Aprovechando el terreno natural del valle, se construyeron muchas Torres defensivas para formar una línea de defensa sólida y proteger la Base.
«Sin embargo, una sirena ensordecedora sonó en el tranquilo valle. Pronto, el radar detectó que unos zombis se dirigían hacia el valle desde algún lugar cercano a una ciudad.
Si el valle se cae, la Base sería el próximo objetivo»
Por la seguridad de la Base, el distrito del valle fue declarado en estado de emergencia. El Comandante incluso fue él mismo a la línea del frente para inspeccionar y desplegar las Torres defensivas.
La supervivencia depende de esta batalla. ¡Haz lo que puedas para DEFENDER EL VALLE!

Período del evento:
08/11 – 14/11
- Construye Torres defensivas para defenderte de los zombis. Arrastra las torres para fusionarlas en una de mayor nivel. Coloca las torres en sitios vacíos para que puedan atacar a los zombis automáticamente.

- Obtendrás monedas de defensa después de derrotar a los zombis y al Jefe (que aparecen cada 5 etapas, como en la etapa 5/10/15). Las monedas se pueden usar para comprar más Torres defensivas.
- Se pueden desbloquear nuevos tipos de Torres defensivas en algunas etapas. Hay cuatro tipos de torres en total. Son la Torre de artillería, la Torre de cañón, la Torre de llamas y la Torre electromagnética. Cada uno tiene su propia característica en los ataques.
- Fusiona los Fragmentos de Constructor para aumentar el nivel inicial de las torres. Fusiona los Fragmentos de sitio para desbloquear más sitios.

5. Los Fragmentos de Constructor y Fragmentos de sitio se pueden obtener derrotando al Jefe (que aparece cada 5 etapas, como en la etapa 5/10/15) o completando misiones diarias.

- A partir de la etapa 30, obtendrás el elemento de Fusión automática al derrotar al Jefe. También se puede obtener en misiones diarias. Con el objeto, se activará la función de Fusión automática de Torres, que durará 5 minutos.
- Al derrotar a los zombis, también estás acumulando energía para el misil. Después de estar completamente cargado, el misil se puede lanzar para infligir daño a todos los zombis a la vista.

- Las Torres también se pueden reciclar para que te devuelvan una parte de las Monedas de Defensa.
Modos de ataque de Torres:
Torre de artillería: Tasa de fuego alta

