الرمز: العمليات الخاصة! لعب معركة القاعدة التعرض النهائي

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استطلاع العدو تجسس مشبوه ، طلب مزيد من التأكيد!

وافق على الإجراء وأضف الجينات لدعم مكافحة برامج التجسس.

السلاح السحري ، لاول مرة القوات الخاصة

ردا على الوضع المعقد في ساحة معركة يوم القيامة ، ولدت قوات خاصة لهذا الغرض.

في معركة القاعدة ، يمكن للقائد فتح الوحدات الخاصة للقوات الخاصة بعد بناء “قاعة القوات الخاصة”.

تنقسم القوات الخاصة إلى ثلاثة أنواع حسب الاحتياجات المختلفة لموقف الحرب: العنيف ، الجاسوس ، الجينات. يجب تفعيل كل وحدة في النظام التكتيكي قبل أن يتم تدريبها واستخدامها.

كما الوافد الجديد إلى ساحة المعركة يوم القيامة ، قوة القوات الخاصة لا شك فيها , التأثيرات البارزة لكل وحدة ستساعد القائد على القتل الرباعي في الحرب!

أول ما يمكن أن يتعرض للقائد هو أخذ “عنيف”كمثال ، ستهاجم قاعدة العدو بطريقة انتحارية ، وإذا نجح الهجوم ، فلن تقوم القوة الدفاعية المهاجمة بالهجوم المضاد وستصاب بجروح ثابتة.

من المؤكد أن ظهور القوات الخاصة سيصبح بطل الحرب في يوم القيامة ، ووفقًا للمؤثرات الخاصة للأسلحة ، يمكن الاستفادة بأكبر قدر من المزايا للفوز بالانتصار النهائي في معركة يوم القيامة!

في هذه المرحلة ، تم بث جميع إشعارات “معركة القاعدة” إلى القادة.

النظام الجديد لـ “معركة القاعدة” ، والمحتوى الغني ، واللعب المتعدد سيكون قريبا علي الخط فقط ترقبو !

    1. That’s a good question I’m still waiting for the tactical base to appear I haven’t seen none of that stuff and the app it’s some kind of event in the game that keeps jamming my game and I can’t play because of locks up the screen and you can’t even switch out of it you know the puzzle that you put the piece in to get the prize yeah that one really need some work especially when your shield goes down and you can’t get to your base in order to put it back on and when you get back on you have nothing left how’s that for a comment

      1. #1Y cuando saquen las nuevas tropas también deben sacar un paquete donde te den automáticamente las t9 sería lo ideal de lo contrario muchos jugadores se retirarán va ser difícil para alcanzar nuevas tropas
        #2 los héroes son difíciles de obtener por mas ganas y esfuerzo que pongas no te los dan. Sin estas 2 cosas es inútil el juego siempre serás granja para los jugadores grandes

    1. Need to sort out migration first. Crap I can no longer migrate to newer states, let alone it now costs too much to actually migrate anywhere.

  1. Sounds cool, but…Too Bad they won’t fix the immigration rules as apparently greed is still their ultimate goal.

    When is the tactical building going to be available? They could really use some sort of calendar to let players know when they can anticipate the different features becoming available

  2. Estáis hundiendo el juego con las nuevas reglas de migración.
    Tarde o temprano todos abandonaremos el juego a medida que los estados exploten.

  3. Why don’t you merge all the dead states that’s new immigration rules are killing our plyers they are leaving not intruste left the game.

  4. Let’s all quit the game since dev is not answering any of our question. And now you want to come out with a commando?

  5. Looks really good as long as it dose not cost anything to purchase the new buildings. Please hurray up and get them started the game needed new content

  6. They ruined game with stupid migration update and now announcing some shit that even doesn’t implemented!
    This is how IM30 work. I will definitely start look other game to spend my money and time

  7. Another coming soon that will never happen until the end.

    I recon focus on T10 before updating another thing to the game 😆😆😆😆

    1. Face it there to stupid to be able to develop t10 or b30 so they throw in things that are useless due to the dwindling population and dead states. Another thing there to jet lagged to fix

  8. I’ll quit this game if you don’t change the migration rules.
    I am not spending a single dime till you sort the migration issue.

