[Good news] Select your Hero!

❗❗❗Survivors are Welcome to vote and get rewards❗❗❗


In the New Meta, Survivors are using S2 heroes achieve victory.


The defensive fighter are now becoming more powerful in all situations.


Leave a message in this article and choose your favorite hero. You will have the chance to win a limited edition exclusive gift「Project H.E.R.O」


  • Message format
    Game ID: Brave Survivor
    State: 1
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I just think he is great!



#Good News #Hero #I heard that there will be an event next week also.

  1. Game ID: ChickenNuggers
    State: 65
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: The sword that looks like it also be a gun…. What’s not to like

      1. Game ID: Lonewolf0812
        State : 702
        Select Hero: B
        Reason: Swords are dangerous than Guns! Imagine Having Sword that looks like a Gun! 😱

    1. Game ID: *Villain*
      State: 75
      Hero: C
      Reason: because when it comes to the zombie apocalypse, 3 arms are always better than 2. 😁

      1. Game id : bipbipbop

        State : 118

        Sélect héros : À

        Reason : il est plutôt cool 😎, j’attends de voir ce qu’il pourra nous apporter dans le jeu.

    2. 플레이어 이름:realtime
      소속 서버:94
      선택 영웅:B
      이유:멋진 대형검이 저돌적으로 좀비를 죽이고 다닐꺼 같다

    3. Game ID: Brave Survivor
      State: 115
      Select Hero: C
      Reason: The only thing that scares a zombie is a cyborg! Or a human with an exoskeleton.

    4. Game ID: spartankityslr
      State: 30
      Select hero: C
      Reason: the reason I chose hero C is because he looks bad ass like he wants to kick everybody’s ass and I like that

    5. Game ID:Zaknefein
      Select a hero: A
      Reason: he has that look like he would protect everyone around him but still enough of a threat that says “don’t mess with me”

    6. GAME ID: AldarondeEsgarot
      STATE: 128
      REASON: Female heroes rock!!! And this one looks both pretty hard and sexy.

    7. Game id: whackANut
      STATE: 11
      Select Hero: B
      Reasons: She looks hot and seems like a bad ass that will definitely do some massage damage

    8. 플레이어 이름:greyhound1
      소속 서버:160
      선택 영웅:C
      이유:디자인이 잘 뽑혔네요. 강해보이는 외모가 마음에 듭니다 ^^

  2. Game ID: ChickenNuggers
    State: 65
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: The sword that looks like it also be a gun…. What’s not to like

  3. Game ID: Minuano
    State: 4
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: she’s amazing and would fit perfectly in my front line. I can imagine her sword cutting some enemies heads…

  4. Game id : Bocka
    State: 57
    Select hero : A
    Reason : i think he is best hero i seen so far , i dont have it but i seen your exemples of fights and this hero bets all

  5. 플레이어 이름:Camry
    소속 서버:122
    선택 영웅:B
    이유:B영웅이 내가 좋아하는 영화 엣지 오브 투마로우에 나오는 여주인공 같다.

    1. ID: David Aguilar
      Pick: A
      Estado: 126
      Razón: Me Gusta como se además quiero ser el primer Argentino en tenerlo en mi servidor

  6. 플레이어 이름 : Kaldor Draigo
    소속서버 : 134
    선택영웅 : C
    이유 : 등 뒤에서 나온 기계팔이 너무 멋있음 취향저격

  7. Game ID: jhongdarren$$$$$
    State: 78
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I need to have good and tough S2 hero, to defend my base and alliance,

      1. 遊戲名稱:行到水窮處

  8. Game ID: Crashandburn1571
    State: 117
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: Would love to have a warrior that has skills to rival all. Plus I on;y have one Orange player, adding another would boost my alliance capabilities.

  9. Game ID: admiral23
    State: 92
    Selected Hero:A
    Reason: I like the appearance of this Hero the most, looking pretty sick to he honest ^^.
    But more important are the abilities of the heroe, so I guess we need to wait till they are released to make a good based decision 😉

  10. game id: lost23
    state: 145
    select hero: A
    reason: just want to have a decent hero, your free tickets does’nt do good, and i dont want to spend for your game..

  11. Game ID: Fayenne
    State: 21
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: Jane has a great fighting potential with the 6 attack skill and the might bonusses

  12. Tarly’s Camp
    State 154
    Hero B
    She looks fierce. The purple ladies could tribute to impress. I can only imagine what a S1 would be like

  13. Game ID:jhongdarren$$$$$
    State: 78
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I want a stronger hero and tough to protect my base and my alliance, and my state.

  14. Game ID: Gozer
    State: 47
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: He isn’t being selected by anyone else so I don’t want to hurt his feelings. Plus I need 1 more to awaken him 🙂

  15. Game ID: 시야의
    State: 134
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: He is very strong. He feels the power to overwhelm someone. It’s very attractive. He is my hero.

  16. 플레이어 이름:BlackpinkJeny
    소속 서버:152
    선택 영웅:B
    이유:이유는 멋져요 키워보고 싶네요
    ^^~ 그리고 여지케릭인거같아 더 맘에드네요~

  17. Game ID: Maertus
    State: 184
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: Looks great and little like me few years ago on one postapocalyptic RP weekend
    PS: love that sword

  18. C: bcs he looks like a multi tasking sci fi terminator. Good for offensive moves and tech upgrade. I WOULD Love to see “c” in action!!!!!

  19. Game ID: Raycarl
    State: 169
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: She look perfect as a Worrior/Leader. Look strong as a frontline as a Tanker to dominate all opponent.

  20. 플레이어 이름:경상도헐랭이
    소속 서버:176
    선택 영웅:A
    이유:A 영웅이 간지철철~이미지부터가 굉장히 쎄보이고 꼭 받고싶습니다!!
    오랫동안 즐거운겜 하고싶어요~^^

  21. 遊戲暱稱:L · Lawliet
    原因:我覺得他的名字非常有末日的感覺,很符合遊戲的主題,加上角色身體上的機械骨骼將未來感提高到另一個層次,而肩膀上的“第三隻手”看來是智能機械臂,似乎也印證了人類的未來將會是智慧型機械與機器人的時代,或許叫 明日之光 會更為貼切,很喜歡這個角色😊

  22. 游戏昵称:Cash Wong

  23. Game ID: TopGear
    State: 122
    Select Hero: A
    I wish not to win the hero,i prefer free daily spins and the heroes plan i have!!

  24. Game ID: baby groot
    State: 84
    Select Hero: c
    Reason: we havent had any scfi futuristic heros before so be start off the new era with stronger stats

  25. CirdanShipweigh
    State # 181
    Select hero: B
    Reason: Reminds me a lot of Edge of tomorrow (All you need is kill) character which is cool. Great design.

  26. Game ID: JackAndreevich
    State: 28
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I need a Hero. I am holding out for a Hero. I’m gotta be strong
    and I’m gotta be fast.
    He is a perfect and he doesn’t need any comments.

  27. Game ID: Marduk888
    State: 131
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: A vibrant classy look of a sophisticated blend of a medieval warrior to a millennial fighter, which showcases an innovative and dynamic armament. Hence, exhibits an epitome of power and vigor.

  28. Game ID: winner 84
    State : 72
    Select hero : A
    Reason : his face show dignity,courage and strong fighter and know how to handle thing with cool

  29. Game ID: Seemslike
    State: 169
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: The Predator-ish hero is what we need to defend us from the alien-ish zombies!

  30. Game ID: Ksman67
    State: 79
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: The nano technology that was required to make everything work is completely awesome.

  31. Game Id: Animus121
    State: 102
    Select hero: C
    Reason: He looks really scary, and reminds me of terminator, fitting well to doomsday

  32. Game ID: RichardBillyham
    State: 187
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I guess she is the most cool and smart Female hero I ever seen when compare with other mobile games.

  33. Aussieguy
    State 165
    Stole money off me and never repaid me for the 2000 diamonds I bought but never got and was charged for them so the hero would I guess make up for it lol

  34. 플레이어 이름:빨간망토사자
    소속 서버:176
    선택 영웅:B
    이유:B영웅이 제일 강해보여서.

  35. Game ID: RichardBillyham
    State: 187
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I guess she is the most cool and smart Female hero I ever seen when compare with other similar mobile games.

    Select Hero:B
    Reason: She looks like the type of person that destroys anything that are annoying to her.

