[Blog] Reply for Rewards

【8.24 Reply for Rewards】Which hero do you think is the most perfect designed in Last Shelter: Survival?

About the Daily Topic event in the in-game Blog of the Last Shelter (All the time mentioned below is the Game Time):

  1. From Aug 23 to 29, there will be a new Daily Topic posted each day and valid for one day.
  2. The time of post will be 00:00. The deadline for reply will be 00:30 a.m. the following day.
  3. Commanders who post replies below the Daily Topics for 5 days in a row within a week will get 3 Super Recruitment Tickets, 100 Polymer Crystals and 500 Diamonds. The rewards will be delivered via system mail within 3 days after the event ends. Remember to check you mails.
  4. Replies (such as “hahaha”, “great”, “first to comment”) merely containing content irrelevant to the topic will be deemed as invalid.
  5. The Studio reserves the right of interpretation for the event.
  1. I think the most perfect designed heroe is Techpriest because is the best heroe in all APCs that you can use since 2 years ago.

    1. I believe that the most perfect hero is a death Rider, because his skills are very good and he combines both with mixed troops and with only vehicles.

  2. Encantado de ver actividad en el blog, deseo ver más temas interesantes más a menudo, suelen pasar meses sin actividad ni publicaciones

  3. I think the most perfect designed heroe is Techpriest because is a hero who agree very well with other heroes, and it would be good to help him improve, it is very necessar

  4. Como viene en Inglés no sé lo que habéis escrito pero creo Caballero de la Muerte. También creo que Colibrí es muy buena

  5. Ci sono eroi veramente fortissimi a comparazione di altri. Il più forte per adesso si dice che è il tiratore Giovanni, combinato con la guerriera Alba e la pirata. Però per me senza ombra di dubbio il più utile per creare APC misto e la guerriera gigante tecnológico, e un l’eroe che ha l’abilità di potenziare tutti gli altri eroi, per me è formidabile ed è la migliore del gioco pur essendo un S3.

  6. Las tres hermanas , creo que son los héroes mejores diseñados , el combo de estas niñas , refleja muchas cosas positivas y además en muy explosivo 🧨. Por otro lado kamikazes y s un héroe muy completo . Felicito a los desarrolladores por estas creaciones y espero siempre ser sorprendido por nuevas 💪🏻

  7. A mi me gusta mucho viento ya que saña bastante con las habilidades desarrolladas y cura a la vez , y es muy combinable , caballero de la muerte es otro muy bueno

  8. Para mí el mejor héroe es caballero de muerte por su excelente daño y genera muy buenas combinaciones con otros héroes

  9. Death Rider is the best hero, his skills’ pack is very well rounded and that makes him the best damage dealer in game, he’s useful in all meta formations and the additional Demo power you get from his 6th is the cherry pie.

  10. Necesitamos mas equilíbrio para Las bases que tienen dinero. Muchos no tenemos para investir y tenemos mucha desventaja. Seria interesante Ayudar a crescer a Las bases con poca o zero dinero invertido ..

  11. More balance between cash spender and free players. Many players don’t spend a lot of money buying best heros so the might difference it’s unfair. You must find a good balance about this issue.

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