  9. And when will it be availlible? We get updates non stop about it… bit in the meantime no extra building and new migration rules… 🤔

  10. We are unable to migrate from 294 to 297, it says that the target zone is too powerful.. Half of my alliance is still stuck in 294.. Can you please fix this

  11. Fix migration this is no use to me there are barely any people left servers are dieing off. Look at lords mobile you can migrate to any state after protection period prices are also cheaper there for things even though im a lvl 25 you think i wanna spend 100$ pershot everytime for so few things and your sales suck.

  12. Abandoned new migration rule and allow everyone to go in state of migration started with current combat power. Otherwise people will leave game in few days. You doesn’t have more time. Because so many already left.

  13. Theres alot of 300 states that are empty also. Also fix the coz brackets whe your at lege dary states shouldnt be able to drop to silver.

  14. So lame, instead of posting for 2 months about an update with the combat buildingz release it already. You just annoy us with these posts. Worst marketing ever.

  15. Fuck you and fuck this game.. Our best players are leaving this game… And now we still have less of a chance to actually win

  16. Не зачем делать новость, если даже приблизительно не можете оценить дату ее исполнения.

  17. I understand this is to make money but I don’t feel like I’m getting my moneys worth. Everytime I stop buying or stop playing, I’m under attack. Lol
    I’ve been scammed before

  18. Wow a new building let me guess 100 dollars to open it and then millions in diamonds or thousands of dollars in packs so you can use the damn thing. I’ve seen it written before in the comments when are the first set of buildings we were promised????? Hell when is base 30 coming out way to many maxed out bases and only heavy spenders have decent hero’s lol soon they will have more ways to bully lmao 😂 devs and top brass in this corporation obviously want it to fail after the release of how much you make in a day I’d be for listening to the people who are paying..

  19. Что за отстой они хотят добавить…Просто нет слов…Лучшебы новые уровни базы добавили,и новых героев.А не это,не понятно что.Три вида юнита в одном доме это перебор.Один вид юнитов в одном доме.

  20. Вы понимаете что такое 38900 за 1000 алмазов???? Это средняя заработанная плата в месяц по России!!!! Вернитесь на землю

  21. I’m curious how new functions are roll-out to different states in this game, cause those newer states already get new buildings and functions that are not available in older states… but the question would be, why are those updates not applicable on all states, and worse still, why would GM not informing any plans / details of those new features to players in older states…?

  22. Estoy muy desepcionado con el fatal error del traductor de idiomas . No puedo creer que se alla discriminado de esa forma el derecho a la información , y comunicación entre humanos. Digo esto por que realmente no se a quien le escribo… Lástima Shelter dejo de ser algo importante para mí… Su nueva actualización de egemonia empeora cada vez más y es enfocado solamente a progresar solamente te con dinero, que bien no?…

  23. Они новых героев вводят!!! Вы со старыми разберитесь!!! Полтора года одни и те же герои выпадают!!! Фиолетовые я не говорю про золотых нещасная гробовщика никак не выпадет!!! Сделайте что нибудь с генератором случайных чисел!!! Спасибо!!!

  24. Ok.My technology only give’s 100 point’s for alliance and 100 point’s it’s supposed to be 800 for Alliance and 800 for me.It’s been like that for about 5 months can you fix like soon? I’ve posted umit in state chat & the other State’s know.can i get the point’s to buy all the this in my part or the store?My trucks got back from gathering. With 300,000 wheat.my storage was full & i got lost in rss.Now with the storage beeing full the pumps are filling .full.can we get that overflow put in boxes to not loss rss?

  25. Season 2 doomsday just ended here at state 761…seems too many have not received the cash price…probably a bug in the program…

  26. Can i please speak to a developer, i relly want to keep playing this game but man u guys need to just act like we matter and u dont just want this money i spend to much of it on u.

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