  37. Game ID: Darth_Revan
    State: 81
    Select Hero: A – Viscount
    Reason: Strong enough for offensive formation. I wish I had one of him with awakened for sure.

  38. Game ID: ⭐️Venca⭐️
    State: 6
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: pretty girl and Hero, best combination 😁 i want this girl 😊

  39. Game ID: Zombify
    State: 84
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: i have always loved playing bruiser type champs in MOBAs and love a strong defense that can surprise intruders that think it is a good idea to backdoor your base! He would complete my perfect defense APC, time to kick ass and chew bubble gum….and im all out of gum.

  40. Game ID: shionn2
    State: 87
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: the game has few non-sexualized female heroes and few female orange heroes. This one is a good example of What you should design in the future

  41. Gake id : glimmer
    State : 12
    Hero: A
    Love the details in the uniform and weapon and would be a nice addition to my unit and a brave strong leader

  42. Select Hero: C
    State: 129
    Game ID: Cr1ST1anO

    Reason: I think would be perfect whit my apc who’s using just cars. He’s gonna be transformed on F22 Raptor on march.

  43. 遊戲暱稱:金小杉

  44. Game ID: GidriD
    State: 167
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: She looks like a hero from a movie about war and time-traveling, so it’s my choice!

  45. Game ID: Drudgez
    State: 51
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: The scar on his face mean he had survived from many wars and his tech suit is most high technology.

  46. Game ID: T.W.
    State: 15
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I just think He’s like a hero in a movie Elysium And he looks handsome. I love brown hair and he looks smart. And he has a tattoo ☺️🤣

  47. 플레이어 이름 : 사루1235
    소속 서버 : 144
    선택 영웅 : B
    이유 : 보이시하고 라스트쉘터 서바이버의 게임이미지와 가장 어울리는 영웅의 이미지를 갖고 있는 것 같음

  48. Game ID: Bryce Ayre
    State: 158
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I like woman character, she is tough, shows that woman are fighters

  49. 플레이어 이름:야한마술사
    소속 서버:110
    선택 영웅:C
    이유:C터미네이터같은 무적의영웅같은 느낌이 들어서 좋아요

  50. Game ID: BIGGER
    State: 15
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I like him because he has advanced technology. He looks smart and discreet same as me.😂

  51. Game ID: Nezgol
    State: 160
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: His looks seem to be more imersive than the other two because of that jacket of his. Shows he was a survivor before the power armor.

  52. Game ID: Lollipop85
    State: 99
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I love being tanky with high defense stats, also the hero looks amazing with the sword/gun weapon

  53. Game ID: Sadisticjoker
    State: 51
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: looks like a person was attacked and was retrofitted with mechanical body parts to make him a super soldier

  54. Game ID: fatealie
    State: 184
    Select hero: B
    Reason: she looks so badass! Like a hero that will defend till the end the city she lives in. Cutting down all enemies

  55. Game ID: DreadPirate
    State: 173
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: It is the look on his face. He will be happy to fight you, he fights for a living, but he’d be a great guy to have at a party!

  56. Game ID: SuperPower123
    State: 51
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I never won anything in a contest so I think I’ll try. Beside a female hero is always cool.

  57. Game ID: RonnocDestroya
    State: 92
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: His stats and moves are good, he looks cool, and he’d fit well in my lineup.

  58. Game ID: Tardek
    State: 43
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I looks like a bad ass made for this world. And his mech arm is such a cool suff.

  59. Game ID: Miszra State:72. Select Hero: B Reason: when I first time see her I fell in love on her, and she would fit perfect with me Hero’s they could make nice team

  60. Game ID: Bruce Campbell
    State: 83
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: Looks like a male version of seven of nine….. resistance is futile!!!!!

  61. Game ID:most-eyes
    Select Hero:C
    Reason:그는 미래에서 온 것 같다. 재래식 무기 대신에 최첨단 기술로 중무장 하고 있다. 마치 터미네이터를 보는 듯 하다.

  62. 플레이어 이름:darkblack02
    소속 서버:154
    선택 영웅:A
    이유:A 영웅이 최강의 사나이 처럼 보임.^^

  63. Game ID : most-eyes
    State : 57
    Select Hero : C
    Reason : 그는 미래에서 온 것 같다. 재래식 무기 대신에 최첨단 기술로 중무장하고 있다. 마치 터미네이터를 보는 듯 하다.

  64. Game ID: locejm
    State: 137
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I just think he looks like he would have higher tactical and more technological advantage

  65. Game ID: 1 EYE WILLY
    STATE: 125
    Select Hero: Viscount
    Reason: I need heroes so badly!!! And he looks like he packs a punch!

  66. Game ID: SaintsFanatic
    State: 103
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: Mexhanical arm looks like it is ready to RIP someone’s HEART OUT!

  67. Game ID: KRYSSS
    State: 132
    Select hero: B
    Reason: Impresionante imagen guerrillera, una mirada penetrante….solo con verla te asusta.

  68. Game id : Reaper Squad
    State: 109
    Select hero : C
    Reason : I like the exoskeleton design and the googles. Looks like its gonna direct orbital bombardment or airstrike

  69. This looks like the real deal I feel more realistic fighters is what’s missing from this game. In the zombie apocalypse the real warriors are going to be real everyday looking people not monsters. But people protecting their families and themselves. So this is why I like this one the gun/knife is a bit much but ok and not to far overboard

  70. Game ID: Paukan
    State: 21
    Select hero: C
    Reason: He is 3rd best hero in all-fighter formation with Courageous in line 1 and Dragon Rage in line 3. He absorbs damage and gives it to troops. His 8th skill works first 4 rounds, then almost same skill of Courageous works in 5-8 rounds for defence. Same time Dragon rage makes huge damage from line 3. This way Light of the Past is “Must Have” hero for Fighters APC

  71. There needs to be a new update package to buy Orange Heroes and Purple Hero’s. Also the free picks You get everyday, there should all be equal to the blue ticket free picks. Also improve changes to get new Orange Hero’s. All Hero’s look great! 👍

  72. Game ID: FoxBrownie
    State: 122
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: El diseño es muy agresivo e interesante, además de tecnológico, me encanta.

  73. Game ID: 0verkill
    State: 141
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: He is bad ass looking for one. Looks like he is a up front fighter shield. Has that “Bring it!” Or “on get some look to him. He would make a badass fighter hero. Also the other too are kinda just “sure, okay”. But A is bad ass looking.

  74. Gamer ID Humperdink

    State #20

    Select hero A

    Reason: Intimidation can win battles. Hero A looks intimidating. And a “gun sword?” More like a fun sword. That dude looks awesome!!!

  75. Game ID:유태식이
    State: 132
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: Two block cut is cool 😎

    I request u make this system much more comfortable to check my reply. It is hard to see whether my reply gets on the this list well or not

  76. Game id : YarzarT.Z
    State: 132
    Select hero : B
    Reason : There is no Female Orange combat hero, i think. She would be the best partner for my male officers. haha!!!

  77. Game ID: XaiaXRed
    State: 92
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: an enhanced exoesqueleton would do too many damage to the enemies in these devastated world.

  78. 플레이어 이름:고양이가나만없어
    소속 서버:63
    선택 영웅:B
    이유:B 영웅을 줘야 각성이 가능 해진다

  79. 플레이어 이름:고양이가나만없어
    소속 서버:63
    선택 영웅:B
    이유:B 영웅을 받으면 매우 강한 기운을 받는다

  80. State: 72
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: If I didn’t have bad luck I’d have no luck at all.
    Could really use some gold luck for once

  81. Game ID: HolyDarkblade
    State: 165
    Select hero: C
    Reason: A cyborg or cybernetic using hero is an excellent addition to the hero pool! Looks so terrifying!

  82. Game ID: MasterRaiS
    State: 122
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: He looks like Jon Snow, and winter is closer to my base. Winter is coming

  83. Felicitaciones por el diseño de los nuevos héroes está genialmente logrados, me encanta el B la chica.
    Saludos y gracias por divertirnos …

  84. Game ID: Mara Jade
    State: 64
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I have been waiting for female orange combat heroes since I started playing the game! 😍 Let’s represent our female players!

  85. 遊戲暱稱:Wesley1212

  86. 遊戲暱稱:Yogurt Jelly

  87. Game ID: SkYfI7337
    State: 180
    Hero: C
    Reason: The reason for chosen hero C is because technology these days are getting more and more advanced and so with all the technology in the armor suit that he is wearing I think it is an interesting looking hero especially next to the technology what these days include and future type of technology, so I’ll go with hero C.