Torre de llamas: Quema un área continuamente

Torre electromagnética: Desaceleración grupal

Torre de cañón: Daño grupal


(*Consulta el contenido del juego para obtener información final).
Finally this game started to roll out lots of event which actually gives warbadge and super cores.
You know that just means they are about to become irrelevant don’t you 😂
100% correct. Man I miss the days when I first joined this game. No skins with unfair buffs that can only be bought with money. No hero skins. Could make cubes for parts and finish boxes for courage medals.
I firmly believe this game is what is wrong with mobile gaming. Everything is pay to win. This is killing the game (as well as atrocious dev support and lack of any work being done, aka events and game improvements) and they are now scrambling to keep their low IQ whales from leaving.
Everytime they make it so free players can finally start catching up, is when you know these greedy shits are going to release a new paywall that make it impossible yet again. Whales won’t be happy if their thousands of dollars didn’t let them win 100% of the time.
+1, sadly
Agreed, about time! The Development team really slacked off for the last 6 months, hardly any events at all, no Rampage zombies or events hardly at all for needed CE and Supercores. Finally with allaince VS allaince they have added some CE and super cores to boxes!! I’ve been mailing the Devs about putting them in svs boxes for over 12 months.
,,😅 Hiranyakashipu just to get them you will spend much more like you would buy them lately that game going just for more and more money
Why everyone quit below b25 in last year, and now those without maxed reconstructed heroes
Good game but takes too long unless u av deep pockets
Wake when season X selection tickets are out
Make more of these fun games😄
Game looks OK, but rewards are ****
Best part of this game is when people quit over these stupid rewards.
I’m good….
Lol derpsmashR
Needs more base relevance. Event looks completely detached from the game. Heroes don’t matter, tech doesn’t matter, buildings don’t matter, alliance doesn’t matter, apcs doesn’t matter, troop type doesn’t matter. Same as the Bouncing game. Has nothing to relate to the base game.
good point
The ads that made me join this game were clearly fake and false advertisments. They finally have an event that lives up to what I was looking for 2.5 years ago, zombie defense mode. 🤭
How to unlock chapter 7 radar quest?
Good , a little side game that anyone can win.
When people bitch, devs gives them TIME-OUT events for the poor suckers to stay IN the game hoping to save their lunch money into a piggy bank to share to the devs.
When is this event out
11/8 to 11/14
Hey,hey,hey… Finally, something is going on. I’m very happy and excited about new events. You finally decided to make this game interesting again. Well done. Hope more events will come soon. Nice work, congrats…
On salary or paid per post by the devs?
Looking forwards to see how this games plays, and hope that us lower lvl bases can get some kind of good rewards
These Devs are really delusional not realising that 50day Eden is more than enough to keep everyone busy but, instead of fixing main issues they create stupid distraction such as this like who the hell wants to kill zombies… Money sucking leaches qnd when you highlight any bugs ot concerns or complaints they always send a generic response Sorry blablabla
This is like evry tower def from the old dota costume maps …. , And i agree with a user that Say the event has nothing to do with the game , no teck no apc no heros …
That exactly what i was thinking! Reminds of borrowing my little brothers phone to play tower defense 12+ years ago!
A Suggestion: Dev should make recruiting heroes percentage higher..i have lots of useless heroes..Change the recruiting lucky meter from 1000 to 500😂
10000000%. I should have quit when I realized the tiny percentages, would have saved a years or two of my life for better things
I like how you improve the game but you have to consider increasing the rewards
Just updating default base skins regularly, would make me happy. Since the ones we buy don’t really make a real difference in performance anyway 🙈
Almost 3 years ago, while playing a game on my phone, i saw an ad for what looked like a cool tower defense game. It was called Last Shelter Survival. I installed it. To my dismay it was not a tower defense game at all. I gave it a shot anyway, joined an alliance, met some cool people, grew my base, and decided i would keep playing.
Now finally after 3 years, a tower defense game is introduced. 😂
Yup! My thoughts and experience exactly. Too bad they’re killing the game now. Since BaneBlade and t10, the game population has dropped like a rock. Add in the pay 2 win skins now and eve I’m about to dip.
Maybe I’ll stick around for these desperation events and modes they are adding. Only took them 3 years to start trying to keep people interested in their rip off game 😅
How are you lest shelter survive
Everyone is always complaining there is not enough side games… finally they make side games and people still complain lol
I’ve been playing for over 3 yrs now and spent money trying to get a new base skin,no luck, so devs if your reading this can I have a new base skin ive spent enough on this game
Just sell this game while it’s worth something devs, soon we will all login to find the servers shut down and spam links to new»free» games
New events will always be welcomed. Keep them coming….
Sneak Peak of Valley Defense Battle can’t upgrade due to lack of Constructor and Site Fragments
Tower defense is not working properly.its bug.i cannot play it.
How can i restart the «valey» ?? I did something wrong when merging and does not getting started
Site fragments are full and cannot merge. there should be a option to discard a few….my game is stuck on the same level.totally hopeless
Rewards after level150 is useless
I would really like to congratulate the developers of the game . You have by far managed to make the most retarded tower defense event in the history of mankind
Why cant I get tower game on ?
G. In
Where is my guard tower mode why cant I play it?
Good game
Why are you complaining with account from China Korean and American wait strong with your time just with me I can’t understand with every dick hackers and every dog’s professional damage account bank I will do wait is importan snake from Google and last shelter Rss and from line and from Facebook are you serious with me Korean of your bad and China
And now complaining with legal policy are you serious chicken
Awesome got it