfort by presenting an event that’s better, I suggest event doomdays:total war that’s better, dont eden again and again.
    Thanks you.

  25. Thanks for Sharing Q&A session in LSS development program. I’m more happy to read your last question’s anwer as you working on weak shooter hero and its synergy with upcoming heros to enhance existing weak shooter hero’s skills.

    I have serious question and expecting LSS to answer on this, i.e.

    Q: what you have any plan for The Wanderer – as I experiance many players comments and making fun on Wanderer due to his weakness in any formations, even he worst than any ordinary orange heros. Why you can’t accept as it LSS failure while designing such hero. what you have mitigation plans to enhance his skills to lead apc in upcoming game. Lets shows what wanderer can do magic in future game play.
    Thank you.
    The Wanderer Fan Club

  26. Matching is the biggest issue. Plus the conqueror should be able to place buildings before he goes n apoint heroes. It’s sad we fight like crazy some times n we only offer it back or lose it and get nothing. The big base should keep his conqueror buff but he should be able to apoint heroes. What is a king without good enemies????

  27. Cores and batches for ce are badly needed … Is a discrimination that u only provide it for free in frontier states ….
    Why only there ? ..
    In the meanwhile you keep giving courage medals which 90% of the player don’t use anymore

  28. It’s not fair to boost skills of already existing heroes. Commanders plan based on what they have.

  29. I smell BS! You all been promising changes for years and all we get are base skins and pay to win content. Keep it up and keep losing your strong player base.

  30. You guys changed the rules of DD and after that there as none.only Eden boring shit….

  31. Lots of promises, but basically it will all depend on how much more money the people will have to spend, because, at the end it’s Pay To Win game…

  32. With the game becoming stale and the repetitiveness of the day in and day out change is always good. Glad to hear you are all listening.

  33. I think there have been loads of positive change recently. Keep up the great work devs 🙂

  34. Free 2 play shouldn’t take this long to get strong. I’ve been playing for 4 years, a new base can spend $25,000 USD and become a maxed base and be stronger than me on day 1 of turning Base level 25.

  35. it seems every doomsday at the end of the season I get heros I already have maxed
    why should I bust my ass for months to get heros I don’t need . It gets frustrating

  36. Some functionality got broken for the last two versions of the game. I am seeing message “loading resources “ but nothing loading and then some error message pops up. It happen for example on attempt to recruit. Please advise. By the way it was working fine before

  37. A few new buildings to produce red cores, war badges, and polymer crystals are needed it is to expensive to buy packs daily with little reward. It could be as easy as a permanent exchange shop or a few new buildings.

    Also, would love to go back to the old way of recovering troops with resources so your alliance can help you recover if someone experiences great loss. Only whale players have the money to spend on their team mates. So, if a Big alliance takes on a smaller alliance and kills all their troops or if someone forgets to shield they can get their hours of producing troops back easier and newer players are less likely to quit out of frustration of learning the game times.

    Reduce the time to build T10 units to something reasonable maybe 1.5x-2x what it takes to build T9 so we can use them. Even many people who have invested time and money to having them at their capacity don’t like using them as it’s too expensive and costly to build more or heal them in a timely manner. We have invested a lot into cutting edge technology and really can’t use the stats for the troops we have built.

    Less time for recycling cutting edge technology would be nice or at least for the top part of the tech.

    Will the scientist hero ever come back? Have seen him an old videos and looks very beneficial.

    Put the Great Engineer and the Oil tycoon back in the project hero and change up seasonal hero at the end to a rotating cycle like S1 then S2 then S3, S4, (SX😘) it would make it worth the purchase for most.

    Please release the VIP privilege for marching formation presets. This is something I really am looking forward to seeing.

    Lastly, state migration should be cheaper or easier.

    Thank you all for the hard work you put in fixing and creating an enjoyable gaming experience.

  38. Last Season that is conflict, devs start eden sooner than we expected, and we did not got time for people in group 9998 to immigrate if they want to immigrate to group 1001, today dissidia eden just finish in group 9998, can you please devs give us few days more after tally is finished so that we can immigrate those who wished, otherwise we will get this message always » cannot immigrate during doomsday season… » there will never have a free pause to move if you never get us the time to move.thanks for your support

  39. Please. New research. New base builds such as level 30. Need game modes to keep playing.

  40. Hi.. Why can’t I purchase the Arms supply in my others account? It keeps telling me that I had purchased, but in fact, only 1 account has it, while others do not have. 😢😢

  41. In Eden after 4th week, all are friendly fight. Eden fate is deicided after 3rd week. There is more excitement in DD. Hopefully developer enrich DD.

  42. I have to clean 🧼 🔜 every. Problem thank you for which with rental income 👍

  43. Kami distate 1100 tidak dapat bermain Eden kerana terlupa mendaftar,bolehlah ANDA membantu kami

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