  88. 遊戲暱稱:Q小小小小夢

  89. Game ID: S7ree7figh7er
    State: 100
    Select Hero : B
    Reason: got too many male heroes, that lady looks like she could do the jobs ten times better.

  90. Game ID: Paul Aristocrat
    State: 53
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I dont have any S2 hero but I saw in the doomsday rewards preview the skills and I like the skills. I want to have this hero in my army. Thanks in advance.

  91. Game ID: sgt jro
    State: 143
    Select Hero: A or B
    Reason: Best looking hero’s, fighting for the human race! Both wicked dark look like the Van Helsing siblings!

  92. Game ID: cained007
    State: 133
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: Awesome graphics and abilities. Would be of much use for SvS kill events to stay competitive =).

  93. Game ID: CruXim
    State: 162
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: The better design and looks like it will have a good setup of skills (based on apperance)

  94. Game ID: littleflavio
    State: 79
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: give me any of the above i will settle with any than nothing, um worth it coz i use 💲💲💲, u dont give me i break 💳💳💳✂️✂️✂️

  95. State: 120 Games IS: David Walkerwin. Hero: c reason: because I need a great hero in I will love to get one thank you

  96. Game ID: kresio
    State: 94
    Select hero: C
    Reason: I have not been lucky with heroes so far and this one remember me one fighter of final fantasy. It would great to have that sword and improve it. Thanks for reading.

  97. Game ID: Brave Survivor
    State: ?
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I think the others look a little too primped to fit well into the story. I mean the techy guy obviously took the time to comb hi hair this morning. Lol!

  98. Game ID:
    State: 13
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I just think he is great! In it to win it, she is kicker of asses 🙂

  99. Game ID: Cruentus
    State: 13
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I just think he is great! In it to win it, she is kicker of asses 🙂

  100. Game ID: HuntsMan Rick
    State: 125
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: he is strong and look nice with his armor & sword , and thats why he looks nice & strong.

  101. Game ID: RUBELLA
    State: 125
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: It is time women warriors also show in the Top. And she is like me…
    Awesomeness 💖⚙️💖

  102. Game ID: HuntsMan Rick
    State: 125
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: he looks very strong , and when you see his armor and sword he looks great & brave. But the most important thing is his skill.

  103. Game ID: White Ranger
    State: 53
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I do not own any S1 or S2 hero. Receiving a S2 Hero for free via this forum would be great to boost my gaming experience and be more competitive. Thanks in advance.

  104. Game ID: agrue
    State: 5
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I need all the help available, and she may just be the one in a ever changing environment 🙂

  105. Game ID: Maxisback…2
    State: 103
    Select hero: A
    Reason: Tough choice between A and C. Vote went with A as he just has the edge in stats and is more versitile.

  106. Game ID: Progress22
    State: 154
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: She will slash a zombies head off and then head to the bar for some drinks with her crew

  107. Game ID: CORP.
    State: 96
    Select hero: A
    Reason: This fight best compliments my troops, brave and strong and always ready for battle. They will bring peace to our warring state!

  108. Game ID: Grue
    State: 5
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I need all the help available, and she may just be the one in a ever changing environment 🙂

  109. Game ID: Elayana
    State: 153
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: Definitely digging the cyborg look. What can be more powerful than man + machine?

  110. Game ID: ArtMasterpieceSK
    State: 36
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: a charming tremendous powerfull looks like girl warrior with vehicle!, I love it!!!😍

  111. Game ID: Dark-Phoenix
    State: 62
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: Because he looks a bit like Wolverine from X-Men! That and that awesome weapon

  112. Game ID: BR52RL
    State: 61
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I feel as if she’ll take my apc to the next level, to compete with top tier players.

  113. Game ID: GioLud
    State: 154
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: It really is only because of the appearance. It is the one that looks coolest. I was going to choose the B, but it has its head a bit out of place. This is my criticism. DO NOT FIND A SINGLE PLACE WHERE TO SEE INFORMATION OF

  114. Game ID: £RΩ©K
    State: 79
    Select HERO: A
    Reason: He is a Power house. in the battles I’ve seen using him. Its a wrap done deal. HERO A be like “Yawn😪, Whos Next😈”

  115. Game ID: destruction127
    State: 183
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: The character looks is so real. It makes me feels likes in a real survival life.

  116. Las tarjetas de reclutamiento avanzado o especial que se gana por evento,no da héroes de calidad naranja son muy escasos sólo si lo compras con tarjeta garantiza su reclutamiento.
    Deberían largar más héroes especiales.

  117. Game ID: proudvet09
    State: 68
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: Would be nice to have a female hero to do the winning for me against the male heroes

  118. Game id: crankthejuice
    State: 75
    Select hero: C
    Reason: He looks just like me… Except for the exoskeleton… And he’s not as fat as me…

  119. Game ID: silverdeath
    State: 161
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: it reminds me of a Wasteland bad mama jama but still has a brain not too much brains and not too much bronze just that sweet spot like me

  120. Hero C: He looks scary and intense. Cool!

    I like a variety of hero skins because it matches up with the fact that we have so much variety in humanity.

  121. Game ID: McCrick
    State: 184
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I like his exo skeleton tech. With omly one punch a zombies head will go flying across the battlefield!

  122. Game ID: PriamFaya
    State: 77
    Select Hero: Viscount
    Reason: fighter are the first to attack in trio and he is best to in his skills to attack and defend at same time. he can have less damage for fighters and and other two heros at position 2 and 3 and kill enemy

  123. Game ID: Marshal-KBL
    State: 169
    Select hero: C
    Reason: power armor and Jack of Trey it look like he can do Recon or hack sensors powerlifting an engineer repairs can run faster hearing better and targeting system Jack of trey

  124. Game ID: TwojStary
    STATE: 128
    Reason: Jedyny bohater który posiada trzecią rękę którą może przytrzymać se piwo albo podrapać się w … plecy gdy robi miazgę z zombie.

  125. Game ID: Banaankoekje
    State: 77
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I love his mechanical arm! Looks really cool. I want to try him out.

  126. Game ID: JackAndreevich
    State: 28
    Select hero: A
    Reason: I need a Hero. I’m gotta be fast and I’m gotta be strong. He is a perfect. And he doens`t need any comments.

  127. 遊戲暱稱:小中雞

  128. Game ID: JackAndreevich
    State: 28
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I need a hero. I’m holding out for a hero. I’m gotta be strong
    And I’m gotta be fast.
    He is a perfect. And he doens`t need any comments.

  129. Game ID: Pettherl
    State: 134
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: Perfect add for the female squat! This massive swoard is awesome!!! She looks really powerful and confident as a brilliant leader!!!!!

  130. Game ID: Pettherl
    State: 134
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: Perfect add to the female squat! The swoard is awesome!!! She looks like a real leader and confident.

  131. Game ID: KungFuActionJew
    State: 175
    Hero: C
    Reason: My kind of hero, a survivor of postapocaplytia is an achievement of it’s own right. Especially with zombies thrown in.

  132. Game ID: ObVusJoke
    Select hero:B
    Reason: that giant sword. I don’t know where to find pertinent information about them so…

  133. Game ID: BULLDOG_TK
    Select hero: B
    Reason: Like the big sword and heavy defensive armor. Looks awesome. A strong woman will take you a long ways.

  134. ID jeu: j4ck3ss
    Etat : 31
    Héros sélectionné : B
    Raison: The Wife are the future cant nothing if not survive, upgrade and fight for the glory

  135. I.D. Sarge NGB
    STATE- 126
    Hero B
    I would pick the female hero because no one want to piss off a woman a feel her fury!! Plus she has the largest weapon out of the three!!👍🏻

  136. Game ID: Rawksteddy
    State: 103
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I like the looks of the best. Second choice would have been hero B because she also looks cool. Looks like he will kill a lot of enemy troops:)

  137. ID game: Callie_or_not
    Etat : 62
    Hero sélectionné : D
    Reason: I like his graphism, a mix beetween guardians and assassin’s creed

  138. Game ID: NEW ORDER
    State: 102
    Select Hero: C
    Reason:It looks great, from a new generation of brave warriors, warriors of the future

  139. ID : AlpinEz
    Pick hero : A
    State : 72
    Reason : viscount great hero legendary s2 lead fighters and powerful in line 1. So i choose him.

