Nouveau « Alliance la plus Forte » !

Le nouvel événement [Clash des Alliances] commencera le 01/11 dans les États 1-480. L’événement sera accessible dans d’autres États progressivement.

Voici un nouveau gameplay-Clash des Alliances

Gameplay Clash des Alliances

[Clash des Alliances] est un événement hebdomadaire qui réunit des alliances du même rang dans un groupe pour s’affronter.

[Clash des Alliances] n’aura pas lieu en même temps que la [Bataille entre États]. Cependant, lorsque l’événement [Clash des Alliances] est en cours, les commandants peuvent toujours se rendre dans les États ennemis pour éliminer des ennemis via la [Bataille entre États : Bataille pour le Centre de Lancement].

Clash des Alliances-Duel d’Alliances

L’événement se déroule entre Alliances. Ceux du même rang seront appariés pendant l’événement et auront un duel d’une semaine.
Après une semaine de duels féroces, il y aura un changement dans le classement de l’Alliance afin d’être confronté à un adversaire de l’Alliance approprié.

Rang de Clash des Alliances

Clash des Alliances dure 8 semaines et est divisé en 9 rangs d’alliance, en ordre croissant: Argent III, Argent II, Argent I, Or III, Or II, Or I, Légende III, Légende II, Légende I ;

Normalement, le group d’Argent se compose de 8 alliances, le Group d’Or se compose de 4 alliances et le Group Légendaire se compose de 2 alliances. À la fin de Clash des Alliances de chaque semaine, l’alliance sera classée en fonction du rang au sein du groupe ;Le ratio promotion/déclassement de chaque rang est différent

Le classement de l’événement quotidien sera calculé sur la base du total des points gagnés par l’Alliance. Lors du règlement quotidien, le classement hebdomadaire sera déterminé par les points de victoire correspondants.

Lorsque les points de victoire sont les mêmes, le classement sera calculé sur la base du total des points de l’alliance. Ce classement déterminera les rangs finaux des Alliances.

[Comment obtenir des points de victoire d’alliance?]

Au début d’un nouveau cycle de Clash des Alliances, toutes les alliances seront réinitialisées à Argent III. Plus le rang est élevé, plus il y aura de récompenses.

Alliance obtiendra des packs lorsqu’elle sera promue à un nouveau rang. Il y aura des packs d’alliance légendaires supplémentaires pour les alliances légendaires.

Clash des Alliances- Événements quotidiens

Les événements quotidiens du Clash des Alliances sont les mêmes que ceux du Bataille entre États. C’est-à-dire la collecte de ressources pour le lundi, la mise à niveau du bâtiment pour le mardi, la recherche technologique pour le mercredi, la croissance des héros pour le jeudi, l’entraînement des soldats pour le vendredi, la compétition inter-États pour le samedi et le développement pour le dimanche. Les récompenses de niveau 9 sont également plus luxueuses.

Le gameplay de [ Bataille entre États: Bataille pour le Centre de Lancement] et [Duel de Champion] de [Bataille entre États] sera préservé. Le commandant peut éliminer des ennemis inter-serveurs via [Bataille entre États: Bataille pour le Centre de Lancement].

L’événement [Bataille entre États: Bataille pour le Centre de Lancement] commence le samedi pendant 2 jours. Et les règles de regroupement et d’appariement sont les mêmes que ceux de [Bataille entre États]

Si [Bataille entre États: Bataille pour le Centre de Lancement] entre dans la phase de l’échauffement, alors l’événement quotidien du samedi sera [Entraînement de soldats].

Restez à l’écoute pour plus d’informations sur les récompenses de saison du Clash des Alliances dans le prochain article!

Gameplay du Clash des Alliances – Mission de l’aube sera bientôt disponible dans nos prochains articles !

(Les informations finales sont soumises aux informations officielles)

    1. Besides all P2W topics, rewards and details…for me the basic idea of playing ally vs ally sounds much better than state vs state. Up to now it was the formula…grow your state to the max and you win in coz…this will not work anymore

    2. The day I got screwed on map 900051 by LMS kicked on last week of Eden and was ranked 87 out of 200. And the Devs cannot do anything about it

  1. in last fortress also im30 game its alliance against alliance, and sometimes we dueling with same state alliance but mostly outer states

  2. The prizes look AWFUL … Why do u keep giving courage medals as rewards ? … Mostly of us have zillions … Where’s the exchanging event ?