  140. Game ID: Axill@
    State: 96
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: the art is great on that hero, and i feel like his very strong. I would like to have him.

  141. ID: deathwish007
    Pick: B
    State: 138
    Reason: well she is a girl and girls run the world. She Will distract all other soldiers and go for the win!

  142. ID: host1
    Pick: A
    Razon:Игра очень увлекательная мне очень понравилось.Разрабы молодцы.

  143. Oh! Se ven increíbles, sería excelente poder contar con uno de ellos, haría a la alianza más poderosa. 😉

  144. ID: Ƥ℟įÐЄ
    Pick: B
    State: 112
    Reason:I like to use motorized heroes I want to be one of the strongest and most respectable in my state

  145. Id: indio0707
    Estado :14
    Heroes B
    La razon…..quiero ayudar a organizar mi estado y ser muy competitivo…..lo mejor es que a todos nos den dos o tres heroes S2…gracias

  146. Game ID: Philly Eagle
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I like the fact his weapon can we use as a shooter or as a fighter, also I appreciate the armor it kind of looks like something he could have put together in the wastelands where the last one C looks like he came out of the lab that couldn’t have really be done being this is a survival game Karma he looks too futuristic B on the other hand is also nice but I like A the best good weapon good armor good art just an all-around good looking hero and a be a great addition to anyone’s APC March for shooter ldr or fighter ldr.

  147. ID: Paddyx92
    State: 5
    Hero: B
    Reason: Strong and fearless Women in a world like this, fighting for their lifes, rescue other people, purge some zombies.. Thats awesome!!

  148. Game ID: Petertheshark
    State: 166
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: pinta barbaro. Parece un personaje sacado de la pelicula “The edge of tomorrow”

  149. Game id : Warchief Kai
    State: 3
    Select hero : A
    Reason : If upgraded to max (skills and level) this will be a powerfull hero in formation. Seen this hero already in action in the hero Duel challenge. So I like to have this one in my collection of other powerfull heroes. Great game by the way. 👍🏽✌🏾

  150. Game ID: muletti
    State: 67
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: Because she reminds me of Sergeant Rita Vrataski from the movie “Edge of Tomorrow” and she is a badass there

  151. Game ID: KillShot
    State: 34
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: Viscount has great skills for defensive. Excellent to leave in base in class apc with fighter fighter fighter set up while you attack with with apc 1

  152. ID : Hoodmaster

    Hero choice : A

    State : 110

    Reason : I must have an S2 hero all others in my state gets envy when the Nr.1 Ally chief has a such rare hero .

  153. Game ID : zvaitsev
    State : 149
    Select hero : C
    Reason : exoskeleton really badass as an additional protection while in the same time it become a masterpeice weapon

  154. Game ID : zvaitsev
    State : 149
    Select hero : C
    Reason : exoskeleton really badass as an additional protection while in the same time it become a masterpeice weapon

  155. Game ID: Aceso
    State: 72
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I would want him with me if there was really a zombie apocalypse. That guy looks like he knows his tech.

  156. Game id : Slipknot
    State: 159
    Select hero : A
    Reason : I belive not only looks the best but he is best hero i seen so far , I dont have this on and want the see this hero figh!

  157. Game ID: KIRUKATO99
    State: 77
    Select hero: B

  158. GameID: Revolutionaries
    State: 169
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I love his suit so much. Btw I’m building some kind of machine right now.

  159. Game ID: Toyota86
    State: 135
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: The extra left hand grip on the sword, orange hoses and reinforced arm support warns me of her serious raw damage.

  160. Game ID: JMiracle
    State: #137
    Hero: B
    Reason: She looks head strong, like a true warrior. She won’t let anything get in the way of defending her troops, whether she’s leading the attack or defending against one, she’s a fighter for the people. Plus her sword looks like it may have a unique ability, maybe her trump card?

  161. 遊戲暱稱:牛大佬

    #好康 #英雄 #聽說下週還有活動

  162. Game ID: Poor Person
    State: 175
    Hero: B
    Reason: I like the attention to detail on her sword, is great! She looks fierce and ready to fight.

  163. Game ID: NEVER SAY DIE
    State: 61
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: i think his a great hero to me, i want him to lead my troops..

  164. ID: SNAFU
    Pick: B
    State: 36
    Reason: Better look, only change would be to square the head away a little more with the body position.

  165. Game ID: Zooland
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: The dude has a sick exoskeleton! That mechanical arm probably plucks out the enemies eyeball! Lol

  166. Game ID: Gmain
    State: 156
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: A sword is my preferred apocalyptic weapon of choice, needs no bullets or batteries.

  167. Game ID: AMERAL
    State : 171
    Pick Hero : B
    I think he can face life and enemies. A strong personality.LIFE IS GOOD.
    great game

  168. 플레이어 이름:I will be bak
    소속 서버:148
    선택 영웅:C
    이유:기계화 인간처럼 보여 강력하고 신비로워 보인다

  169. 플레이어 이름:I will be bak
    소속 서버:146
    선택 영웅:C
    이유:기계화 인간처럼 보여 강력하고 신비로워보인다

  170. Game ID: AuzzieBunny
    State: 153
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: awesome sword remind me of Cloud from FFVII but female version!

  171. Game ID : Purple Sorceress
    State: 63
    Hero : C
    Reason: His face looks like a Hollywood Actor and also I always like heroes who match with shooter.

  172. Game id : stephanieluvx
    State: 183
    Select hero : B
    Reason : Because she’s simply amazing and smashingly heroine good looking

  173. ID jeu: Fredilobi
    Etat : 77
    Héros sélectionné : B
    Raison: it’s a woman.She looks strong and sexy at the same time. It looks like me. I hope she will win and me too. 🤣

  174. Game ID: Luckie Ram
    State: 58
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: He looks likeJon Snow with a gun for a sword or sword for a gun. Winter is here.

  175. Pick : C
    Estado : 126
    Razon : La unica razon por la que lo elijo es por se ve muy bonito ademas si a mi hermano le dan uno yo tambien quiero

  176. GAME ID: Gen. Gonzo4Gunz
    State: 145
    Hero: C
    Reason: He reminds me of the Borg from Star Trek. Would be awesome hero to have

  177. 遊戲暱稱:Turtle蒜頭烏龜

  178. 遊戲暱稱:tomas7
    原因:他的技能令兵種和戰術得到改變 勇士不再只能防守!令玩法更加,大讚

  179. Game ID: Fogomos
    State: 75
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I believe he can adapt to any circumstances, and in the end of the world, anyone who adapt, survives…

  180. Game ID: beastman
    State: 173
    Reason: he looks more like a leader a commander ready to protect his city and survive this battle with the zombies

  181. Gamer ID: Beastman09
    State: 173
    Pick: A
    Reason: I see him more of a leader and a survivor ready to protect his city and will do anything to survive the zombie war.

  182. Game ID: badmofo
    State: 63
    Select Hero: A
    “Trick or Treat”

  183. Game ID: Argentum1983
    State: 92
    Select Heroe: B
    Reason: I Think that This Heroe is the Best in All and is Cool. Too because I Can Will Be More Strong and I Want Makes Grow my Alliance and My State.

  184. Message format
    Game ID: Flossie
    State: 171
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: he’s got it all going on, that stance, that face, that weapon. Plus he looks determined but a little friendlier than the others.

  185. Game ID: agatonsaxx
    State: 144
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: the modeldesign is just to good! (And who doesnt like the angle of her thumb holding the gun 😎🤔)

  186. Game ID: agatonsaxx
    State: 144
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: the design is just awesome! (And who doesnt like the thumb of the hand holding the gun 😎🤔)

  187. Game ID: Quatrolol
    State: 143
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I want this girl in my Btr! She have sword, i love oldschool weapon style!

  188. Game ID: debeel
    State: 99
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: Я нищеброд и нуждаюсь в этом герое. Он может сильно мне помочь. Спасибо за внимание!

  189. Game ID: Illuwalker
    State: 6
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I just think he is great! And I also need him to upgrade his awaken skill

  190. 遊戲暱稱:silence life

  191. 遊戲暱稱:silence life

  192. Game ID: Dat WPW
    State: 96
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: Her sword looks like it’s ready to slash through some defenders like a hot knife through butter.

  193. Во время текущего события мощнейший район, нет раненых войск,они погибают. Больнички пустые. У оппонента все норм, и раненые и погибшие, у меня только погибшие. На прошлой неделе такого не было.

  194. Game ID: indio0707
    Select Hero: B
    state: 14
    Reason: Deseo mejorar mis APC….esta heroe..me ayudaria a subir de nivel ….ademas es de leyenda ….😱😱😱

  195. Game ID:spartankityslr
    Select hero:C
    Reason: the reason i chose hero C is because he looks like he is about to kick some but and that’s what this game is all about

  196. Game ID: Xx Kronos xX
    State: 113
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I love the whole exoskeleton suit makes for a bad ass soldier that is now enhanced beyond a normal human, like in Elysium very cool.

  197. Game ID : BaloO
    State : 132
    Select Hero : B
    Reason : A girl with a sword like this is more dangerous than a man with a gun 😜😂 Maybe she could upgrade a lot the attack of troops.. I like her 👍

  198. Game ID: swisspound1
    State: 49
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: his suit which was copied from a movie. Makes him a bionic man. Great for defense on the frontline. Plus an additinal claw to grab those attackers

  199. Game ID: ICU
    State: 6
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I will make good use of this hero. Give us more options to obtain S2 heroes please.

  200. Pick: Hero D
    Game ID: Morgod88

    State: 172

    Special note: Happy Halloween 🎃!! Awesome game and hope to be able to have that hero and use it!

  201. 플레이어 이름:박멸시키자
    소속 서버:138
    선택 영웅:B
    이유:B 내 아이디랑 잘 어울리고,
    좀비를 잘 잡을 것 같아서!

  202. Game id: ViralBard
    State: 174
    Select hero: A
    Reason: El héroe se ve genial, tiene un buen diseño y seria grandioso poder tenerlo

  203. Game ID: Maz’s Angel
    State: 73
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: The overall look of him goes good with the apocalyptic theme of the game

  204. Game ID: Maz’s Angel
    State: 73
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: The overall look of him goes good with the apocalyptic theme of the game.

  205. 플레이어 이름:차니마을
    소속 서버:134
    선택 영웅:C
    이유:왠지 원거리 영웅같고 원거리를 좋아해서..

  206. Game ID: RodStorm
    State: 70
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: For a change why not make female heroes that can be used in battle, they’re cool and awesome and besides women are cool 😊.

  207. Game ID: BR52RL
    State: 61
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I feel as if she’ll let me compete with the top tier of players! I wish all of us could win this contest!

  208. Game ID: 흐르는강물처럼
    State: 116
    Select hero: A
    Reason: 듬직함이 느껴지는 최강케릭이 너무 멋집니다

  209. Game ID: eltriangulo8
    State: 62
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: me gusta Como incorpora su tecnología para ser más efectivo

  210. Game ID: Ragnarlothbrok13
    State: 125
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: It looks cool looking, Strong and advanced. I would really like to see the power he holds.

  211. Game id: Depa420
    State: 120
    Hero: B
    Reason: that sword I know everyone seems to be picking B but that final fantasy 7 cloud strife looking oversized sword is AWESOME!!!

  212. Game ID: Edrogan²
    State: 179
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: in bahasa indonesia “seperti pahlawan yang kewibawaan dan kekuatan”

  213. Game ID: JosTGaming
    State: 163
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: First, it looks great with the armour and the scavenger style is super cool with that (armour) on. 🙂

  214. Game id :£RΩ©K
    State: 79
    Select hero : b
    Reason : looks cool and girl hero’s usually very strong like Sonya from MortalKombat 🐝

  215. Game ID: Jaredd23
    State: 49
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: He looks great, and I am really in need of a better hero to fill in my apc. Either way you guys are awesome and keep up the AMAZING work 🙂

  216. Game ID: Hatschii
    State: 56
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I love the big sword and it looks like she has the power to stand against all

  217. Game I’d loth-van
    State 21
    Select hero C
    She looks amazing and the weapon she has looks powerful also need a good female worrier

  218. Game I’d loth-van
    State 21
    Select hero B
    She looks amazing and the weapon she has looks powerful also need a good female worrier

  219. 플레이어 이름:hyun sung
    소속 서버:125
    선택 영웅:A
    이유:A 영웅 키워볼만 할거 같은 느낌이…

  220. 플레이어 이름:hyun sung
    소속 서버:125
    선택 영웅:B
    이유:B 영웅 여자지만 왠지모를 강함이 보인다..

  221. Game ID: Reuben.
    State: 80
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: Gran iniciativa! Me gusta que desarrollen innovaciones para mantener el interés activo

  222. Game ID: EL Elite
    State: 134
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: He looks most like a “Leader”. The other 2, especially C looks more suited to being lower ranked in charge of depts. C looks like he is just a “Tech guy”.

  223. Game ID: I AM – REV
    State: 126
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: The sword and shield looks great ..also the combanation of Sword and Gun ..I call it SwordAction 🤯 mind-blowing…

  224. Game ID: addielukas
    State: 14
    Select hero: B
    Reason: she looks tough and it would be nice to have more female heroes that aren’t sexualized.

  225. Game ID: Ladybrass
    State: 21
    Select hero: b
    Reason: optimizes skills with fff formation. With maxed out fighter war room this can be a strong and cost effective (resources) March.

  226. Game ID: Headw07
    State: 73
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: He looks different from most other hero’s. I like the mechanical look. Kinda has a recon look to him also. Could relate to vehicular or fighter/shooter troops.

  227. ID:légion84
    États :140
    Héros: B
    Raison : une femme héroïne sa change des autres héros que nous avons déjà et j’aime beaucoup les épées à deux mains

  228. CSU I would pick he looks like he’s a little bit better looks like he packs more of a punch and he has more stuff to be used but then at the end of this the day of the game doesn’t stop ripping people off and screwing with people and taking their stuff away then people are not going to want to play anyways so what’s the point I was able to train 5000 troops but now I can only train 3000 thank you very much for screwing me over game

  229. 플레이어이름 : 카이쟈농장
    소속서버 : 178
    선택영웅 : A
    이유 : 공격과 방어가 같이 이루어지고 품의 있는 컬렉션

  230. Game ID: D3v!LaC3Ns!ON
    State: 151
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: Looks like he will fit the style of play us as well as the look of my APC loadout

  231. Game ID: 潘大炮K.one
    State: 15
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: 看起來非常帥氣,碰上對決英雄看到都先被英雄霸氣給嚇到,尤其技能施放,讓人喪膽

  232. 플레이어 이름: 지휘관도와줘
    소속 서버:80
    선택 영웅:A
    이유:A 영웅이 가장 강할거같다.

  233. 댓글 방법
    플레이어 이름:Farmer.black
    소속 서버:#140
    선택 영웅:A
    이유:A 영웅이 가장 쌔보임

  234. 플레이어 이름:자일리똘
    소속 서버:106
    선택 영웅:c
    이유:먼가 케릭이기계적인 모습에강해보입니다

  235. Game ID: Rikuken
    State: 185
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: It’s quite post-apocalyptic medieval – a combination of the past and the future. I love it!

  236. Game ID: BlameItOnMOJO
    Hero Pick: A
    State: 119
    Reason: I prefer the more outlaw look on A more than the other two. Seems to fit better into the game’s theme.

  237. 플레이어 이름 : stroybox
    소속 서버 : 162
    선택 영웅 : B
    이유 : B영웅이 왠지 잘 달려줄것같다

  238. Game ID: Dawax
    State: 134
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: A new Slayer join the Wasteland. I like this bad Man. Nice Skin and Weapon. Good Job✌. My Apc need a Hero with Ass. 😎

  239. Game ID: lestat 01
    State: 122
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I like the Hero A. I give them the Name lestat. With the Long Hair he Looks like a Vamp Hunter. 😀 ✌️

  240. Game ID: sahal.411
    State: 53
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: its looks more dangerous and powerful, i love him if it will be in my squad.

  241. Tarly’s Camp
    Hero B
    She looks like she will make them all suffer. The ladies of this game seem to be quite powerful. Time for a new one to take them all down.

  242. Game ID: JackAndreevich
    State: 28
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I need a Hero. I’m gotta be fast and I’m gotta be strong…Good looking and perfect already..

  243. Game ID: Lestat01
    State: 122
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: He Looks like a Vamp Hunter. The perfekt Hero for lestat. 😂 Maybe you Can give them the name Lestat✌️

  244. 游戏昵称:军火商丶军火

  245. Game ID: k pop
    State: 95
    Hero: C
    Reason: As a mechatronic engineer, I can’t do anything else than love the mechanical arm and the enhanced eye sight, that This hero has!