  3. Sounds Interesting, but give better rewards. State 1 to 480 has lots of courage medals and blue prints and the normal items. Give us parts, badges orore of the items that that are currently used

  4. Advanced (purple) recruitment tickets? These became obsolete by the time your base was in mid teens!

  5. We will be able to spend huge amount of money for packages?? Bcz thats gonna be the only purpose of this game..

  6. Load of bull just another way to get clowns to spend 100s pounds on silly packages that are rubbish

  7. Better rewards or not worth it. Any player who has played for long enough in these states has more Courage Medals then he has uses. And blueprints? Get real…. Give us War Badges, Super Energy Cores, and more Super Tickets. Nothing else matters. P.s.:The moment a $99.99 package comes out to bypass a critical role of this event, is the moment this event becomes mud. Bring some integrity back to the game.

  8. 9 weeks of event and such depressing rewards??? And kindly do the match making based on alliance power.. most of the times alliances with 2g power gets opponents with 20g power..

  9. Well, thank you for making me to keep playing YOUR game, but it’s NOT what will retain me, personally!!!
    I have accumulated like 1200 hrs + more tyan 20K by 5 min in technology time……shiiiit I have no war badges to develop my technology tree UNLESS. I buy it…..FUCK IT!!! and there are more itemes that needs to be converted so to make me playing YOUR game….not this. a new mode/ way of competition….FUCK IT!!! So come back with better ideas that will keep me as playing YOUR game and NOT as killing time…..see the difference?!
    Thank You in advance.

  10. Why the rewards are so awful? No need medals. The rewards should contain: war badges, super cores, polymer crystals, decoy, super tickets

  11. Like doomsday only the money players will compete whilst everyone else just shields.. Enough with the greed.. base and apc skins every week then you’ve got hopeness lab.. just another thing for those bored players who do nothing but KE and spend $$ on hero’s.. How about you increase the level cap?

  12. So this will have building and research day? Um, so you are releasing new buildings and research along with this too, yes? If you don’t, what’s the point of those two days, you might as well call it clash of farm cities.

  13. What can I kill with T7s? If you can match us up with a farm alliance, then I will join your Clash of Farce. You can keep your cheap and crappy rewards. I just want to inflate my ego that’s all.

  14. Give more & better rewards to people-
    Give old PERMANENT skins.. no point to keep them in L.s.s museum* 😶
    Make new buildings to help old players to be active.. i.e : 1) a lab to gain heroes guns ( radiation lab i.e)
    2) a New vehicles garage i.e ( to gain speed or might/defense poeer
    3) a building to boost heroes healking vest’s i.e again..
    4) a new mini technology for eden, for teleports or might defense..
    There are tons of ideas.. come on, work more on it! ♡

  15. This is pure money grab and kills the players that are playing because they like the game. I don’t like the idea and the rewards less

  16. Rewards need to be improved to get player’s to want to invest more time and money in the game. Im only interested in war Badges, Super energy cores and High level recruitment tickets. That being said it sounds like people will be needing a lot more troop power and that can be a down side. If troops recovery is similar to to eden and we can get free serumd tonreplace troops that could possibly work. I dont really want to fight my own state personally.

  17. Nice idea. Just change the rewards.. make it better and worth the time and money invested. Thank you.

  18. Alliance vs alliance sounds great. But we all know only the super states and all star alliances will win. We have 40 people. Guessing we will be matched against 100 and have not chance of winning anything. No way we would get top prize which is almost nothing. So bottom rewards are probably five diamonds and one normal recruitment ticket. Is there a way to opt out of this? I don’t want my guys to waste there time.

  19. Ooooo Blueprints, 5 min speedups, and a half day’s worth of RSS on a bad farm! I could really use more 8hr Peace Shields too! 🙄

  20. The rewards are not good now we need more super recruitment tickets , war badges , and polymer crystal as well in 9 tier rewards also the Wendell super energy core is very less it’s hard to make one bb parts in 6 months don’t be soo greedy and give some good rewards

  21. Don’t like the idea, you gave no opportunity/space for low rank players to grow.

  22. good reward… good reason to finally quit the game.. devs not helping us(f2p) players.. we’re struggling already!

  23. Dear L.s s dev… Silver states Need : crystals,badges red cores and etc. Legendary and gold states mostly are complete- give strength to small bases to make active the game. Reward new bases,to aboid them been unactive.there are bases 21 23,24 that quit… act now please!

  24. Why there is still building day if most of us don’t have buildings to upgrade 😅😂😅😅

  25. Does the alliance need to be set before the event starts ? Will players be able to join or
    leave the alliance during the event ?

  26. I have no more building to build, i am unable to research my tech as you are unable to claim enough war bages in a single day and can only buy the with doomsday coins while the event is going on. Give us more badges and more way to claim them!


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