  246. I would choose Hero C.
    The “high tech” upgrades and the “fighterlook” in his eyes, shows that this is the modern and fearless hero you want in the front of the battle.

  247. 플레이어 이름:Camry
    소속 서버:122
    선택 영웅:B
    이유:B영웅이 내가 좋아하는 영화 엣지 오브 투마로우에 나오는 여주인공 같다.

  248. Game ID: MrMillwall
    State: 90
    Hero: A
    Reason: Best looking character you’ve made so far! looks like a born leader and looks like he can get the job 👊🏼😎

  249. Id: plpp
    State: 188
    Select hero: B
    Raison: J adore l épée elle me fait pensée à une de cloud sans final fantasy 7 🙂

  250. Game ID: JLGeraldine II
    State: 1
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: cuz we need another woman hero.
    and she’s look so great in this game i think.

  251. Game ID: Phoenix76
    State: 126
    Select hero: C
    Reason: A & B are both generic stereotypical designs that have been over used in pretty much every RPG for the last twenty years or more

  252. Game ID: Выдрух
    State: 181
    Select Hero: С
    Reason: I like mecha and wh40k universe. This hero is similar to one from Imperia whos god is machine so i chose this one.

  253. Game ID: TinaMarie1014
    State: 135
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: loving her weapon and it’s always good to have some more girl hero’s.

  254. Game ID: Yogurt Jelly
    State: 64
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: He is the only one i had out of the three heroes. Of coz I neees to give him my full support. 🙂

  255. Game ID: SpId3r
    State: 178
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: Maybe with more sexy female heroes we could finally have more women addicted to games, instead of hating them… like my wife 😜

  256. Game ID: Gus7
    State: 144
    Select hero: B
    Reason: She looks angry, and if I’ve learnt anything, it’s better to be on an angry red-headed woman’s good side.

  257. Game ID: jhong-farm1
    State: 1
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I think this the best hero, to protect my friends and our state to defend and defeat enemy,

  258. Game ID: jhong-farm01
    State: 78
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: real hero, because of ability to protect his Nation, defend his state, and defeat all enemies ,

  259. ID jeu: SingeDragon
    Etat : 186
    Héros sélectionné : B
    Raison: pose is better and she looks like that girl in the 70’s show.

  260. ID: kresio
    State: 94
    Select hero: A
    Reason: I have not been lucky with heroes so far but I will never lose my faith. Besides I would like to kick some asses that are always hitting me and that sword seems to be the justice weapon for me. Make my day 🤟

  261. Game ID: $$$$jhong$$$$
    State: 97
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: real hero, his dedication to survive in the wasteland area, to protect the people who are survive in these days,

  262. Game ID: Thor the Ranger
    State: 94
    Hero: C
    Reason: The “high tech” upgrades and the “fighterlook” in his eyes, shows that this is the modern and fearless hero you will need in the front of battle!

  263. Game ID: Band1to
    State: 156
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: He has that great looking thing going on. Also i would scare my opponents away with this hero when they see him. “RUN HE HAS A BIG STICK”. ^^

  264. 플레이어 이름:표팔이
    소속 서버:152
    선택 영웅:B
    이유:톰크루즈 영화 엣지 오브 투모로우 에 나온 여주인공 과 비슷하네요

  265. 遊戲暱稱:末日鴨鴨

  266. 플레이어 이름:아장아장
    소속 서버:114
    선택 영웅:C
    이유:C 딱봐도 메카닉 스러움 개조차량 영웅이 절실히 필요함

  267. 遊戲暱稱:丁丁毛
    原因:看起來就是帥爆,只能投他 唯一選擇!凍蒜!凍蒜!

  268. Game ID: greshnik69
    State: 107
    Select hero: C
    Reason: отлично нарисованный, очень понравился!

  269. Game ID: Maximum Carnage
    State: 53
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I just saw this hero absolutely destroy our state’s president, I want one!

  270. Game ID: Shizznit
    State: 115
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I want a hero with a robotic penis…

    #Good News #Hero #I heard that there will be an event next week also.

  271. Game ID: SD Devil
    State: 113
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: Nothing like having a warrior woman by your side as your better half!

  272. Game ID: Lobianco07
    State: 59
    Select hero: B
    Reason: Looks like that character from Tom Cruise’s movie “Edge of tomorrow”

  273. Game ID : Cheeseeaters1234
    State : #78
    Select Hero : C
    Reason : i love his robotic arm, looks like “powered exoskeleton” at matt damon Elysium movie.

  274. Game ID: Shizznit
    State: 115
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I just think he is great!

    #Good News #Hero #I heard that there will be an event next week also.

  275. Game ID: Shizznit
    State: 115
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I just think he is great!

    #Good News #Hero #I heard that there will be an event next week also.

  276. game id: xLeas

    State: 82

    Hero: C

    why? he just looks very good and strong and the metal arm looks like a powerfull weapon 😀

  277. Game ID: Somm
    State: 160
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I believe that he is the one true choice! Cars for the win 🙂 he is worthy of patrolling my army 😉

  278. Game ID: YolinY
    State: 100
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: He looks like Tinker from Dota 2, but human version, or Octupus from Spider-man. I like most because he doesnt have oversized weapons like A and B heroes.
    Looks like a normal soldiers, future soldier, not fantasy one.

  279. 플레이어 이름:ARY•_•!
    소속 서버:92
    선택 영웅:B
    이유:여자라서! 그리고 남자는 칼이지요.

  280. 플레이어 이름:hjsu
    소속 서버:120
    선택 영웅:B
    이유:B영웅이 외형에서 보이는 느낌이 강해보인다

  281. Game Id : Jolly Rodger
    State : 121
    Select Hero : A
    Reason : Because nothing says i really mean it like a big sword. His stance has more of a ‘bring it on’ feel than the other 2 do.

  282. Game ID: ernzkill
    State: 61
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: she looks my mother a braver victorious one immenent who taking care of us whatever what it takes….

  283. Game ID: ernzkill
    State: 61
    Selected hero: B
    Reason: She looks my mother a braver victorious immenent on who taking care of us what what it takes.


  284. Game ID: M B A
    State: 93
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: he look strong and it seems like he’s using gun and sword at the same time .. goos for fighters and shooters

  285. 游戏昵称:carry you

  286. Game ID: ⭐⭐⭐Death⭐⭐⭐
    State: 129
    Select hero: A
    Reason: Looks the best

    Other reasoning:
    All heros have a cool design idea but it’s hard to just judge them on that. Unfortunately I dont haave access to these heros or what their actual skills entail so I have to go by looks and what could be most suited for my front line. If i another pick it would be C due to my theory of their skills focusing on damage which could work for one of my APC builds.

  287. Game ID:GEN.BOBY
    State: 127
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I choice A,its because nice for me,but the 2 hero is also good hope we get it all..😅👍

  288. Game ID: g3ride69
    State: 149
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: looks like Borg. Claw is silly. It should be a rocket launcher or lazer on shoulder.

  289. Game ID: xforcer
    State: 112
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: i Love this Game Sinne i Play it the last 2 Month i Hope i win this Hero

  290. Game ID: LORDFALCON
    State: 127
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: Hero must be scary and my favorite looks like a real hero others seems like hollywood star.

  291. ID: Jota.
    Pick: A
    State: 92
    Reason: He fits really good on my formation. He has a nice skills too, so thats my reason to pick him.

  292. Game ID: HZ-dude
    State: 127
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I am a guy.. but we need more empowered female heroes.. And the first Female Combat Orange hero

  293. Game ID: BlackWidowMaker
    State: 84
    Select hero: B
    Reason: We need more women heros in this game in honor of this month being Breast Cancer awareness month in United States.

  294. Game ID: TankinCloth
    State: 148
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: He looks like a mechanical badass that has been through hell to get to where he is now. Should know how to fight and could have an awesome story like Ignis! Also Human Predator? YES PLEASE!

  295. Game ID: Katchimal
    State: 53
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: It’s ok and in fact better to be a strong woman and not a feminist!

  296. Game ID:kakashi627
    Select hero:C
    Reason:good specific shooter and looks like a good hero to have on my team

  297. Dugong Bughaw
    He is like a new breed of superhuman. Half zombie, half cyborg. Best breed to wipe out all those nasty zombies.

  298. Game ID: Gen. Fisaster
    State: 189
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I love Technology and we are living in an era of Technology. “Hero-C” seems a “CYBORG”. When Good Power meets the technology, things become much easy to end the Evil power. It will be fun to kill every sigle zombie with this CYBORG-THE MACHINE MAN HERO!

  299. Game ID : JimbitShelter
    Pick : A
    State : 185
    Reason : He looks more strong and brave. I like the way he pose actually .. He was like ‘ I’m the strongest among all heroes’

  300. Game ID: Iamaguchi
    State: 6
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: Just cos I need one more him to be strong, I don’t have luck with recruitment, and the devs own me this

  301. We still have a lot of people that doesn’t even have strong original legendary heroes… can you implement a way so that everyone has a chance of obtaining heroes rather than having to add more and more heroes that some of us will never even be able to level/skill up. Make the legendary heroes ticket percentage a little higher maybe…

  302. Game ID: ALDOsan
    State: 38
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: He can make my formation more stronger.

    Thank you for giving it me and thank you for this great game you given to us👌👍

  303. Game id: DEEBO
    State : 21
    Pick: B
    Reason: i like the artwork u can really tell she is a survivor.. well done. And plus who doesn’t love a hot woman with a sword!

  304. Game ID: Fedaikin
    State: 72
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: In my opinion it’s very important to have possibility to counter apc filled with cars. I would like to have a hero which will help with that

  305. Game ID: Of Spades
    State: 129
    Select Hero: B
    A treat for Halloween! And coz they are freaky awsome perfect heros.

    Happy Halloween peoples 😉

  306. Game ID: Survivor0196b85
    State: 85
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I need a “extra hand” to help me progress in the game. Love it.
    *pun intended*

  307. 3rd times a charm… maybe i should read more before i post
    State 30
    Hero A : I like the armor setup and the weapon. He looks like a post apocalyptic nomadic warrior with a touch of class.

  308. Game ID: Zephira
    State: 16
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: Es la primera héroe femenina con habilidades maximizadas y me encantaría usarla.

  309. VioletDingo68292
    State 24
    Hero A
    Is saw a friend use it ones in a fight, the way he’s able to silence heroes from using their skills I like it.

  310. Game ID: ZombicitoBebé
    State: 73
    Hero Select: C
    Reason: It’s just phenomenal those skills, with the help of such a hero and the thousands of hours I spend in the game would be a máster ❤️

  311. Gane ID. fall Silvio
    Razón:me gustaría tener un héroe nuevo para variar ya q gasto más de 70 tarjetas de reclutamiento en los eventos de svs y no saco ningún heroe nuevo

  312. Game ID: fall Silvio
    Select heroe: c
    Razón: me gustaría tener un heroe nuevo para variar ya q en los eventos de svs gasto más de 70 tarjetas de reclutamiento y no sacó ningún heroe nuevo

  313. 遊戲暱稱:落淚_零碎

  314. Game ID: I am Seth
    State: 99
    Select Hero: 99
    Reason: Looks like a ripoff from the Tom Cruise character in Edge of tomorrow

  315. Game ID: BoxCar
    State: 78
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I just think he embodies the essence of doomsday where science fiction meets reality. With all the crafting we have been doing lately it falls in line with a mad scientist gone wrong but right at the same time.

  316. Game ID: MetalMonsters
    State: 80
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: A female dying to get into the fight … I’m ALL in for that! She’ll fit in beautifully at my house …

  317. Urakian
    State 189
    I think he is a good shot, Good with guns and ammunition. He may not be physically strong but will get the job done from a safe distance.

  318. Game Id: Akadians
    Pick: B
    State: 104
    Reasson: Because i thing sword fight more cool and adequaded to surviver in zombie apocalipse

  319. Game ID: Sveta87
    State: 103
    Select Hero: B and A
    Reason: I’m a girl and I like this game and we need Femal hero’s not only male .

    Thanks .

  320. Game ID: -(ConTarK)-
    State: 131
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: reminds me somehow in a mix of mass effect female sheppard, mila jovowichs resident eval and on the battlesuits from mass effect and edge of tomorrow… Veeeery nice!!!!

  321. Game ID: -(ConTarK)-
    State: 130
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: reminds me somehow in a mix of mass effect female sheppard, mila jovowichs resident eval and on the battlesuits from mass effect and edge of tomorrow… Veeeery nice!!!!

  322. Game ID: -(ConTarK)-
    State: 130
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: Looks like female sheppard from mass effect with a bit of resident evil and edge of tomorrow 😀 VERY NICE!!! 😀

  323. Game ID: loonsave_14
    State: 133
    Selecr Hero: C
    Reason: Nice eye sensor thing and the bad a** look as if he’s a massive killing machine to a massive group of zombies.

  324. no doubt looks like a cyborg
    I have many ideas for the game to improve and help move forward too
    Devs get in contact with me
    Or just give me a prize lol

    Pick : C
    Name : The Legend M
    State :106

  325. Game ID: @liGer
    State: 170
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: Tactical mind will make you sur vive. He looks very smart for battle

  326. Game ID: @liGer
    State: 170
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: Tactical mind will make you survive. He looks very smart for battle

  327. Game id: halfbloodz
    State: 175
    select hero: B
    Reason: has the best wastelander look. C is to futuristic and A has a predictable look.

  328. SKINS
    State 139
    I Think she looks really cool, not too many Strong looking Warrior Woman and she would top them all!

  329. Game ID: zohanjamous
    State: 94
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: it’s hard to choose, all of them looking great, i choose A because i think he is a fighter buff hero , he could make a change in my APC

  330. Game Id: Criss2306
    Select Hero: A
    Reason:He Looks so awesome and the skills are finally really good 🙂 .I think He will so a great Job to defend my Base and Friends . The Person WHO create the Style and skills got a good Idea in him.

  331. Game ID: gizmo!
    State: 65
    Select hero: C
    Reason: gawd dam-yum!!! The zombies will be asking us for help …… ooo that eye and the 3rd arm! Definitely a favourite

  332. Hero C..
    Looks Futuristic with Elysium Exoskeleton and Deus x Eyepiece!!
    Would use his Body and Speed as the Main Weapon….

  333. Gamer ID: ⭐⭐Be.a.Pro⭐⭐
    State : #172
    Hero : B

    They look like from the Movie “Edge of Tomorrow” 4real☝🏾😉.

  334. ID: Fox_hound
    Pick: C
    Estado: 73
    Razón: con este héroe sería el único en el estado, muy peculiar… Sin duda el mejor regalo. 😀

  335. Game ID: Jan Reno
    State: 134
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: He has that Devil may Cry look . And the stile is exemplar! I just have to have it!

  336. Game ID: Sauce_
    State: 96
    Pick: A
    Reason: He looks the strongest! And we are in a state full of a bully and a dictator. My alliance is beginning the revolution. And could use all the help! Many have quit due to this and many continue and state 96 I’m afraid will become a dead state….. Vets Of Valhalla we will bring a #UNITED96!!!!!!!!!!!

  337. ID: Jownz
    State: 188
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: You need a big Sword to kill Zombies and the Exo-Suit looks AWESOME!!! However they all look great, compliments to the Artist.

  338. Game id : BrunoL
    State: 1
    Select hero : A
    Reason : I think he is a great warrior and has a different defense, he is like a snake if they attack him, so the enemy proves the poison itself

  339. Game ID: BrunoL
    State: 1
    Select hero: A
    Reason: I think he is a great warrior and has a different defense, he is like a snake if they attack him, so the enemy proves the poison itself

  340. 플레이어 이름:일격의파동
    소속 서버:128
    선택 영웅:B
    이유 : B 3영웅 중 가장 인간적으로 보

  341. 플레이어 이름:일격의파동
    소속 서버:128
    선택 영웅:B
    이유:B 가장 인간적으로 보인다

  342. Game ID: CountryByGod
    Hero: A
    Reason: he looks like a new combat hero and he could help a little guy like me finally get a competitive edge and really enjoy this game

  343. Game ID: StHjrX
    State: 10
    Select hero: B
    Reason: Unique skill works, differ than the other. The drawings could be improved.

  344. Game ID: StHjrX
    State: 10
    Select hero: B
    Reason: I like that the skill is unique to function. Not too powerful, balance between weakness and advantages. Drawings could be improved.

  345. Game ID: ALEXANDRIA X
    State: 173
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: She looks like a girl which we seldom have in the game. Plus, the sword also looks like some sort of a gun.

  346. Message format
    Game ID: DesertRose
    State: 54
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: Need more Badass Chick heroes!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻

  347. GAME ID: mitsaki
    STATE: 198
    REASON: She looks like a total badass. I’m also a woman so since my avatar is a guy, at least I can hope to have a badass special woman hero! Thanks!

  348. Game id : ELMIKE77
    State # 108
    Select hero : Class ” A ”

  349. Game id : BlackDavil1
    State : 148
    Select hero : C
    Reason: i am very unluncky with the search for orange heroes at least you should reward me 😢😢😢😢

  350. Game ID: TirannoSanto
    State : 148
    Select Hero : A
    Reason : This hero looks like a commander, and i would love to have it on my apcs

  351. Username:Rod0905
    State: 183
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: The character looks more modern. Something I can see in a show. He has a cyborg hand that may have been bitten or a mad scientist wanted him to look like an Avenger. Awesome work!

  352. Game ID: Samantha94
    Select a hero: A
    Reason: He looks like he is a protector, like he will kick ass and will avenge anything that comes near him!!!

  353. Game ID: P3NANC3
    State: 122
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: I think there are not enough female fighters, and there are none in the orange quality hero category of I’m not mistaken. Besides that, there is no female hero that displays a tougher look than heroes like viper, and orochi who are still mostly based on looking hot and sexy.

  354. Game ID: Knightrider99
    State: 169
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I just think he is great!

    Game ID: Survivor0469321
    State: 169
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: I just think he is great!

  355. Game ID: Grim.Reaper
    State: 188
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: He looks in charge, his weapon looks interesting. Christmas is here!!!

  356. Game ID: Cripps33kid
    State: 85
    Pick: A
    Reason: His armour looks so wicked.
    He has a striking figure.
    He looks like he can fight.

  357. Game ID: Rick Baygon
    State: 226
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: He look more smarter than others, more quickly and more powerfull maybe cause he look have more skills, habilities.

  358. Game ID: Oliver the Raven
    STATE: 7
    Selected Hero: A, B and C
    Reason: each of them had these special qualities which makes them unique from another. Definitely bad ass characters that you wont make mess with. Just hoping to get them all and make it stronger

  359. Game ID:glover*is*mig State:59 Hero select:A Reason:I know this hero can help my apc formation to become stronger and can fight enemy without any doubts..this hero has a power to fight back to other enemy

  360. Game ID: panx
    State: 101
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I think he is the strongest one with good attributes and fits in my preference. Looks like character in movie, Elysium.

  361. Game ID: CaptianChaddy
    State: 229
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: A Hero that not only looks awesome, it resembles myself!! Who wouldn’t want a Hero who is a god version of yourself! 🤩

  362. 游戏昵称:heipa

  363. Game id shadowblake2
    State 119
    Select hero B
    I feel that she or he will help on me to play this game perfectly on killing event…

  364. Game ID: Daryl(TWD)
    State: 257
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: He looks intelligent and may have awesome skills and tech that gives buffs to attack and defence..

  365. Game Id : Udhaya
    State : 273
    Select hero : B
    Reason : Amazing look ….Then am not having any single orange heroes….So I need this

  366. Game ID: GenerousFighter
    State: 305
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: He looks like a Brave and Strong Hero. I really love fighter hero. Nice and great work for those who design it. Sorry my english very bad


  367. Game ID: GenerousFighter
    State: #305
    Select Hero: A
    Reason: From what can i see, he look very strong fighter hero. Sure i want him to be my hero defending my base. Credit for those who design it. Sorry for my bad english

  368. Game id : malll
    State : 44
    Select Hero : B
    reason. : I think this Hero have good skill in survive and still can make big damage to my enemy,,,,,i hope soon i Will get it 😌

  369. Game id : malll
    State : 44
    Select Hero : B
    reason : i think she is good in survive and still can give big damage to my enemy….i hope soon i get it 😌

  370. Game id : malll
    State : 44
    Select Hero : B
    Reason : i think she is good in survive and still can make big damage to my enemy….i hope soon i can get it 😌

  371. 플레이어이름 : 슈지니가쥬아효
    소속서버 : 248
    선택영웅 : c
    선택이유 : c 영웅이 최강이라서

  372. Id game : malll
    State. : 44
    Select Hero : B
    reason. : I think she is good skill in survive and still can give big damage to my enemy…..i hope i can get it soon 😌

  373. Game id : malll
    State : 44
    Select Hero : B
    Reason. : she is good in survive and she skill still cant give big damage to troop enemy

  374. Game id : malll
    State : 44
    Select hero : B
    Reason : she is have good in survive and still cant give big damage to troop enemy

  375. Game id:Rindu angin
    Game yang bagus,,membutuhkan trik2 untuk bisa lebih cepat berkembang dari pemain lain..

  376. Game ID: Dejan9?
    State: 233
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I just think he great for killing enemy!

    #Good News #Hero #I heard that there will be an event next week also.

  377. Game ID: Syipher
    State: 312
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: She looks awesome with that sword and as a defense hero she will help my base during SvS

  378. Game ID: *VIKRAM SINGH
    State: 54
    Select Hero: B
    Reason: she’s amazing and would fit perfectly in my front line. I can imagine her sword cutting some enemies heads…

  379. Game id : *VIKRAM SINGH*
    State: 54
    Select hero : C
    Reason : i think he is best hero i seen so far , i dont have it but i seen your exemples of fights and this hero bets all. I love this game & game Hero’s & thax to all game developers those made this world’s best game

  380. Game ID: *VIKRAM SINGH*
    Selecta Hero:B
    Reason: it’s looking strong or wanna hurt some one or wanna killing more…

  381. I choose c because he is thripple the person with that body suit. That type of suit is being tested in real life as well.

  382. ID: Mega Howlalizer
    State: 364
    Selected hero: c
    Reason: he looks to be a technical genius that has a plan for any trouble that might come his way. He also looks to be a skilled warrior which is exactly what every player needs

  383. Game ID: Mad_Man42
    State: 267
    Select Hero: C
    Reason: I like the mechanical look to him and I could use some mechanical heros for my base.

  384. Game ID: dark_ace
    State: 444
    Select hero: B
    Reason: i really love it the disign. good job LSS. keep up the good work

  385. 游戏昵称:一叶荣添

  386. Really thanks developers …one thing wanted to mention ..only strong players getting more orange heros frequently..you have to provide orange and S1 heros to players like us so that we will have more interest in the game

  387. Game ID: AnUpAbI
    State 622
    Pick B
    Reason he is a good reflection of fighters. Base on his statistics…slow but defensive…i want that b because its physical features with long wide sword shows he is a close quarter fighter…equipments good in defence and cunning damage.

  388. ID Ponce
    State 352
    Select Heroe C

    I would love to have one cool heroe. One that would be worth my 2 years of playing thins game soon.

  389. Game id : Aryan worriar
    State: 690
    Select hero : A
    Reason : i think he is best hero i seen so far , i dont have it but i seen your exemples of

  390. Id:|•Shanyboi
    Select hero:A
    Reason:i played this game since 2018 until now i don’t have a seasonal hero i hope i get one😊

  391. Game ID : Conquerer1
    State : 890
    Select hero : C
    Reason : I loved him lot,but am unlucky in getting gold heros in this game.so I need him a lot at this moment.And I think his skills are based on vehicles,and am expecting to get vehicles based skill heros.

  392. ID:Bala2277
    Select hero: C
    Reason:lAppesrs Amazingly Awesome and I’m sure he will rock leading my vehicles during the key events. Waiting for you, MyHero😍

  393. I think they all lock sexy but to be honest out of the 3 I would have to choose 2 (b)
    I would also like to see more ethnicity in heroes and maybe less clothing on them to lol .

  394. Id: nottafarmbitch
    Select hero A
    Reason: Because the hero look strong and amazing and very powerful and looks like after building up it will defeat a lot of enemies and give you great powers

  395. I love this game but they have to make little last expensive,and also they got it fix about hero…because most time is repeating heros every day….

  396. Love the exoskeleton suit with the extra attachments.gotta get that hero.he is awesome.love this game.been playing around 6 months and im still not bored of it yet.keep the new upgrades comin.great work to everyone involved with Last Shelter.Good Luck Everyone!!

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